People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 342 Survival Day 342: The Lord God said well done

Time passed by little by little, and it was finally night.

During this period, Jiang Youmei and the others called once, saying that they had arrived at the old man's house.

Now they just had to wait for him to come safely and reunite.

Xu Zhijian looked at the time, it was already 9:30 in the evening.

According to the inference, the other party should come in about 3 hours.

He stood up and stretched his muscles, and looked at Li Dong Villa in the distance, where some lights were on.

Then he deliberately walked back along the road for a distance until he stopped and hid at a corner.

After waiting for a while, a message suddenly came.

"Random airdrop supplies were found, 268 meters away from the direction"

Xu Zhijian was delighted when he saw this. It had been many days since the start of the second season, and there had been no movement.

Finally, there was a chance to loot!

And the distance was quite close, which was great.

He could start looking according to the prompts.

"250 meters away from the direction"

"220 meters away from the direction"

"180 meters away from the direction"

After searching for a while, a box with light appeared in the bushes ahead!

"Get a random airdrop and get 20 season points"

Walk up quickly to pick it up and open it, and an item will be displayed.

"Defense barrier"

"Level: Advanced"

"Effect: You can create an exclusive defense barrier within 200 square meters around you"

"Resist the attacks of all butchers, monsters, and evil spirits below the god level for 2.5 hours"

Just looking at the description, it is a very powerful equipment.

But it is suitable for large-scale combat situations, and it is a loss to deal with a single enemy.

I happily put it away and returned to the corner to continue waiting.

At the same time.

A black car appeared on the mountain road more than 500 meters away.

There were three people on it.

A little girl of six or seven was sleeping in the back seat.

The driver was a man in his thirties with short hair and glasses, who looked quite gentle.

A middle-aged woman sat in the passenger seat, with long hair tied in a ponytail and ordinary facial features.

She looked 60% similar to Rene Liu.

The two were silent, with solemn expressions, and obviously worried.

As they drove, the car suddenly stopped without warning.

The man started the car several times in confusion, but it didn't work.

The woman asked nervously, "Why did it stop suddenly? What happened?"

The man shook his head and said, "I don't know, the car stopped automatically, it's really strange."

"Try to start it quickly."

"I've tried it, but it won't start."

As he spoke, the car started again magically.

The man frowned, wondering what the hell was going on, it suddenly broke and then suddenly worked.

Maybe there was something wrong with a part?

The woman was relieved when she saw this: "It's okay, it's okay, let's go."

After driving steadily for about a hundred meters, a street lamp with no light appeared on the roadside ahead.

With the help of the headlights, the man vaguely saw something hanging on it? !

It was white.

He was startled, and when he passed by, he turned his head and looked again with wide eyes.

But he saw nothing this time.

It seemed that he was just dazzled.

The man recalled carefully and thought it might be because of the light, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Then, a flaming iron basin appeared on the roadside in front of him.

There seemed to be burning materials such as paper or cloth in it.

The man and the woman looked over curiously at the same time, wondering who was lighting a fire on the roadside in the middle of the night?

What was he trying to do?

After walking for a while with doubts, the man suddenly found another street lamp on the roadside in front of him.

And he saw a white shadow on it again.

Before he could react, a brazier appeared in front of him.

That look... is exactly the same as what he saw just now.

The man couldn't help but exclaimed: "Strange, what's going on?!"

The woman also discovered such a strange situation and said timidly: "This... This is a ghost wall!"

"We are in danger, recite the spell quickly, quickly!"

As soon as the voice fell, the car stopped again inexplicably and couldn't start.



And suddenly there was a violent impact sound on the roof, as if something was lying on it.

At the same time, the car radio also sounded automatically, playing a news.

"A bizarre explosion occurred in a psychological treatment clinic on Yuexiang Road, and firefighters found a charred corpse hanging in the toilet"

"The deceased is Dr. Wu Yuqing. When the fire broke out... Sizzle Sizzle"

Then there was a harsh sound of electricity.

The two immediately looked at each other in horror, because they knew the deceased doctor.

I just showed her those videos yesterday, and he died tragically today? !

The man suddenly came back to his senses and thought of the white thing hanging on the street lamp just now.

