People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 388 Survival Day 388: Death

Xu Zhijian followed the trail all the way back to the town.

Then he encountered a problem. The tire marks disappeared on the asphalt road.

Where should he find the car? ?

He looked around but had no idea. He thought, should he use the tracking technique now?

However, it can only be used once during the mission. It would be a bit of a loss to use it rashly.

If he encounters a more serious situation later, he can only stare blankly.

After thinking carefully, he decided not to move for the time being.

Let's look for it again.

According to the current clues, it is inferred that the locals took the satellite, which makes it much simpler.

He will always find it if he looks for it one by one.

So he began to observe the tires of the vehicles on the roadside. If there is fresh mud, it means that it is the one he is looking for.

That one didn't have it.

This one didn't have it.

This one didn't have it either.

Just as he was looking, another large group of people rushed to the place where the satellite fell.

This is a group of soldiers with live ammunition.

They blocked the pothole and then dispersed around to check in an orderly manner.

Originally, there was a positioning system on the satellite.

But it failed at the time of the fall, and the reason is unknown.

A moment later, an officer reported: "The target disappeared and was suspected to have been taken away. Request for further instructions."

The headquarters quickly replied: "Continue to conduct a comprehensive search, including Piedmont Town. Do you need support?"

"Understood! Eagle Team One needs support."

"Support has arrived, OVER."

After the report, the man and others continued to search.

After confirming that there were no satellites within a radius of three kilometers, they boarded the armored vehicle and headed to the town.

At the same time.

The couple who picked up the satellite closed the garage door and began to dismantle and study it.

The young man first turned on the mobile phone to record the video, and then opened the outer protective cover with anticipation.

The main body inside is a round ball with football-like patterns.

There are many instruments attached to the surface.

Just as he was about to continue, a stream of liquid suddenly flowed out of it.

Black, sticky, and tasteless.

But it was flowing on its own.

If you have seen Marvel's "Venom", you can find that this thing is very similar to it.

The girl was surprised and said, "OMG... What is this thing? Why can it move by itself?"

The young man shook his head and said, "I don't know, maybe it's a soft-bodied insect or something like that."

"Will it be dangerous..."

The girl had just said half of her words when the pool of liquid suddenly jumped up and hit her face directly!

It was so fast that there was no way to hide.


She screamed hysterically and fell down, but the result was that the liquid got into her mouth again.


The young man was frightened and hurriedly reached out to pull it, but at this time another gray smoke floated out from the gap of the satellite.

A lot of it quickly merged into the air almost instantly.

When he breathed again, he suddenly felt a sharp pain all over his body.

It was like his nerves were compressed, which was quite uncomfortable.

Then, he fell to the ground, covering his head and shouting wildly.

Black and red lines similar to blood vessels appeared on his head, face, arms and other places.

In just about ten seconds, he stared with his eyes wide open and stopped breathing.

The woman also changed.

Thin and slippery tentacles emerged from the seven orifices and certain parts of the body, black like iron wire worms.

There were more and more things, and they were entangled together without any rules.

Gradually, she was completely wrapped into a cocoon.

Quite weird!

Xu Zhijian, who was still looking for a car, also found that something was wrong at this time.

Because a passerby who just passed by suddenly fell to the ground and twitched for a while.

Then there was no movement.

Carefully walked over and took a few glances, and found that the other person had stopped breathing and died.

But his face and neck were covered with black and red lines.


He immediately became alert and confused. What the hell was going on? ?

At the same time, he thought of the fallen satellite. Could it be because of it?

But what exactly was released?

He immediately got up and looked around, and saw that a few passers-by fell to the ground and died one after another.

The symptoms were exactly the same as before.

It was incredible and terrifying.

Not long after, there were five or six bodies lying on the road.

Not only that, those who were at home or in the bar were not spared.

They were also caught without knowing it.

People who were drinking and chatting fell to the ground and died one after another, and the noisy bar became silent in an instant.

People who were sleeping at home even died in their dreams.

The owner of the motel was watching TV, and he sat on the chair with his eyes wide open and died.

