People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 392 Survival Day 392: Area 51

Just now, the army received the news from the police and immediately followed the clues.

The girl took a look at the "Bird's Nest" and had to expose her whereabouts in order to prevent the child from dying.

She ran quickly in another direction.

It was not out of maternal love, but simply to let the genes continue to reproduce.

"She's there! Hurry up!"

The special operations team found her figure and immediately chased and surrounded her with guns. They must capture her today.

Because the surrounding terrain is flat and there is no way to hide, the tracking is very smooth.

Soon, she was blocked in an abandoned house.

The girl jumped in and hid in the darkness slowly, and climbed to the roof and hid.

Prepare to play assassination.

The soldiers were not fools. They did not rush in rashly, but harassed with flash bombs first.


The dazzling light illuminated the house.

The girl did not expect this to happen, and her eyes were suddenly dizzy.

However, due to the strong genes, they returned to normal almost instantly.

The soldiers threw in a few more flash bombs.

Then put on professional tactical goggles and rushed in quickly in a combat formation.

"On the roof! At ten o'clock!"

The team leader was the first to find the shadow and shot directly, and other comrades also supported.

The order they received before was to capture alive.

But accidents happened one after another, and the senior officers of the guard team also lost patience. Time waits for no one.

The new order is: capture it alive or dead.

The girl evaded the bullets quickly, and while jumping down, she also quickly counterattacked.

She poked a soldier to death with the tentacles on her head.

The speed was so fast that people could not see clearly.

For a while, gunshots rang out in the room, accompanied by shouting, screaming, etc.

The scene was quite chaotic.

The girl moved quickly like a phantom, and took the opportunity to attack.


A lone soldier became unlucky, and was tripped by a stone while chasing.

He cursed inwardly and hurriedly got up, but before he could stand firm, he felt a gust of cold wind coming towards him.


A sharp tentacle covered his mouth first, and then another one penetrated his bulletproof vest and pierced his chest.


The soldier whimpered in pain and tried to raise his gun to fight back.

But there was no chance. The third tentacle followed closely and smashed his face into pieces.

The girl dragged the body to a dark corner and continued to ambush.

The rest of the teammates heard the sound and immediately aimed at this direction and fired continuously.

Unfortunately, all the shots were empty.

After finding the right opportunity, the girl successfully sneaked up on another soldier.

The opponent was hit hard and fell backwards.

When he was about to call for teammates to support and fight back, the girl pressed on him to control his movements.

At the same time, the eyes also emitted a faint green light.


The soldier was stunned and his eyes quickly became dull and lifeless.

This is another skill of the girl.

Similar to mind control or hypnosis, the eyes can emit a special alien element.

Can directly control creatures.

Not only that, the soldier's impulse could not be suppressed.

In his view now, this is an angel beauty interacting with him in a friendly manner.


The girl hugged his head, and then the sharp tentacles directly shot his head.

Then lurked again.

Within three minutes, three soldiers had died.

The remaining nine were shocked and scared, and didn't know how to fight back. Now they couldn't even catch the shadow of the opponent.

What on earth was he facing?

At this time, the police from Salt Lake City also came to support, but they didn't know the specific situation.

"SIR, shall we go in?"

"Don't take risks for the time being, let's find out the situation first."

"Captain, there was a new order just now, let us cooperate with the army to be on guard outside."

"OK, act immediately, martial law!"

The police immediately surrounded the house.

At the same time, all searchlights and car lights were aimed at the window position.

To provide light source.

Inside the house, the battle continued.

Because of the help of the lights, plus the tactical flashlights they were carrying.

The soldiers could finally see the situation clearly.

"She's there!"

"Shoot immediately, implement the encirclement formation, quick!"

Da da da da!


After another series of strafing, the girl was shot in the thigh and fell down.

After all, the room was so small, where could she hide?

After the nine soldiers saw her face clearly, they all stared with wide eyes.

WTF... God, what the hell is this? ?

An alien monster!

They raised their guns and forgot to shoot for a moment.

The girl took the opportunity to escape quickly, and at the same time showed a miracle.

