People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 357 Survival Day 357: Vulgar and Angry

Another wave of charging monsters paused subconsciously when they saw this.

But in the blink of an eye, their bodies suddenly formed a bow shape and were blown away by an invisible force.

They were firmly nailed to a big tree.

The Jersey Devil in the front struggled frantically, but unfortunately it did not move at all.


Then the head was easily beheaded.

The monsters behind died in the same way.

Then a stick more than two meters long covered with blood was pulled out by an invisible force.

The bodies fell to the ground one after another.

"Haha, cool~!"

Xu Zhijian, who was in stealth mode, praised secretly. This feeling was the same as the assassin or lurker in the game.

Invisibility, sneak attack, no martial ethics.

But it was comfortable.

Although the sixth star map has opened the invisibility technique, it is currently only level 0 and can only last for three seconds.

And it has never been used.

It is completely inferior to the equipment of the Iron Blood Warrior.

This feeling of close combat with cold weapons really makes people excited.

It was like one man guarding the pass, ten thousand men could not break through!

While he was amazed, two werewolves smelled the smell and attacked from the left and right.

He was not in a hurry at all.


First, he turned the shoulder gun to blast the one on the left into pieces.

Then he waved his spear and poked N holes in the one on the right, and finally shot it in the head.

Easily killed instantly.

At this time, several monsters took the opportunity to break through the door and rush into the house.

He immediately jumped out more than ten meters, which was the limit of his body, and now he has the equipment to help him.

It's like a superpower.


He came behind the monster and ejected the more than 50-centimeter-long wrist blade.

It was chopped into pieces like cutting melons and vegetables.

On the other side, the lion-faced man, who was also in stealth mode, was also slaughtering monsters crazily.

However, as they were fighting, a twisted black tree next to him suddenly moved.


The branches as thick as thighs became like octopus tentacles, directly entangled its ankles.

Lion Face struggled to break free, but it didn't move.

So he used his wrist blade to cut it off.

At the same time, he used his shoulder gun to blast the inexplicably moving tree into pieces.

Then a strange scene appeared.

The roots that had been scattered all over the place stretched out from the ground again and quickly grew again!

In an instant, it became a huge twisted tree again.


Then it stretched out multiple branches and entangled its hands, feet, and waist again.

Lion Face was very confused about this situation, he had never encountered it before.


At this time, a werewolf who smelled the smell suddenly attacked from behind, and its sharp claws scratched his back several times in a row.

However, let alone breaking the defense, not even sparks were created.

After all, even automatic rifles can't penetrate, let alone claws.


Lionface smashed the tree with his shoulder cannon without any hurry, then turned around and killed the werewolf with his wrist blade.

Then he stopped to observe.

As expected, the tree sprouted and grew rapidly again, and it was back to normal in the blink of an eye.

And there was one more!

Lionface had a question mark on his face. He had never seen such a scene before.

But it was clear that conventional cold weapons and artillery could not completely kill this thing.

So what should he do?

At this time, Xu Zhijian, who had killed some monsters, came quickly because he also saw this weird scene.

But he was not panicked at all, and recognized what kind of evil thing it was.

The name is funny and straightforward, called: Angry and wretched tree.

Intuitively, it is a tree spirit.

From the classic horror comedy "Evil Dead" series.

There is a clear appearance scene in the cabin.

From its characteristics, it can be seen that it is a demon monster, and ordinary weapons are really useless.

Bang bang bang!

So Xu Zhijian took out his real-damage pistol and fired several shots at one of them.

Holes were punched into the twisted tree spirit, and it withered quickly, visible to the naked eye.

Until it turned into a completely necrotic black dead wood.

"Kill the angry and wretched tree, and reward 1 season point"


Professional matters must be dealt with by professional weapons.

He killed another tree spirit, and he and Lion Face fought separately again.

At this time, a new species appeared not far away and came to the battlefield.

It was very short, about 1.5 meters.

The whole body was dark green, with long elf-like ears, a big nose, and a mouth full of sharp teeth.

The palms and soles of the feet were very huge, disproportionate to the limbs.

