People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 353 Survival Day 353: This time it's them

With thoughts, Xu Zhijian fell asleep unconsciously.

Instinctively, he still kept a little bit of thinking to be alert at any time, and he could call the police immediately if there was any situation.

The time passed very quickly during the sleep.

It felt like I had just fallen asleep for a few minutes, and I was woken up by the alarm.


Xu Zhijian stood up, stretched and yawned, and looked at the time. He had slept for eight hours.

It really felt like nothing.

He went to the bathroom first, and then woke up the five people.

They had the same feeling, thinking that they had only slept for ten minutes.

After eating and drinking, they started to work!

They carefully opened the door and went out to check the situation, and found that the monster corpses on the ground were gone?

"WTF?! What's going on?"

"It's so weird, was it eaten by something?"

The five people were surprised and talked about it.

If it weren't for the broken parts of the wooden house, they would have doubted whether the experience last night was true or false.

Xu Zhijian was very calm about this, because he had already guessed it.

Sure enough, this was obviously "refreshed".

He ordered: "Okay, don't worry about this, quickly disperse and find useful wood to reinforce the house."

"Be careful not to run too far, report immediately if there is any situation."

The five-member team obediently stopped worrying about this matter, and started to work with axes and saws.

Xu Zhijian walked alone to the left a hundred meters away and broke a tree with a spear.

Then cut it into a long wooden board as wide as a finger as possible.

While busy, a surprising message suddenly came.

"Random airdrop supplies were found, distance: 188 meters"


His eyes suddenly lit up, and he started to look for it immediately.

I remember that I picked up a total of two boxes in the first season, and now there is only one in the second season.

It's not easy to get another one.

"Distance: 189 meters"

"Distance: 182 meters"

"Distance: 175 meters"

"Distance: 161 meters"

A few minutes later, the supplies were successfully found.

Opened with anticipation.

"Multiple choice"

"Level: Advanced"

"Effect: You can choose a non-active damage skill or item from the world you have cleared, ranging from elementary to advanced"

Xu Zhijian frowned slightly.

This description is interesting, which means that you can only choose similar auxiliary abilities?

This is a bit tasteless.

He was a little disappointed, but soon he stopped thinking so.

Now whatever you have is good, who has the right to be picky.

It depends on how you use it.

It doesn't matter if there are harsh conditions, maybe it can come in handy at a critical moment.

Happy to put it away and continue working.

He returned to the hut with a pile of wood, put it on the ground and handed it over to the five-member team.

They were responsible for repairing and reinforcing the house.

And he was responsible for repairing and replenishing various traps, and exchanged all related props.

At the same time, he also transformed the bow that Jiang Youmei had used.

First, the bow body and bowstring were specially strengthened, and then it was made into a shape similar to a small bed crossbow.

This has two advantages.

1: It can be fixed in place and shoot continuously like a Gatling gun.

2: The power is greatly enhanced.

The sharpened wooden arrows can even penetrate the wood three points, which is comparable to the damage of ordinary pistols.

This idea can be successfully implemented thanks to the "Saw" copy.

The IQ and skills of the old man Jigsaw are absolutely top-notch. It's too easy to do these, just sprinkle some water.

While making it, Xu Zhijian couldn't help wondering how Jiang Youmei and others are now.

It's been almost four days since they separated.

I wonder if they are still waiting at Xiaoqiang's house, or have they found a way to return home?

What a pity.

There is no mobile phone signal here, and there is no way to contact them.

Based on his experience of surviving all the way, he knows very well that Jiang Youmei, Isabella, and Leon are all conscientious people.

They must have tried various means to contact him because they couldn't wait for him.


I hope they can return home smoothly as soon as possible.

After more than an hour of tossing like this, the stitching and patching are almost done.

Everyone sat together and replenished some energy.

Marty asked, "Xu, according to your experience, will the next attacks be more severe each time?"

Xu Zhijian nodded, "Yes, so you must respond with 200% attitude."

"My ability is limited, I can't always protect you, be mentally prepared."

The five looked at each other, wanting to say something but unable to.

