People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 339 Survival Day 339: Chu Renmei

This situation made the old man and Jiang Youmei stunned. How did the other party find them? ?

And there were two shadows just now, and now they become one.

So is he a human or a ghost now? ?

Or maybe a paper man? !

The two of them froze in fear, their legs were weak, and they no longer had the strength to run away.

Xu Zhijian came over and said with a sullen face: "Why are you running! What did you see??"

"Is there a change in me that scares you like this?"

The two of them were covered in cold sweat and didn't know how to answer. At the same time, they continued to look at the ground quietly.

There is still only a normal shadow.

Xu Zhijian saw their gazes very keenly, so he lowered his head and understood.

He chuckled: "Oh~~ There is something wrong with my shadow, right? What exactly did you see?"

"One more? One less? Or is it something else?"

Jiang Youmei hesitated for a moment and said timidly: "We...we saw two shadows of you."

He nodded: "That's true, but it's just that you two were hallucinating."

"Now you see that I only have a shadow, right? Now is the real situation."

Jiang Youmei and the old man looked at each other.

In this current situation, who knows which one is true and which one is false?

If his legs hadn't been so weak, he would have run away long ago.

Xu Zhijian was a little disappointed when he saw this: "You have gone through so many things with me, and you don't even have this little trust anymore?"

"That's all. If you want to believe it, just follow me. I don't want you to be free."

After that, he turned and left.

This put the old man and Jiang Youmei in a dilemma.

Although I don't really believe that the other party is real now, it's not okay to stay in this place forever.

But what will be the consequences? ?

They looked at each other and considered the pros and cons, and finally gritted their teeth and gave in.

Carefully and slowly follow behind you,

After walking for a while, I came to the big tree where the paper man was hanging.

Xu Zhijian looked up and saw that there were six before, but now there were only three left.

They were him, Leon, and Isabella.

Something is wrong with this situation. The paper man who was burned to death just now is considered one.

But what about the other two? ?

Where did you hide? !

He subconsciously glanced back at Jiang Youmei and the old man who were following him, and then turned back to continue thinking.

But in an instant, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he realized something was wrong.

So he suppressed his surprise and turned to look at them again calmly.

The two stood silently a few meters away.

Through the faint moonlight and firelight, you can see that the upper parts of their faces are covered by dark shadows.

Only one mouth is exposed.

I can't see the specific expression or mentality at the moment.

However, the shoes they were wearing were blue cloth shoes that were a little dazzling!


Xu Zhijian immediately understood that they were the two paper substitutes.

Yeah, I was almost deceived.

He calmly reached for the pistol, preparing to strike first.

After searching for a long time... I found that the infinite pistol was gone? !

How is this going? ?

I obviously had it with me all the time, but why did it disappear? And when did it disappear?

"Hey Hey……"

Just when he was stunned and confused, a sharp and harsh laughter came from behind.

He came back to his senses and turned around to check.

Jiang Youmei and the old man appeared from the shadows and approached slowly.

His movements were very stiff, like a shadow puppet being pulled on the strings.

Moreover, the colors of the clothes have become very bright and angular, and they clearly have the feel of paper.

What's even weirder is that face, extremely pale.

There are no eyeballs in the sockets.

The upturned mouth is scarlet, and the cheeks are also painted with circular blush as red as blood!

This look, isn’t it a paper man? It’s him!

Xu Zhijian broke out in a cold sweat and backed away nervously, thinking about what to do.

But as soon as he took a few steps back, his back hit something crispy.

His heart skipped a beat, and he moved his eyes in horror, looking back with his peripheral vision.

I saw my paper face sticking to my shoulder, showing a scary smile!

He only felt an extremely strong sense of suffocation coming over him.


However, at this extremely weird moment, a clear and crisp sound suddenly brought him back to his senses.

Jiang Youmei and the old man in front of him, and the person behind him all disappeared.

In the dark wilderness, the big tree with the paper figurine hanging on it was gone.

Then I found that I was still in the ruined temple, and the heavy rain continued outside.

Everything I had just experienced seemed like it had never existed.

"Escape from the illusion and get 20 season points"

Xu Zhijian frowned and immediately realized what was going on. Damn it, was it all an illusion? !

So real, so urgent, so weird.

Was it all him? ! terrifying.