And each of them had a weapon in his hand, some were maces, some were spears, some were bows and arrows, etc.

Those with long-range weapons shot at Xu Zhijian.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh——!!

The arrows flew over like lightning, some hit him, and some shot at the tree trunk.

It penetrated the wood directly, which shows its powerful killing power.

Unfortunately, it was useless. Xu Zhijian was protected by the Iron Blood Armor and was completely unscathed.

He snorted coldly and aimed his shoulder gun at them, thinking that this kind of thing had indeed come.

Such a distinctive feature is exactly the well-known goblin!

They also appeared in the hut, but their names were replaced by goblins and evil elves.

They are common humanoid monsters in Western fantasy legends.

Most of them appear in the image of short, ugly, greedy and cunning.

Active in folklore, fantasy literature, games and other fields, it is an indispensable member of the game.

The origin of goblin can be traced back to medieval Europe.

Some studies believe that this word originated from Kobold.

They are mutated from elves or humans and are called: fallen humans or elves.

Goblin is very similar to goblin, but not the same species.

One is friendly to humans, and the other is bloodthirsty and greedy.

In many ACG works, evil goblins will attack humans with orcs and demons.

For example, the captured female adventurer... cough.

Even if they are integrated into human society, they are all images of profiteers.

They mainly live in the underground world deep in the darkness and have a unique order and system of action.

Although they are omnivorous creatures, they prefer meat and like shiny things.

Especially rare and valuable items such as gold coins.

Occasionally pick wild fruits, but will not actively grow crops, and their food sources are mainly hunting and plundering.

Although their cultural development is not high, they also have a certain degree of wisdom.

He has unique insights in mining and building underground buildings.

He is also very good at making traps and mechanisms.

There are few horror movies related to this monster, and only one movie with the same name, "Goblin", is relatively well-known.

But overall, it is also a rare monster among the rare monsters.

But they often appear in fantasy novels and movies, such as the famous "Lord of the Rings".

Especially in the field of online games, it is one of the monsters that always stay in the novice village.

Xu Zhijian bombed twice with his shoulder cannon, then jumped over and started killing with his wrist blade.

The goblins also couldn't see him in the invisible state, so they could only find him by smell.

But the bloody smell around was too strong to interfere with the information, and he was killed directly.

"Kill the goblin, reward 1 season points"

"Kill the goblin, reward 1 season points"

"Kill the goblin, reward 1 season points"

While he was killing randomly, he felt a slight vibration under his feet.

And it became more and more intense, as if there was an earthquake?

Bang! !

Before he could figure out what was going on, his body was suddenly pushed out by a huge force.

At the same time, a huge black shadow broke out of the ground.

Xu Zhijian fell heavily to the ground, but immediately stood up quickly to check the situation.

What came out was an incredibly large and exaggerated worm?

Try to imagine what the effect would be if a caterpillar was magnified thousands of times.

The exact length is unknown.

But the exposed part is at least seven or eight meters long and two or three meters wide!

The whole body is sweet potato color, the wrinkled body is like a cow intestine, and the head is in the shape of a huge sphincter.

There are densely packed fangs inside, one circle after another.

And there are many sickle-like pincers on both sides of the mouth, similar to crab claws.

Overall, it is weird and terrifying.

Good guy.

Isn't this the "Menggu Death Worm"!

There is a horror legend circulating in Mgu: a huge blood-red worm often appears in the vast desert.

They have very strange shapes and can spray highly corrosive or electric poisonous liquids.

They can kill any creature instantly.

Then, they pull their prey into the ground and slowly devour them.

Locals named it allghoi-khorkhoi.

It means giant intestinal worm.

American explorer Roy published a book in 1926: "Tracing the Footprints of Ancient People"

which brought this monster to the attention of the West for the first time.

He wrote in the book: Although people rarely see death worms now, locals firmly believe in its existence.

And the descriptions of those witnesses are surprisingly similar.

In 1932, another author introduced this monster again in the book "New Conquests in Central Asia".

But the author does not believe in their existence.

Czech explorer-McKeller is an expert in exploring death worms.

