People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 343 Survival Day 343: You are a pretty nice person

Twenty minutes later, Xu Zhijian arrived near Li Dong Villa.

However, he did not enter from the front, but deliberately took a detour and walked along the path to the back.

According to the movie setting, the evil god's hiding place is actually in a remote tomb cave.

Although there is no need to enter the village.

That would cause unnecessary trouble.

After walking quickly for a while, many lanterns made of red paper appeared on both sides of the road ahead, but they were not lit.

And rows of strange flowers were planted.

Similar to crystal white, crystal clear, and the shape is somewhat like the pea shooter in Plants vs. Zombies.

White strange flowers + red lanterns, the two colors are filled with each other, revealing an inexplicable weirdness.

Xu Zhijian squatted down with interest and observed carefully for a moment, and finally thought of what kind it was.

It is a crystal orchid.

Also called ghost orchid, flower of death, flower of the underworld, etc.

Saprophytic plants that cannot photosynthesize usually live in places where there are few people and are cold, dark and humid.

Once it blooms, it will die soon.

Moreover, it only takes a few months from growth to death, and the life span is very short.

It usually represents words such as horror, hell, evil, and death.

He stood up and continued to move forward. After a while, he vaguely saw several small red dots in front of him.

He keenly realized that he had finally found it!

But at the same time, two black shadows suddenly appeared from the front, holding two flashlights in their hands.

And shouted very seriously: "Who is it? What are you doing?!"

Xu Zhijian put his hands in his pockets and held the gun, but did not act rashly.

Because he didn't know who was coming, if it was a good person, it would be a sin, so he asked the situation clearly first.

He deliberately said: "Finally I met someone, hello, hello."

"I came here to travel, but I got lost. I found a village here, so I wanted to come here for help."

"Excuse me, are you villagers? Can you take me away from here?"

The two people walked over slowly and revealed their true faces.

They were middle-aged men in their forties or fifties, of medium build, with cigarettes in their mouths.

Their eyes were both alert and a little cunning.

One of them asked, "Travel? Are you from the city?"

Xu Zhijian replied, "Yes, a tour of the suburbs."

The other one asked, "Are you out here alone?"

He nodded to indicate that he was right.

The two men saw this and a light flashed in their eyes, obviously with ill intentions.

The man who asked the question first smiled and said, "Okay, come with us, we'll take you out."

Xu Zhijian probed, "Thank you, but are you residents of this Lidong Villa?"

The man nodded, "Yes, we are both locals, otherwise why would we be here."

"Really? I thought you two were outsiders too."

"That's nonsense. Do you think everyone is running around like you in the middle of the night?"

"Hehe...that's great."

Xu Zhijian sneered and attacked without warning.

One left hook and one right hook.

No reserve of strength.

The two men screamed and fell to the ground, blood gushing from their mouths.

He took out a pistol from his pocket and shot him to death, then threw the body into the bushes.


Compared to Li Ruonan, the crimes of the people in Lidong Villa are even worse.

Just as selfish and evil.

In order to avoid death from the curse, they deceived innocent people to be scapegoats.

They have murdered countless people.

Just now, when I heard him say that he was traveling alone, I immediately thought of framing him.

What a pity.

They didn't know that they were not meeting a person, but a living devil!

"Kill the villagers of Lidong Villa and reward 5 season points"

"Kill the villagers of Lidong Villa and reward 5 season points"

Xu Zhijian left with satisfaction, and soon, he finally arrived at his destination.

I saw a large grave mound appeared on the wasteland in front, with lit candles and offerings on both sides of the altar.

In the middle, there is a round wooden door about one meter wide.

It can allow one person to pass through at a time.

People who don't know will only think it is a grave, but in fact, there is a gloomy and wide tunnel behind this door.

There is a different world.

This is it.

The place where the final boss of "The Curse" is sealed!

Xu Zhijian looked around again to make sure no one was following him, and then carefully approached the entrance.


At the same time, he kicked it open.


A cold and musty wind blew, and it seemed to be mixed with a faint cry?

He adjusted his mentality and took two deep breaths, holding the gun, bent down and carefully got in.

