People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 340 Survival Day 340: VAN Game

Xu Zhijian couldn't dodge this time, so he could only instinctively raise his spear to block it.


However, I was very lucky and directly triggered the rebound position.

After all, the probability is already 55%.

Chu Renmei's body was directly ejected several meters to the ground, and at the same time, bursts of black smoke rose above her head.

You can even see a few holes.

However, it is also healing at a visible speed, but it is obviously not as fast as before.

It stood there and did not attack rashly. Perhaps it was confused, why did its own moves hit itself? ?

This kid's mental power is extremely strong, and he can't be killed directly with hallucinations.

But what happens now? !

Chu Renmei sensed a serious sense of crisis, so she suddenly raised her head and exposed her left eye from her hair.

It was an eye with only white eyes, exuding endless coldness and viciousness!

At the same time, Xu Zhijian, who was about to continue shooting, suddenly felt that his body could not move.

It's like being fixed.

The finger that pulls the trigger cannot bend at all.


He tried with all his strength to move, but was unable to do so. He felt that his body was out of control.

According to the season settings, all monsters and evil spirits will gradually increase in strength.

I know it's gotten better.

I didn't expect it to be more powerful than I thought!

He couldn't help but want to summon Alessa to solve the current dilemma.

But on second thought I held back.


This violent "nuclear weapon" level should be reserved for last use, and it would be too costly to use it now.

If nothing else, the final level, the first level, must be more cruel than expected.

As a last resort, you must have the means to save your life and fight back.

At this time, Xu Zhijian saw wisps of black smoke floating out of Chu Renmei's body and quickly entering his body.

An extremely cold and depressing feeling rose from within.

My internal organs felt as if they were surrounded by ice cubes, which was very uncomfortable.


He couldn't help but gasp in pain, and felt that his consciousness was starting to feel a little different.

It can't be delayed any longer.

We must find a solution quickly!

Chu Renmei continued to exude a black aura, and her state was like the heat from a cup of hot water.

Obviously, this is its special attack method.

These Yin Qi will not only cause the target to suffer painful torture and death, but can even take away the soul!

Let the target's physical body become the carrier of its own evil spirit form.

This kind of ability is not seen in movies.

Xu Zhijian endured the discomfort, fought hard, and quickly checked for useful props and equipment.

At the same time, I saw that the left hand holding the gun was turning black visibly!

Spread toward the elbows.

Also, completely out of control, he began to slowly turn the gun towards himself.

You will kill yourself soon!

Xu Zhijian scanned it back and forth twice, and then quickly redeemed a skill he liked.

"Jigsaw Game (Trial Version)"

"Effect: Designate a target and force it to play a death game."

According to the description, it has no restrictions on humans at all, which means it is also effective on evil spirits!

So go into the VAN game!

Start decisively.

I saw a crack more than one meter long appearing out of thin air behind Chu Renmei, and then sucked it in with force.

No reaction time was given at all.

At the same time, the blackened arms began to fade away and returned to normal, and the body was slowly able to move.

It seems solved.

It's so simple.

Xu Zhijian breathed a sigh of relief, but just as he moved his neck, he suddenly stopped again.

Because a pale hand suddenly stretched out from the void!

That is the beauty of Chu people.

Then came the other hand.

The two of them tore hard to the left and right at the same time, slowly opening up the gap.

"What the hell?!"

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but exclaimed, what's going on with him? ?

How strong is Chu Renmei that she can actually crack the law of cause and effect level props? !

This phenomenon is the first of its kind.

Simply incredible!

Or is it that the level of the Jigsaw game is too low, it is good at dealing with butchers and monsters, but not good at dealing with evil spirits?

He thought in shock as he fired, trying to knock the opponent back.

Chu Renmei's hands continued to pull hard, and soon the long black hair was exposed again.

This scene is very magical.

Two hands and a head appeared in mid-air, but no other body parts.

It seems like there is a bug in the textures in the game.

However, it only lasted for a few seconds before Chu Renmei's body was suddenly sucked back.

It disappeared in an instant, and the cracks disappeared without a trace.

"Kill or seal Chu Renmei and get 1,000 season points."

After seeing the long-lost reminder, Xu Zhijian felt relieved.

Huh... so dangerous.

