People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 335: Day 335 of Survival: Old Corpse in the Mountain Village


The man was so frightened that his soul flew away. He screamed and sat up suddenly, gasping for breath, and his head was covered with cold sweat.

How could it be... How could it be me? !

What on earth is going on!

After the shock eased for a moment, he looked at the room and touched his body.

After a moment of shock, he realized that the weird scene just now was a nightmare.

Huh... Fortunately, it's okay.

I was almost scared to death.

But why did I have such an outrageous dream? It's really strange and unlucky.

The man wiped the cold sweat from his head and felt dry in his mouth, so he wanted to get some water to drink.

However, he was stunned after taking a few steps, and then his scalp went numb.

Goose bumps all over his body.

Because he found that there were several footprints on the ground!


The bowl in his hand fell to the ground and broke, and he was stunned.

This... What the hell is going on? ?

Why is the scene in front of me the same as the nightmare just now? ! !

Am I still in a dream now?


The man raised his hand and slapped himself. It hurt a lot, but it was not a dream.

Now he felt even more scared.

However, his expression became dull and he walked out of the house with his legs stiff.

He stood under the big tree and did not move.

Finally, after a series of operations, the world returned to normal.

Time flashed to seven o'clock in the morning.

The sky was blue and the sun was shining. The cicadas hidden in the woods kept chirping.

Not long after, two figures came from a distant path.

They were two men.

One old and one young.

The old one was thin, wearing a white short-sleeved shirt, black cloth shoes, and his hair and a wisp of beard were already gray.

He looked at least eighty years old.

The young one was about thirty-five or thirty-six years old, in the prime of life, with short black hair and a black travel bag on his back.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked, "Old man, how long will it take to get there?"

The old man said in a hoarse voice, "It's almost there, don't worry, don't worry."

The man helped him walk while talking, and soon saw a dilapidated house in front of him.

The two of them stopped immediately when they saw this, and they all widened their eyes and showed a very terrified expression.

It seemed that they saw something terrible.

And that's actually the case.

On a tall, twisted dead branch in the yard, there was a corpse hanging!

It seemed to be a man, but his hair was disheveled.

He was wearing a dark blue robe, the color was so strong that it looked fake, and it was very eye-catching.

The face of the corpse was as pale as paper, without a trace of blood!

The eyes and mouth were absolutely black, as if there were only two big holes.

The three colors reflected and collided with each other, and it was extremely weird and terrifying.

Although it was bright in the daytime, it was still creepy and chilling!

The man's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat, his whole body was shaking, his legs were weak and he almost sat on the ground.

He never thought that he would see such a horrible situation.

Why... why is there a corpse hanging? !

The old man murmured: "After all, it's still a step too late, it's already started... Let's go, let's go quickly."

The man trembled and said: "Still... still want to go in? There are dead people here, let's run!"

The old man shook his head firmly: "No, I have to go in just to prevent more people from dying."

"Forget it, you go first, stay away, don't worry about me."

The man immediately said: "How can that be, I can't just ignore you."

"It doesn't matter, I'm ready to die at any time at my age, you go."

"No, I can't rest assured."

After a few arguments, the man gritted his teeth and decided to follow the old man to the ghost village out of his kind nature.

At the same time, it was also because of a little selfishness.

The old man now has no partner, no children, and no other relatives.

In two years, all the inheritance will most likely be given to the man.

Because he has taken care of the old man for several years, working hard and treating him like his own father.

As the saying goes, a gentleman is judged by his deeds, not his heart.

Although he has an ulterior motive, he is also eligible for rewards for what he has done.

The two carefully walked outside the house, glanced at the corpse, and then lowered his head and left quickly.

It was too f*cking creepy.

After they escaped, the corpse turned around slowly and looked at their backs.

The old man seemed to feel something and turned his head subconsciously.

As a result, he saw nothing. The corpse was still hanging in the same position as before, and there was nothing strange.

He walked like this for more than ten minutes.

Four black shadows suddenly jumped out of the bushes in front and blocked the way directly.

"Fuck... Who?!!"

The old man and the man trembled in fear and hurriedly stopped and looked carefully.

There were two men and two women, and they were two Asian faces and two foreigners.