It's really stressful.

Jules tentatively said, "Perhaps, we should take this opportunity to leave some last words, right?"

Xu Zhijian said, "If we really can't defend and fail, the earth will be destroyed."

"So there is no need for this, of course you can stay if you really want to."

The five nodded without comment, and no one really did it.

Time passed during the conversation.

Soon there were only the last ten minutes left.

Xu Zhijian checked the defense measures again, and then everyone followed the old rules to defend the point.

Eight minutes.

Five minutes.

Three minutes.

One minute.

The second wave of attacks, start! !

When the time was up, the sky, which was originally clear, was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

The light suddenly dimmed, like an autumn evening.

In addition, they also heard a series of tiger-like roars from a distance outside the house!

"It's started, don't be careless!"

Xu Zhijian reminded again, and then saw a black shadow suddenly jump out of the Crystal Lake not far away.

It was very huge and rushed over at a very fast speed.

In the blink of an eye, it was more than ten meters away and stepped on the trap.


But the black shadow just roared and easily threw the trap away.

It didn't seem to be hurt at all.

It can be seen how strong his physical fitness is.

The black shadow charged again, and Xu Zhijian also opened fire early and fired continuously.

Two shots.

Three shots.

Four shots!

It was not until he was hit by four shots that the opponent finally couldn't stand it and fell to the ground without any movement.

Finally, he could see what it was.

It was a very strange monster, very similar to the legendary four-in-one monster.

It was about 2 meters long, covered with black hair, and its head looked like a horse or sheep's head.

But it has a mouth full of fangs.

Red eyes.

What's even more outrageous is that it has huge bat-like wings on its back!

Xu Zhijian looked at it and wondered what it was.

After a moment, he suddenly had an idea.

If I'm not mistaken, this is the monster in urban legend: the Jersey Devil!

The prompt that came also confirmed this idea.

"Kill the Jersey Devil and get 1 season point"

The earliest record of this monster can be traced back to the era of Indian activities.

People called it the Devil Dragon.

Later, Swiss explorers renamed this place "Drake-Kill", which means dragon slayer.

Then, this monster often appeared in the pine peatland in southern New Jersey, so it got its current name.

According to a version of the legend, a lady in the mid-18th century gave birth to her thirteenth child.

She was very unhappy with giving birth again and again.

So she shouted: "I'm tired of children, let the devil take him away!!"

Then, the child immediately turned into a winged monster and flew away from the chimney.

Another legend attributes the birth of the Jersey Devil to a selfish woman who refused to provide food and lodging to the gypsies.

So she was cursed by the gypsies.

The cabin is still on the original site, but only the ruins of the base and other remnants remain.

In southern New Jersey, there is another different version of the legend.

It is said that a woman was pregnant for the first time and hoped that the child would be perfect.

But when the child was born, it turned out to be the ugliest baby anyone had ever seen at the time.

The mother was very angry and said that this was not my son, but the son of the devil, and may God return him to the devil.

After speaking, she went to the river and did something outrageous.

Later, the river was occupied by the devil.

Then there was something under a stone in the riverbed that would suck air, and when people swam by it, they would be sucked down.

They could not leave until they died.

After death, the body can leave without a soul and float on the water to be seen by others.

There are not only many legends about this monster, but also many sightings.

In 1840, the Jersey Devil was believed to be responsible for livestock massacres.

In 1841, similar attacks were reported, along with strange footsteps and screams.

In 1859, the Jersey Devil appeared in Haddonfield.

In the winter of 1873, sightings in Bridgetown caused panic.

It is said that Napoleon I's eldest brother saw the monster while hunting on his estate in Bordentown, New Jersey.

An officer of the U.S. Navy shot at the Jersey Devil while testing weapons at a shooting range in New Jersey.

But it continued to fly unscathed, frightening all spectators.

By January 1909, this period was the most extensive and widespread in history.

In the week from the 16th to the 23rd, thousands of people claimed to have seen the Jersey Devil.

Newspapers across the United States published the witnesses' accounts, and the entire state was in a state of panic.

All the processes were described in a realistic manner.

