People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 356 Survival Day 356: Disappearance

"Fuck! Wake up!"

Marty hurriedly retreated and hid, shouting loudly, trying to wake them up.

Kurt also noticed the situation just now, and hurried forward to help pull him away.

At the same time, he asked: "WTF?! What's going on... What happened to them?"

Marty replied: "They were bewitched by the monster outside the window!"

"What?? Then how are you okay?!"

"I... I don't know."

The two retreated while talking. Although they had chainsaws and crossbows in their hands, they didn't dare to act rashly.

After all, they are good friends, and they must not attack so easily.

Holden, Dana, and Jules were still approaching step by step with a dull look on their faces.

Kurt shouted: "Jules, wake up, don't you recognize me?"

The three were naturally unmoved.

And their eyes began to turn a little yellow.

"Fuck! What should we do... Do we really have to do it?!"

"No! Wait a minute!!"

Kurt and Marty were so nervous that they didn't know what to do.

If they didn't fight, their friends would attack first.

If they fought, they would just kill him.

Does it really have to go this far?


At this critical moment, the lizard man outside the window was blown into a pool of mud by the shoulder cannon.

The trio's eyes immediately returned to normal and they stood there in a daze.

After a while, Dana asked in confusion: "What's going on... What happened just now?"

Seeing that they were really fine, Marty and Kurt finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Oh, he's dangerous!

Marty replied: "You were all hypnotized by that monster just now! Its eyes can control people's hearts."

The three were shocked and didn't realize that they were actually confused.

Bang-Bang! !

At this time, a violent collision suddenly came from the entrance to the basement blocked by the sofa.

The five-man team quickly turned around and looked over, each holding a weapon and highly nervous and alert.

I don’t know what’s going on. What monster is down there? !

Marty was the first to come to his senses and said, “Quick! Move the other sofa over to block it!”

Kurt and the others woke up as if from a dream, and immediately walked over to lift it up together, and then put it down to increase defense.

The violent collision continued, but it couldn’t break through for a while.

And there were several ghouls down there.

They were originally good at digging graves, and seeing that they couldn’t break through from the front, they did their old business.

They tried to sneak into the basement.

Unfortunately, not only was it reinforced in advance, but they also didn’t have stronger physical ability and couldn’t break through.

For a while, they were in a stalemate.

Horton asked, “What should we do now? Just keep watching?”

Marty nodded, “YES! The enemy can’t come up, so we shouldn’t take risks easily.”

Kurt reminded, “Hold your weapons, once the monster breaks through, try to kill it as soon as possible!”

The five people reached a consensus, holding their weapons tightly and staring at the basement carefully.

Outside the house.

Xu Zhijian and Lion Face were still fighting one-sidedly.

At the same time, three different monsters appeared.

The first one: the mummy.

This is a famous re-creation monster.

It ranks 16th in the list of "The Cabin in the Woods".

The ancient Egyptians believed in the afterlife, so they used a special method to prevent the corpse from rotting.

So that the soul of the dead can be resurrected.

They performed a series of treatments on the corpse to reduce moisture and kill bacteria.

For example, removing the internal organs, filling spices, applying resin, wrapping linen, etc.

The first and most important step in making a mummy is to remove the internal organs and brain marrow.

Because this is the most easily rotten part of the corpse, if it is not removed in time, it will cause overall deterioration.

Then put it in a special jar, usually four.

Representing four gods:

Falcon (human head and eagle body).

Jeb (human head and dog body).

Hapi (baboon head).

Duamtef (leopard head).

The legend of mummies mainly comes from the myths and religious beliefs of ancient Egypt.

One of the most famous myths is the legend of Osiris and Set.

Osiris was the king of Egypt, who taught people agricultural techniques and gave them prosperity and happiness.

Therefore, he was worshipped by people and regarded as the god of the Nile.

However, his brother Set always wanted to seize the throne, so he launched a conspiracy.

First, he invited Osiris to dinner and made a challenge in front of everyone.

Whoever could lie in a beautiful big box would be given it as a gift.

The king was encouraged by everyone and agreed to the competition to try to lie in the box.

