People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 358: Day 358 of Survival: I thought of a cool move

This time, the spray was not green, but a silver-like form.

This means it is not corrosive, but carries an electric current!

Lion Face didn't have time to defend himself, and was hit hard.


The stealth system failed directly after encountering liquid, and its figure gradually appeared.

But it was not electrocuted.

Because there is no water source on the Iron Blood Planet, the equipment is not waterproof, but the anti-electricity is top-notch.

It jumped over and stepped on the worm that was about to escape.

Because it was revealed, the surrounding monsters immediately swarmed and surrounded it.

Lion Face was not panicked. He took out the frisbee from his waist and threw it to the left, then turned around and fired at the right.


A bunch of monsters were blown into pieces.

A bunch of monsters were cut in half or beheaded, and fell to the ground in unison.

However, there was no way to take care of the air strike for the time being, fortunately Xu Zhijian helped.

When killing the Jersey Devil and the Dragon Bat, he realized that there was another flying monster.

It was more than two meters long, very black, and had two fist-sized red dots on its chest.

Very strange.

Because the environment was dim and the movement was too fast, it was impossible to recognize its specific identity for a while.

As they were fighting, one of the red-dot monsters attacked him.


The monster fell from the sky and rushed down like lightning in an arc. He jumped away quickly and aimed with his shoulder gun.

But the opponent was too fast to lock on effectively.

It sprinted into the air again, then circled for a moment and swooped down again.

This time Xu Zhijian did not hide again, but prepared to stab it directly in the face with a spear.

This way he could kill the opponent.

However, when the monster was about to rush to his eyes, a magical scene happened.

I saw that this thing disappeared out of thin air!

He was slightly stunned when he saw this, but he immediately understood what was going on.

It turned out to be invisible!

I didn't expect this kind of monster to have such a superpower.

However, the sound of the wings flapping could not be hidden. If the flying distance was low enough and close enough, it could still be heard if one listened carefully.

More importantly, the Iron Blood Warrior's helmet had multiple sight effects, so it was useless even if it was invisible!

The simplest and most commonly used thermal imaging could immediately reveal where the real body was.

The monster was seen deliberately flying around in circles, looking for an opportunity to attack.

Xu Zhijian pretended not to know what was going on, and deliberately stood there and turned his head back and forth to check.

The monster circled for a moment, and felt that it had found a flaw, so it quietly descended behind it and prepared to attack.

Puff! !

Xu Zhijian's movements were faster and more violent, leaving no chance for evasion or escape.

Turning around like lightning, a spear was thrust into the monster's chest, piercing it directly!

The monster made a sharp cry, struggled wildly for a moment, and then stopped moving.

To be on the safe side, he tried to chop off the opponent's head with his wrist blade.

But it ended up chopping nothing.

Because... there was no neck or head!

At this time, I finally recognized what this monster was.

I saw that this creature was at least two meters tall, with long black hair all over its body, just like a feathered man.

And there was no obvious neck and head, and the eyes were almost in the position of the chest.

It was the size of a fist and emitted red light.

This was a bit like Xing Tian.

In addition, there were two huge bat-like wings behind it!

The overall structure was abnormally weird and obvious.

If I guessed correctly, this is the legendary Mothman!

One of the top ten mysterious creatures in the world.

It was first discovered in 1926, and the witness was a young boy.

On the same day, three other men saw a black humanoid winged creature while digging graves around the cemetery.

On November 12, 1966, five men were working at a local cemetery near Clendenin, West Virginia.

During the period, they saw a black humanoid object appear from a nearby tree.

Then it jumped over their heads and flew away.

The five men were confused because what appeared was not a bird.

It was an unidentified creature that looked like a human but had wings.

Just a few days after this incident, more similar sightings occurred.

On the evening of November 14, 1966, a local construction contractor was watching TV in his house.

As he was watching, the TV screen suddenly became dark and many unknown strange patterns appeared.

Then he heard a loud noise.

It seemed to be a whine, like the sound of a generator.

And the dog at home was also barking.

So the businessman went out to check curiously and saw the dog shouting at the warehouse 150 yards away from the house.

He took a flashlight and looked forward, and suddenly saw two red round objects lit up.