I thought I had seen it wrong before, but now I think about it carefully in combination with the news.

That was not an illusion, but... it was the body of the doctor hanging!



At this time, the impact on the roof of the car became more violent.

The two people were shaken and couldn't sit steadily. They were scared to death.

The woman said in horror: "Quick... chant the mantra! Fire Buddha Xiuyi, heart Sa Moo!!"

The man came to his senses and chanted loudly.

"Fire Buddha Xiuyi, heart Sa Moo!"

"Fire Buddha Xiuyi, heart Sa Moo!"

"Fire Buddha Xiuyi, Heart Sa Moo!"

The two kept chanting loudly, but the situation did not calm down as expected.

The impact on the roof became more and more intense.

At the same time, the woman felt a gust of extremely cold wind coming from behind.

She shivered and was very shocked.

She had been chanting the spell, why was there no effect... This was totally wrong!

The strong yin energy and the impact made her thoughts and consciousness begin to dissipate.


However, at such a strange moment, after two gunshots, all the vibrations and situations disappeared immediately.

The two were stunned for a moment in fear, and looked at each other, and no one knew what happened.

Gunshot? ?

Why was there a gunshot? ?

What's going on, who is coming? !

Just thinking about it, a dark shadow walked quickly from a distance and appeared in the range of the headlights.

This is naturally Xu Zhijian.

Just now he saw the looming headlights in the distance, thinking that it was finally here!

And according to the movie setting, he should have encountered something, so he rushed over immediately.

Under the deterrence of the real bullet, this illusion similar to the ghost wall was instantly broken.

He walked to the car window and said, "Are you okay?!"

The man and the woman looked at him in horror and confusion, not knowing who this was and why he suddenly appeared.

While asking and looking, he confirmed that these two people were the target he was looking for.

This woman is the heroine of "Curse", Li Ruonan!

That selfish, damned bastard.

The man's name is Xie Qiming, the adoptive father of Li Ruonan's daughter.

A very good man.

Although he is not the biological father, he treats the child more closely than the biological father and is very responsible.

What a pity.

Such a good man was also killed by Li Ruonan.

Because he didn't know the truth of the matter and trusted the heroine, he took the video tape back to study.

In the end, he was naturally cursed unknowingly.

Then he kowtowed to death.

But now it's different. Xu Zhijian can't let this tragedy happen again.

He continued, "I am Master Aqing who has sent me to save you. Come with me."

The master he was talking about was the host of Zhoucang Palace, and he really had the ability to exorcise demons and eliminate disasters.

In the movie, Li Ruonan took her daughter to ask for help.

Master Aqing sealed the video recorder with a ritual, and then fed Duoduo a leaf.

He said that as long as the child did not eat or drink for seven days, the curse would be automatically broken.

But you know the result.

Li Ruonan originally wanted the child to share the curse for him, so he deliberately fed the child canned pineapple on the third day.

Then the child's condition deteriorated sharply.

And the ability of Master Aqing was similar to the symbiotic state. Once the target was broken, he would also die suddenly.

Tsk tsk.

Xu Zhijian wanted to complain about this a long time ago. Since he had the ability to fight, why did he have to use his life as a bargaining chip?

It was really for the development of the plot, so he deliberately increased the difficulty.


Hearing him mention Master Aqing, Li Ruonan and Xie Qiming were immediately surprised and happy.

Great, it turned out that it was the rescuer sent by the master.

Xie Qiming opened the car door and got out, grabbing his hand: "Thank you... Thank you so much."

Li Ruonan also came over and said: "Master Aqing, what else do we know? What should we do next?"

"Haha, the next step is very simple."

Xu Zhijian showed a harmless smile, then controlled the strength and punched Xie Qiming in the back of the head.

The other party fell to the ground without any reaction and fainted.

"!!" Li Ruonan was stunned when she saw this, and didn't know what was going on for a while.

Didn't you send him to save her?

Why did you suddenly attack? ?

She instinctively came to her senses and wanted to escape, but it was too late, and was knocked down by Xu Zhijian's punch.

This time, he didn't hold back, and his nose was broken and his front teeth flew out.


Li Ruonan fell to the ground and screamed in pain, spitting out mouthfuls of blood.




