People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 391 Survival Day 391: The little thing is quite unique (one million words!)

The girl walked over and touched the man's chest, muttering to herself.

"It's much worse than the perfect man just now, but it's okay. Come on, let's have sex."

"Ah...?? This won't work." The middle-aged man subconsciously took two steps back.

"Come on!"

The girl pushed him down and tried to take off his shorts, but he resisted hard.

He had recovered from the shock and was not overwhelmed by the impulse.

It's not that he is so Liu Xiahui.

It's because he is married and has children, and he has to be responsible for the family.

He is a good husband.

Besides, it's obviously a problem to have sex with a woman who suddenly appeared out of nowhere without saying anything.

Maybe it's a trap designed by someone, or the other party has AIDS or something.

You can't regret it for a lifetime just for a little pleasure.

When they were in a stalemate, a woman walked over and said, "What happened? Why are there other women's voices?"

The girl didn't expect that there was someone else at home, and she was deeply disappointed, so she had to give up and wrap herself in a bath towel.

Yi Yue jumped out of the fence and ran away.

The man's wife came out and looked at him in confusion: "Why are you lying on the ground? Whose voice is that?"

"No...Nothing, I accidentally fell."

The man stood up in a daze and looked at the direction where the girl went away.

Still didn't understand what was going on.

Both shocked, incredible, and a little disappointed.

What a pity... Such a good opportunity.

He took two deep breaths to adjust his mentality, and directly picked up his wife as a princess.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"The children are not here now, such a good opportunity to be alone, what do you think?"


The couple understood and returned to the bedroom and closed the door.

I couldn't stand being seduced by the girl just now, so I'll be gentle with my wife.


The girl returned to the hotel smoothly all the way, and began to have indescribable pictures while lying on the bed.

The fantasy target was Xu Zhijian.

The more she thought about it, the more unbearable it was, and the stronger the feeling became.

She closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down, and then tried her best to sense the location of the target.

Can't delay any longer.

We must get it done tonight!

The sixth sense gradually responded, and a series of slide-like images appeared in my mind.

I vaguely saw the other person's figure.

This ability is similar to animals finding mates.

With just a hair or smell, you can track thousands of miles and accurately find that one.

Then, she turned on the TV and watched casually.

Soon she found a beauty program that was teaching women how to show their charm to the greatest extent.

The girl watched with interest and had a plan in mind.

Without saying much, she left the hotel again and went to a clothing store to buy very sexy clothes.

Then she put on makeup.

She was originally a stunning beauty, and she was even more beautiful and charming after dressing up so carefully.

Unknowingly, it was eight o'clock in the evening.

The girl walked and searched with her sixth sense. Not long after walking, she was stopped by three ruffians.

Lao Hei teased: "Hey lady, where are you going? How about we play together tonight?"

"Hehe, that's right, we will definitely make you go to heaven." Another companion echoed.

"No, you have defects."

The girl shook her head calmly, realizing that the three were drug addicts and their bodies were completely useless.

Niger had a sly smile on his face: "Defects? What are you talking about? We are very powerful."

"Don't think about going anywhere today, baby, we will give you money, understand?"

She was too lazy to waste time and just wanted to leave quickly.

But the three ruffians were relentless and even started to pull her.

Touto was testing the edge of death.

The girl sneered at this and said: "OK, go anywhere, whatever you want."

"GOOD! That's right, beauty."

Several people walked into the alley not far away.

She hugged Niger's head and started kissing, causing the other two to scream in dissatisfaction immediately.

They all said to let me have some fun first.

But soon they couldn't shout anymore, because Niger's head was directly pierced by his tongue!

Blood and flesh splattered.

The body fell straight to the ground and GG was hit.

"FUCK...what did you do?!!"


The two hooligans were shocked and scared, and couldn't help but take a few steps back, thinking what the hell is this? !

What on earth was it that blew their companion's head off?

It looked like a tongue? !


The girl's slender and sharp tongue flew out like lightning, first piercing the white man's neck.

Then she ripped open the last one's belly.

The two didn't even have a chance to react, and fell to the ground with a muffled sound, spewing blood and died.

It took three seconds to get everything done.

She slowly retracted her tongue to return to her original state, took the money in their pockets and left gracefully.

At the same time.

A man heard the noise and walked into the alley from the opposite side and found the body on the ground.


He couldn't help but exclaimed, and saw the girl's figure leaving slowly.

Why does she look a little familiar?