And they were naturally Xu Zhijian and others.

Just now, when he was wandering around, he keenly saw the figures of the old man and the man coming from a distance.

He had been on the second floor for almost three days, and finally met another person.

But he didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost, and what his purpose was, so he quietly hid in the grass and waited and observed.

When the other party came closer and he finally saw his appearance clearly, he immediately felt happy.

Because this old man is a big acquaintance.

It turned out to be him!

It also proved that my inference was correct, it was indeed that horror movie right now!

Very good, this is a big breakthrough.

So he took Jiang Youmei and others out directly and actively sought contact.

The man panicked: "You...who are you? What do you want to do??"

Xu Zhijian said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, we are not bad people, we are just friends who walked in here accidentally."

"I didn't expect to meet you here, Grandpa Xiaoqiang!"

Hearing him say this name, the old man and the man were obviously stunned, with shocked looks in their eyes.

Because I never expected that the other party would know this name.

The old man couldn't help but ask: "Who are you? Why do you know my name? I have never seen you."

Xu Zhijian said: "This is a long story. Let's talk about it when we have a chance. Let's talk about business first."

"Are you here to worship her?"

The old man nodded blankly, indicating that he was right, and became even more confused.

Who is this young man, and why does he know what he is going to do? ?

Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon couldn't help but wonder why Xu knew each other?

What an endless stream of surprises.

And Xu Zhijian grinned and showed a clear look, finally able to confirm everything.

The copy encountered in the current level is none other than the famous domestic horror film "The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village"!

It goes without saying that this movie is famous, as it is the childhood shadow nightmare of countless people born in the 90s.

It can be said to be one of the representatives of domestic films.

When someone recommended it to him, he initially thought it was "Yamamura Teacher" because of the homophones.

It tells the story of a volunteer teacher in a mountain village.

I don’t think there’s anything interesting about this kind of movie, it’s boring.

Only after seeing it did I realize that this old corpse was not that teacher, and it had directly caused real harm to the young mind.

The approximate plot is:

"Xiao Ming and his companions went out to play, and their companions actually played a "spiritual game."

He was born with yin and yang eyes and could see ghosts, so he refused to participate in the game because he felt it was inappropriate.

As a result, there was an accident in the game, and one person suffered a heart attack and died on the spot.

At the same time, he saw a ghost figure wearing blue clothes who often appeared.

The other three also died mysteriously for no reason.

For example, when someone calls his name, he walks up to the rooftop in confusion and jumps to his death.


Xiao Ming intuitively felt that something was fishy, ​​so he turned to his sister CISSY, who was a reporter.

CISSY also wanted to get exclusive news, so she introduced her friend Amao, who was deeply involved in spiritual studies and had a crush on her, to help.

Amao and Xiao Ming went to Huangshan Village where the incident occurred to investigate, and found that a bizarre tragedy occurred in the village nearly a hundred years ago.

At that time, a famous Cantonese opera actress lived here, and her husband was a teacher in the village, but he was a beast in disguise.

In order to achieve the goal of marrying the daughter of a wealthy family, he set up a trap to kill his wife and even dumped her body in a deserted mountain.

After the famous actress learned the true love after her death, her resentment lingered, killing 66 people in the village within three days.

This time there was a new construction project at the place where the female ghost was buried, and her bones were thrown into a pool on the mountainside, whereupon she came out to harm people again.

After more in-depth investigation, it was discovered that the method of killing was actually to cause people who drank the water to have various hallucinations and die suddenly.

By this time, CISSY and her husband had already drank the water from the pond.

In order to save their sister, Xiao Ming and Amao drank the water and jumped into the deep pool one after another.

As a result, Xiao Ming was directly killed by Chu Renmei.

In the end, Amao was left alone to fight alone. In order to deal with the female ghost, he decisively drank the river water.

Then I saw Chu Renmei's appearance with my own eyes.

But he was not afraid, and still mustered up the courage to hug CISSR, trying to influence her with love.

And Chu Renmei also felt the perseverance and emotion in his heart.

Experienced the existence of true love.

So I let him and CISSY go and returned to the river."

Looking at it from today's perspective, the plot of the film is actually quite rough and simple.

