People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 385: Day 385 of Survival: Baka!

This person is Fujii Matsuyama, the president of Tiangang Real Estate Co., Ltd.

For some reasons, he comes to the shrine alone every Saturday to pray and cultivate.

Arrive at 7 am and leave at 7 pm.

He has been doing this for more than ten years.

He walked leisurely on the mountain road, and kept circling a small sign in his left hand.

This thing is called Ema.

Ema, as the name suggests, is painted with horses, and it was roughly produced in the Nara period of Japan.

It is one of the most common prayers in daily life.

Write your wishes on a wooden sign about 15 cm long and 10 cm high, and offer it in front of the god.

In this way, pray for the protection of the god.

More than 20 minutes later, Fujii Matsuyama walked down to the parking lot.

Just as he was about to open the car door, he felt a sudden sharp pain in his neck.

At the same time, his eyes went black and his body fell limply.

Xu Zhijian, who had been waiting for a long time, grabbed him with force, stuffed him into the SUV and drove away directly.

All the people are gathered, and we can start!

About an hour later, we returned to the haunted house.

He threw them on the living room floor and went to the bathroom to wash up.

When he came out of the shower, he still hadn't woken up yet, so he sat on the sofa and waited patiently.

After a while, Ogawa Saburo and Fujii Matsuyama finally woke up in a daze.

Because they were lying face to face, the first thing they saw was each other.

Seeing their hands and feet tied like dumplings and their mouths wrapped with tape, they showed astonishment and confusion in their eyes.

"Woo woo woo..."

"Woo woo woo woo woo...!"

They made terrified whimpers, as if asking each other what was going on and what happened.

Then they saw Xu Zhijian sitting on the sofa.

As the chief manager of the haunted house transaction, Fujii Matsuyama naturally had the information of all buyers.

So he was stunned for a moment, and then recognized his identity.

A bad premonition came to my mind.

Xu Zhijian pointed the gun at his forehead: "If you want to live, answer my questions honestly, understand?"

"You can try to see whether you shout faster or I pull the trigger faster."

He tore off the tape on Fujii's mouth.

Feeling the cold muzzle of the gun, Fujii, who wanted to take the opportunity to shout, immediately became timid, and his lips trembled and dared not open.

Because it can be confirmed that this is a real gun, not a bluff!

What kind of identity is this person who can get such a powerful weapon in this society? !

Xu Zhijian asked with a gloomy face: "How many times have you bought and sold this haunted house? What's the matter? Tell me!"

Fujii shivered in fear and didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Tell me!"

Xu Zhijian's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Fujii didn't dare to hesitate this time, because he felt a strong murderous intent.

If he delayed for another second, he might be shot in the head.

So he hurriedly said: "I'll tell you, I've sold it six times in total..."

He told all the situations without hiding anything.

The first buyer was the Murakami family, a total of seven people.

The tutor Murakami Yuki first heard the iconic bubbling sound, and then the CD player jammed while listening to music on the balcony.

Then the strange sound got closer and closer, as if it was right next to her.

She was so scared that she wanted to run away, but she found that the house was suddenly dark and it was useless to turn on the lights.

Then, a black cat appeared at her feet.

She panicked and could only get into the closet. At this time, she suddenly realized that the sound was ringing again.

And... just above her head.

Yuki was really curious about what was going on, so she climbed up to check it out.

Then, there was nothing else.

The eldest son Murakami Zhiqiang, what happened to him was not shown, he should have been scared by Junxiong and disappeared.

His girlfriend was also cursed because she picked up his mobile phone and was unlucky enough to be killed.

The youngest daughter Murakami Kanna was originally going to school to feed rabbits.

But she died before she could successfully walk out of the house, and her chin was torn off by Kayako.

The body was also cruelly broken into several pieces!

However, even so, it still staggered up the stairs like a zombie.

Murakami's mother, Noriko, who was answering the phone at the time, thought it was her son who came back, so she went to check.

Then she saw the horrible scene of her daughter.

She was scared to death.

As for Murakami's father, grandfather, and grandmother, they never appeared.

But they must have died.

The second buyer was Kitada Hiroshi and his wife.

One day, Kitada Yoshimi received an email with a family portrait drawn by Toshio and Kayako's diary.

