People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 386 Survival Day 386: Standard Pathology

Fujii Matsuyama screamed twice, and then he thought of a terrible idea.

Haunted house.


He wants the same thing as Coconut. this him? Even a fool can understand what it means.

The two men immediately looked at each other, seeing despair and endless panic in each other's eyes.


So he struggled even harder, trying to escape from this damn haunted house.

But how can human power resist the iron chain? It will be useless until the struggle is exhausted.

The two of them collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily, their faces red and covered in cold sweat.

What should I do...what should I do? !

Now the sky is really out of control, and the earth and the earth are no longer responding.

Fujii Matsuyama wailed at the same time. I also kept reciting some exorcism spells that I had been studying.

After reaching an agreement with Kayako, in order to avoid sudden death, he decisively joined the shrine.

In order to be protected by the gods and get rid of this terrible curse.

It has indeed been very effective for more than ten years, and we have been living in peace and harmony.

But I didn't expect that I would be kidnapped and taken to the haunted house again in this way today.

And we are about to encounter something we least want to see.



Come on, save me!

Just when they fell into despair, Xu Zhijian who left did not really escape.

Instead, he walked outside a house sixty or seventy meters away, jumped into the yard, and climbed onto the roof.

In the past two days, he had been carefully observing his surroundings.

I found that there were no lights on this house at night, and no one was seen coming in or out.

Apparently the resident has been away recently.

I didn't pay much attention to it at first, but I didn't expect that it would play an unexpected role this time.

He lay down and pointed his rifle at the haunted house, turned on the 10x optical telescope, then took out the iron-blooded helmet and put it on.

Activate special scan mode.

It can directly penetrate the obstruction of wood and easily see the situation inside.

I saw Fujii Matsuyama and Ogawa Saburo in a thermal imaging state, still lying on the ground struggling from time to time.

Xu Zhijian began to wait patiently.

This was the battle plan he had in mind.

Since Kayako and Toshio did not dare to come out because of fear, they would not stay in the haunted house.

Just use these damn people as bait and put them inside instead.

After Gaoyao appears, use real bullets to kill him from a distance, perfect.

Fortunately, the weapon has been upgraded and turned into a top-notch rifle, with a ten-fold telescope.

This distance can easily hit the target with one hit.

Not so with the pistol.

Not to mention the Predator mask provides perspective, as well as a more advanced aiming system.

It's trivial to pierce the Yang with a hundred steps.

If nothing else, the task will be completed tonight.

Time passed slowly minute by minute, and soon it was about half past midnight.

At this time, the lights in the room suddenly went out.

Suddenly he fell into darkness.

Fujii Matsuyama and Ogawa Saburo, who were already scared to death, became even more desperate when they saw this.

Now in a haunted house, the lights suddenly went out. It must not be as simple as something broken.


The two of them let out fierce sobs again, taking the opportunity to vent their inner fears.

I waited like this in fear for about ten minutes, but nothing else happened for the time being.

The two of them relaxed a little.

However, as soon as I let go of my hanging heart, I had to bring it up again.

"Cluck cluck... cluck cluck..."

Because a strange sound suddenly sounded.

Like bubbles, like hiccups, like deliberate humming in the throat.

Anyway, it’s very weird!

And I couldn't tell which direction it was coming from.

Saburo Ogawa didn't know what was going on, but Fujii Matsuyama knew what the sound represented.

Because I've experienced it before.

So his eyes widened to their maximum size, his body kept shaking, and he was extremely frightened.

Ogawa noticed the fear radiating from him, but there was no way to ask for the truth.

I can only tremble along with it.

The strange sound lasted for a while and disappeared, and then the two felt a strong cold wind blowing.

It can be felt that it is obviously not a normal wind.

Very cold and biting!


At the same time, a cat meowed strangely, and then they saw two green bright spots appearing directly in front of them.

Stay still and motionless.

It can be inferred from the sound and size that a cat appeared out of nowhere? ?

Saburo Ogawa was shocked and confused. He really couldn't figure out where the cat came from.

Just as I was thinking about it, that weird gurgling sound sounded again!

And you can hear where it comes from.

It's to my head? !

