People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 387 Survival Day 387: Let’s have more fun

Although Zhang Huo is very powerful, he has already reached 60% of the Jade rank after completing the second season.

After playing about ten more books, you can get diamonds.

But it’s more because of good luck + brains + picking up good exorcism items.

It's not very powerful in itself.

Without the blessing of reaching the peak human state, he is only a little better than ordinary people in terms of fighting.

The most important thing is that it has no physical defense capabilities.

For example, the Golden Bell, Man of Steel, etc. can be immune to damage from cold weapons and hot weapons.

Therefore, he was severely punished.

The mortal body was stabbed with three knives one after another. In addition, he was careless and didn't expect it to happen like this.

Even if there were counterattack items, it was too late to take them out.

So he died in such a ridiculous and tragic way.

As soon as this incident came out, the entire Thriller Town exploded, as exciting as during the season.

No one expected this to happen. Isn't it too outrageous? ?

There was a lot of discussion for a while, and everyone felt in danger.

It wasn't until he saw the Lord God's punishment on those three people that he felt at ease.

Because anyone with a brain would never want to experience torture that they dare not even think about.

It was terrible... scarier than anything imaginable.

Xu Zhijian silently looked through everyone's comments.

"I never imagined that something like this could happen in Thriller Town. It's really funny."

"Isn't this normal? A few months ago, there were people who were killed because of fishing and killing."

"Although everyone is dead, if you come to Horror Town, even if you are resurrected, you will naturally still retain the character you had during your lifetime."

"This is the legendary saying where there are no laughing people and there are hating people, right?"

"Hahaha, good kill! That's what it was. Why did Zhang Huo get so angry? He deserves it."

"Everyone remember this person above and stay away from him."

"Fuck! There's really no comparison like this. Do you dare to tell me your real name and address on the fourth floor?"

"Once this comes out, no one will leak information about me in the future, ugh."

"One mouse dropping spoiled a pot of soup. I'm still thinking about hugging my thigh. I'll just hug my ass from now on!"

"Although those three people are sick, Zhang Huo also brought it on himself. Don't you know that people's hearts are sinister?"

"I don't know what Mr. Zhifan's attitude is towards this matter. He seems to have never spoken out."

"I think he is scared too, haha, just kidding, he will definitely not reveal his information."

"You can only rely on yourself from now on."

After reading other people's discussions, Xu Zhijian's mood was still very calm.

Because this result is expected.

I just didn't expect it to be so fast, and in a way that made me laugh or cry.

And Zhang Huo's death proved that his decision was correct. He would not expose himself until he was invincible!

Although this can't be completely pretending to be a slap in the face, pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

But overall the pros outweigh the cons.

You can show off whenever you want, no rush.

When will I be completely immune to physical and magical attacks, and will no longer be in any danger?

And the effect will be better.

For example, if there were people like those three who launched an attack, they would not be able to break through their own defenses.

That picture is fun.

Then he cleared his private messages again, and this time many were asking him for his opinion on the matter.

These include many of the top players in Season 2.

And he didn't hide it, and gave them his opinions very frankly: the time has not come yet, safety first.

This is very straightforward, and everyone understands what it means.

So they all wrote back to express their gratitude.

Many people actually think the same way, so heroes think alike.

Xu Zhijian closed the forum and turned on the music, ordered some delicious food, ate and drank, and fell asleep soundly.

In the next two days, he would go to where Zhang Huo lived from time to time to check on the situation.

There are obviously many players with the same mentality.

This place is like a tourist attraction, and many people come here every day for "pilgrimage".

He found that everything in the house was gone, wiped away by the Lord God, and made brand new.

It's like Zhang Huo never existed.

A newbie has already been assigned to live here.

The person who did something good couldn't help but tell the story again, and Mengxin was stunned for a while.

Good guy.

Doesn’t that mean you live in a haunted house?

Mengxin immediately expressed that he wanted to change the house, but unfortunately it was assigned by the Lord God and no one could choose again.

In addition, everyone is dead, and there is a hairy difference between whether the house is dangerous or not.

Speaking of this, he remembered a house in "The Grudge".

