People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 354: Day 354 of Survival: What to do if you can’t stand it anymore

These newly appeared black shadows were faster than the Jersey Devil.

And they were not just running.

They could even jump around on the branches like monkeys.


The one in the front jumped up, drew an arc in the air, and then landed heavily in front of the window.

It was estimated that it had jumped at least ten meters away.


The black shadow roared again.

At such a close distance, it was clear what it was.

It was more than two meters tall and as strong as a cow, but covered with thick black hair.

There were two ears on its head, and its mouth was bulging to an exaggerated degree, full of sharp teeth.

A pair of eyes glowed with a sinister green light.


Xu Zhijian fired without saying a word.

The bullet hit the opponent's left shoulder, causing him to sway slightly backwards.


The monster roared and rushed forward, hitting the wall hard.

The wooden house trembled several times, and there was a sound of cracking wood boards breaking.

It can be seen how strong the power is!

Xu Zhijian fired two more shots at its head, and then he succeeded in killing it.

This is thanks to the real wound bullet.

Although it is mainly used to deal with evil spirits, it also has some effects on monsters.

Otherwise, it really can't kill the opponent.

Because... this is actually a werewolf!

It is the well-known monster.

This is also specifically shown in the movie, and it is ranked first on the list.

It can be seen that it has an influence on horror movies.

In the past half century, werewolves have undoubtedly become one of the hottest topics in Western ghost culture.

It is also a character and theme that horror movies prefer.

In fact, there are myths and legends about people turning into beasts in cultures all over the world.

There are fox spirits, jade rabbits, etc. in China.

There are lion people in Africa, leopard people in Peru, etc.

And Europeans have a special fear of wolves, so such a legend and culture have emerged.

In these places, wolves are regarded as deadly beasts, especially for the poor.

In ancient Greek mythology, werewolves were called "Lycanthrope".

That is, lycanthropes.

Described as huge, hairy monsters, addicted to blood, especially the blood of young girls.

According to legend, King Lycaon was turned into a wolf for disrespecting Zeus, which brought disaster.

Similar legends also appeared in England.

King John Lakeland was poisoned to death, which was related to wolf's head grass.

These stories linked werewolves with mysterious events, laying the groundwork for later legends.

In 1414, the Roman Church recognized the existence of this monster for the first time.

The news caused great panic in Europe.

But from 1520 to the 17th century, although the legend continued to spread, no one had seen a werewolf with their own eyes.

At this time, a mental illness called lycanthropy appeared.

It would cause people to fall into the illusion of being a werewolf, leading to a series of tragic events.

In order to combat monsters such as werewolves, witches and vampires, Europe launched a sniper campaign.

But no monster was found, but innocent people died.

More than 30,000 people died in France alone, and most of them were just poor people with genetic diseases or skin diseases.

In 1764, a village in France suffered several attacks by wild animals.

The survivors described the attackers as wolf-like creatures, but larger and more ferocious than ordinary ones.

King Louis XV intervened, believing that this was the work of the legendary werewolf.

So a search team was sent to solve the problem.

But the monster seemed very smart, not only could it dodge, but it could also resist the damage of ordinary bullets.

17 Gastin announced that he had successfully killed the werewolf with the silver bullets given by the priest.

The body of the monster was also in his hand.

He became a hero of France, but at the same time the body mysteriously disappeared.

Some said it was buried in the backyard of the Palace of Versailles, others said it escaped, and so on.

Despite the various opinions, there has been no more werewolf attacks in the village.

As for the whereabouts of the body, it has become an eternal mystery.

There are many films related to werewolves, but most of them are not very well-known.

The more well-known classics are "Underworld", "Van Helsing" + "Twilight"

And they have been declining for many years and have long withdrawn from the first-line themes.

And the Cabin in the Woods obviously refers to the former + folk tales.

One wave has not settled, another wave has risen, and before Xu Zhijian's exclamation has subsided, the third monster has come one after another.

Several relatively small black shadows came from all directions, very agile.


One of them stepped on the trap exactly.

This is a catapult-type mechanism, which will be triggered once it is pressed by a force of about ten pounds.