That is, the gunshot wound on her leg healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"Damn...Chase her!"

"She ran away again!"

"Found her...there, shoot!"

This time, the soldiers quickly surrounded her and blocked the girl behind a large cabinet.

Because the wound had not healed yet and her movement was blocked, she could not dodge at the fastest speed.

"Shoot now! Shoot now!"

The team leader reminded loudly, and the others reacted immediately and pulled the trigger to fire continuously.

Bullets are free series.


The girl had nowhere to hide and was beaten into a hornet's nest. She finally died screaming.

Her genes can heal wounds, but they cannot resist the damage of hot weapons.

It can only be said that she has not yet fully evolved.

The soldiers were relieved when they confirmed that she was really dead. They looked at each other in shock.

This is an alien creature!

This is the first time I have seen it with my own eyes in my life. I can't believe my eyes.

The team leader subconsciously took out his mobile phone and took a photo.

Such a shocking event as the appearance of a monster on Earth will definitely be blocked as soon as possible.

Not to mention leaking photos.

So take advantage of the opportunity now to take a photo and hide it.

I can brag about it to others in a few decades.

The other team members also came to their senses and followed suit to take photos and videos.

Then they looked at each other and understood each other.

Then they put the body in a black bag and carried it out quickly.

The team leader shouted: "The murderer has been shot dead, the operation is over!"

After that, he and his teammates got on the armored vehicle and left directly, returning to the base to report.

The police were relieved when they saw this. Fortunately, they didn't have to join the war.

But what is the identity of the murderer? It was so mysterious that the army spent a day and a night looking for him.

The superiors didn't say it clearly, which made people curious.

But let's keep it secret. Anyway, the matter is over and it saves trouble.

So they drove the police cars away one after another and closed the case.

They didn't go into the passage to take a look at it because they thought there would be nothing.

They didn't expect that the girl had already given birth to offspring.

Everything seemed to be over.

However, no one noticed that there was another alien monster in the pipe in the distance.

Compared with just now, the nest became a little bigger.

About ten hours later.

The first ray of sunlight came to the horizon, and the huge nest suddenly broke, and a person fell from it.

With the light coming in, it can be seen that it is a man. The child has finally grown up.

He is about 1.9 meters tall and has a great figure.

Strong chest muscles, eight abdominal muscles, mermaid lines, etc., are more perfect than bodybuilders.

His facial features are extremely handsome, especially his deep eyes, which are like the starry sky.

One look is enough to make women obsessed.

If the girl who has not transformed is a peerless beauty, then he is a peerless handsome man.

He walked out of the pipe and closed his eyes to breathe the air.

Because he received the girl's genes, he already knew what this world was like.

This place is called Earth, with all kinds of high technology and so on.

And his mission is to make offspring with all his strength and let new species replace humans!

Unfortunately... my mother has been killed by them.

We can't work together.

But it doesn't matter, just relying on myself is enough!

After thinking about the plan carefully, he walked to the viaduct.

Cars came and went.

When people saw a naked handsome man standing on the side of the road, they couldn't help but look sideways and were all shocked.

Although there are all kinds of weird things in the United States, running naked is not strange.

But I have never seen such a handsome man and such a magnificent thing.

"Oh my god... that man is so handsome!"

"Thank you for the gift, how can his penis be so big?"

"OMG... is this an angel? So handsome, take a picture quickly."

There was a lot of discussion at the moment.

The men were envious and jealous, while the women wanted to pounce on him immediately.

It even caused a traffic jam.

The man looked at it with a smile, and then reached out to stop a car.

A small pickup truck stopped, and the driver was a middle-aged woman.

"Oh my god..."

The old woman was immediately attracted by his appearance and figure, especially that.

He smiled through the car window and said, "Please take me home? I was robbed and have no money."

"Okay, okay... please get in."

The old woman nodded hurriedly, without any refusal, as if there was a magic driving her consciousness.

On the road.

While driving, she couldn't help but glance at the man frequently, especially that thing.

Her heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

She never dreamed that she would encounter such a great thing when she went shopping this time.

