People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 383 Survival Day 383: Find out your identity

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Thank you very much for coming to tell me this. I actually already know it."

"The reason why I dare to stay is because I am an Onmyoji! I came here to exorcise demons."

The so-called Onmyoji originated in China and is a kind of practice school gradually formed by the Yin-Yang school and the Five Elements theory.

During the Tang Dynasty, Japan sent envoys to China to learn the Yin-Yang theory and the Five Elements theory.

After that, Onmyoji was a popular profession in Japan for an era, and people gained spiritual peace and social security.

In the ignorant period, it was considered the spiritual pillar of the entire country.

However, Onmyoji is still active and prosperous in Japan. Those who like the second dimension must know the name of Ampere Seimei.

But it has long declined in China.

The man was shocked when he heard it: "Ah? You are actually an Onmyoji? Really?!"

Xu Zhijian nodded: "Well, of course, there is no need to joke about this kind of thing."

"Haha, speaking of it, we are also in the same line of work."

The man was stunned for a moment, then nodded without comment.


Monks and Yin Yang Masters are also considered to be in the same system.

But are there really Yin Yang Masters who can use magic to exorcise demons as in the legend?

The man couldn't help but wonder in his heart, but he was very polite and self-aware and didn't ask directly.

Xu Zhijian also changed the subject and said, "I also heard that even if you don't live in it, people who get close to it will suffer misfortune."

"So, have you encountered any accidents in the past ten years?"

The man came back to his senses and said, "There is indeed such a saying, but it's strange that I haven't encountered it."

"Oh, really? Nothing happened from the beginning?"

"It seems... everything is normal."

"Is that so."

Xu Zhijian pondered for a while and thought of the most likely possibility.

That is, the other party is lucky to become a monk.

Every day, he is influenced by incense and protected by the gods, so that evil spirits dare not approach.

And according to the movie setting, Kayako and Toshio are powerful.

But they can appear and disappear at will, and the range of control is this house and the surrounding ten meters.

Because the residents have to go in and out every day after buying the house, they can be easily killed.

And those who just approached, or most of the guests who came once did not come again.

So in many cases, they could not be killed all.

He said this conjecture, and the man nodded in agreement.

At the same time, he secretly thanked himself for becoming a monk in time, otherwise he did not know what he would encounter.

Then, he took out a Buddha amulet from his pocket and said, "I have heard a lot about the power of Onmyoji."

"But... safety comes first."

"This is a talisman my master gave me. It has been blessed by the gods. Please accept it and hope it can help you."

Xu Zhijian took it and thanked him, "Thank you so much. I will keep it well!"

The man waved his hand, "You're welcome. I am also trying my best to wash away my sins."

"Although I believe you are powerful, but... I still suggest you leave. There is no need to bet your life."

Xu Zhijian nodded, "Well, don't worry, I know what I am doing."

"That's good. If you are really in danger, you can come to Shanquan Temple and maybe you can hide."

"Okay, I remember."

"Then I'll take my leave first. I hope you are safe. Goodbye."

"Well, goodbye."

After watching the man disappear from his sight, Xu Zhijian walked back home.

After resting for a while, he lay on the ground and began to knock on the ground bit by bit.

Judging where the problem is by the thickness or thinness of the sound.

Since the other party is still unwilling to come out, okay, I will take the initiative to look for it.

Let's see where it is hidden!

First search in small places such as the kitchen and bathroom.

Make sure there is nothing wrong before going to the living room.


He knocked the ground with his knuckles, and then put his ear on it to listen.

Usually the ground is solid, and the sound is heavy and dull.

As long as it is different from this feeling, there is definitely a problem.

In this way, all the free places were checked inch by inch, and no abnormalities were found.

Now only the cabinets, sofas, tables and other furniture are left

Xu Zhijian stood up and stretched his muscles, then pushed the sofa away to continue checking.

After there was no problem, he pushed the table again.

After more than ten minutes, the whole living room was messed up.

"Strange, why can't I find it?"

He frowned and glanced around, and only the refrigerator standing in the left corner had not been moved.

Walked over and pushed it away, and lay down to knock on the floor to listen.




A relatively empty sound came from the floor, which was obviously different from the sound in other places.

"Finally found it?!"