About 1.7 meters, the thigh-thick wooden stake will bounce up 90 degrees directly.

There are sharp iron nails at the top.

Once hit, the target's head or neck will be smashed to pieces.

The black shadow's head was hit directly, making a bone-breaking sound and blood and flesh splattering.

It fell backward and died instantly.

Then the same black shadows around it stopped sprinting and started to gnaw its meat instead!

In a few seconds, only the bones were left.

Then they continued to rush forward.

As the distance was very close, Xu Zhijian smelled an extremely disgusting stench.

It was all emitted from them.

Stay near the bodies of the werewolf and the Jersey Devil, and eat them frantically.

This is a humanoid creature.

Long ears, mouth almost split to the earlobe, full of fine fangs.

Walking on two feet like hooves, the sound it makes is like crying.

The skin is dark gray and wrinkled, covered with short hair and fungal patches.

It looks very festering.

This is a ghoul!

It is also a famous monster, especially in the Cthulhu universe.

However, the legend about them is even older.

It first appeared in Arabia.

It is said that this creature can turn into various animals in the desert to confuse humans.

As a member of the demons, they only eat carrion most of the time.

But if they can't find food, they will go to the cemetery, or lead humans to the desert to kill and devour them.

Not only in the desert, they also live in many underground tunnels in cities.

Usually concentrated in cemeteries and tombs.

Ghouls were originally elves, and were exiled because of their evil thoughts.

Because of its ugly appearance and harsh voice, brave warriors at that time did not dare to spend the night in the desert.

And it first appeared in the book "Pickman's Model" in the Cthulhu universe.

From the image point of view, it is completely borrowed from the Arabian legend.

And on its basis, it adds new features such as canine face and sharp claws.

And because it has signed a contract with the witch, it needs to hunt humans within a certain period of time.

And give the heart to the other party.

Although the ghoul looks ugly, it has decent wisdom.

It can deceive humans through language.

It can also turn into a human form.

Even in some legends, ghouls have many similarities with goblins.

Their caves are all passages leading to the dreamland, which are full of precious treasures.

This is also set in "Diablo 3".

And ghouls do not only refer to men, but also females.

And most of them are women.

They will transform into beautiful women, lure men into the dark and eat them.

This legendary monster appears in many themes.

For example, games such as "World of Warcraft", "Warcraft", and "Dungeons \u0026 Dragons".

Movies and TV series such as "Harry Potter".

And so on.

After the ghouls ate the corpses, they suddenly dispersed and disappeared into the darkness.

I don't know where they went.

But now they can't take care of them because the werewolves and Jersey demons launched a fierce attack.

Xu Zhijian couldn't stop fighting at all.

And the situation of the five-member team was even worse.

Except for Kurt who could barely resist, Marty, Dana, Holden, and Jules were completely exhausted.

They didn't even dare to fight back.

After all, the damage of axes and forks was too light for these monsters.

And they were so powerful that they could easily lift an adult man.

Once the weapon was caught when it was extended to fight back, the person would be dragged out together.

Directly died miserably.

So Xu Zhijian could only save the fire.

He kept moving back and forth like a spinning top to help, without even a breath.

Fortunately, his physical fitness was at the limit level and he could bear it.

Otherwise, he would be exhausted.

He didn't want to do this in vain, and thought quickly about how to break the situation!

Even, can he counterattack and take the initiative? ? !

At this time, Kurt, who was shooting arrows frantically, found a very strange situation.

Not far from the window, a naked girl appeared.

She was curvy and beautiful. She was the best of the best.

She was also very beautiful.

Combined, she was like a fairy who really came down to earth.

She made all kinds of bold movements that could make men completely unable to control themselves.

Whispered softly: "Hey BOY~~ Come and play with me, come on~~"

"Come out, it's very safe outside, I will protect you from any harm."

Kurt looked at it blankly, his eyes completely unable to move away.

He was very shocked why such a girl appeared, what was going on? ?

At the same time, his body also had very obvious changes out of control.

That is, the small-headed son began to control the big head.

