People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 341 Survival Day 341: Curse

Xu Zhijian looked at the statue, then at the tire, and then recalled the scene of being stuck.

The more I thought about it, the more familiar this scene seemed.

After thinking about it for a while, my eyes suddenly lit up and I finally remembered.

Oh ho~~ It turns out to be this one!

Although there is very little information at the moment, if nothing else, it is that one.

At this time, Leon asked: "Xu, did you find anything wrong?"

He nodded: "Well, I found some problems. It seems that I have to find something."

"In this way, we will divide the troops into two groups. You and Master Qiang will go home and rest first, and I will handle this matter myself."

Jiang Youmei, Leon, and Isabella said in unison: "What is going on? Can't we go together?"

"This way we can help each other. We don't want anything to happen to you."

Xu Zhijian said: "It's not a very important matter, it's just because of personal privacy."

"You listen to me and go back to the city to have a good rest for two days. I will be there soon."

The three of them looked at each other and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Now that I have developed a habit, I will definitely listen to him.

But I am also curious about what it is that requires me to act alone and makes it so mysterious.

But I am more worried that he will be in danger.


He is quite conscientious and deserves to be led by them to survive.

At this time, the old man got out of the car: "Young man, you want to leave? No, why is this??"

Xu Zhijian smiled: "No, I have to deal with some personal matters and I'm just leaving for the time being."

"So let my friend go home with you to rest for three days at most, and then I'll be there."

The old man breathed a sigh of relief: "Oh, that's it... OK, if you have something to do, go ahead and do it first."

"But remember to come, you must, we are waiting for you."

He repeatedly stated that he would definitely go to the appointment, and then asked for his address and contact number.

Jiang Youmei and the other three didn't say anything more when they saw this. They should do everything as he said.

At the same time, Qian warned and urged everyone to pay attention to safety.

After discussing, they reluctantly drove away.

Xu Zhijian was the only one left on the mountain road.

He deliberately let others leave first and prepared to act alone.

Because the more people there are, the more uncontrollable factors there are.

Just like in the "Mountain Village Old Corpse" level, they were almost killed and it was very troublesome to save them.

So it is better to solve the second level by yourself to save time and effort.

Watching the car disappear from sight, he turned around and walked away quickly in the opposite direction with the statue in hand.

If your guess is correct, that place should be nearby.

Walking leisurely on the road, quiet and beautiful scenery.

It's quite pleasant.

After walking for about twenty minutes, a village finally appeared at the foot of the mountain on the left.

There were only a few houses, very shabby, that had obviously been there for decades.

There are also some signs erected on the roofs and other places, which read in red letters: Lidong Villa.

"Haha, it's true!"

Xu Zhijian looked at the house and was finally able to confirm his previous guess.

The current level is "Curse"!

A domestic folklore horror film that has become very popular in the past two years caused a lot of discussion back then.

The general plot is:

"Six years ago, Li Ruonan, who was pregnant with Liujia, followed her boyfriend and friends to Chenjia Village.

Rumor has it that there is a sacred god hidden there who cannot be offended.

However, her boyfriend and his friends encountered disaster when they accidentally entered the forbidden area of ​​​​the altar.

Although Li Ruonan escaped by chance, his spirit suffered a huge impact.

Six years later, Li Ruonan gave birth to a daughter.

To avoid possible taboos, she decided to place the child in an orphanage.

During this time she has been receiving psychotherapy, hoping to recover from the horrific experience.

Finally, when she felt she had come out of the shadows, she took her daughter Chen Letong home.

However, not long after Chen Letong returned home, strange phenomena began to occur frequently at home.

This child seems to have some mysterious connection with the gods that Chenjiacun once worshiped.

As the plot progresses, it turns out that everything is not as simple as it seems.

Li Ruonan took the child back not out of maternal love for reunion.

But to share the curse on himself!

In addition, videos shared online, all efforts made to save oneself, etc.

It’s even more so that relatives he knows and viewers he doesn’t know can die on his behalf! "

The reason why the movie can spark discussion is, on the one hand, because the plot is really good and scary enough.

On the other hand, it's because of this reversal ending.

He actually cursed the audience!

Just like the early Internet method of "if you don't forward it, your whole family will die".

Very unlucky.