It looked like a pair of huge eyes, or a bicycle reflector light.

The next day, the dog mysteriously disappeared.

Two days later, the businessman saw a news in the newspaper.

One of the people saw a strange giant bird walking into the forest of the town of Bo from the explosives factory.

A dog was also found lying on the side of the road, but it left after a few minutes.

The businessman immediately realized that it was his dog.

Why did he suddenly disappear?

On November 15 of the same year, near dusk, two young couples came to the abandoned explosives factory by chance.

They saw a monster with a pair of huge eyes.

It looked like a human, but was very tall, about two or three meters tall.

And there is a pair of wings behind it.

Between 1966 and 1967, at least a hundred people witnessed the strange monster Mothman.

But the most significant and bizarre sighting was the Silver Bridge incident.

In 1967, the "Silver Bridge" in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, broke.

Before the incident, a serious accident occurred on the main traffic route.

The vehicles on the Silver Bridge had to be changed to single-line traffic, causing traffic to be more congested and busy than usual.

At this moment, a sharp metal breaking sound rang out.

The bridge shook violently, some steel beams broke and fell, and the cars and passengers on the bridge fell into the cold river.

In just 45 seconds, the Silver Bridge completely collapsed and sank.

46 people died.

There is a legend that this incident was caused by the Mothman.

Some people said that when the steel on the bridge began to break, they saw a red light flashing across the sky above the bridge.

Because in the legend, this creature not only can fly, but also has the ability to be invisible.

More importantly, it is a doom spreader.

Wherever it appears, disasters will occur.

For more than 40 years, this incident has been regarded as a confidential file by the National Security Agency of the United States.

Almost no one knows what happened during that period.

The tragedy that happened that night has also become one of the biggest mysteries of the last century.

And those who saw the Mothman in 1966 either committed suicide or became mentally ill.

And basically they did not survive for more than half a year.

Very strange.

However, although many people have seen this monster, there are no photos.

The latest sighting time was November 24, 2015.

A Mothman sighting occurred at Concord Town Middle School in Boston, USA, which immediately detonated the global media.

Let this monster enter the public eye again.

There are some movies and TV shows about this legendary monster, but they are all very unpopular low-cost movies.

The most well-known one is "Monster Files"

Xu Zhijian pulled out the spear, and then continued to hunt other Mothmen through thermal imaging.

At the same time.

Inside the house.

The five-man team was temporarily safe because the ghouls could not move after hitting them for a long time, so they had to give up.

But after a few seconds of stability, there was another vibration from below.

And it was stronger and more intense than before.

They quickly prepared for battle again.

Boom boom boom--crack!

Soon, the floor and the sofa were pierced by a powerful force.

The death worm twisted and drilled out of the ground three or four meters, spraying corrosive liquid directly at them.


"Everyone get out of the way!"

The five-man team screamed and quickly fled.

Kurt, who was holding the bed crossbow, was the first to come to his senses. He raised his weapon and fired at the worm.

Although this monster was terrible, its body could not resist damage.

So the sharp wooden arrows could also break through the defense, and in the blink of an eye, more than a dozen arrows pierced its body.

And its lower body could not come up, so there was no way to effectively avoid it.


Then the worm fell heavily to the ground and died.


The dark green blood flowing out of the wound quickly corroded the floor.

Seeing this horrifying scene, everyone subconsciously stepped back two steps and dared not approach.

At this time, several ghouls also tried to come up, but were blocked by the worm's body.

And instinctively took over, and they couldn't help but start to eat.

But just after a few mouthfuls, they were stunned at the same time, and then fell straight down.

Streams of black liquid flowed out of their mouths, noses, and ears.

Then came an even more horrifying scene, and the body began to be corroded rapidly from the inside out!

Friendly damage was maxed out.

However, it was precisely because of the worm's body blocking + corrosive blood that other monsters were deterred.

Dare not try to come up from the ground again.


Outside the house.

Xu Zhijian pierced a lizard man directly with a spear.

When he instinctively wanted to pull it out, he found that the other party was holding the spear tightly with all his strength and would not let go.

And his eyes widened, emitting a burst of light.