But that's right.

How could he be so frightened by some paper figures that he lost his mind and showed uncontrollable fear?

And the pistol is gone.

These can only appear in hallucinations.

But anyway, the situation was so shocking, but he didn't have time to think about it now.

Because Jiang Youmei, Leon, Isabella, the old man, and the man were all lying on the ground at the moment.

His face was pale, his lips were purple, and his whole body was shaking.

Expressed great pain.

Xu Zhijian quickly squatted down and reached out to touch Jiang Youmei's forehead, which was ridiculously hot.

Checking others again, it was the same.

This is obviously abnormal high fever behavior.

Just now, everything was fine, and then I fell into hallucinations without knowing it, and then suffered this torture again.

It can only mean that Chu Renmei attacked again!

As for the means... I can only think of rain and water vapor.

It was originally the ghost village area controlled by it, and its strength has increased a lot.

The effect must be more and more intense.

"Damn it!"

Xu Zhijian cursed inwardly, fortunately he had a rebound position to protect himself.

Otherwise, they would all die here.

But how to save them? ?

In the movie "Mountain Village Old Corpse", those who drank stream water and played psychic also showed extreme high fever behavior.

It was obviously summer, but it was as cold as winter.

And no medicine worked.

So it is basically impossible to reduce the temperature and cure the disease through physical means.

The only way is to kill Chu Renmei.

But how to find it? ?

Xu Zhijian couldn't think of a good way for a while. The enemy was in the dark and he was in the light, which was purely passive.

Just thinking about it, the ethereal voice from before suddenly came again in the sound of rain.

And this time it was clearer, and the content of the song could be heard.

"My lover is in a happy place, and my wife is in a heartbroken time.

The moon knows my grievances.

It's not easy to meet, but it's easy to separate.

The abandoned woman regrets too late now.

Do you remember the phoenix enjoying the fun that day?

Do you remember continuing to betray your kindness and passing by another branch?

Do you feel that your old love has no place to stay?

Do you think of an orphan without a mother or a father?

Guess you.

Do you know that I have been ill for a long time and have become tuberculosis?

I will die of grief for you soon"

The voice was sad, angry, and extremely vicious.

This was the Cantonese opera sung by Chu Renmei.

Xu Zhijian listened with his ears erect, wondering if this was a deliberate provocation or a specific habit?

But no matter which one it is, the problem now is how to find it.

After thinking about it, there seems to be only one way.

That is to drink stream water!

Although now through rainwater and water vapor, it is still considered to have absorbed the cursed water source.

But after all, there is one more procedure.

I haven't tried what will happen if I really drink the water.

Anyway, according to the setting of the movie, as long as you dare to drink it, you can meet her.

There is no other way now, you can only give it a try.

Xu Zhijian came to his senses and exchanged antipyretics from the exchange warehouse, and fed Jiang Youmei and others with mineral water.

How can I hope that their lives are strong and they can hold on for a little longer.

At least hold on until Chu Renmei is killed.

Then he stood up and decisively left the ruined temple, and walked quickly to the side of the stream.


The rain kept falling into the water, splashing ripples.

He squatted down and scooped up some water with a bottle and brought it to his eyes. It was very clean and clear.

At the same time, he thought of another solution.

That is to drain the stream and save water.

In this way, there is no curse carrier, and Chu Renmei can't get out even if she wants to.

But this is just a thought.

It is a foolish dream to rely on personal ability to deal with a stream that has no end.


He let out a long breath to adjust his mentality, and then drank the water without hesitation.

He waited nervously for two minutes, but did not find any changes around him.

There was no abnormality in his body.

He had to continue waiting.

About five minutes later, there was finally a significant change.

The heavy rain stopped instantly, and the world returned to a quiet, even dead silence.

Because even the sound of insects and birds, and the sound of streams were gone.

You can only hear your own breathing.

"Is it coming?!"

Xu Zhijian secretly clenched his pistol and kept observing the situation.

Looking around, there were only trees, houses, mountains, and flowing water, and nothing else.

As he looked, he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing on the back of his neck.

It was subtle, but it was chilly.

It seemed to be... a panting sound!


Xu Zhijian couldn't help but shudder violently, and instinctively wanted to turn around and shoot.

But he held back.