When she looked through the content, she was directly possessed by Kayako.

Then, she beat her husband Kitada Hiroshi to death with a frying pan.

And Yoshimi naturally died in the end.

The third buyer was Tokunaga's family, a total of four people.

One day, Tokunaga Kazumi, his wife, fell asleep on the sofa and was awakened by a burst of hurried footsteps.

But no one else was found to come in and out.

Because my mother-in-law is ill, she usually likes to do such things, so I thought she was making a noise.

But at this time, the mother-in-law sat on the tatami without moving, and then heard the door close again.

Kazumi followed the sound in confusion and found two handprints on the door.

They looked small, so they should be children's.

Then she found the black cat and Toshio, and followed them to the bedroom on the second floor with fear and curiosity.

In the end, she was possessed by Toshio and died tragically.

When her husband Tokunaga Katsuya came home from get off work in the evening, he found his wife strangely empty.

But before he could call the police for help, he was also possessed.

Not long after, my sister Tokunaga Hitomi also came back and found her brother sitting at the corner of the stairs not knowing what he was doing.

So I asked my sister-in-law where she was.

At this time, Katsuya still retained a trace of reason, and immediately drove his sister out with force.

It's a pity it's useless.

In the end, he, his mother, and his sister all died tragically.

The famous scene of Kayako appearing in bed was the first contribution from Hitomi.

The fourth buyer is Jibu's family, a total of six people.

The eldest son Jibe Atsushi was the first to notice the situation and saw an old lady wearing white clothes holding a basketball at home.

I thought it was grandma, so I followed her to check.

As a result, a mirror covered with white cloth appeared in the room.

Out of curiosity, he opened it to check, and then found his own reflection, which actually stretched out his hand to grab himself!

Then, his eyes became dull and lifeless, and he was directly cursed.

And the niece Jibu happened to see this scene in the future, and she became the person who suffered the worst.

One day, Jibe Atsushi molested his niece in the room under the pretext of checking his homework.

The mentally ill grandma heard her granddaughter's call and rushed over. She took Jibu Atsushi's hand and put it on her body.

The crisis was temporarily resolved.

Soon it was Christmas Eve.

Jibe Atsushi, who was listening to music in the room, heard strange sounds from his headphones.

After carefully distinguishing it for a while, I found that the voices were actually the voices of myself and Jibe Mirai!

That is, a prediction of death.

Then he was completely controlled by the curse and began to massacre his family.

The first is his father, Kentaro.

He walked into the room with a baseball bat and beat him to death with a series of crazy blows to the head without saying a word.

The second one is grandma.

He walked behind him and strangled the old man to death with a rope.

The third place is stepmother Miho.

He was smoking in the kitchen when Jibe Du walked in and stabbed him to death with a fruit knife.

The fourth place is sister Junzi.

Jibe Atsushi dragged her to the bathroom, poured gasoline on her and burned her alive.

Finally, Jibe Mirai.

He broke into the house and used a saw to cut off his niece's head alive!

After killing the whole family, he came to a wilderness.

Placed his head and a tape in a tree and hanged himself.

Before he died, he saw his niece's head sticking out of the bag and shouted: "Come on, I'm so scared~"

This conversation is exactly the same as what I heard from the headphones before!

The fifth buyer is an American couple.

This is related to the American version.

The overall process was basically the same, except that they later returned to Chicago and let Curse start its cross-border business.

The sixth buyer is Xu Zhijian.


These are just the victims who are specifically buying houses.

There are also many unlucky people who have been to the haunted house or come into contact with the people who live here.

For example, the Suzuki family, a housing agency.

Courier, police, nanny, student.


There were hundreds of people in total.

Without exception, all died tragically.

Xu Zhijian continued to ask: "Do you have some relationship with this haunted house? Tell me!"

Fujii swallowed and continued to explain tremblingly.

As guessed, he and the haunted house... It should be said that Kayako has a more amazing relationship than imagined.

Everything started more than ten years ago, and everything was connected in an unknown way.

At that time, he was an employee of Tian Gang Company. He had outstanding abilities and often became the monthly sales champion.

And he is a colleague of Tatsuya Suzuki from the first part of "The Grudge".