The girl continued to bewitch him: "Come out quickly, it's the most unsafe decision for you to stay in the house."

"Look at me, isn't there any danger?"

"Come quickly~~ I will let you experience the most wonderful experience in the world, don't you want to~"

Kurt felt dry mouth and blood boiling all over his body.

It was too tempting, he couldn't bear it at all.

And what the other party said seemed to make sense, and he hadn't been attacked by monsters for so long.

Maybe, it's really safe outside?

What I'm experiencing now, could it be an illusion caused by being in the house? ?


At this time, Xu Zhijian came to the side and shot at the girl without saying a word.

The deafening gunshot made Kurt come back to his senses and found that the girl had disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a hideous and terrifying ghoul!

He was stunned for a while before he realized, turned out to be this kind of monster.

No wonder he felt that the situation was very wrong.

Thinking about the feeling I had just had towards an extremely ugly monster, that emotion disappeared instantly.

I even felt like vomiting out of disgust.

Xu Zhijian warned loudly: "That kind of ghoul can transform into human form, don't believe anything they say!"

The five-member team quickly responded to show that they understood.

Returning to the guard post, he picked up a bottle of mineral water and drank it all in one breath, then threw the bottle away.

I wondered what to do!

What equipment/skills can be used now? !

Does he really have to use that "defense barrier"?

To be honest, he really didn't want to use such a powerful prop now.

Because the more it will show its value in the future, it is definitely a good thing to save your life.

Once it is used, what should I do if I encounter a more ferocious situation than the current one?

But the wooden house is already shaky and broken.

It won't last long.

Xu Zhijian let out a long breath, calmed down his mentality, and browsed the exchange library again while shooting.

The second wave are all monsters in urban legends.

These things are stronger than ordinary monsters, but they are not completely unkillable.

As long as the firepower is sufficient, such as a squad of soldiers, there is unlimited ammunition.

Even if you can't kill the werewolves that ignore physical damage, you can try to prevent them from getting close.

It's no problem to defend without getting hurt.

But there is no powerful firepower in the equipment library, that's the problem!

However, as he watched, Xu Zhijian suddenly showed an excited smile.


How could he forget such an important thing!

It's like guarding a mountain of gold and silver, but you can't see it and have to go to work.

Now there is a way!

The thing that can make him so excited is naturally the three bodies of the Iron Blood Warriors on the fourth floor!

Although they are dead, all the equipment is still there.

At that time, they were specially loaded up so that they could be used later.

The Iron Blood Warrior's shoulder cannon is extremely powerful, comparable to a missile.

And there is no need to worry about the ammunition problem, it can be infinitely replenished with a special energy conversion.

As long as you have this thing, it's easy to deal with these monsters!

But the three brothers of Lion Camel Ridge are all dead, and I don't have the ability to revive, what can I do? ?

Xu Zhijian's mind worked quickly and he immediately thought of a solution.

So he spent 500 season points to exchange for the last remaining "returning customer" ability.

Then he bought the Thing (trial version)!

Then he selected the target of assimilation and parasitism as: the Lion Face of the three brothers in Lion Camel Ridge.


The Thing possessed him.

The Lion Face, which was originally shot in the head by his shoulder cannon, grew a hideous head again.

Then he instantly appeared in the wooden house and stood beside him waiting for orders.

This is the awesomeness of the Thing.

It cannot resurrect the dead, but it can repair and replace damaged parts according to the host's genes.

Looking at this burly and attributed body, Xu Zhijian was extremely satisfied, but he did not fight immediately.

Instead, he ordered: "Tell me how to use the shoulder cannon, wrist blade and all the weapon skills of the Iron Blood Warrior right away!"

The Lion Face obediently pointed to his head.

He thought about it and immediately understood what it meant. This meant that he had to put on the mask before he could teach.

So he hurriedly took out the Eagle Face's helmet and put it on.

But it's too big, like a size 40 foot wearing a size 50 shoe, it's impossible to wear it properly.

But it works just fine.

3D projection information immediately appears at the position of both eyes, super clear and realistic.

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