People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 352: Day 352 of Survival: It’s just the beginning

It took no more than five seconds from discovery to resolution of the battle.

On the one hand, it was good luck.

On the other hand, it was Xu Zhijian's combat experience + comprehensive quality at the extreme level of the human body.

A silent and unpredictable killing intention was strangled in the cradle.

He breathed a sigh of relief, but was still confused in his heart. What the hell was going on? ?

While thinking, he walked over and looked at Buckner's little daughter who was not dead yet.

The little zombie was nailed by the spear and couldn't break free at all. He could only roar and slowly swing the axe to try to chop people.

Xu Zhijian shot it in the head.

In the movie, this Buckner's little daughter actually has a lot of scenes.

When chasing Kurt, she was knocked down by an elbow.

Later, Marty and Dana sneaked into the headquarters and released all the monsters. It was late to catch up with the massacre.

But in the end, it killed the female manager behind the organization and chopped it on the top of the head with an axe.

Then it was kicked into the bottomless abyss by Marty.

Then the sacrifice failed, and the sleeping evil god woke up and stretched out his arm as big as a mountain.

He smashed the organization and the wooden house with a slap, and began to destroy the earth.

Xu Zhijian pulled out the spear and shook off the black liquid on it.

At this time, the five people were still in shock and confusion.

They stared blankly with big eyes, their brains were blank, as if they were frozen.

"Wake up, everyone, keep fighting!"

He pushed Marty, who was closest to them, and reminded them loudly.

The five people came back to their senses with a start.


Now it's not about guessing how these monsters got in, but about stopping more attacks quickly.

They quickly adjusted their thoughts and got into the battle again.

Kurt kicked Leatherface's body, cursing and feeling scared.

Then he picked up the chainsaw and tried it a few times, showing a satisfied smile.

Originally, I was worried about not having bullets, and the axe was not lethal enough and too tiring, but now I have new equipment.


He raised the chainsaw, turned around, and chopped down the head of a zombie that just rushed to the window.


The zombie's flesh and blood splattered, and the top of its head was soon sawed off, and it fell softly to the ground and did not move.

Really-middle parting.

Kurt couldn't help laughing and shouted: "Guys, this thing is much more useful than an axe!"

Xu Zhijian ignored it, and while killing the monsters outside, he was still thinking about that problem with a serious expression.

How did these things get in? ?

It's really outrageous.

Is it a random monster spawning system similar to the game?

So he looked back from time to time while fighting, worried that another monster would suddenly come in.

The five-man team also had this worry and did the same.

They fought for a while, and more and more bodies fell, and fewer and fewer charged.

It seemed that the dawn was coming.

But at this time, Horton and Dana's defense line was lost.

Several zombies broke the reinforced windows, roaring and crowding to get in.

"Fuck! Come and help!"

Horton hit with his weapon and called for help.

Danna quickly ran to a nearby place and picked up the axe dropped by the radiation ogre, then returned to fight back.


But the weapon was grabbed by the zombie with both hands, and it was pulled towards itself at the same time.

The two sides had unequal strength and could not resist at all.


Danna screamed and was dragged uncontrollably.

The zombie immediately opened its mouth and bit down on the neck.


Horton was shocked and broke into a cold sweat, waving his weapon desperately to chop the zombie's head.



At this time, he used the most powerful force, and the monster's head was blown open in a few strokes.

The fatal crisis was resolved.

But taking advantage of the short time, other zombies had squeezed in.


Xu Zhijian had killed all the monsters he could see at the moment, so he had time to go to the rescue.

He calmly shot the zombies in the head, and went to help Kurt, Marty, Jules and others.

Then he returned to the defense point leisurely.

"Kill zombies and get 1 season point"

"Kill zombies and get 1 season point"

"Kill zombies and get 1 season point"

"Kill radiation ogre and get 1 season point"

When he killed the 200th zombie, there was no more moving figure outside!

At the same time, the long-lost reminder sounded.

"Successfully repelled the first wave of attacks and got 500 season points"

"The second attack will be launched in ten hours"

Seeing the news, Xu Zhijian couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

It's over.

It's finally over!