Even people who don't believe in ghosts and gods feel as sick as eating flies.

Xu Zhijian was deeply disgusted after reading it, but more importantly, he still found this reversal to be very interesting.

In contrast, he was the most angry with the female protagonist Li Ruonan.

Because he is a purely selfish, sinister and vicious bastard who does all kinds of evil.

In order to survive, he not only killed his parents and friends.

Not even letting go of my biological daughter, fuck!

Watching it makes one's blood pressure rise, making one want to rush into the screen and hack her to death.

Now, maybe this wish can come true?

But where is the protagonist group? Is it because they have been here before, or are they on their way here?

Xu Zhijian carefully considered the plot of the movie, and then combined it with the current experience.

He quickly determined the general situation in his mind.

So he did not go to Li Dong Villa, but retreated about one kilometer, and then sat on the side of the road waiting.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will meet what he wants to see when it gets dark.

He took out two sips of mineral water, looked at the villa in the distance and waited silently.

At the same time, he also thought that "Curse" was adapted from real events.

In 2005, a horrific tragedy occurred in Kaohsiung.

On April 10, the emergency doctor of Kaohsiung Medical College found a woman lying on the ground at the entrance of the hospital.

He went forward to check and found that she was no longer breathing.

The doctor was shocked and quickly called medical staff for first aid.

Originally thought that the woman's respiratory arrest was only caused by an emergency, as long as the first aid was proper, it could still be saved.

But after some operations, it was discovered that the woman had been dead for a long time!

After a rough examination, the doctor who performed the autopsy was frightened by the bruises and burns all over the body.

The hospital contacted the police station urgently after noticing the abnormal situation.

20 minutes later, the police arrived to investigate the situation.

The woman's body was twisted and stiffly lying on a stainless steel bed.

The morgue was filled with a rotten and foul smell.

According to preliminary tests, the deceased should have died a day ago.

And it was an abnormal death.

In addition to the corpse spots, the body was covered with scars, some caused by beatings and some caused by burns.

The most shocking skin, mouth and nose were covered with a mixture of feces and urine.

The police quickly launched an identity check and soon found the information of the female corpse.

Her name is Wu Fengjuan. Two months ago, she was a caregiver in a nursing home in Taipei.

But just two months later, she became a body abandoned in front of the hospital.

As the investigation deepened, the situation became more and more incredible, weird and terrifying.

Wu Fengjuan was born in a family with many children.

Living in Yumin Street, Gushan District, her parents, who are painters, raised four children, three girls and one boy.

The eldest daughter is 28 years old and works in her boyfriend's bento shop in Taipei.

The second daughter is him, who is a nurse.

The family is very superstitious and has a shrine at home.

The main deity is the Third Prince.

The originally happy family changed drastically after the youngest daughter participated in a religious activity.

February 2005.

Wu Fengjuan was working in a nursing home and received an urgent call from her family at noon.

On the phone, her mother was panicked and anxious, and kept asking about her recent situation.

Wu Fengjuan was a little strange, her mother would never be so nervous and alert, did something happen at home?

But Wu's mother was still evasive when asked, and finally hung up the phone very abruptly.

And a few hours later, she saw her mother rushing over from Kaohsiung.

Then she finally revealed the truth.

It turned out that the third daughter, her younger sister, was "in the spirit world".

The so-called spirit medium can be understood as a profession very similar to a medium.

Responsible for communicating between gods, ghosts and people.

Qi Ji is the so-called possession of gods.

The youngest daughter claimed to be possessed by Nezha the Third Prince and predicted that Wu Fengjuan would meet with an accident soon.

After listening to Wu's mother's story, she inevitably felt fear.

Influenced by her family, she has always had a devout belief in gods and Buddhas.

Even if she is alone in Taibei, she will put the ancestral tablets in her residence and worship them from time to time.

After some discussion, Wu Fengjuan finally decided to follow her mother's advice and ask for leave to return to her hometown to avoid disaster.

The family was relieved to see her come back, and Wu's father even prepared a table of delicious dishes to welcome his daughter.

However, this atmosphere did not last long.

The prophecy of Nezha the Third Prince was like a spell that trapped Wu Fengjuan deeply.

Late at night. She suddenly woke up from a nightmare.