Because he couldn't do that now, he needed to try gentle means first.

He suppressed his excitement. Even though he was mentally prepared, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

No matter how weird it was before, it was just an illusion.

Now he finally faced the real body.

So he said decisively: "Auntie Mei... I have wronged you for so many years."

As soon as these words came out, the cold breath disappeared immediately.

It should be a little surprised. I didn't expect that someone would know his name?

A moment later, a black shadow appeared in front of him in an instant, and the distance between them was only five meters.

A cold, oppressive, and rancid breath came to his face.

Under the moonlight, he saw that the other party was wearing a blue robe, so dazzling.

The black waist-length hair hung down, covering the whole face tightly.

No facial features could be seen at all.

Although he couldn't see it, Xu Zhijian knew that under the black hair was an extremely terrifying face: Chu Renmei!

The image of a female ghost that can be ranked in the top three in domestic ghost movies.

Now, she finally stood in front of him in reality.

One person and one ghost, one with a shadow, one without a shadow.

Standing face to face, the scene was quite weird!

The cold breath exuded by Chu Renmei was like a knife, piercing into people's bones.

Even if you don't take the initiative, it feels like you can kill people with your aura alone.

It's really more powerful than in the movies.

Xu Zhijian had goosebumps, but he could still bear it.

He advised seriously: "Aunt Mei, I absolutely understand and support what you have done."

"Those damn beasts should be cut into pieces and torn into pieces!"

"Now they have all paid the price, so instead of wandering around the world as lonely ghosts, it's better to go to reincarnation."

"I'm not asking you to let go of your hatred, but I think it's too bad."

"Reincarnate and start a new round of life, live a good life, isn't it more cost-effective than now?"

The reason why Xu Zhijian wanted to solve this matter with his mouth.

Because Chu Renmei is really too pitiful, and becoming the evil ghost she is now is not what she wants.

Instead, she is the biggest victim.

So it's best to resolve it with "love", if it doesn't work, then fight again.

Chu Renmei listened silently and didn't respond.

But then it suddenly stretched out its pale left hand, and appeared less than 20 centimeters in front of him like teleporting.


It grabbed his neck.

Xu Zhijian suddenly felt a sharp pain!

It was like being entangled by an iron rope, and he almost suffocated.

Damn it!

It seems that the mouth cannon is useless.

Bang bang bang!

He no longer hesitated, and took out his pistol and fired several shots at the abdomen.

Chu Renmei was hit and let out a faint scream, let go of her hand, and her body quickly retreated a few meters and fell to the ground.

But she didn't die because of this.

Instead, she floated up decisively, and the wound that was pierced was also healed directly and visibly.


At the same time, it teleported again and rushed over to attack.

Although its ability was not fully demonstrated in the movie, it was still quite fierce in the setting.

There are three specific methods.

1: Teleport, you can disappear or appear at will, and teleport a short distance at a certain location.

This ability is considered a standard feature of evil spirits.

2: Illusion control, deformation and imitation of sounds, etc., to launch mental attacks.

For example, Xiao Ming seemed to be strangled to death by her after entering the alien space, but in fact he was drowned by water, etc.

3: Curse manipulation.

Anyone who drinks water will be cursed by Chu Renmei, indulge in illusions, and finally kill himself.

And now its overall attribute guarantee has increased by 50%, stronger and more fierce.

The real-damage pistol seems to be a bit powerless.

Xu Zhijian relied on his extreme physical fitness + combat instinct to dodge the second attack like lightning.

Bang bang bang!

He rolled and stood up, holding the gun and shooting continuously.

Chu Renmei experienced the power of the real-damage bullet, and did not foolishly take it all.

Instead, her figure flashed twice to dodge, and suddenly appeared behind him again.

The long black hair on her head seemed to have turned into snakes, rushing directly over and wrapping around his neck!


Xu Zhijian cursed and immediately turned the gun to shoot from behind, while chopping the hair with a spear.

The hard and cold hair was directly cut off, falling one by one.

This shows that although the evil spirit is awesome, the high-tech of the Iron Blood Warrior can be even more awesome.

100% praise!

Chu Renmei did not hesitate at all, and immediately waved her cold claws to stab at the top of her head.

Once caught by the hand as sharp as a cone, the head will definitely explode like a watermelon!

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