That house is my own property. Now there are no ghosts and it has returned to a normal house.

Let’s go back and sell it later.

Or you can keep it as a vacation home and have a place to stay when you have nothing to do.

After walking to the lake, he sat on the grass and rested for a while. He took out his tablet and opened the forum private message.

I sent a message to the person who ranked eighth in the second season and added me as a friend.

"Brother, let me ask a question. Did you see how the Lord God punished those three people? Can you describe it in detail?"

The other party responded ten minutes later.

"Brother is here, I can see it, but I really don't know how to describe it, I can't say it."

"Let's put it this way, it's a hundred times stronger than the most terrifying, horrific, and desperate thing you can imagine!"


Saying it means not saying it.

But there's nothing I can do about it, no one really knows how to describe it.

Every player who saw the picture seemed to have suddenly lost their ability to think and became illiterate.

I can't say anything else except that it's quite terrifying.

Xu Zhijian lay down with his arms as pillow, looked at the blue sky and began to imagine what the truth was.

A hundred times scarier than anything imaginable?

Are you really hungry and cannibalistic? Are you really desperate?

Is it really more terrifying than the Yangzhou Thirty and Jiading Three Massacres, leaving one’s head but not one’s hair?

Is it really more cruel than the 731 experiment?

Perhaps, the Lord God's methods are still much more "childish" than human nature.

Seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

Just after lunch that day, the new challenge started right after.

"Householder: Xu Zhijian"

"Block: No. 666"

"Rank: Diamond (43400/60000)"

"Ranking: 1"

"Exchange points: 14132"

"Pass rate: 49%"

"Mortality rate: 51%"

"Average rating: A"

"Main mission: Survive successfully, reward 100 redemption points"

"Side mission 1: Solve the spread of deadly terrorist elements, reward 1,400 redemption points"

"Side Mission 2: Kill or expel the terrifying aliens, and reward 1,000 redemption points."

"Side Mission 4: Achieve a rating of A or above and obtain 5 star map points"

When the figure disappeared, Xu Zhijian also felt very confused.

Wait...why didn't you say which movie it was this time?

What's going on? ?

When he came to the mission world, he habitually looked at the surrounding environment first.

I saw that I was on a road at this time, and some vehicles and pedestrians passed by from time to time.

You can see undulating hills in the distance, and the surrounding scenery is very good.

It's a typical American small town.

He continued to think as he looked at it, why wasn't he told what kind of movie this mission was?

Was it a mistake or was it intentional? ?

I quickly thought about my identity and information in this world.

It turns out that I am a newly graduated college student who loves astronomy very much.

The town we visited this time was called Piedmont.

I came here because of a recommendation from a friend I met who works at the observatory.

The other party has inside information.

It is reported that an artificial satellite is about to crash within this small town as planned.

Originally this was not a big deal.

But according to rumors, something mysterious is attached to the satellite!

So I couldn't hold back my curiosity and ran over decisively to watch the excitement.

After understanding the cause and effect, Xu Zhijian still couldn't guess which movie it was.

There are two sci-fi horror series that immediately come to mind: Alien and Predator.

But having already played in the second season, it shouldn’t be them.

Which work it will be specifically needs to be studied further.

It can be seen that the Lord God deliberately concealed the information.

Probably because I wanted to increase the difficulty and make it more fun.


Xu Zhijian also found it quite interesting and did not feel panic or worry.

On the one hand, it is due to pride in one's own strength, and on the other hand, it is inferred that it will not be too difficult based on the clearance rate of 49%.

As long as you figure out what movie it is, you will be able to pass it easily.

After thinking about it, he walked directly into a motel not far away.

It will be 3 days before the satellite crashes, so we need to stay there first.

After opening the room, he deliberately chatted with the boss: "Sir, I heard that there will be satellites falling here recently. Is it true?"

The boss shook his head: "Really? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"OK, thanks."

It seems that this news is still confidential, so there is no need to ask any more questions.

Then he left the hotel and walked around the town to get familiar with the environment.

This town is built between mountains and close to the National Forest Park. It was once formed due to mining and then gradually declined.