Xu Zhijian was overjoyed and knocked twice more hurriedly, then carefully looked for the gap of the entrance.

This was still easy to find, and soon he lifted a large piece of wood with the tip of the knife.


The old wood board rose up in response.

A rectangular hole about one meter wide appeared, and an unpleasant smell wafted out at the same time.

He shone a flashlight inside, and there was a ladder extending downwards, about two meters high.


Xu Zhijian jumped down without saying a word.

After standing firm and checking the surrounding environment, the space was not large, only about 20 square meters, and was covered with dust and cobwebs.

But that was it.

There was no dark room or corpse as expected, just a simple underground compartment.


All my efforts were in vain.

I thought I could find Kayako.

I sat back on the sofa disappointedly, picked up some snacks and started watching TV while eating.


At this time, there was a muffled thunder outside the house, and soon it started to rain.

He glanced at the window and continued watching the show.

Time passed by little by little, and it was soon midnight.

Xu Zhijian curled up on the sofa, listening to the sound of rain and closing his eyes to rest, but he didn't really sleep.

The room fell into silence, with only a slight and steady breathing sound.

I don't know how long it took.

A crisp sound suddenly came out of nowhere, which was extremely harsh in the night.

"Gurgle... Gurgle... Gurgle."

It was a very dull, strange sound similar to bubbles.

Xu Zhijian suddenly opened his eyes and jumped up from the sofa, grabbing his weapon and turning on the light in the living room.

Is it finally here? !

In the movie, Kayako and Toshio would make this kind of sound when they appeared.

Now I finally heard it!

But I didn't see anything after looking for a long time, and there was no extra object in the house.

The doors and windows were all closed.

He immediately checked everywhere, but there was nothing after walking around the whole villa.


Xu Zhijian couldn't help but curse inwardly, when will it come out, damn!

Where did the sound come from?

After thinking seriously for a while, his eyes couldn't help but focus on the box in the corner.

That's right.

It seems to be coming from it.

Thinking about it, he walked over and took out the telescopic spear and opened the lid.

There was nothing inside.


This situation was expected. He used the spear to directly chop the box in half.

Then he cut it into pieces like cutting tofu and set it on fire.

He was unhappy in the first place, so he just solved it.

Xu Zhijian lay down on the sofa again, played with his mobile phone for a while, and then closed his eyes to rest.

He really couldn't understand why he didn't come out on the third day?

What was the reason?

Was there any other purpose?

Just as he was thinking quickly, a ball of paper suddenly fell slowly from a certain position on the roof.

It landed right beside his hand.

Even if the movement was very slight, it could not escape his keen sense that exceeded the limit of the human body.

He immediately opened his eyes and sat up, and saw the ball of paper next to him at a glance.

He suddenly became alert.

He remembered very clearly that he did not carry any paper items with him.

There were none on the table before.

He hurriedly opened the note, and there was a sentence written inside: hide and seek.

The font was crooked, as if written by a child.

"Humph, finally there is some clue!"

Xu Zhijian sneered, holding the weapon and began to search the house bit by bit.

He did not find it in the living room.

He did not find it in the kitchen.

At this time, he stopped for a while and took out an ultraviolet searchlight from the equipment warehouse.

He had used it before in "1408 Phantom Murder Room".

Perhaps, changing the perspective can make a difference.

So he turned off the lights and flashlight in the house and started looking again.

He finally found something when he got to the bathroom.

Under the purple light, several dark marks appeared on the bathtub, corners, and floor.

They were obviously bloodstains that had been wiped off.

He bent down and looked carefully. They should have been left by the previous residents.

As he looked, he found four vertical scratches deep in the corner.

He didn't know what the other party had encountered at that time, and he was so scared that he made such a move.


At this time, a thunder suddenly sounded, and Xu Zhijian, who was concentrating, shuddered.

He left the bathroom and walked up the stairs to the second floor. As soon as he got up there, he found another ball of paper lying on the floor.

He hurriedly looked around, but still found no clues.

He picked up the note and opened it. It was the same sentence: hide and seek.


He cursed with a gloomy face, tore off the note and continued to explore.


When he looked around, the roof suddenly opened up unexpectedly.


At the same time, a staircase extended down.

He took two steps back, raised the UV lamp and looked up, and the dark cave emanated musty cold wind.