After fighting for more than two hours, I finally survived the defense!

Because my body is in a strengthened state, I don't feel tired, but my nerves are always tense.

And the barrel of the pistol is also very hot.

If it weren't for the attribute bonus, it would have been scrapped long ago.

He immediately shouted: "Guys, there are no monsters here, where are you?"

"There are no monsters here either."

"ME-TOO, I can't see anything moving."

The five-man team responded immediately.

He laughed: "Great, all the monsters have been killed, we succeeded!!"

This was like a bomb going off.


"Are you sure? Are all the monsters really killed?"

"Yes! You can't joke about this."

The five turned around with anticipation and excitement, looking at him in disbelief.

Xu Zhijian affirmed: "Of course! I say it again, we successfully defended the wooden house, cheer!"

After about three seconds of silence, the five-member group burst into uncontrollable excitement.

"NICE!! Hahahaha~~!!!"

"Thank you everyone... Thank God..."

"We succeeded, we actually succeeded, it's incredible!"

The five-member group couldn't hide their excitement and hugged each other, crying with joy.

Anyone who can survive such a terrifying and unpredictable situation will be emotionally excited.

After a while, they hugged Xu Zhijian one after another and expressed their deep gratitude.

After all, it was mainly due to his efforts from beginning to end, and this favor was really too great.

When they were almost done venting, everyone sat together and fell into a brief silence.

Because their bodies and minds were exhausted.

The bodies of the five-member group trembled slightly uncontrollably, their lips were pale, and they were in great pain.

Marty took a deep puff of the water pipe and slowly exhaled, looking very happy.

It took him more than ten minutes to recover.

Then they started to discuss the unsolvable problem: How did those monsters get in just now?

"What happened just now?"

"Yes, how did those monsters get into the house?"

"Damn it, this is incredible, none of us felt it!"

The five people questioned each other in astonishment and sighed.

They were puzzled.

Xu Zhijian did not answer these questions, but looked around the living room, looking for the problem.

Leatherface, Buckner and others were able to come in, definitely not because of teleportation.

They are low-level butcher monsters who don't have that ability.

But what happened?

Was it sent in by the power of the evil god?

After thinking for a while, he suddenly set his sights on the entrance to the basement.


I almost forgot about this aspect.

Although the movie did not show that there was a secret passage below, I did not find it when I went in just now.

But when I was preparing for the war before, I didn't deal with this entrance and exit.

Because there is no other passage, it means the space is dead.

Don't worry about someone sneaking in.

Now think about it carefully, the only possibility for the monsters to enter is this!

That is to say, there is a secret passage that cannot be found at all!

Perhaps, it is related to the tomb of the Buckner family?

At the moment, this possibility can only be thought of, and there is no solution.

It is not that he is careless, not that he deliberately left it alone, but it is really unexpected.

No one can respond to a secret passage that cannot be seen by human eyes in advance.

But this is also a lesson learned.

In the future, when encountering such a situation, don't worry about whether there is a date or not.

Xu Zhijian said: "I understand, look there, the biggest possibility is this basement."

The five people turned their heads and looked at it, showing a more surprised expression.

"No way, isn't there no other passage below?"

"Yes, what's going on?"

"So it's this...?"

They talked a lot, some believed it, and some still felt it was unlikely.

But they couldn't explain it.

Because the only possible one at the moment is indeed this basement, and there is no second one that can be thought of.

Think about it again, even the monster has appeared, what else is impossible?

So those who didn't believe it soon believed it.

The five-member team volunteered to go over and nail the wooden board with nails, and then pushed a sofa over to press it down.

Once something wants to come out from below, it will definitely make a noise.

That way it can be discovered in advance.

Xu Zhijian was very satisfied with this, not bad, the young man is teachable.

He changed his expression and said: "Okay, now everyone hurry up and take a shower, eat something and go to bed."

"We only have less than ten hours of free time, and the second wave of attacks is on the way!"

As soon as these words came out, the five people who were originally excited and happy were stunned.

The smiles slowly turned into shock, confusion, and despair.

Wait... the second wave? !

Didn't they already repel the monsters? Why is there a follow-up? !