The current permanent population is only about 2,000.

The place is small and there are no special attractions. It takes only an hour to go from south to north.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

He found a flat piece of grass with a wide view and lay down, scrolling through his phone while waiting for possible accidents.

artificial satellite.

Deadly elements.

Alien bodies.

These three descriptions can summarize too much, and some more well-known films come to mind.

For example, "Deep Space Amnesia", "The Koloff Files", "The Surface of a Black Hole" and "Tearing People Apart"


Which ones will they be? ?

Time gradually passed, and at about eight o'clock in the evening, the moon was still bright and the stars were scarce.

Finally, I didn't know what time it was until I felt sleepy, so I returned to the hotel and fell asleep.

Repeat the next day.

Waiting is boring.

When I have tasks, I feel very tired, and when I don’t have tasks, I feel so idle. Humans are really cheap creatures.

During this period, he made two more phone calls with his friend who worked at the observatory.

But I haven't been able to contact him, and I don't know what happened.

Perhaps the leaked information was known to others and has been controlled?

Soon it was half past eight in the evening.

Xu Zhijian lay on the grass and looked at the stars. The weather was better tonight. The stars were so bright that one could even see the Milky Way.

Because I am an astronomy enthusiast here, I can distinguish the names of many stars and galaxies.

While he was looking for well-known celestial objects, he thought about his own star chart ability.

Looking at it this way, the tracks are really exactly the same.

At the same time, in a wilderness about five kilometers away from him.

A pickup truck was parked in the grass, and two young people in their twenties were also admiring the starry sky, one man and one woman.

The man was also an astronomy enthusiast.

Because the weather was good today and his parents were not at home, he took his girlfriend out to see the starry sky.

When the time is almost up, go home and do happy things.

He pointed to the sky and said, "Do you see that triangle? It is called Orion, about 910 light years away from the earth."

"That one over there is Ophiuchus, which is very close to us, about 6 light years away."

"Unfortunately, humans will never reach the close distance of astronomical units."

He explained with great interest, and the girl held his hand and listened with a smile.

As he was talking, the calm sky suddenly became abnormal.

A small orange-red light spot began to fall rapidly, like a meteor.

Getting faster and bigger.

The young man was stunned, and before he could react, the fireball had already hit the ground.


A loud noise and a fire sounded at the same time, and the falling place was only about a hundred meters away from them.

The girl was frightened and whispered: "OMG! What is that... Is it a meteorite?"

"It could be, or it could be a satellite, let's go and take a look!"

The young man excitedly pulled her and ran over quickly. This was the first time he had seen such a thing.

The two of them carefully came to the scene and saw that the thing in the pit was indeed a satellite.

The shape was similar to a square box, with white smoke, and the size was very small, about a little more than one meter long, wide and high.

The girl asked: "Should we call the police?"

The young man nodded instinctively at first, but immediately thought of something and shook his head.

He said happily: "No! I want to take it back and study it carefully. This is a great opportunity."

The girl hurriedly advised: "Let's not do it. The country must have detected it. It's illegal for us to take it away."

"Don't be afraid. When they send someone to find it, I will give it to them."

"Is this really okay?"

"Don't worry, baby. It's not a big problem. You can listen to me."


The young man definitely didn't want to waste this opportunity. He comforted the girl with kind words and finally convinced her.

So the two of them drove back and put the broken satellite in the trunk and left directly.

Five minutes after they left.

A black shadow ran quickly from the opposite direction. It was Xu Zhijian.

He saw the fall just now clearly, and it was much earlier than expected.

According to the information given by his friends, it will fall at least tomorrow night.

Why did it fall now? ?

When he rushed to check, he only saw a deep pit.

Nothing fell was seen.

"Shit! Is there someone else here?"

This situation was a bit unexpected. Who would be guarding in the wilderness in the middle of the night?

Someone from the observatory?

Or the police?

He thought while squatting down and searching patiently. Soon he saw some shallow footprints and tire marks on the ground.

So he immediately followed the traces.

No matter who took the satellite in advance, he should get it back first!

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