Xiaochuan had goosebumps all over his body. Even though he was scared to death, he couldn't suppress his curiosity.

Involuntarily, he slowly turned his head to see what it was.

Then I saw a dark figure crouching next to me.

Judging from the outline, he must be a child, because the light is too dim, so I can't really tell what he looks like.

That's the sound it makes!

Before Ogawa knew more about the situation, he suddenly felt a biting cold feeling on his neck.

It's like cutting meat with a knife in winter, it's extremely painful.

Because, the black shadow stretched out a hand and pinched his neck!


He couldn't help but whimper and his body shook violently.

Then he stopped moving again, his eyes were dull and lifeless, and then his body went limp and motionless.

Direct death!

He didn't know what happened until he died, and who killed him.

In fact, this was a bargain for him.

Although he had just joined the company, he must have known some inside information after taking over the haunted house.

But he still chose to sell it.

Fortunately, the buyer was Xu Zhijian, who would not die and could take the opportunity to deal with the evil spirit.

But if it was an ordinary person?

He would eventually die innocently.

For this reason, Ogawa Saburo deserved to die, and it was not unfair at all.

It was a pity that he didn't torture him properly, which was a bit unexpected and did not conform to the habits of evil spirits.

At this time, Fujii Matsuyama closed his eyes tightly and didn't dare to open them at all.

Because of fear, his teeth chattered and made a rattling sound.

He was about to urinate.

Snap... Snap.

At this time, a dull sound like a heavy object hitting the ground sounded.

It was very rhythmic and getting closer and closer.

Fujii didn't know what happened, but he was even more terrified.

While shaking violently, he could no longer hold back and wet his pants.

A smell of urine floated up.

The voice soon disappeared, and at the same time, Fujii's tightly closed eyelids began to slowly open uncontrollably.

It was as if there was an inexplicable huge force pulling.

A trace of blood soon flowed out.

"No... No!!!"

He howled hysterically in his heart, but he could not resist this force at all.

He had to open his eyes.


He saw the most bizarre and terrifying scene he had ever seen in his life.

He saw a pale face, tightly pressed against his face, only about three or four centimeters away.

Black cold hair fell on his face and neck.

His face was as white as a piece of paper, but his eyes were as black as two black holes.

A stream of cold air came over, making it difficult for people to breathe.

"Woo woo woo woo!!!"

Under the instinct of survival, Fujii burst into the most intense struggle and sobbing.

It seemed to be saying: Don't kill me, don't kill me... We have an agreement!

Please let me go... I will continue to provide you with a steady stream of people to kill, please don't kill me!

Please let me go!

However, this plea for mercy was obviously useless.

He immediately felt a pair of cold hands grabbing his neck and chin respectively.

Crack! !

After the last hysterical whimper, the room returned to silence.

Fujii died directly with blood spurting out.

His entire chin had been torn off, bloody and mangled, and he became a man without a chin.

This is the end of signing an agreement with a ghost.

The end of committing many evil deeds and constantly framing others for the sake of profit and self.


At the same time, a bullet pierced through the wall of the house like lightning, hitting the two black shadows squarely.

It was like a line.

It first passed through the chest of the small black shadow, and then flew out from the shoulder of the big black shadow pressing on Fujii.

They all let out a painful, piercing and weird cry at the same time.

But there was no time to dodge or react, and N bullets whizzed in.

The second shot.

The third shot, real damage.

The fourth shot.

The fifth shot.

The sixth shot, real damage!

In an instant, more than 30 shots hit various parts of their bodies.

All the wounds caused by real damage bullets emitted bursts of white smoke.


The small black shadow let out a miserable cry, and its body twisted a few times, then disappeared into ashes.

The big black shadow endured the pain and wanted to escape, but before it could hide, more than a dozen bullets hit it.

Then, it also let out a hysterical scream, and its body disappeared with a snap.

At the same time, the sniper Xu Zhijian not far away received a prompt.

"Qualifying match "The Grudge" challenge successful"

"Return in one hour/return immediately"

The plan went through.


He put away the rifle and the Iron Blood Mask with satisfaction, and praised his own wit.