He pulled and kicked twice, but the lizardman refused to let go.

At the same time, three more quickly surrounded him, staring at him with shining eyes.

It felt like a hungry wolf seeing food.

It meant "kill you with my eyes".

But in fact, this was an attempt to hypnotize Xu Zhijian with superpowers.

Unfortunately, the idea was beautiful, but the reality was cruel.

His current perspective was in thermal imaging, and he could only see red outlines.

He couldn't see any details at all, let alone eyes.

So this hypnosis was completely ineffective.


He easily blew several lizardmen into pieces with his shoulder gun and shook the blood off his spear.

Although he was currently in a one-sided rhythm, his previous comfortable mood was gone.

Because it was estimated that at least two or three hundred monsters had been killed, but the number did not decrease!

There were still piles of them rushing from all directions.

Among them were many new species, at least four or five more.

For example, Maping Guali.

This is a bipedal monster that can reach up to 2 meters tall when standing upright. It has a hard skin.

It is strong enough to defend against ordinary thermal weapons.

It also emits a maddening stench and screams.

It has only one eye and a huge mouth on its chest.

The original Mapinguali was an Amazon shaman who discovered the secret of immortality.

Then the gods were not happy with his discovery and turned him into a hairy beast.

It is said that it still roams the forests on the border of Brazil and Bolivia.

For example, the Goat Man.

This is a huge humanoid mysterious monster, half man and half goat, and is also about 2 meters tall.

There have been eyewitness reports in Alabama, Louisiana, Maryland, Texas, etc. in the United States.

Legend has it that he was once a goat farmer.

When local teenagers killed their beloved goats, he was lonely and angry and eventually went crazy.

Then he became the Goat Man, who specialized in killing bad children who were hated by people.

And Chupacabra.

Spanish: Chupacabra.

The mysterious monster that first appeared in Puerto Rico has been reported all over the world today.

Its name comes from the Spanish word for absorption, and goat.

They stand on two feet and have protruding spikes on their backs.

The eyes are large and are usually described as red.

Occasionally, there are also eyewitness reports that Chupacabra has wings like birds or bats.

Specializes in slaughtering livestock or humans and loves to suck blood.

Especially in the past two years, there are many Wendigos.

It is mentioned in the first level of entering "Black Forest Spirit".

They have many forms, usually thin and withered.

The huge skeleton is covered with gray dry skin, the eye sockets are collapsed, and the lips are torn.

The whole body exudes the smell of blood and corruption, as if it has just crawled out of the grave.

Or it is a transparent troll with bones and heart made of ice.

It is 20 to 30 feet tall, with a huge mouth full of sharp and protruding fangs.

When breathing, the breath passes through the jagged teeth and makes a harsh hissing sound.

The eyes are full of bloodshot, and there is only one toe on the one-yard-long sole.

The sharp claws on the palm can easily leave deep scratches on the bark, and the strength is unparalleled.

Wendigo eats everything, especially human flesh.

At present, at least more than ten kinds of legendary monsters have appeared, with different abilities.

Although relying on Iron Blood Technology, it is possible to continue to kill unilaterally.

But how long will this killing stop? ?

And the most important thing is that the cabin has become the target of a group attack, and it can't hold on any longer.

The flying monsters have been trying to knock over the roof with air strikes, and the death worms are spraying corrosive liquids.

If they hold on for a while longer, they will be finished.

The five-member team will die.

Xu Zhijian has just been in contact with them for a short time, and they don't have too deep feelings yet, but he doesn't want to watch them die.

If you can save them, you should save them.

But how to wipe out all the monsters at once? ?

He thought quickly while fighting, and when he subconsciously touched a weapon hanging on his waist, he suddenly got an idea.

A cool operation emerged in his mind.

Huh...maybe this method can work!

After a serious analysis, I think it is indeed possible. Even if it can't be completely wiped out, at least 80% can be killed.


That's it!

Xu Zhijian killed a werewolf that rushed over with his wrist blade, and at the same time gave the battle plan to Lionface.

Then he took off the weapon and threw it directly over.

Not far away, Lionface blew up a bunch of monsters in front of him with his shoulder cannon, and raised his right hand to catch them steadily.

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