He searched for it in 1990 and 1.

In the summer of 2013, he even came for the third time to realize his wish of exploration. Based on the experience of the first two times, McKeller compiled a practical intelligence material.

This is a must-read document for exploring death worms.

He pointed out in it that the sausage-like worms are 5 meters long, as thick as a human waist.

Similar to the intestinal worms in cattle.

The tail end is very short, as if it was cut by a knife, and the tail end is not tapered.

The whole body is dark red, which is very close to the color of blood and Italian sausage. The crawling method is also very strange.

Either roll the body forward or dive into the ground and then jump up one by one.

If you want to see them, it is usually in June and July when the weather is the hottest every year.

At other times, the worms will burrow into the sand dunes and live a hibernating life.

Later, a British explorer Adam formed a team to look for it.

This operation was helped by friends and local guides.

The first destination was a dilapidated temple in the Gobi Desert, which was first discovered by McLean in 1990.

There were many monks here at that time.

Many of the news he learned were heard from these people.

Adam asked the herdsmen about the death worm along the way, although many people said they had seen it.

However, it is impossible to provide detailed living habits and locations.

Because according to witnesses, whenever it appears, it means death and danger, and everyone must flee.

It is a blessing to be able to survive by chance.

In the next few days, the expedition team came to an area that was said to have never been reached by explorers.

According to a local young man, the death worm was seen near a well three years ago.

And its traces can often be seen in the village.

Based on the information and data obtained, Adam and his team decided to try their luck to find it.

They squatted at three places where it was said to be frequented, and decided to search at different times of the day.

But day by day, searching for six or seven hours a day still did not find any clues.

So the expedition plan failed.

Later, some scientists believed that this monster was a skink.

But although this animal likes to live in the sand, it cannot secrete venom.

In fact, there are only two kinds of poisonous lizards: the Gila monster and the Mexican bearded lizard.

And they do not appear in Asia.

So far, the scientific community has different opinions on whether the death worm really exists.

This legendary monster, like the Goblin, is rarely seen in movies and TV shows, but is common in games.

The only horror movie dedicated to it is "M Ancient Death Worm"

A low-cost bad movie.

The giant sandworm in the sci-fi masterpiece "Dune" is based on its characteristics.

There are also shots of it appearing in the hut.

But it was just trapped in the containment box. It did not appear when it was released later, and its size was much smaller.


The death worm sprayed a stream of green liquid at Xu Zhijian.

He quickly dodged it swiftly.

The liquid fell on the surrounding trees, and it immediately burned with white smoke, and began to corrode visibly.

The effect is terrifying.

It can be compared with the acid blood of the alien.

He turned the shoulder gun to prepare for shooting, but at this time two werewolves and several lizardmen suddenly attacked.

There was no choice but to aim at them first and shoot.


The blue plasma cannon blew the monsters to pieces.


At this time, the death worm sprayed corrosive liquid again.

Xu Zhijian saw that there was no place to hide, so he didn't rush. Instead, he kicked a goblin that he had killed with his wrist blade away.


The liquid fell on the goblin, and the flesh and bones began to dissolve quickly.

After dodging the attack again, he was finally able to successfully turn the shoulder cannon and fire decisively.

The body of the death worm was huge, and its lower body was still in the soil, so it was too late to dodge.

It was immediately blown up, like a watermelon thrown from a high altitude.

Blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

"Kill the death worm and get 1 season point"

Xu Zhijian was relieved when he saw this. No matter how big it was, it would not pose a threat as long as it couldn't withstand the weapon.

Just thinking about it, a similar vibration came from the ground again.

He quickly dodged in advance, and then a death worm broke out of the ground from the place just now.

Before the opponent had a chance to spray liquid, he first blew it up from behind with a shoulder cannon.

On the other side, Lion Face was also attacked by worms, but he also easily dodged and killed them.

However, there was still an accident.

I thought these worms were all so huge, but I didn't expect that there were actually small ones.

About the length and thickness of a human arm.


This death worm lurking in the dark seized the opportunity and quickly sprayed liquid at Lion Face.

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