It was this person who sold the house to the Kitada Yo family.

Of course, the whole family died tragically in the end.

Before the incident, Fujii also followed him around the haunted house to check out the floor plan.

On the third night, strange events began to happen.

Originally he thought he was going to die, but Kayako stopped at the critical moment.

Said that he could be spared, but an agreement must be reached.

That is to keep selling this house so that more people can live in it.

The purpose is naturally to continue killing.

In order to survive, Fujii dared not refuse. He kept vowing that he would abide by his promise and complete the task.

Then Kayako spared his life.

It can be seen that there are real benefits to having excellent business capabilities.

At the beginning, Fujii was still a bit lucky.

I thought that since I had escaped and no longer approached the house, I would not be haunted by ghosts again.

So I didn't care about the haunted house for more than a month.

As a result, he had a nightmare the next night. Kayako and Toshio came to settle the score with him.

When I woke up from the shock, I found that although I was not dead, it was just a dream, but there were many fresh scratches on my body.

Now Fujii didn't dare to gamble anymore and began to sell this haunted house desperately.

They even used private money to subsidize the price difference as bait.

Within a week, we successfully found the successor, the third Tokunaga family.

After the other party's family died, Fujii had another dream.

Kayako told him that he was very satisfied and quickly made persistent efforts to continue to let more people live in the house.

But buying and selling a house is not something that can be done just by saying it can be done.

Fujii thought about it and thought of a damaging move.

Anyway, anyone who comes close to the house will be infected with the curse, so there is no rush to sell it.

Just trick people into coming in and taking a look around.

So, in addition to the police who came to investigate normally, the delivery couriers, etc.

40% of the victims were actually deceived by him, such as looking at the house, pretending to pass by, etc.

In this way, even if the house is not sold, the evil ghost can still kill.

And Kayako and Toshio were very satisfied with this. In order to "thank you", they promoted him to the president.

Although he has outstanding abilities, it is no problem to be a manager.

It is impossible to be the president. Even if the old president is willing, Tian Gang's tribe will not agree.

The reason why it was completed smoothly.

It is because Kayako killed the old president and a group of people and left them a will.

He must be arranged to be the new president.

On the surface, it is to thank him, but in fact it is to allow him to use more resources to let people live in the house.

In this way, two or three people were killed every month.

It lasted for nearly ten years.

But because everyone who lived in or near the haunted house died strangely without exception.

So this place became famous and no one dared to take over.

Until this month, Xu Zhijian, an outsider, bought it without knowing it.

Fujii was happy about it.

He thought that after dragging it out for so long, he had always tricked people to get close, and finally someone bought it.

Now the evil ghost can play hide-and-seek again.

And he can relax for a while.

Unexpectedly, four days have passed, and this young man is still alive.

And he has an automatic rifle and kidnapped me to the haunted house!

What is going on? ?

After listening to Fujii, Ogawa Saburo next to him showed an unconcealed look of astonishment.

Obviously, he didn't expect that there would be such a thing.

I thought the president valued me, and he handed over a very important business not long after I joined the company.

And the commission was increased by ten points.

Unexpectedly... In fact, he wanted me to be a scapegoat!

Baka! ! ! !

After listening to the narration, Xu Zhijian had a faint sneer on his face, without any emotional fluctuations.

Because everything was expected.

But I didn't expect that Kayako and Toshio would actually reach such an agreement with humans.

Hehe, it's interesting.

Fujii begged for mercy with a cold sweat: "I'm telling the truth... Please... Please let me go, you can have anything you want!"

"Money, stocks, I can give you anything as compensation."

Xu Zhijian laughed: "No need for these, what I want is the same as Kayako."

"So, let it take it for me."

After that, he directly wrapped Fujii's mouth tightly with tape.

Then he walked out decisively, locked the door, walked away quickly, and disappeared into the dark night.

"Woo woo woo woo...!!!"

Seeing this, Fujii tried his best to make a whimpering sound, not understanding what it meant.

Why did he leave suddenly? ?

What did he want... Why did he say it was the same as Kayako? ? ?

What does it mean? !

Ogawa Saburo also whimpered, twisting his body hard, and cold sweat broke out all over his body.

Because he seemed to have thought of the most terrible situation.

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