Everyone's face, arms, and neck were all red and black stripes.

And these were just the ones who died directly.

Some people did not die immediately, but suddenly became furious and bloodthirsty.

Their eyes glowed red, and saliva kept flowing out.

They attacked all their relatives, friends, and animals around them crazily.

Some people bit their pet cats to death and ate the furry flesh.

They died straight when they were halfway through eating.

People who lived alone could not find a target to attack, so they used knives or electric saws to hack themselves crazily.

The remains fell to the ground.

The blood flowed like a river.

A quiet town suddenly became a hell on earth!

However, no one knows the reason.

Xu Zhijian walked quickly with a rifle, listening to the screams from time to time, and didn't know what to do.


At this time, a dark shadow quickly struck.

He reacted very quickly and immediately ducked sideways, and saw clearly that the person coming towards him was a middle-aged man.

His eyes were blood red, his face was covered with black stripes, and he was roaring and attacking wildly.

Looks like a zombie.


He shot decisively and hit the opponent in the head.

Then something even stranger happened.

I saw that the other party did not spurt blood, but spattered a bunch of red objects that looked like powder.


Xu Zhijian frowned and was even more surprised. Where is the blood...where is the blood in the human body? ?

Why is there no blood except brain matter? !


This powder...could it be that the blood has become coagulated.

He immediately deduced the reason and secretly took a breath.


What happened?

I know it happened because of satellites, but I really can’t figure out the specific reason.

It can only be said to be evil.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard the high beams of many cars in the distance, and I didn’t know who was coming.

He came to his senses and hurriedly hid behind the house to observe secretly.

It was three military armored vehicles speeding over.

The army's appearance was expected, but it had only been ten minutes since the satellite fell.

And there is no military base here.

The speed at which it came was a bit ridiculous.

It can only be shown that the military has already prepared and waited for this moment.

The armored vehicle sped over and stopped on the side of the road, and pairs of heavily armed soldiers came down one after another.

About twenty people.

They advanced slowly according to the combat formation, explored, and were very nervous.

I had just seen various residents who had died mysteriously, and heard gunshots.

What happened to this town? !

While walking, the soldiers suddenly stopped at the same time.

Then he showed a very painful expression at the same time, and his face became distorted.

They covered their heads and fell to the ground one after another, roaring.


" me...ah!"

" head...!"

Soon, several people were seen dying quickly with red and black stripes appearing on their faces.

Those who were not dead stood up unsteadily, first biting the corpses, and then killing each other.

In the end, there were missing arms and legs, and blood and internal organs were everywhere.

Five minutes!

More than 20 heavily armed team members were all reimbursed.

No monsters appeared, no evil spirits appeared.

He died in such a weird way.

Xu Zhijian hid in the dark and witnessed the whole process, and keenly understood what was going on.

It can kill the whole town and the people nearby so quickly and without understanding the sound.

Relying on food and water sources is impossible.

These soldiers didn't eat anything.

An infectious disease similar to the zombie virus is also unlikely, too fast and deadly.

Then there is one possibility: spread through the air!

This is the only way to do it.

Thinking of this, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back, and he felt deeply frightened.

I don’t know why I’m okay for the time being. Maybe it’s the rebound stance that plays a role?

Or maybe it's because of a special physique.

But no matter what, I couldn't be careless anymore. I hurriedly took out the iron-blooded mask and put it on, and started the filtration system.

Then continue the search.

We don't know what element is so deadly now, but we still have to find the satellite as soon as possible.

Only by getting it can we find out the truth.

Now that almost all the residents in the town are dead, there is no need to look for them secretly.

Just go door to door and break in.

One family.

Two families.


After searching twenty or thirty houses in a row, all of them were found dead, but still nothing was found.

at the same time.

The footage of the deaths of those soldiers was also immediately transmitted to the Utah National Guard.

In the command room, the general and his colleagues witnessed the entire process.

Everyone was in an uproar and looked at each other.

Because it was so shocking and terrifying that all the good people were killed in an instant?

How is this possible? !