By the way... isn't this the female killer that the police are looking for?

The man usually has a good memory, so he can remember the photo on the wanted poster.

So he immediately took out his phone and called the police.

"Hello, I think I found the murderer you are looking for... OK, I got it."

After hanging up the phone, he quickly followed her.

Now it is necessary to capture the target's movement trajectory as much as possible and report it to the police at any time.

Not only is this a good intention, but the most important thing is that there is a bonus of 50,000 US dollars.

Who can be unmoved.

He followed and asked passers-by, adjusting his route in real time to avoid losing track.

The girl carefully sensed the target as she walked, and finally came to outside a bar.

He pushed open the door and entered, ignoring the other men who came up to chat with him.

Focus on finding that perfect goal.

After searching for a while, I finally found a familiar figure!

I saw Xu Zhijian sitting in the corner drinking.

What happened today made him very depressed, and the duck flew away when he saw it.

The army is still blocking the scene.

In the afternoon, he went to other places to sneak into the sewers to search, but found no clues.

Based on rich experience, I know that the other party must have escaped long ago.

A day's work in vain.

I was walking around the street with nothing to do, and happened to pass by a bar to have some fun.

The girl was ecstatic and hurriedly approached.

However, another woman in a purple skirt got there first and sat directly next to Xu Zhijian.

She held the wine glass and said: "Hey handsome guy, you must be lonely alone. After drinking this glass of wine, will you take me home?"

This is very obvious.

Xu Zhijian shook his head: "Sorry, I'm not lonely. You can go find someone else and leave me alone."

"Huh, boring idiot!"

The girl in purple felt embarrassed at being rejected, curled her lips in disgust, got up and left.

Upon seeing this, the girl's face immediately turned cold, and she slowly approached her with murderous intent.

The woman in purple put the wine glass on the bar, turned around and went to the bathroom with her bag.

She walked into the cubicle and locked the door to open it.

The girl came next and closed the toilet door tightly.

They were the only two people here at this time.


The girl walked outside the door, adjusted her angle, and stuck out her tongue.

Quick and accurate.

It penetrated directly through the wooden door and penetrated the entire lower jaw of the purple-clothed woman.

Kill in minutes.

Then she changed back to her original shape, washed her face with water and left leisurely.

The girl in purple fell in the single room, her whole face was covered in blood and died.

Pools of blood slowly flowed out from the gaps.

Until his death, he didn’t know what happened or who killed him.

The reason why the girl killed her was actually very simple.

Jealousy and jealousy.

For her, a perfect body can only belong to herself, and no one of the opposite sex can get close to it.

Otherwise, it is likely to contaminate genes.

But after four murders were committed in one day, I didn't feel scared or panicked, but rather excited.

This is another kind of instinct.

However, when the girl returned to the hall happily, she found that the target was missing!

Because Xu Zhijian felt very bored and there was no point in staying any longer.

So he decisively escaped and went for a walk on the street.

The two sides passed each other by accident again.

She gritted her teeth in frustration. She thought she would finally get married today, but it ended in failure? !

I hurriedly tried to use my sixth sense to search again, but my efforts for a long time had no effect.

This ability consumes too much energy and energy and cannot be used continuously.

Just when he was extremely depressed, a tall man walked into the bar.

This guy carries a fancy watch, wears designer clothes, and wears men's perfume.

The neckline was deliberately pulled open to expose the obvious chest line.

He has strong facial features and looks like a traditional American handsome guy.

The girl's eyes were immediately attracted.

His eyes scanned the opponent's condition like X-rays, and he was actually healthy and had no defects!

Although it is far from that perfect body, it is already a rare elite.

"That's him!"

Her conflict became intense again, and she secretly thought that she could not wait any longer.

Even if you cannot create the most perfect genetic offspring, you must take action immediately.

Otherwise, the body will get worse and worse.

The opportunity to sneak into the earth was wasted.

The girl strode over: "Hey, do you want to have sex with me? Take me home immediately."

"Huh? Oh, yes, dear lady, you are so beautiful."

The strong man was stunned for a moment, then nodded unabashedly.

He felt that his luck was really off the charts tonight, as he was originally looking for a one-night partner.

I didn't expect that when I first came to the bar, such a top-notch woman threw myself into my arms.

I couldn’t ask for it~ It’s so cool!

Since one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, there is no need to talk nonsense.

The strong man pulled her away and drove her Mercedes-Benz SUV all the way back to the luxury villa.