Then he used the wooden board to block the opening from the inside, trying to make it look as original as possible.

To avoid being discovered by the other Li Dong people, he sealed the entrance with cement.

Then he officially explored the cave!

The initial passage was relatively narrow, and there were a lot of broken glass and miscellaneous things on the ground.

After about 20 meters, the front became wider.

He stood up and looked around.

The tunnel was about two meters high, damp, cold, and dilapidated, which made people shudder.

Continuing forward, some offerings appeared on the ground.

Five porcelain bowls, filled with something that was no longer recognizable.

There was a small jar in the middle.

There was also a yellow paper talisman on it, with red words: Fortune and misfortune are interdependent.

It was obviously placed there by the Li Dong clan before.


Xu Zhijian walked over and crushed it directly, using actual actions to inform himself that he was here to mess things up.

After walking for a while, a fork in the road appeared in front.

There was originally a yellow cordon blocking entry, but it had already been cut open.

This was done by Li Ruonan and his men.

Walking in cautiously, I saw many mirrors placed on both sides of the road.

The one in front was the largest, blocking the way, and there were four big red characters written on it: Heart Sham Moo.

This is actually the second half of the spell.

The complete one is "Fire Buddha Xiuyi, Heart Sham Moo"

That is, fortune and misfortune are interdependent, life and death are determined by fate in Minnan dialect.

The function is to share the curse. The more people recite it, the more diluted the curse will be.

And the more related symbols you stare at, the more curses you will bear.

So in the movie, Li Ruonan kept saying this spell, showing related patterns, etc.

It was to let the audience help share the burden.

Xu Zhijian walked over and took a look, then smashed it directly with the pistol grip.


The mirror was broken, and a passage appeared behind it.

Walking in, there were still many mirrors.

At the same time, there was a black clay figure pointing to the distance.

So far, it is basically the same as in the movie.

Xu Zhijian kicked the clay figure and wanted to crush it, but found that it was solid.



Just smash it easily with a spear.

He continued to move forward, and when he passed a mirror, he suddenly found that there seemed to be no reflection of himself in it? !

He stopped immediately and stepped back to look.

His body really appeared in the mirror.

Even so, it was clear that he was definitely not mistaken just now.

But whether it was a warning or a counterattack, he was not afraid.


Smashed the mirror directly.

At the same time, a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from inside and grabbed his arm!


He was not scared, but slowly grabbed the hand with his left hand.

Then he bent it down with force.


The hands were broken and fell to the ground.

Only then did he realize that it was a broken arm, and it had been a long time, dry like a branch.

There were some unclear runes painted on the skin.

Obviously, this was the limb of a sacrifice or an unlucky person.

As for why it suddenly stretched out, there was no need to delve into it, it was a horror movie world.

He snorted coldly and continued to move forward.

A few minutes later, a strange situation appeared on both sides of the passage in front again.

There were many naked men wearing only underwear standing in rows motionlessly.

There were also many incomprehensible runes painted on their bodies, as well as dried blood.

With no expression on their faces and closed eyes, they looked like wooden men.

Xu Zhijian approached them vigilantly and took a few glances, and it was confirmed that these people were dead.

I think there are similar scenes in movies, but I can't remember their specific identities.

However, whether they are Li Dong people or innocent people who were deceived.

Anyway, they are all unlucky sacrifices.

As he was watching, the eyes of the corpse next to him suddenly opened.

It was dark, without eyeballs and black and white.

A stream of black liquid was left, like two tears.

Xu Zhijian instinctively raised his spear and stabbed it directly, poking the head of the corpse.


You dare to show off your skills in front of an expert!

He looked at it coldly without fear, to see which corpse had "lived" enough and wanted to die.

But after waiting for a while, nothing happened again.

I don't know if it was just an accident just now, or if the others were afraid and dared not move.

Xu Zhijian thought about it, then raised his gun and shot them one by one.

On the one hand, it was to eliminate potential dangers.

On the other hand, it was to help them get rid of torture.

After all, being used as a cursed sacrifice was not their original wish, and it was very painful, and they could not escape even if they died.

