People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 382 Survival Day 382: Madam, you don’t want to get hurt, do you?

After pondering for a while, Xu Zhijian thought of the words of the saw-headed hell monk in "The Cabin in the Woods".

"Why are you in this life form?"

I thought it was full of deep meaning, and now it feels even more wrong.

Damn it!

What do all these mean?

Is there really something hidden... or am I just overthinking?

Damn it, I can't figure it out.

I don't want to think about it anymore!

Xu Zhijian really doesn't want to waste energy on this kind of thing. Instead of thinking about it, it's better to wait.

Wait patiently.

At a certain period of time, everything will definitely be figured out.

He got up and left the beach and returned to the haunted house.

Looking around the living room, there was no situation, and the box was still in its original place.

So I thought to myself, if you know what's good for you, come out quickly and don't let me wait any longer.

Otherwise, I will definitely slap you in the face and kick your clothes open with one foot!

Then he cleaned up the garbage, went out to throw it away, and took a stroll by the way.

Not long after walking, he saw a middle-aged woman coming towards him.

The face was familiar, it was the neighbor of the second house opposite the haunted house.

She was holding two large bags in her arms, and it was obvious that she had just come out of the department store.

The two parties had only met and did not know each other, so there was no intention to talk.

However, as the distance got closer, the woman's footsteps suddenly stopped, and her expression became very shocked.


She couldn't help but loosen her arms slightly, letting the bag in her arms fall to the ground.

Xu Zhijian didn't understand what was going on, thinking that she suddenly felt unwell.

So he stepped forward to help pick up the things.

But the woman couldn't help but take two steps back, blinking hard and continuing to stare, the more she looked, the more fear she had in her eyes.

He handed the bag over: "Here, check if the things are damaged."

The woman came back to her senses and said in panic: "Ah? Thank you... Goodbye..."

Then she ran away like a fly.

Watching the other person's panicked back, Xu Zhijian couldn't help but frown.

What does it mean?

Even if she is more lonely and doesn't want to have too much contact with herself, there is no need to do this.

It was like seeing a ghost.


Could it be that... something appeared on his face or body? ?

That's why the other person was so scared?

Thinking about it, he hurried back home and went to the bathroom to look in the mirror.

But he couldn't see anything wrong.

The eyes were eyes, the nose was nose, still so handsome and charming.

It was indeed him.

And there was no reaction to the rebound position, which meant that there was no curse.

So why did the woman look so scared?

In order to get more clues, he thought of a good way.

So he went out again, ran to a crowded place, and deliberately got in front of others.

The little girls thought he was a pervert, and the little hooligans thought he was looking for a fight.

But looking around, no one was as scared as the woman.

The most was disgust and confusion.

"What's going on?!"

Xu Zhijian couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Why did others not act strange, but only the woman looked like she saw a ghost?

Is there something wrong with him?

Or is there something wrong with her?

No matter how you think about it, the second one is the most likely.

Because if there is really something wrong with me, then everyone will be scared, not just one person.

It can be seen that it is that woman who has a problem!

But why?

I don’t know her at all, let alone have conflicts with her.

There is no reason to do this.

Unless, she is related to Kayako, or even an accomplice!

Oh, there is another possibility.

That is, she has some superpowers, such as yin and yang eyes, and can see some strange visions.

Did she realize that she was carrying evil spirits or had been cursed?

That’s why she was so panicked.

Xu Zhijian analyzed it carefully for a while and decided to find an opportunity to test it at night.

Let’s see what tricks he wants to play!

Then he strolled leisurely on the street, and then walked into a small restaurant to eat.

Speaking of which, there is a very outrageous and speechless habit in the food culture of Xiaori.

That is the classic carbon water with carbon water.

For example.

In China, rice, noodles, steamed dumplings, etc. are all staple foods.

But here rice is the staple food.

Fried noodles and steamed dumplings are dishes.

The combination of the two is a set meal.

It's very strange, but the local climate and soil nurture the local people, and every country has its own specialties.

It's normal to think like this.

After eating and drinking, he strolled on the street for a while and took pictures.

Wait until about seven o'clock in the evening to return.