This guy seems to be very rich. Not only is his house big, but he also has two doormen.

Arriving at the luxurious and spacious master bedroom, the two of them couldn't wait to face each other calmly.

The girl pushed him onto the bed and kissed him wildly.

Then the fight begins.

(The bosses are all gentlemen, so they don’t bother to read the specific process and skip it thoughtfully)

When human essence and genes come together, an electric feeling surges through the body.

"It finally worked... I can finally have a baby!"

She couldn't bear the excitement anymore, and black tentacles suddenly appeared on the spine of her back!

"Why don't you go down?! Bitch...??"

The strong man cursed extremely angrily, because he only wanted to spend one night and didn't want to save his seed.

This is simply causing trouble for yourself.

But as soon as he cursed, he shut up and his expression suddenly changed.

His eyes were wide with fear and confusion.

Because he suddenly found that the girl's belly was bulging, and there was even something moving inside.

WTF? !

What the hell is going on... Even if she is pregnant, it can't be so fast.

He hurriedly said, "Get off, you stinky bitch, what's wrong with you? It has nothing to do with me!"

The girl touched her belly happily, then raised her head, and her eyes suddenly turned dark blue and flashed with fluorescence.

Then, the snow-white body instantly turned charcoal black.

At the same time, a series of exoskeleton-like structures appeared.

Squid-like tentacles grew on her head, or dreadlocks like the Iron Man.

The eyes were enlarged and bulged like fish eyes, and the mouth was split like an alien mouth.

The whole thing looked like a combination of silicon-based + carbon-based.

It was as scary as it could be, and as weird as it could be.

The strong man was so scared that he was stunned, and his brain was full of question marks.

This... What the hell is going on? !

He closed his eyes hard and opened them again, wondering if he was dreaming now.

He was so scared that he almost pulled his pants down when he was sure it wasn't fake. He was shaking and had no strength at all.

He really couldn't understand.

Oh my God... I just made a date for one night, how come I made a date with a monster? ? !


The girl didn't give him a chance to scream. Her sharp tongue pierced his throat and killed him instantly.

Then she broke through the window and ran away.

A series of noises attracted the guards. They were just guessing that the boss was having too much fun, and they found that she jumped from the wall.

But it was not very clear, so they could only see the general appearance.

A very strange black shadow.

One of the guards said: "Thank you for the generous gift! Did you see it? What is that?"

The other guard hurried to the window bed and took a look, and found that the boss was dead on the bed.

The two of them panicked immediately.

They quickly picked up the phone to call the police: "Hey, there is a murder! The murderer ran to the west road. It's a woman..."

At the same time.

The girl had run a long way away. When she passed a food store, she broke the glass and stole a lot of food.

Finally, he ran to a remote viaduct and found a huge abandoned drainage pipe to crawl into.

He sat down against the wall, and his belly was already swollen to an exaggerated degree.

It was probably similar to a ten-month pregnancy.

He could even see the outline of the baby.


She began to squeeze hard instinctively, and the child was born smoothly little by little.

This efficiency and speed were simply amazing.

In just one hour, it evolved from an embryo to a complete baby.

The girl happily picked up the child and looked at it. The little thing looked really unique.

In other words, it was as scary as her.

The girl picked up the food and started feeding it.

It was supposed that the baby could not eat solid food such as bread and sausages.

However, it ate it all in one breath.

Then something even more magical happened.

The child's body grew rapidly, and in a few minutes it grew to about two or three years old.

It could be seen that it was a boy.

The body was covered with black stripes and tentacles, and because it was not yet fully grown, it looked a little transparent.

The bones and flesh inside could be seen.

"Very good, keep growing."

Under the guidance of the girl, he obediently climbed to the top of the pipe like a spider.

It secreted a light yellow liquid similar to honey, covering its whole body, like a hanging nest.

At this moment, a noisy sound rang out.

The girl ran to the cave entrance and looked out, only to see a group of soldiers galloping over.


On the last day of August, I successfully reached one million words!!

I was filled with emotion along the way.

With this number of words and miserable results, even if I don't write a single word now, I can't be said to be a eunuch.

From the publication of the book to now, I have only rested for two days.

Many readers who said they would subscribe to the book as much as they wrote disappeared halfway.

Those who said they would reward the leader after one million words also disappeared.

But I still persisted!!

I fulfilled the promise of the thank you speech for the listing, for my pen name, for the readers who supported me all the way.

I will never be a eunuch halfway.

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