Because she dreamed that she was first violated by a strange man and then tortured to death.

This made her feel very uncomfortable and panic, and she couldn't help but think of her younger sister's "spiritual spirit" prophecy.

Will she really die?

Even if she returns to her hometown, she still can't break the prophecy?

When Wu's mother heard the sound, she got up and knocked on her door to ask what was going on.

Then the mother and daughter stayed up all night, worried.

This situation lasted until March, and then gradually improved.

Two days later, Wu Fengjuan contacted her best friend to ask about work matters.

She was going to go back to work tomorrow.

However, just after the phone call was hung up, a strange accident happened.

She suddenly "spiritually spirited" for no reason!

Her eyes became sinister, she sneered sharply, and her movements became very exaggerated.

Her whole state was abnormally crazy.

And she kept saying strange things: "I am Guanyin Bodhisattva, appearing here to eliminate disasters and troubles for you..."

Then, she started to hurt herself again.

She kept slapping herself and scratching her body and face with her nails.

And she rammed into the wall, the sharp corner of the table, etc. like crazy.

Soon, Wu Fengjuan was covered with purple bruises and blood.

During this process, her strength became surprisingly strong.

In order to stop her from continuing to hurt herself, everyone had to tie her up with thick hemp ropes to stop it temporarily.

Then, her family immediately took her to the temple to exorcise the demon.

Seeing this, the temple master took the three sisters to Wuzhi Mountain in Hsinchu for meditation. How it went on is unknown.

The meditation ended on April 3, but the situation became more serious after they returned home.

First, the three sisters claimed that they were the reincarnation of the Seven Fairies.

Then everyone in the family began to have spirit possession, claiming that they were possessed by various gods.

The windows were covered with talismans and they shouted all day long.

Wu's father "had a spirit" and claimed that he was possessed by the Jade Emperor.

Wu's mother "had a spirit" and shouted that she was the Queen Mother who came to earth.

The second and youngest daughters shouted that they were possessed by the Seven Fairies.

Finally, the third child of the Wu family, who was also the only son of the Wu family, called himself Jigong in a sinister way.

The neighbors were disturbed by this situation and were very scared.

On April 4.

The temple master came to the Wu family to check the feng shui, and the family members who had recovered their normality followed the instructions to burn the statues in the house.

But strangely, doing so did not make the situation better, but made it even more out of control.

The family went completely crazy.

They fought each other all day, scattered rice and salt, poured hot water, ate feces and drank urine, etc.

They even stopped eating and lived on drinking talisman water.

On the night of April 9, a greater tragedy occurred. The eldest daughter died in the room.

But the family thought that the dead was the god attached to her, and the daughter would wake up.

After two days, they gradually woke up and sent her to the hospital for emergency treatment.

It was too late.

But even so, they still believed that the eldest daughter was not dead.

It was not until the mother claimed that she was possessed by her that they finally recognized the reality.

After that, the whole family went to the temple for collective meditation.

Until they were taken away by the police for investigation.

They were all found to have burns from incense and fighting.

The main cause of death of the eldest daughter was starvation due to long-term hunger strike.

Later, the other five people were diagnosed by psychiatrists as collectively suffering from delusional disorder.

As for what the truth is and what happened later.

No more news leaked.

Based on Xu Zhijian’s research experience in horror movies and urban legends.

The eldest and second daughters must have been killed by their parents!

In fact, it was a conspiracy by the whole family.

It was to cover up some unspeakable secrets, or it was similar to the so-called honor killing.

Then it became mysterious after being passed on by word of mouth and exaggerated.

Of course.

This is an inference made in the real world, not applicable in the world of horror movies.

Just thinking and waiting, time passed slowly, and soon it was evening.

The fire clouds stretched on the horizon, looking very spectacular.

I looked at the time, it was almost seven o'clock.

I have to wait a little longer.

Xu Zhijian opened the leaderboard and took a look. He was still the second place.

The score of the masked guy in the first place did not change. I don't know what happened.

Did you meet Chu Renmei?

Is there any way to deal with it?

After closing the panel, he began to think about the strength of the BOSS of "Curse" now.

According to the setting of the movie, it is a very weak evil god.

It can be easily beaten.

But now that it has been enhanced by at least 50%, I wonder if it will be a fierce battle?

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