The two shadows just now were Kayako and Junxiong.

As expected, they didn't come out because they were afraid of their own abilities.

You see, if they were replaced by ordinary people, they would come out and kill everyone immediately.

So he used his tricks against them.

Hiding in the distance and ambushing in the dark, this is even easier to solve than facing them directly.

Somehow, he thought of a funny joke.

"Eight hundred miles away, one shot killed the Japanese sniper"

The only regret is that I didn't see their appearance up close and record a video.

I can only see two vague human outlines through the Iron Blood Warrior's mask.

But it's probably the same as in the movie.

Xu Zhijian stood up and patted the dirt, and chose to go back without wasting time.

As he left, several neighbors were looking out through the window in confusion and caution.

The gunshots just now woke them up, and they didn't know what happened.

One of them called the police directly.

Soon, two police cars roared in and stopped at the door of the person who called the police.

The investigation officially began.

Horror Town.

"Homeowner: Xu Zhijian"

"Block: No. 666"

"Rank: Diamond (43400/60000)"

"Rank: 1"

"Exchange points: 14132"

"Rating: SS"

"Three SS achievements have been achieved, activating the three-consecutive extraordinary reward mechanism"

"Keep up the good work, achieve three SS+ achievements, activate the three-consecutive supreme reward mechanism"

"Tracking (5/5)"

"Level: Advanced"

"Effect: After use, you can detect the target's movement trajectory, with an error within 10%"

"Energy intake: 64/134 (100 points have been accumulated, which can be exchanged for 1 star map point)"

"This time, the fear aura is absorbed Information: 800 points - current cumulative 15268 - next item requires 20000"

"Repeat entry: Activate"

"The items that can be exchanged in the world of "The Grudge" are as follows"

"1: Curse Spreading - Spread the curse of the Grudge, specify the target to be infected and hunted by evil spirits - 1000 exchange points are drawn"

"2: Curse Spreading (trial version) limited to 1 time, limited to 1 target - 500 exchange points"

"3: Achieve A+ grade or above, get 5-star map points"

After reading the reward information, Xu Zhijian was quite satisfied with it.

Tracking skills are really good, which can save a lot of unnecessary trouble and time.

For example, in "The Grudge", you can find Kayako and Toshio in the first place.

No need to wait all the time.

Whether it is an evil spirit or a butcher, just locate and search directly.

Although there are errors, after all, it is in action, not a dead object that stays in place all the time.

Turn off the information and habitually open the forum to check the latest news.

The popularity of the second season has almost dropped, with only 20 to 30 discussions a day.

The hot topic that replaced it is about an expected person.

That is Zhang Huo.

This guy really got into trouble, and the most serious thing is: he died.

The cause of the incident is like this.

After he came back from the last regular copy, three admirers went to him to seek support.

However, this is just on the surface.

In fact, these three players took advantage of his relaxed vigilance and stabbed him to death together!

Then they were also wiped out by the Lord God.

Because they were purely malicious and committed heinous crimes, they were resurrected after being wiped out.

They still retain their thoughts and feelings and accept all kinds of unimaginable torture.

One trick a day.

I don’t know how long it will last.

All players who did not go to do the task dreamed of this scene, which was extremely real.

After waking up, they felt their scalps tingling and were scared.

According to everyone, it was unimaginable pain and torture, really unimaginable.

I don’t want to encounter it in this life.

After investigation, it was found that the three people actually had no conflicts with Zhang Huo, and they didn't even know each other.

The reason why they risked their lives to drag him down was purely out of envy, jealousy and hatred.

The thinking was also very simple.

It meant that everyone was dead and came to Horror Town, so why could he still be so glorious?

Why could he make others lick his ass and women willing to sacrifice themselves for him?

Why couldn't he enjoy such treatment?

Why? ?

First envy, then jealousy, and finally developed into endless hatred.

The standard way of laughing at others and hating others.

A completely morbid mentality.

So they thought that since they were all dead and couldn't get out of it, they might as well drag him down and die again!

So they pretended to be admirers to let Zhang Huo relax his vigilance.

Then they pulled out knives at the same time and stabbed him crazily, stabbing hundreds of times before stopping!

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