People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 344 Survival Day 344: Oh, Great Black Buddha Mother

He raised his head, and blood flowed down his eyebrows, not only making his eyes a little painful.

It was like two bloody tears.

Driven by his strong mental strength and fighting instinct, he decisively and successfully pulled the trigger.



The mirror was completely shattered.

The uncontrollable feeling of confusion disappeared directly, and the figure of kowtow in the mirror disappeared.

Everything seemed to have never happened.

Xu Zhijian stood up, took out a tissue and wiped the blood on his head, with a gloomy face.


You want me to kowtow, right?


I'll find you later, and I'll definitely make you "happy"!

He waved his spear to smash the rest of the mirrors around him one by one, and the crackling sound of breaking echoed in the passage.

When he hit the last one, some pictures suddenly appeared in the mirror.

It was very clear, as if there was a world inside.

It turned out to be Xie Qiming and Duoduo, have they returned home?

Moreover, Xu Zhijian could clearly feel that he could resonate with him, as if they shared the same mind and body.

Xie Qiming, who was lying on the ground, woke up in a daze, looked around, and wondered why the room was so dark?

After a moment of relaxation, he subconsciously got up and wanted to turn on the light.

Only then did he realize that his body could not move, and was trapped by the rope? !

"What... is going on?!!"

Xie Qiming's brain buzzed, and cold sweat broke out directly.

He opened his mouth to call Duoduo, but his mouth was also sealed with tape, and he could only make a faint humming sound.


He had no idea what was going on. A series of questions flashed through his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more panic he felt.

At the same time, he felt very bad, because even a fool could see that the situation was very dangerous.


He had to break free quickly.

He rolled from the sofa to the ground with force, trying to escape from the house by crawling.

However, his hope was extinguished.

Because the other end of the rope was tied to the cabinet.

Originally, his limbs couldn't exert force, and now there was a weight of two or three hundred kilograms.

He couldn't move at all.

"What should I do... What should I do..."

"How should I ask for help!!"

Xie Qiming was anxious, angry, and annoyed, but there was nothing he could do.

He could only keep struggling hard, rest for a while when he was exhausted, and then continue to do useless work.

Now he didn't care whether it was in vain, he had to keep trying even if there was no hope.

Half an hour later.

He was exhausted and panting, thirsty, hungry, and tired.

He felt desperate now.

He lay on the ground helplessly, his mind was blank.

At this time, his eyes had adapted to the darkness, and as he looked, his heart suddenly trembled violently.

Cold sweat broke out directly.

"Woo woo woo..."

He made a low hum of fear, and seemed very scared.

Just now, his line of sight was parallel to the gap in the sofa.

At first, he didn't think there was any problem, but then he felt like there was something there?

As soon as this thought came up, he saw that thing also moved suddenly.

It disappeared directly.

At the same time, it seemed that a pair of eyes lit up? !

Xie Qiming's brain reacted with a buzzing sound. Under the sofa... there was actually another person lying!

And he had been staring at it just now!

As the saying goes, people scare people to death.

What's more, I don't know what it is and when it was hidden under it.

It's enough that he didn't die of fear.


He trembled, and his heart beat violently as if it was about to explode.

"What is that... is it Duoduo?"

"No! It's definitely not a person. Could it be..."

"Is it the man who claimed to be Master Aqing's apprentice before? He did all this?"

Xie Qiming thought of the most undesirable and most terrifying possibility.

He waited in fear for more than ten minutes, and nothing else happened for the time being.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't dare to neglect it. He continued to struggle hard to try to escape.

But after a whole day of tossing, he still didn't succeed.

It was so desperate!

Just when he was about to cry but had no tears, he suddenly felt a wave of itching on his face and neck.

He could also clearly feel something cool crawling.

"Woo woo woo..."

Xie Qiming was stunned for a moment, and then his hair stood up and he was going crazy.

Because he could clearly feel that it was maggots crawling on his body!

As for why the maggots suddenly appeared, he knew it better than anyone else.

This is... the curse of the legendary evil god!

Or part of it.

"No... No!!"

He shook his head hard to get rid of the maggots, but it didn't work. Instead, he felt more and more.