I really thought that Chu Renmei could fight against the main god's props and fight again.

It seems that it is still weak.

But it's really strong enough.

The ability to resist for a short time is enough to prove that his resentment and ability have been enhanced beyond imagination.

You can't defeat it on your own.

As for what kind of games it will participate in, that is unknown.

It might be a regular mechanism like the one in the movies, in which case it shouldn't be able to cause any harm.

You can only be trapped inside.

It could also be an exclusive game for evil spirits.

Xu Zhijian wiped the cold sweat from his head and sat on the ground, opened the ranking list and took a look.

"1st place: Player ID-111 (6800) points"

"2nd place: Player ID-520 (6650) points"

"3rd place: Player code-7521 (5800) points"

"4th place: Player ID -16 (5800) points"

"5th place: Player ID -55 (5600) points"

"6th place: Player code-1145 (5600) points"

"7th place: Player code-1856 (5600) points"

"Participating players: 3333"

"personal information"

"Player ID: 520"

"Current ranking: 2"

"Current points: 6650"

"You can choose to unlock 13 existing props/abilities"

"Current armament: 7-

Infinite Bullets Real Damage Pistol-Human Body Ultimate Quality-Phantom Murder Room (Use)-Rebound Position-Editor-Friends-Jigsaw Game"

"Current level: second level"

When entering the second level, there are a total of 5650 points.

It costs 20 redemption points to exchange for medicines and other things, and 20 points are gained to escape the environment, which can offset each other.

Seal Chu Renmei gained 1000 points.

It is currently exactly 6650.

It can be seen that the first-place 111 guy is very capable, and he can even exceed 150 points.

Which level was this played on? ?

Xu Zhijian thought as he opened the exchange warehouse and took a look at what else was there.

Equipment category:

Red and blue chocolate (premium)

Editor (3/5)

Infinite bullet pistol - true damage.

Repeat customer (1 time left)

Dread Cuisine (Trial) - Not redeemed.

Death Comes (Trial) - Not redeemed.

Curse of Smile (Trial) - Not redeemed.

Notes of the Evil God (Trial) - Not redeemed.


Skill category:

Harvest (god level)

Rebound stance +55%.

Human quality +10%.

Mental resistance +10%.

Alchemist +20%.

Energy intake level 1.

Invisibility Level 1.

Cost reduction and efficiency improvement (challenge copy 99 reduced to 89)

Goddess of Luck favors you.

"Mary Shaw's Craft Manual"

"Jigsaw's Mechanism"


Fund type:

Redeem points 8832.

Star chart point 0.

USD 5000+.

Three boxes of gold bars (not exchanged)

There is not much equipment left.

And let’s put aside the smile curse. This thing is okay against butchers, but it seems useless against evil spirits, right?

That leaves only 6 available.

It's only the beginning of the second level now, and it's unknown what will happen next.

But the first level will definitely be fierce and cruel.

I'm afraid I can't get through it just by relying on these.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but feel some pressure, but there was nothing he could do. He could only hope that it would be easier next time.

He adjusted his mentality and stood up to leave, quickly returning to the ruined temple.

Jiang Youmei and the others were still lying on the ground.

But his face has returned to its normal color and he is no longer shaking.

I touched my forehead and the temperature also tended to be normal.

After waiting for a few minutes, they finally woke up one after another in a daze.

Everyone's eyes were not very confused, not knowing what happened.

After being stunned for a moment, Jiang Youmei came back to her senses: "Brother Xu, what happened just now... I had a terrible dream."

Xu Zhijian asked: "What is the content? Tell me."

As she recalled, she said: "I dreamed that when we were escaping, we encountered a big tree."

"There...are hanging paper figures just like us!"

"Everyone was scared and ran around, and I ran with you and grandpa."

"Then I discovered...I found that you actually have two shadows, one is straight and the other is curved..."

After hearing what she said in full, Isabella and others were shocked.

Because, they actually had the same dream!

In other words, five people dreamed of the same content at the same time.

It's just like a TV show, except that the perspectives of both parties are different.

But Xu Zhijian had expected this. After all, it was an illusion that he was recruited at the same time.

The old man said in shock: "Finally, I saw Aunt Mei return to the river, singing Cantonese opera and slowly sinking."