God bless you.

The man smiled faintly and said, "Madam, do you know that you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen?"

The old woman was shocked and said, "Really...really? Thank you for your compliment."

Although she knew it was definitely a lie, she was still happy.

"Wait until we get home, can you make me a delicious lunch?"

"Of course, I'm very honored!"

All the way back home.

She was conquered without any resistance.

Just as the old woman was immersed in the wonderful silence, she suddenly found that her belly was bulging.

It was getting bigger and bigger with the naked eye.

She cried out in pain: "What...what's going on??! Save me quickly..."

The man turned a deaf ear and watched silently with a smile.


Bang! !

The old woman had just shouted halfway when her stomach, which was stretched to the limit, burst directly.

Blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

It took only ten seconds from the beginning to the end, and there was no chance to react at all.

Then, an extremely hideous little monster crawled out.

The man picked it up with satisfaction, put on his clothes, took the money and left the woman's home.

Soon he came to the suburbs and found a suitable cave, glued the child to the wall and waited for it to hatch.

Then he went out to look for the next target.

Because it is the second generation of genes, it does not care whether the target has defects or not.

As long as there is no serious disease such as cancer, any kind of woman can be taken.

Anyway, it is for the purpose of producing offspring, the more the better, and the plan must be completed as soon as possible!

While he was looking for prey, the National Guard was also dissecting the mother.

I thought the survivor in Piedmont Town was an earthling, but it turned out to be an alien.

It was incredible.

The news was immediately blocked and classified as top secret, and all the insiders were locked up for interviews and investigations.

The person in charge is now the most depressed. If he had known earlier, he would have insisted on the order to capture it alive.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to say anything now.

We can only dissect and analyze the DNA of alien creatures, and at the same time experiment whether it is the virus it brought, and whether we can find a way to eliminate it.

The result is also very unexpected. It does not carry the same virus!

The relevant departments and personnel are in trouble again. It has been four days since the incident. The Meteorological Department said that there will be strong winds in two days.

By then, the virus will spread widely, first across the country and then around the world.

No region will be spared, and the consequences will be disastrous!

The situation seems to have entered an unsolvable state.

At the same time, Area 51 also took over the preservation and research of the mother body.

Speaking of which, this mysterious institution was established in 1944.

Located in a wilderness in Lincoln County, southern Nevada.

Only 130 kilometers away from Las Vegas.

This place is just a wilderness that no one has set foot on the map, and it is always in a state of strict blockade.

No one is allowed to pass by or take pictures for dozens of kilometers, and it can only be seen with the help of a telescope more than 20 kilometers away.

In the 1950s, Area 51 conducted countless top-secret weapons experiments.

Among them is the world-famous U-2 plan.

If it were just a military strategic base, this place would not arouse great curiosity among people.

There would not be many conspiracy theories, urban legends, etc.

All because of this mysterious base, which has a thousand and one legends with aliens.

Some spherical, triangular, and flying disc-shaped UFOs can often be found around here.

There are photos and some videos to prove it.

Residents of two neighboring towns felt the ground shaking under their feet in the summer of 1986.

And every Thursday morning around 7 o'clock, some strange phenomena and strange sounds can be seen.

There is also a so-called "Green Room" inside.

It is believed to be a place for the heads of state to watch the frozen bodies of aliens, and every new president will visit it.

The outside world speculates that the Green Room may not only include alien wreckage.

For example, the famous and most "real" Roswell incident.

It refers to the city of Roswell, New Mexico, where a UFO crash occurred in 1947.

There are 4 0.8-meter-tall, dead, unidentified humanoid creatures inside.

That is, the most well-known big-headed and big-eyed alien shape was leaked from here.

And so on.

Because of its mystery, many horror movies also set Area 51 as the behind-the-scenes BOSS.

For example, the deformed cannibal in "The Hills Have Eyes" was caused by nuclear tests.

Now taking over this matter can be said to be a professional counterpart.

If Xu Zhijian knew that it was Area 51 and the mother body, he would instantly understand what the movie was.

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