It was extremely terrifying and disgusting.

Not only that, he also felt a strange feeling in his throat.

Tsk, this is more terrifying than encountering a ghost.

Just when he was extremely desperate, he suddenly heard the door creak open from the outside.

A short figure walked in.

At the same time, the feeling of the maggots crawling disappeared.


A familiar voice sounded, and it turned out to be his daughter Duoduo? !

"Woo woo woo..."

Xie Qiming was overjoyed and immediately responded with a whimpering sound so that she could come to rescue him.

Duoduo walked over to him in the dark: "Dad, I'll help you."

She first removed the tape on her mouth, and then went to untie the ropes.

Now Xie Qiming could finally speak.

He cried and said anxiously: "Baby, where have you been? What happened?!"

"Where's mom? And that strange man?!"

Duoduo didn't answer, and suddenly stopped while undressing.

Then he said in a panic: "You... you are not my father~!"

Xie Qiming was stunned when he heard it.

What? !

What does this mean? How can he not be a father?

He hurriedly said: "Baby, I am your adoptive father, how could I not be."

Duoduo took a few steps back: "You are not... you are not your father."

"Yes! You are my daughter, I am your father!"

"No! You are not."

"Why? Why do you say that?!"

"Because I don't feel my father's love, then what's my name?"

"Your name is Duoduo... No, your name is Chen Letong."

"Then what's my father's name? You definitely don't know."

"My name is Xie Qiming..."

In a hurry, he blurted out the name.

But after he finished speaking, he trembled all over and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Because I remembered what Li Ruonan said before, especially that I couldn't say my name casually.

Can't say it.

Can't write it.

Can't even think about it.

As a result, I broke the rules now!

A chill surged through my body, and at the same time, something even more terrifying happened.

There was no light in the room, and I could only see Duoduo's black outline.

But now, Xie Qiming could clearly feel that she was grinning and showing a weird smile!

It was a cold and evil smile that achieved her goal!


Xie Qiming screamed in fear, and then Duoduo's figure disappeared.

Then, he woke up from his coma with a start.

He gasped in shock and found that his hands and feet were still tied with ropes.

The tape on his mouth was not torn off.

The door was still closed.

Dark and silent.

It seemed that everything he had just seen had never happened.

He recalled the things in astonishment, and his body couldn't help shivering, and cold sweat came out.

What happened just now? !

Could it be... a nightmare after falling asleep due to being too weak?


Everything was so real, it didn't seem fake at all!

As soon as he thought of this, he suddenly became stunned and dull, and the fear in his eyes disappeared.

He became dull, lifeless, and weird.

Then he lay face down on the ground, then bent over and knelt.


Then he knocked his head hard on the floor.







He kept knocking his head as if he had no sense of pain, each time heavier and more severe.

His forehead soon cracked, splashing blood.

His skull was cracked!

After knocking more than thirty times, his body tilted to the ground and was motionless.

Blood kept flowing out of the wound.

His whole face turned scarlet, and the smell of rust floated in the room.

Xie Qiming stared with dull eyes and committed suicide in this weird and terrible way!

Xu Zhijian saw and felt it all clearly.

There were waves of pain on his forehead, as if he had hit it dozens of times.

He frowned and felt a little panicked.

Damn it!

Did Xie Qiming and Duoduo really meet with an accident? ?

I tried so hard to keep them alive, but now it’s all in vain.

No... I have to check the situation and save Duoduo!

He turned around and walked away without hesitation, but suddenly stopped after running for a while.

Wait? !

This is wrong.

Xu Zhijian frowned and thought for a moment, then raised his gun and fired two shots at it.

The loud gunshot echoed in the passage.

His thinking and consciousness returned to normal, and he immediately thought of something wrong.

Those pictures he saw just now, were they fake!

He almost got hit again.

Xie Qiming and Duoduo must still be unconscious in the car, and they won’t wake up for a while.

Not to mention that they have already returned home.

The purpose of this is to make himself leave the passage and give up the next action.

It also explains another thing.

The BOSS is scared!

Knowing that he is not an opponent, he can only use this method to make himself leave here.


Xu Zhijian sneered as he thought, very good, it seems that the power of that thing is not too strong.