But he didn't go home directly, but hid at the corner and stared at the neighbor's house.

About fifteen minutes later, the woman walked out of the house with a garbage bag and walked over.

Came to the classified garbage bin, opened the lid and prepared to throw it in.


However, at this time, a black shadow suddenly rushed over and directly blocked her mouth.

At the same time, he pressed down and controlled her to prevent her from escaping.

The woman was scared to death and instinctively struggled hard, but to no avail.

Xu Zhijian whispered: "Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I just want to ask you a question."

"Just answer honestly, don't worry, I won't hurt you."

"You don't want to get hurt, right, ma'am?"

This... plus the current situation.

Damn! Why does it feel a bit similar to the plot of those educational films?

The woman nodded repeatedly after hearing this, not daring to refuse.

He whispered, "Very good, why did you look so scared when you saw me today? Tell me!"

The woman whimpered twice, as if to indicate that she should take her hands away first, otherwise she couldn't say anything.

He loosened his hands a little, but didn't raise them completely, so that if she dared to shout, she could cover them up again in the first place.

The woman said in horror, "Because... because you live in that house."

"I've heard people say... all the residents there will eventually die miserably."

"And those who live close to them will also suffer misfortune, so I was scared when I met you face to face."

Xu Zhijian was speechless, that's it?

So he asked seriously, "Really? Tell the truth, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

The woman hurriedly said, "It's true... really, it's because of this reason."

Looking at her, she didn't seem to be pretending.

That should be the case.

This is a bit disappointing, I thought there would be some exciting situations.

Xu Zhijian nodded: "So that's how it is. I understand. I'm sorry for doing this to you."

"I thought you saw something. In order to avoid running away, I can only resort to this. I hope you can understand."

The woman didn't say anything.

He let go of the other party and stood up, then took out 20,000 yen and put it down as compensation, and left directly.

Well... Damn, how come this action is more like an educational film.

The woman stood up hurriedly, looked at his back as he left, and then looked at the money.

Finally, she picked it up and put it in her pocket, patted the dirt off her body and turned to go home.

Although she was frightened and wanted to call the police, the other party gave almost 1,000 RMB at a time.

The compensation was quite in place, so forget it.


Xu Zhijian went home while thinking.

When there was still more than 20 meters away, he found a strange man wearing a hat standing outside.

He stared at the house silently, not knowing what he was doing. He immediately became alert and slowly approached without making a sound.

He stopped when he was four or five meters away from the other party.

You can see the general appearance of the man, just an ordinary middle-aged man in his forties.

This person frowned and stared at the house, not knowing what he was thinking or what he wanted to do.

Xu Zhijian stood behind and stared silently, wondering who this person was and what his purpose was.

What was the connection with this house?

After watching for a while, the man turned around and was about to leave, and he happened to see him behind him.

He was so scared that he stopped walking, and his expression was extremely surprised.

He couldn't help but stare and look up and down.

His expression was seen by Xu Zhijian, and he was even more confused. This person seemed to know me?

The man retracted his gaze and lowered his head to leave quickly.

He immediately stopped him: "Sir, do we know each other?"

The other party immediately waved his hand: "No, no... I was just passing by."

Xu Zhijian looked at his appearance of trying to cover up, and a possibility flashed in his mind.

He smiled and said: "Don't make excuses, do you know this is a haunted house?"

A person was wandering around outside the haunted house for no reason, and he acted like he knew me, so he must know some inside information.

It's good to come, I just want to ask something.

Sure enough, he guessed right.

The man forced out an awkward smile, which was considered as tacit agreement.

Xu Zhijian got straight to the point: "Tell me, do you have anything to do with me this time?"

The man shook his hand and said: "No, I just happened to pass by and came to see you. Is your house... okay?"

His eyes flickered when he spoke, obviously containing other meanings.

Others might think that this was a kind of concern, but Xu Zhijian understood the meaning very well.

He also said something with a hint of meaning: "I'm not doing very well. I've encountered some weird things recently, which are very scary."

The man seemed to have expected it and advised: "Sir, you should leave here quickly!"

"This house is really unsafe and scary. It will cost you your life!"

"So leave quickly before anything happens, otherwise it will be over and it will be too late to regret."