In shock, the admiral immediately issued an order: "Seal the town immediately and notify the biochemical laboratory!"

"Let the special operations team be on standby at any time, report to the federation, and seek stronger rescue!"

The men immediately obeyed the order.

Not long after, two men in white coats hurriedly walked in. They were the directors of the military's biochemical research department.

The admiral played the video again.

At the same time, he asked: "What is going on? Is it related to biological and chemical weapons?"

The two directors watched it several times and were extremely shocked, because there is no such awesome virus on the earth.

Instantly fatal.

And it turns the blood into a powder-like state.

This...this is incredible!

The elder director said: "Admiral, why did you send soldiers to Piedmont? Why were they attacked?"

"A satellite crashed there..."

The admiral told the story exactly, and the two of them suddenly realized and thought of new possibilities.

The young director was shocked and said: "Oh my god, could it be that the satellite carries a virus from outer space?"

The elder immediately denied it: "Impossible! No viruses or fungi can survive in a vacuum. There is no such condition."

"Could it be stored inside the satellite?"

"This is possible, but there is no such virus found on earth."

"That means it's alien..."

The two discussed for a long time without any conclusion, but they had roughly reached a common idea.

The admiral said seriously: "Listen, I need you to take people to the scene to investigate the truth immediately!"

"Just tell me what support you need, and then set off immediately."

"Yes, sir! No other needs."

They stood up and saluted, and immediately went to make preparations for the war.

The admiral then issued an order to block the news, and it must not be leaked before the matter is clear.

If the media knows about it, it will instantly explode the world.

Cause more unnecessary trouble.

Soon, he also received a reply from the federal upper level.

It also requires an immediate investigation, blocking the news, and reporting progress at any time.

Everything is ready.

Two armored vehicles roared to Piedmont Town. There were also 20 soldiers on this mission.

But all wore the best chemical protective suits.

Rushing to the destination without stopping, the two directors and their men began to live broadcast the investigation in real time.

And Xu Zhijian, who discovered the situation in advance, still hid early and observed secretly.

The satellite has not been found yet, but the army's rapid actions one after another are unexpected.

It makes him feel that the top leaders seem to know the truth and the consequences.

But what is it?

Damn it.

Why can't I think of what film it is.

He thought and observed in real time.

Seeing the weird corpses everywhere, the researchers were all shocked and panicked.

In all these years of work, I have never seen such an exaggerated and bizarre situation.

The older director squatted down to check the dead.

Then he reminded: "From the appearance characteristics, it should be a heart attack. Now do a blood test."

He cut the artery with a scalpel.

Although I saw the powder in the body of the dead through the video before, I was still shocked to see it with my own eyes.

They carefully collected a lot of them and put them in bags, and took them to the laboratory for research later.

Then they collected water, air, leftover food and other items.

And two bodies.

The last two directors returned with their things, and the remaining soldiers continued to search for the whereabouts of the satellite.


Twenty minutes later, the National Guard Biochemical Laboratory.

They put the collected materials into a glass test box and operated them with a mechanical arm outside.

After studying for a while, they put in mice for live experiments.

The healthy mice immediately fell to the ground after contacting the air, twitched a few times and died directly.

It took a total of nine seconds.

The instrument showed that its blood had coagulated, just like those dead residents.

The elderly director said: "Confirm the air transmission route, now extract the harmful air and conduct a second round of experiments."

Another brand new mouse was put in.

But it didn't die.

This time it was confirmed that dead objects are not contagious, but the stress of this virus is very confusing again.

Is it through the lungs or skin contact?

He directed again: "Conduct a radioactive experiment, start the scintillation counter, and conduct environmental contact with the experimental body."

After a series of operations, the second mouse also died.

So far, it can be confirmed that it is transmitted through the lungs and then merged into the blood to coagulate it.

It means a cerebral infarction.

The young director said: "Sir, how about we try heparin?"

The older director nodded: "Okay, collect samples and stain them with HE and PAS staining."

"Also use NISSL staining and CAJAL gold plating method to analyze nerve tissue slices!"

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