However, Set quickly closed and locked it, and threw it into the Nile with him.

Later, the king's wife found the body.

But Set stole it again and threw it into 14 pieces in different places. So the queen found the fragments from all over the place and buried them properly.

Later, the king's posthumous son Horus was born.

When he grew up, Horus defeated Set to avenge his father and inherited the throne.

He dug his father out from different places, pieced him together again and made him into a mummy.

With the help of the gods, he resurrected his father.

But Osiris' resurrection took place in the underworld, in another world, so he became the ruler of the underworld.

Responsible for judging the dead.

This myth was originally circulated among the people, and was later used by the Egyptian pharaoh to deceive the people.

Since then, every Egyptian pharaoh will be made into a mummy after his death.

The most well-known film and television work is the "Mummy" trilogy.

Also known as "The Mummy" and "The Tomb Raider"

This is the reference in the hut.

Compared with zombies, these monsters are more agile and cannot be killed by ordinary weapons.

The second one: Dragon-bat

Ranked 20th.

This is a monster that combines bats and rats. It is ferocious and bloodthirsty and very fast.

Without wings, it is about the size of an adult male tiger.

It is mixed with many horror movie images.

But the main reference is "Graveyard"

Stephen King's work.

The general plot is:

"The story takes place in a textile factory located next to a cemetery. The protagonist Hall is a homeless man.

After arriving in the town, he applied for the night shift at the textile factory.

Although he had an income, Hall was very unhappy at work.

Because he was often bullied by his co-workers, and there was a lot of friction between him and the foreman.

One day, the textile factory decided to clean up the basement that had not been used for a long time.

Hall joined the cleaning team.

He was accompanied by a girl named Jane.

Not only was there a mountain of waste in the basement, but rats were rampant and the stench was overwhelming.

After finally clearing out a piece of open space, it was discovered that there was a mysterious movable door in the basement.

Hall decided to go in and explore, but unexpectedly, the team was trapped and unable to escape.

And the terrifying monster hidden in the dark also set its sights on them!"

This kind of dragon bat has average overall ability and is relatively easy to be killed by weapons.

The third type: fishman.

This legendary monster is very interesting.

In the movie, a supervisor of the sacrifice organization likes this thing very much.

I always hope that the other party can be summoned, but every time it goes against my wishes.

Until finally all the monsters came out, and the supervisor also "got what he wanted" and saw the fish man.

And was cruelly eaten by it.

The overall image is a monster with a human upper body and a fish tail in the lower body.

About two meters long.

It looks very ugly, with dark gray skin, covered with scales, and exudes a fishy smell.

The head is male, but the mouth is in the shape of a fish, full of fangs.

It is two extremes from the mermaids that the public thinks.

The former is very beautiful and makes people daydream, of course, the movie "The Little Mermaid" is not included.

That's a catfish that has become a spirit.

And the terrifying fish man makes people stay away from it, and run as far as possible.

The image of this monster often appears in games and Cthulhu mythology.

There are many legends about them in the world.

Most of the descriptions say that they are brutal, dull, have no independent thoughts, and even believe in some religion.

Around 1650, there lived a couple in Cantabria, northern Spain.

They had four sons.

When the father died, the mother decided to send one of the sons to Bilbao to learn carpentry due to financial constraints.

This son was called Francisco de la Vega Casa.

On Christmas Eve 1674, he went swimming with some friends at the mouth of the river in Bilbao.

Although he was said to be a good swimmer, he was swept away by the river.

He was last seen far out to sea and was later thought to have drowned.

However, five years later in 1679.

Some fishermen were sailing in the southern seas when they caught a strange creature entangled in their fishing nets.

Although they tried every means to catch it, it easily escaped capture.

In the following weeks, local fishermen reported seeing the creature as well.

Until finally luring it with bread.

When the creature was brought to the boat, they found that it looked like a young man.

With white skin and fine red hair.

However, there were some fish-like signs on its body, such as a scale that went from the throat to the chest.

Another scale covered the spine, and there seemed to be gills on the neck.

And so on.