16th - Saturday, Woodbury Town saw a sighting.

17th - Sunday, Bristol Town, Pennsylvania saw several sightings, and hoof prints were found in the snow the next day.

18th - Monday, Burlington Town saw illogical footprints.

Some appeared on rooftops, and some suddenly stopped.

Several other cities also had similar footprints, none of which were common animals.

19th - Tuesday, 2:30 a.m.

Nelson Evans and his wife in Gloucester Town found the Jersey Devil outside their window.

According to the man's description: "It is about three and a half feet tall, with a sheepdog-like head and a horse's face."

"Its neck is very long, its wings are about two feet long, and its hind feet are like cranes with horse hooves on them."

"Its eyes are red, and it walks on its hind feet, but its front feet are raised. It didn't use its front feet at all when we looked."

20th - Wednesday, Haddonfield formed a special search team.

After searching, they saw the direction it flew away, and then at least two people in the area saw the monster.

21st - Thursday, the Jersey Devil attacks a streetcar and is driven away.

Poultry owners discover that their livestock have died mysteriously.

22nd - Friday, the last day of sightings.

At that time, many cities had fallen into panic, and companies and schools were closed and classes were suspended, and the whole city was on alert.

However, apart from sporadic sightings that day, there were no other terrible incidents.

After the terrible week of 1909, such incidents decreased significantly.

But it was not over yet.

In 1951, a local teenager in New Jersey claimed to have seen a humanoid monster and heard screams.

The most recent one was in 1991, when a pizza deliveryman in New Jersey described encountering the Jersey Devil at night.

Since then, there has been almost no detailed reports and news about this monster.

There are only two film and television works about it.

"The X-Files" + "Monster Files"

It is a relatively unpopular urban monster.

It is not specifically written in the Cabin in the Woods, and it is also a general term similar to monsters.

At this time.

Two more Jersey Devils came out of the lake and rushed over quickly.

Xu Zhijian calmly killed them, thinking that he could judge what the second wave would be from this monster.

If I guessed correctly, it should be the characters in various urban legends and ghost stories!

Then it would be really dangerous.

Because these things are much stronger than the butchers/zombies in the first wave.

Some are even immortal!

For example, this Jersey Devil needs at least two shots to kill it completely.

And it is still the most general level.

Bang! !

Thinking about it, there was a violent collision sound from the wooden house.

At the same time, Kurt shouted: "Fuck! What the hell is this thing! How can it not be killed?!"

He shouted in fear and shot continuously with the bed crossbow.

But the Jersey Devil had seven or eight wooden arrows stuck in his body, but he didn't fall down.

Still hitting the wooden house hard.

Xu Zhijian took advantage of the short free time and ran over immediately and shot it to death with a gun to rescue it.

"This monster is called the Jersey Devil. Although it is powerful, it is not unkillable. Don't be afraid! Stay steady!"

He explained while quickly returning to his guard point.

The five people's hearts skipped a beat when they heard it.

Although the origin of the monster is unknown, the fact that it has the word "demon" in its name is enough to prove that it is not simple.

Then, more and more Jersey demons swarmed in.

There were at least a dozen of them.




Except for Xu Zhijian who killed it ten meters away, the other defenders could not bear it.

The wooden house was buzzing and it was unknown when it would collapse.

"Damn! It's too hard to kill!"

"Our weapons are not good at all!"

The five-member team wailed nervously and fought back very hard.

Axe or fork hit the monster, which can break the defense, but can't kill it directly.

"Hahaha~ Finally killed one!"

At this time, Kurt cheered and shot fifteen or sixteen times before killing one.

And it was because of luck that he shot the eyeball.

But before he was happy for two seconds, two more Jersey demons rushed in front of him.

He hurriedly entered a state of fear again.

And Xu Zhijian tried his best to save the situation back and forth, and he was also very anxious.

This won't work.

What should we do? !

"Roar --!!!"

At this time, the tiger-like roar that we heard at the beginning sounded again.

And it was very close.

Then some other black shadows quickly ran out of the forest and attacked at high speed!

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