Xu Zhijian walked over and continued to beat her with his fists, and soon beat her beyond recognition.

There is no intact part of the whole face.

The ribs, sternum, etc. should also be broken.

He can no longer move, his consciousness is dissipated, and he only has one breath left.


Xu Zhijian sneered, pointed the gun at his head and pulled the trigger directly, blowing him up in the head.

He has wanted to kill a bastard like Li Ruonan for a long time!

This guy not only tried to harm his relatives and daughter as much as possible, but also didn't let the audience go.

He is no longer as simple as a bad guy.

He is a pure beast.

So it is not as simple as just shooting him to death, he must be tortured.

"Kill Li Ruonan, who is hated by thousands of people, and get 50 season points"

Good guy!

Look, even the main god is unhappy with this beast, and there is still an achievement.

The score is quite high.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help laughing, then lifted Xie Qiming up and put him back in the car.

Then he found a pen and paper and wrote a note.

"The Li Ruonan you met is fake, she's a ghost, take Duoduo and run as far as you can!"

"The child's curse has been broken, don't come back, don't look for her anymore, remember!!"

This is an explanation to Xie Qiming.

Li Ruonan must be killed, there's no way he can keep her alive, so he simply stopped the idea of ​​looking for her.

Let's live a good life with Duoduo.

Now the child has lost both parents and has no relatives, which is very pitiful.

But compared to being killed by her own mother, this ending is the best.

With Xie Qiming, an adoptive father who is better than her own father, she will definitely live a peaceful and happy life.

Then Xu Zhijian picked up the backpack on the co-pilot and closed the car door.

After dealing with the blood and flesh, he carried Li Ruonan's body and walked away quickly, disappearing into the darkness.

After walking for a while, he dug a pit in the wasteland and threw the body that everyone hated into it and buried it.


He didn't rush to continue the next plan, but sat on the ground and opened his backpack to look for things.

He quickly found the DV recorder, and it still had power.

Just in time.

He operated it and found the file that stored the video, opened it, and started to check it.

The first video recorded Li Ruonan and his friends setting off for an adventure.

The three drove to the destination, namely Li Ruonan, her boyfriend Adong, and her friend Ayuan.

Halfway through the journey, the tire was suddenly stuck by a statue.

At that time, they didn't care, and continued on their way after getting it down.

Li Ruonan didn't know yet that this was actually the first rescue of the gods.

After arriving at Lidong Villa, the locals received them.

Because the village was going to worship the gods today, they didn't plan to let her stay overnight.

But when they were about to leave, an old lady came over to look at her palm and then agreed.

They followed the locals into the interior.

The yard was very dilapidated and hung with a lot of red lanterns.

Some villagers were digging maggots in the ground.

And passing by a small house with an open door, they saw someone drawing runes on the back of a little girl.

Then they asked about the mysterious tunnel, but the locals didn't answer.

And forced the camera to turn off.

The first video ended.

Open the second one, which was obviously secretly filmed, and the scene was inside the house.

They knelt in front of the altar and handed the yellow talisman with their names on it to the local.

Then the man returned three red talismans.

There were eight characters written on it: "火 Buddha Xiu Yi, Xin Sa Mo"

They looked at each other in confusion, not understanding what this sentence meant.

Then the old lady spoke.

It roughly meant: since you have offered your name to the Buddha Mother, you cannot use it here, or even think about it.

And you must come back to worship every ten years.

And if you are pregnant, the child's name must also be offered to the Buddha Mother.

The second video ended.

Opening the third one, they went out to look for the tunnel.

When they passed by the ancestral hall, they quietly hid under the window to secretly film the Chen clan members meditating and chanting mantras.

But they were discovered by the little girl.

But she didn't make a sound, instead she took them to the outside of a temple.

But only Li Ruonan followed them in.

Because it was impossible to film inside, Adong turned off the video.

Three videos have been watched, and only the last one is left.

The content is similar to the movie, with only minor differences.

Xu Zhijian knew that this was filmed inside the tunnel, the beginning of the curse, so he didn't watch it again.

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. The file was damaged.

He put the machine back into his backpack and stood up and left quickly, heading to Li Dong Villa again.

The appetizers were ready.

It was time to start the main course!

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