The fishermen thought it was some kind of monster, so they immediately took it to the nearby Monastery of St. Francis.

After several days of questioning, the creature finally uttered a word, "Liérganes".

The meaning of this word is still unknown.

But this unusual event soon spread throughout the Bay of Cadiz.

The town had never seen any creature that matched it, and people speculated about what was going on.

After thinking about it, the only event that had some consistency was the drowning and disappearance of Francisco five years ago.

And he did have red hair.

A monk in the monastery speculated that the fish man might be the young man.

So he asked and was allowed to take the creature to the town of Lierganes.

Then someone recognized that the fish man was really Francisco.

Since then, it has lived with his family and lived a quiet and eccentric lifestyle.

For example, it always walks barefoot.

Unless forced to wear clothes, he always moves around naked.

His family has never seen him really speak, at most he would mumble to himself sometimes.

And he doesn't need to eat once a week.

And so on.

After living in this way for nine years, it went for a swim in the sea and was never seen again.

That's it for now. The earliest clear record of fish people.

Because of the bizarre nature of this legend, it was later absorbed and recreated in various horror genres.

For example, the famous Deep One in the Cthulhu Mythos is an image of this kind of monster.

In 1954, Universal Pictures released the first 3D movie "The Monster from the Black Lagoon"

Pulling the fishman to the door of the terrifying world.

He is considered the originator of fishmen.

However, there were still some eyewitness reports spread later.

Kuwait's "Torch" reported on August 24, 1980: A mermaid was discovered on the coast of the Red Sea.

The upper body is shaped like a fish, and the lower body is like a human being, with two legs and ten toes.

Unfortunately it was already dead when it was found.

In April 1990, "Wen Wei Po" reported: Scientists have made an astonishing discovery, the remains of a 3,000-year-old mermaid!

On July 2, 1991, Singapore's "United Daily News" reported that a 12,000-year-old mermaid fossil was discovered on the coast of Yugoslavia.

It was confirmed that this kind of creature, which had only appeared in fairy tales in the past, really existed.

Even our country's ancient books contain similar records.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas: Hai Nei Nan Jing" records:

"Bolu, Li'er, Diaoti, and Beiqu are all south of Yushui.

In Zhuyahaizhu, the inscription is carved, the face is tattooed, and the body of the painting is scale color, which is the shark."

"The Story of Ancestors" describes a woman:

"She is wearing a red dress, her hair is in a messy bun, and a red mane is slightly exposed behind her cheeks.

Holding his life in the water, bowing to the hand and feeling in love, he is a mermaid."

"Qing Gong Hai Cuo Tu" records:

"A mermaid is as long as a human being, with black and yellow flesh. It has arms and legs, eyebrows, eyes, mouth and nose, and its yin and yang are the same as those of men and women.

But it has wings on its back, is red, has a short tail and callus fingers at the back, and is slightly different from humans."

The image of the fishman in the cabin in the forest mainly refers to "The Black Lagoon" + "Frankenstein"

There is also some Cthulhu Mythos.

Xu Zhijian watched the fishman jump from the lake to the shore, but he could only crawl forward and chose to ignore it.

There is no threat at this speed.

He gave Lionface new orders.

Then the lion-faced body disappeared out of thin air.


And a mummy that was running towards him suddenly seemed to be stuck by something invisible and froze in place.

And the whole body floated strangely into the air.

There were also two wounds on the chest!


Then, the head was neatly decapitated out of thin air and fell to the ground.


The werewolf next to him immediately turned around when he saw this, roared and rushed over.

It can't see anything weird around it, but it can smell it with its super-sensitive sense of smell.

An extremely dangerous and strong smell!


The werewolf flying in the air was directly hit by a huge force and fell to the ground.

Then the whole face blossomed instantly, with flesh and blood splattering everywhere.

Then a blood-stained "long strip" was pulled out from its face and flicked out of thin air.

When other monsters around him saw this, they immediately rushed over to surround him.


A blue plasma cannon appeared out of thin air and blew them apart.

Xu Zhijian, who was standing on the roof, was very satisfied with this and couldn't wait to activate the stealth system.

The body disappeared instantly.

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