Is this an attic or a dark room? ?

Whatever it is, it is a good thing to have a new discovery.

Xu Zhijian turned on the flashlight, took a deep breath, held the weapon tightly and began to climb the stairs.

Creak... Creak.

The old stairs made a sound when they were stepped on, and his heart was hanging a point higher with every step he took.

He soon arrived at the dark room.

With the help of the light, he could roughly recognize that this was a storage room, with many boxes and groceries placed in it.

But no one had come to clean it for a long time, and a thick layer of dust was spread.

He adjusted his breathing and walked into the depths step by step.

The not-so-big storage room soon came to the end, and under the light, a black baby carriage was placed on the ground.

Unlike other items, there was no dust on its surface.

Xu Zhijian stopped and shone the flashlight directly on the baby carriage.

The thing looked normal.

But he knew it wouldn't be that simple, and considered whether to go over there or wait for it to make a move.

If the enemy doesn't move, I won't move.

Time suddenly froze.

At this time, there was a thunderous sound of rain outside the house, and a bright flash of lightning flashed, instantly illuminating the dark room.

The light disappeared in an instant, and only the purple light in Xu Zhijian's hand remained in the dark room.

After waiting for five minutes, the baby carriage did not move.

After hesitating for a long time, he slowly walked over and took the initiative to turn it with his spear.


The baby carriage slowly turned around, and he stared at what would lie inside.

His emotions fluctuated slightly at first glance, but he quickly regained his composure.

There was a plush cat doll in the car.

It was black.

The body was cut with cuts, and cotton was coming out.

The most terrifying thing was the cat head.

It was exactly the same as Xu Zhijian!

Grinning, his lifeless eyes curved into a crescent.

That look was extremely terrifying!

He has been through hundreds of battles now, and he can expect and accept such a weird situation.


With a cold snort, he raised his hand and shot directly.

The cat toy was immediately broken apart.

After waiting patiently for a while, nothing new happened.

He turned around and prepared to leave, but found something even more terrifying.

On the dusty floor... there were several footprints that did not belong to him!

I counted them and it seemed to be four.

The footprints were very small, probably the size of a three or five-year-old child's feet.

"Is it Junxiong?!"

Xu Zhijian was alert again, it must be that guy who was doing something in secret.

But why didn't he see it?

He deliberately tried for a moment, but nothing happened, and he couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked.

So he had to leave the darkroom and return to the second floor, using a purple light to look while searching.

The strange footprints just now made one thing clear: they are indeed here.

As for why they haven't come out, I don't know.

The rain outside the house continued to pour down.

Rainy night.

Haunted house.


A horror movie that appeared at first sight.

As he walked, he didn't know whether the purple light didn't work or there was no dirt in the first place.

From the second floor to the living room, he didn't find anything strange.

He believed that things were not that simple, maybe he was looking in the wrong posture, or maybe he hadn't found it yet.

He carefully checked the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and other places.

Still didn't find it.

Xu Zhijian turned back to the living room and found that the TV, which had been turned off for a long time, suddenly lit up.

It lit up automatically and silently and strangely.

On the screen, a rocking chair was creaking and rocking slowly, and a "person" was sitting on it with his back to the TV.

Judging from the long hair, it should be a woman.

He held his weapon tightly and did not dare to move rashly, guessing what would happen next.

But the rocking chair on the screen was still rocking, and the person on it did not mean to turn around.

After waiting for a few minutes, he was already impatient, thinking, do you want to play with you!

He directly used a pistol to shoot two holes in the TV.

The screen went out instantly.

Xu Zhijian felt unsatisfied, rushed over and chopped it in half with a spear.

Damn it.

You are Kayako, not Sadako, and you also want to play the trick of crawling out of the TV?

Find out your identity.

Bang bang!

At the same time, the door of the house was suddenly knocked hard by someone outside.

He quickly pointed his gun at the door, wondering what was going on, who was coming? ?




The knocks on the door continued rhythmically, but no one spoke or said anything.

It was a strange rainy night, and it was impossible for a normal person to come to see him.

There was no one he knew here.

He watched carefully as the person approached silently, ready to launch a counterattack on the other party.

However, just as he approached the door, the knocks outside suddenly stopped.

Only the sound of the rain was left.

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