Marty frowned and said, "Why is there a second wave? What does this mean?"

Xu Zhijian said, "It's just what it says. Didn't I say it before? The evil god will launch many attacks."

"According to the organization's secret files, there are at least four times! Do you understand?"

"So take the opportunity to rest, and then hurry up to repair and reinforce the wooden house trap."

The five people looked at each other with frustration, and the breath in their hearts was immediately released.

I thought it was over, but it just started!

At least four attacks... Who can withstand this?

The first wave just now was so fierce. I saw a monster I had never seen before and almost couldn't stand it.

Will I be so lucky in the next three times? ?

No one knows.

But it feels like it won't happen.

Xu Zhijian said again, "Even if you are desperate, it's useless, because things cannot be avoided, and they must be repelled."

"So there is no need to waste time. You can fight better if you keep your physical strength. Do you understand?"

The five people nodded blankly.

That's the truth, but they just don't want to accept it.

Kurt was the first to take a deep breath and said: "OK, Xu is right, we need to rest quickly."

Marty echoed: "Yes, we may not survive if we work hard, but if we don't work hard, we will definitely die."

Dana, Holden, and Jules also sighed and accepted.

So everyone adjusted their mentality, took a bath one after another, and then had a delicious meal.

Eat and drink enough, go to sleep.

The five people were lying on the sofa in the living room. Although they were depressed, their physical fatigue was real.

Within a few minutes he fell into a deep sleep.

Before Xu Zhijian went to bed, he set an alarm for two hours in advance.

Then he walked to the window and took a look outside.

It was already after five o'clock in the morning, the sky was slightly bright, and you could see that there were corpses scattered outside.

I wonder how these things will be dealt with?

After looking at it for a few times, he returned to the sofa, hugged his weapon and fell asleep directly.

According to the rules, the idle period of the attack should be absolutely safe, so there is no need to worry too much.

Of course, you can't be completely unguarded.

He just closed his eyes and opened them again, opened the ranking list and took a look.

"1st place: Player code-520 (7700) points"

"2nd place: Player ID-111 (7100) points"

"3rd place: Player code-7521 (7000) points"

"4th place: Player ID -161 (7000) points"

"5th place: Player code-554 (6800) points"

"6th place: Player code-1145 (6800) points"

"7th place: Player code-1859 (6700) points"

"Participating players: 1145"

"personal information"

"Player ID: 520"

"Current ranking: 1"

"Current points: 7700"

"You can choose to unlock 15 existing props/abilities"

"Current armament: 7-

Infinite Bullets Real Damage Pistol-Human Body Ultimate Quality-Phantom Murder Room (Use)-Rebound Position-Editor-Friends-Jigsaw Game"

"Current level: first level"

It is 7030 points when entering the first level.

+50 points for unlocking a map.

Kill 200 monsters +200 points.

Defend successfully +500 points.

Then it cost 30 points to redeem various props and mechanisms.

Just right.

Looking at the scores of the other players, it can be inferred that the second, third and fourth players have also entered the final level.

I'm playing "Curse" on 5-20, and it's probably going to be close.

21-50, should be at the location of "Old Corpse in the Mountain Village".

It can be seen that there are indeed more masters in the second season, and everyone is chasing after each other, which is very tight.

Death is also more brutal.

There were initially 18,000+ people, but within ten days there were more than a thousand left.

Xu Zhijian turned off the ranking list and continued to sleep, while his mind was also rapidly studying what would happen in the second wave?

According to the prompts in the movie, there are at least fifty or sixty different kinds of monsters and monsters.

The first wave seems to have something in common.

They are all the lowest level humanoid butchers/zombies in horror movies, existences that can be counter-killed.

This is in line with the conventional setting.

Just like a game, the difficulty is gradually upgraded from the easiest until it is impossible to beat it without spending money.

Then the strength of the second wave will naturally be stronger and more fierce.

Maybe ordinary weapons can no longer cause damage?

Tsk, this is difficult to handle.

It’s not like we’re really playing games now, so even if we want to make money, we don’t have a chance.

And I don’t have many props/skills left, so I don’t know if I can survive until the end.


We can only hope that a miracle will happen.

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