He returned to the mirror and broke it without saying anything, and then continued to move forward.

After a while, he found that there were many copper coins hanging on the top of the cave in front.

He looked up and counted them, there were 28 in total.

The color was very shabby, obviously an antique, but I don’t know which dynasty it was from.

And what does it mean to hang it here?

Xu Zhijian thought about it carefully, and then thought of a possibility.

This is a formation.

It is called: Locking Ghost Formation.

Commonly known as Thunder Pool, it is a method used to imprison evil ghosts.

According to the "Book of Changes", the sun belongs to Yang and the night belongs to Yin, and evil ghosts can only move at night.

When the ancients observed the stars, they divided the entire night sky into 28 star regions.

It is called the 28 Mansions.

The method of setting up the thunder pool is to place 28 copper coins around the evil spirits.

Artificially draw a false twenty-eight constellations.

The copper coin counts Yang, so it creates the illusion that the evil ghost will enter the Yang realm if it crosses the line.

However, this formation does not cause any harm, it can only play a role of confinement.

According to the setting of "The Curse".

Everything in this cave, such as the guide stone statues and mirrors encountered before.

In fact, the original intention is to trap the boss behind the scenes!

Don't let it come out to do evil.

Because the Li Dong people are very afraid of its existence, and they don't want to see that taboo appearance.

So they used various means to trap it in the cave.

On the one hand, they want to get rid of the curse, and on the other hand, it is convenient to deal with the sacrifices that were deceived.

So it is normal to have a formation, and it is likely that there is more than one.

He bent down slightly and carefully passed through the formation, and continued to grope forward.

Soon he found a white mark on the ground in front of him, as if the powder was evenly sprinkled on the ground.

Then he turned around and didn't know where he went.

Obviously, it is another formation.

It is called the Ghost Gate Formation.

There was a method of soul-guiding in Maoshan magic, which was to use real estate powder to lead a path during the Ghost Festival.

This is a kind of yin stone.

Lead away the wronged souls from the main road to avoid conflicts between people and ghosts.

In Maoshan theory, the local star map is used as a reference, and then the ghost gate array is set up with real estate to attract ghosts.

The main road is where souls pass through. The entrance of the array is set on the main road, so that the wandering souls will walk through the real estate line.

Then set a "ghost-controlling pile" at the destination

That is, a white marble pile engraved with Taoist scriptures for salvation, which has the function of leading souls.

In this way, the evil ghosts will circle here and can't get out.

Xu Zhijian looked at it with interest, and at the same time he was a little excited.

Because the current situation is already very obvious.

What does the frequent appearance of powerful arrays mean?

It means that the things that need to be trapped are not far away. It's really not easy, and it's finally going to work.


After walking a short distance, a gust of wind that was obviously colder blew in his face.

It was accompanied by a faint scream.

He knew it was time, so he slowed down with a gun in one hand and a spear in the other, and approached slowly with caution and excitement.

The road ahead soon disappeared and reached the end.

And in the dark corner, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared.

It sat quietly and motionless.

The cold wind emanated from it, which lowered the temperature around it.

Xu Zhijian shone the flashlight over.

The final BOSS of "Curse" finally appeared!

It was a dark yellow bronze statue, about 1.7 meters tall, with a red cloth behind it.

Sitting cross-legged on the lotus platform, it had eight hands like the Thousand-armed Guanyin.

The real arms were placed on the chest, making a gesture of touching the back of the hand.

It looked like a lotus.

The other arms were suspended by ropes on both sides of the body, three on each side.

The pair at the bottom made the fearless seal with their left hands and dragged something similar to an incense burner with their right hands.

The pair in the middle dragged an item each.

The pair at the top held a Buddha's head in their left hands!

Its head was covered tightly with a red cloth.

There were four black words written on it: Death and life have a name.

There were runes engraved on the belly, and it was bulging, which looked like pregnancy.

There was also an altar under the lotus seat, with some offerings such as hair, teeth, and glutinous rice.

"Haha, I finally found it!"

Xu Zhijian carefully looked at the evil god that he had been thinking about, and the shape was exactly the same as in the movie.

And this thing was called: the Great Black Buddha Mother!

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