Xu Zhijian said: "Thank you for your kindness. Can you tell me your identity first? Why do you know that I bought a house?"

The man said truthfully: "Because this used to be my friend's house, and I used to be a real estate agent."

Oh~~ So that's it.

No wonder he knew the situation, he had a way to get the news.

Xu Zhijian asked back: "You mean you recommended the house to your friend, right?"

The man remained silent.

Obviously he was right.

At the same time, he sighed and shed two lines of hot tears.

Xu Zhijian was about to say that in order to make money, he even hurt his friends. This is more terrible than a ghost.

It must be "educated".

Seeing this, he was stunned for a moment, and saw that there seemed to be something hidden.

So he loosened his fist and asked: "Can you tell me the details?"

"Oh... OK."

The man hesitated for a while and nodded in agreement, and detailed the cause and effect of the encounter.

The incident happened nine years ago.

That is, the last victim moved into the haunted house.

At that time, the man was an agent who had just been employed for three months.

I didn't know much about the haunted house.

Seeing the company information of this house, I thought the location was good and the price was surprisingly cheap.

So he kindly recommended it to a friend who was preparing to buy a house.

They came to check it out on the spot and were very satisfied, so they immediately settled the sale.

Moved in that night.

Then, the horror began.

That friend was a family of five.

A son and two daughters, both eight or nine years old.

The first day was normal.

The next afternoon, when I picked up my children from school, I found a black cat doll inexplicably placed on the grass in the yard.

And it was cut into pieces by a sharp blade.

The couple didn't think much about it, after all, it was just a toy.

Maybe someone accidentally threw it in.

So they threw it directly into the trash can.

But at night, some strange noises began to appear.

For example, the sound of water dripping and the crackling sound of the TV, but there was no problem when I turned on the light to check.

Then the eldest daughter would either fall off the bed suddenly when she was sleeping at night, or someone would pull her thigh hard while she was sleeping.

The son had a high fever and strange red spots suddenly appeared on his wife's body.

All kinds of situations happened one after another.

The husband realized that something was wrong and all the strange things seemed to have started with the appearance of the toy.

So he searched the trash can and tried to find it and burn it, but he couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked.

After asking, they found out that his wife had thrown away all the garbage of the past two days.

They thought the matter was over.

However, when they got home from work the next day, they found that the black cat toy had strangely returned!

Lying quietly on the sofa, the tattered cat seemed to have a hideous smile on its face.

The whole family was scared and had no idea what was going on.

There was no chance to find out.

Because that night, they heard a strange sound similar to bubbles, which lasted for a long time.

It came from the attic.

Faced with such a situation, the husband had to take a kitchen knife and check carefully.

Then there was nothing else.

He screamed hysterically, and there was no movement or coming out.

Seeing this, the wife was frightened and hurried to call the police, but she couldn't get through, as if there was no signal.

Then, suddenly saw that the youngest son had changed silently.

His face became extremely pale, as if he was painted with a layer of paint.

But the eye circles and mouth were black.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle..."

And it made the bubbling sound that I just heard, and sprayed out bursts of black liquid.

No one knows what happened in the end.

When the intermediary man learned about the situation, it was already noon the next day, and the bodies of the friend's family of five were carried out by the police.

The death was extremely distorted and cruel.

The man didn't know what happened at all. It was not until he investigated later that he realized that this was a haunted house!

A cursed, absolutely terrifying haunted house!

So the friend's family was killed by himself.

After learning the truth, the man was heartbroken and quit his job to become a monk.

At the same time, he gave all his property to his friend's parents as compensation.

However, he did not let it go completely, but still secretly tracked the news of the haunted house.

In the past ten years, he has dissuaded three families from moving in.

It can also be regarded as a merit.

This time, he also rushed here as soon as he got the news, but unfortunately he was still a step late.


After listening to the man's words, Xu Zhijian nodded, feeling that it was similar to his guess.

From this point of view, the man is not bad, and killing his friend was really an unintentional act.

Alas, I can only say that it is fate that plays tricks on us.

The man wiped his tears and continued, "So you should leave quickly before you encounter any danger. Don't stay here any longer."

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