And it also plagiarized "Midnight Ring" to a large extent

But overall, the flaws outweigh the flaws, and it was considered a classic in that era.

The Xiao Qiang in front of him was originally named Li Qiang.

In the movie, he is the only survivor of Huangshan Village.

Because his parents died when he was young, he was raised by his aunt.

And this aunt is Chu Renmei!

With this relationship and Xiaoqiang finally telling her the truth, she was spared.

Oh, right.

There is also a bracelet that Chu Renmei gave to him back then.

After everyone in the village was killed, he had to escape and returned the bracelet before leaving.

Let Chu Renmei's soul temporarily rest in peace.

In the days that followed, every time a certain period came, Xiaoqiang would come back to worship and burn paper for her.

It's kind of sentimental.

Unfortunately, he was killed in the last half of the movie.

When I was young, I didn't understand why such a good man died.

Only later did I understand why when I rewatched it.

There are two reasons.

1: Xiaoqiang also drank the cursed stream.

2: Breaking the oath and telling Chu Renmei’s story.

It can be seen from the fact that a steel bar was inserted into his mouth and stabbed through the back of his head to shut him up forever.

Xu Zhijian continued: "Grandpa Qiang, where is Chu Renmei's grave? Can you take us with you?"

The old man was stunned and nodded: "Okay, you can come if you want. Let's go in that direction."

Everyone followed him and walked over quickly.

The man walked while puzzled, still thinking about what these four people wanted to do.

Why do you know Grandpa Qiang's name and Chu Renmei?

The old man also had many puzzles, but he didn't have the opportunity to ask for a while. Now it was really important to visit the grave.

After walking in silence for more than ten minutes, a deserted grave finally appeared in front of him.

Xu Zhijian immediately recognized that this was the one he saw yesterday. It turned out that this was Chu Renmei's.

Walked to the grave.

The man took out incense and candles from his bag, lit them on the ground, and then took out a bag of paper money.

The old man picked up a handful and threw them into the air: "Aunt Mei, I'm here to see you again, it's time to rest."

"Let everything go, don't embarrass yourself anymore, Aunt Mei..."

"Don't kill anymore, it's almost a hundred years, it's time to let it go... Can you just listen to me this time?"

He murmured to himself while scattering, his tone helpless and sad, and his eyes were a little red.

Seeing him like this, Xu Zhijian couldn't help but sigh.

Although the old man still made a mistake, he was not guilty of death, so if possible, try to save him.

The worship ended after a while.

Pieces of paper money floated in the air, which was very dazzling in this quiet and strange ghost village.

The old man turned his head and asked: "Auntie Mei's resentment has not dissipated yet. Alas, have you seen the body?"

Xu Zhijian asked: "Hmm? What body?"

The man said: "A body hanging in a blue robe, didn't you see it?"

Xu Zhijian and Jiang Youmei looked at each other and shook their heads.

It turned out that the body had appeared.

But I didn't see it. It seems that the direction I was looking for was the opposite.

And no wonder I saw a pair of blue longevity shoes at the beginning, and now I saw a blue robe hanging.

This color is exactly Chu Renmei's "exclusive" color.

Xu Zhijian asked: "Master Qiang, do you know any way to see Chu Renmei?"

The old man replied: "It's very simple, just drink the stream water here, but you must not drink it."

"Listen to me and don't do that. Don't commit suicide. Aunt Mei will not let you go."

He nodded with a hum, feeling a little confused.

Since the prerequisites are the same as in the movie, you need to drink water to trigger it.

But after coming to the ghost village, I didn't drink it. Why did I still see some situations?

Thinking carefully, it should be because of the strengthening mechanism of the season.

After so many days, Chu Renmei's overall strength must have improved a lot.

As a result, even if you don't drink stream water, you can still be affected.

Not to mention that it rained the day before yesterday.

In this way, the cursed water source can turn into water vapor floating in the air, allowing people to inhale it unconsciously.

At this time, Jiang Youmei asked weakly: "Excuse me, who is the Chu Renmei you are talking about?"

Leon and Isabella also looked curious.

Before Xu Zhijian could speak, the old man took the initiative to sigh and explain: "Alas, that's one of my aunts."

"Her life story was very miserable, and she encountered the most terrible experience in the world..."

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