"I know, that's when she completely let go of her worries and was reincarnated."

"is this real??"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads, no one knew.

Xu Zhijian replied: "It's true. In fact, you all had a high fever just now, at least above 40 degrees."

"In order to save you, I took the initiative to drink the stream water, and sure enough I saw Chu Renmei."

"Then I influenced it with love, not only saving it but also you."

"Chu Renmei's soul has been completely destroyed and reincarnated."

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard this, surprised and happy, and looked at each other in disbelief.

Oh my God!

Is there such a thing? !

"Brother Xu, have you really solved it?!"

"Young man, tell me again, have you really asked Auntie Mei to put down her hatred and reincarnate?"

They came back to their senses and kept asking excitedly.

Xu Zhijian smiled and waved his hand: "Of course, how could I joke with you about this kind of thing?"

"Let's go, you will know once you try, you can definitely leave the village smoothly this time."

Facts speak louder than words.

Everyone stopped talking nonsense and quickly stood up and followed the old man towards the exit quickly.

Fifteen minutes later.

They walked down the hillside and really left the ghost village completely!

He turned around and looked at the rows of dilapidated houses in the distance, and then looked at the road under his feet.

The crowd finally couldn't help but burst into cheers.

Hahahaha~~~so cool! !


After struggling for so long, it’s finally out!

Xu Zhijian and Jiang Youmei hugged each other, while the old man was so excited that he kept wiping tears.

On the one hand, it is to survive for myself.

On the one hand, it’s also for Auntie Mei, who finally escapes the sea of ​​suffering and is freed.

Wait until the venting is over.

The old man said sincerely: "Young man, where are you going next?"

"If you are not in a hurry, you must come to my house for a meal and let me thank you."

Xu Zhijian actually didn't know what he would encounter next or where he should go.

If you can follow him, you can leave the mountainous area first and return to the city.

Not only can you take a good rest, but you can also take every step to trigger new level situations.

So he nodded: "Okay, we have this plan, let's go."

The old man held his hand: "Okay, okay, let's go, the car is not far below."

After chatting and laughing for a while, everyone got into the man's black SUV and left directly.

Xu Zhijian took one last look at the ghost village through the back window.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion or if I saw it wrong.

He seemed to vaguely see a blue figure standing silently at the entrance of the village, with black hair flying in the wind.

Then it disappeared.

The car drove smoothly on the mountain road.

People are in high spirits during happy events, and the six of them were in a good mood, chatting and laughing.

The old man kept praising Xu Zhijian for being so powerful and able to save Aunt Mei so easily.

Although Jiang Youmei, Leon and Isabella have experienced so many things together, they have become accustomed to it.

But I was also filled with emotion.

This man is really amazing and has so many secrets. What is his identity? ?

It’s so curious that I can’t help but want to know the truth.


After driving smoothly like this for about half an hour, the car suddenly vibrated several times.

It seemed like I had hit or been hit by something.

Everyone's body couldn't help but trembled forward, almost hitting the seat.

"Depend on!"

The man driving the car exclaimed and instinctively stopped the car.

The old man grabbed the seat belt and said nervously: "What happened? What did you hit?"

"I don't know, I'll go take a look."

The man opened the car door and walked out to check, and Xu Zhijian also got out of the car.

After checking around, the two found that a small stone statue was stuck in the front revolver.

About thirty centimeters.

Judging from the shape, it seems to be a statue of a god? ?

The man took it out and looked at it: "Why is there such a thing on the road? It's really unlucky."

Xu Zhijian took a few glances and suddenly felt that it looked very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

At the same time, a prompt message also appeared.

"Trigger a new plot and get 20 season points"

He couldn't help but feel happy. He didn't expect to encounter a new level so soon? ?


But what kind of movie is it?

At this time, the man raised the stone statue and was about to throw it out. He quickly stopped and took it and observed it carefully.

The more I look at it, the more familiar it seems.

The man asked in confusion: "Brother, do you know what this is?"

He nodded: "I think I've seen it somewhere, but I haven't thought of what it is exactly yet."

While talking, Jiang Youmei, Leon, and Isabella also got out of the car one after another.

They gathered around to look at the statue, but no one had seen it before and had no idea what it was.

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