Now using real-damage bullets to help deal with it is also a good deed.

The bodies that were hit fell to the ground one by one, and then turned into a pile of ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After finishing it, continue to move forward.

After a while, two small spaces of several square meters appeared in front.

There were tables and some offerings on both sides, and there were mirrors reflecting directly above.

The items on the left were three white porcelain jars and a wooden plate.

There were three square yellow papers on it, with strange red patterns drawn on them.

There were also three teeth.

The arrangement on the right was the same, but it turned into a few bundles of hair.

Xu Zhijian looked around and knew that if he walked a little further, he seemed to be able to meet the BOSS!

Very good.

He didn't stop for too long and continued to move forward.

Just as he took a step, he suddenly felt something cold falling on his head.

He hurriedly looked up and saw a person hanging!

He was not wearing a shirt, and his body was covered with incomprehensible black runes.

There were also honeycomb-like holes on both forearms, and blood was dripping down constantly.

Let’s not talk about the horror.

This shape alone can make people with trypophobia die on the spot.

He couldn’t help but get goosebumps.

When he was thinking about who this was, the body suddenly turned slowly.

An expected and unexpected face appeared in the light.

This dead person turned out to be Li Ruonan.

Runes were also painted on his face, his forehead was cracked and bleeding, and only the whites of his eyes were left.

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but smile.

This shows that the BOSS is indeed much stronger than in the movie, and he can actually do this.

He brought the person he had killed here, and restored the exploded head? ?


At this time, Li Ruonan's black eyeball suddenly appeared, and at the same time turned and looked down at him.

His eyes were full of viciousness.


Xu Zhijian grabbed its left leg fearlessly, and then pulled it down hard.


Li Ruonan's body fell heavily to the ground.

And the intact head suddenly exploded directly, and red and white things splashed.

It looked like it was shot in the head just now.


Xu Zhijian fired several shots at its body, and then it turned into a pile of ashes and disappeared.

Pretty good.

Killing it once is not enough, and you come to send it a second time.

You are quite nice.

He walked away leisurely. As he got closer to his destination, he felt the cool breeze around him getting colder.




As he walked, he suddenly heard a series of dull banging sounds coming from the front.

He subconsciously stopped and wondered what happened again.

What was there?

He waited quietly for a moment, and the banging sound continued to sound regularly.

Xu Zhijian walked over vigilantly and soon approached the location where the sound came from.

It came from a mirror? !


What's going on? ?

He quickly shone the flashlight over, and his heart suddenly trembled when he saw it clearly.

There was actually a person in the mirror!

It was kneeling, and its head was like a pendulum, knocking its head regularly and hard.


It was so real every time.

Xu Zhijian finally felt a little difference. There was actually someone in the mirror, and it could move.

However, this was not the most shocking thing.

What made it even more bizarre and terrifying was that the clothes that person was wearing were exactly the same as his!

In other words, that person was actually himself? !

As soon as he thought of this thought, Xu Zhijian suddenly felt a little fuzzy.

Dizzy, then blank.

And an unconcealable thought arose: kneel down immediately, commit suicide, and sacrifice blood and flesh to the great evil god!

"Not good..."

He immediately felt the danger and shook his head to try to stay calm.

But the fuzziness became stronger and stronger.


Then, his legs softened uncontrollably and he knelt directly on the ground.

At the same time, the figure in the mirror slowly turned around.

It was a young and handsome guy.

It was him!

But he showed a very evil, smirk that he couldn't make.

It was full of insidiousness and viciousness.

He shouted in the mirror in an imperative tone: "Hurry up and worship the great evil god!"

Xu Zhijian knew that these were fake and he must not follow them.

But his thoughts were out of control.


The man in the mirror kowtowed hard, his forehead was bleeding.

And the real him also kowtowed at the same time, like a puppet being pulled by strings, and his forehead hit the ground hard.

Intense pain came.

But it still didn't make his mind return to normal.

Bang! Bang!

The man in the mirror continued to kowtow hard.

Xu Zhijian followed suit, and the skin on his forehead had broken, and a large amount of blood appeared.

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