People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 398: Day 398 of Survival: A Little Shock

The four workers stared at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment.

Should they stay where they are and pretend they didn't see it, or go over to check?

"Let's go! Let's go and have a look together."

After hesitating for a moment, the strongest man picked up a crowbar and took the lead to walk over carefully step by step.

The other companions had no choice but to pick up weapons and follow behind him.

When they nervously walked behind the container, they found that there was nothing here.

The figure seemed to have never existed.

"Did we really see it wrong?"


"Damn it! Finish the work quickly and leave quickly."

They couldn't guess what was going on, but they began to feel weak in their hearts and ran away in a hurry.

They started working again for a while.

One of the workers suddenly said, "I remember! What we saw seemed to be some Slanders!"

The companion next to him asked, "What Slanders?"

He explained, "This is also an urban legend I saw on the Internet before. It says that there is a terrible monster in the world."

"They are very tall and have no faces. They will deliberately lure people to get close and then kill them!"

Everyone looked at each other after hearing this.

With this comparison, the mysterious shadow I saw just now can indeed correspond to this legend.

Oh my God!

Could it be... there are really ghosts in the world? ? !

They couldn't help but get goosebumps and looked at each other.

After a moment, the first person to discover the situation said: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible, how could there be monsters in the world."

"If according to the description of the legend, we should have been killed long ago, but aren't we still alive now?"

Everyone thought about it and it made sense.

It is probably caused by some visual errors, and there is no possibility of ghosts.

The leader said: "Okay, don't talk about this, finish this quickly and go home quickly."

Everyone tacitly stopped discussing this topic and hurriedly worked faster.

Although I don't believe that I have encountered ghosts, I always feel panic in my heart and have an uncontrollable fear.

And this is the effect of Xu Zhijian deliberately reducing the power, otherwise he would die strangely like that gang member.

Back to the hotel.

He took a shower first, then took out some snacks from the equipment warehouse, turned on the TV and ate while watching a good show.

At the same time, he planned in detail what he was going to do tomorrow.

At nine o'clock the next night.

While the target hadn't come yet, Xu Zhijian went directly to the abandoned house, turned into a thin ghost and hid in it first.

Half an hour later.

Four students, two boys and two girls, came together.

A white boy held up his mobile phone and said, "We have arrived at the location. It is rumored that the ghost is hiding in the house."

"Today, the four of us will explore this place in person. Please like and share."

He was the boy he met yesterday and his classmate.

The four of them were usually very brave and liked to watch horror-themed things, so they formed an exploration team.

They went to explore those places that were rumored to be haunted and dangerous.

They were also well-known on the Internet, with more than 20,000 followers.

They walked into the house and looked around first, and then acted separately.

The leading boy had short hair and went to check the kitchen, toilet, storage room and other places.

While walking around, he whispered, "This house has been abandoned for at least five years. The previous resident was a mental patient."

"I heard that he hanged himself in the bedroom, and then became a ghost and wandered around here."

The other boy, wearing glasses, went upstairs to check.

The two girls walked around together, pretending to be scared from time to time to create an effect, cheat likes and popularity.

After walking around for a few minutes, they found nothing.

It was originally an abandoned house, and it was not a ghost movie, so what could it be.

If it was just like this, there would be no popularity tonight.

It was a waste of time.

So the short-haired man thought of a way: "Let's play hide-and-seek, we will definitely gain a lot of fans."

The two girls immediately agreed: "Great, great, I agree."

The glasses man on the second floor also said that it was no problem, and by the way, he looked for a good place to hide.

The audience who were watching the live broadcast also cheered and said that this game was good and must be played.

If you are satisfied, there will be rewards.

What else to say, the game begins.

Let the short-haired man catch people in the first round.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1!"

He counted down facing the wall.

The two girls immediately hid quietly to the side, and the dark hall fell into silence.

The short-haired man said with a sly smile: "Now I'm going to catch them, everyone wish me good luck, GO!"

He went to the bathroom first to find no one, and then went to the kitchen to search the cabinets.

Just when they were having fun, the thin ghost hiding behind the door also started to move.

Like a ghost, he came to the door of the storage room on the first floor.

The two girls hid here.

Calculating the time, they have been hiding for several minutes.

One girl lowered her voice and said: "Why is there no movement? Are they playing tricks to scare us?"

The other one replied: "It's very likely, don't worry, let's continue to hide for a while."


They continued to hide patiently, and the thin ghost also stretched out his hand to push open the door.


The door was slowly pushed open, making a slight sound.

The two girls were delighted when they heard that they had finally found it, and hurriedly held their breath and tried not to make any sound.

It walked inside step by step, and soon came to the big cabinet.

Then it stopped at the right time, and I don’t know what it was thinking.

The two girls couldn’t help but secretly look out, but the environment was too dark, and they could only barely see a black shadow.

As they looked, one girl suddenly felt something was wrong.

Wait... the one in front of her is much taller than the two classmates?

What’s going on?

She couldn’t help but hold the other girl’s hand tightly, wanting to speak but not daring to speak.

When she was confused, the black shadow suddenly took action and pushed the cabinet down with a strong force.

The other girl didn’t realize that something was wrong, and immediately stood up and laughed: "Haha, you can find it even if it’s hidden here..."

However, before she finished speaking, she was forced to hold it back.

Because the thin and tall ghost had taken the initiative to lean towards them, almost face to face.

So they finally saw clearly that the height almost hit the roof, and there were no facial features on the pale face!

Their brains went blank with a buzzing sound, and they just froze in place.

They didn't understand what was going on at all? ! !

Some people would yell or fight back when they encountered an emergency.

Some would lose consciousness and freeze.

But no matter what it was, it was a self-protection mechanism.


After a few seconds, they came to their senses and screamed hysterically, and then fell straight to the ground and fainted at the same time.

The shrill screams were heard clearly by the two boys.

They ran out of their hiding places and ran to the living room on the first floor in confusion and panic.

After meeting, the short-haired man turned on the flashlight and said, "What's going on?! Why are they screaming suddenly?"

The man with eyes shook his head and said, "I don't know either, damn it, the sound came from there, let's go!"

The two were about to run over, and suddenly found a dark shadow standing by the window.

Tall and thin, motionless.

The two clearly remembered that when they first came, there was nothing in this broken house.

So they suddenly shuddered in their hearts, and subconsciously raised their flashlights and shone them over.

Then, with just a glimpse, they saw the most terrifying scene they had ever seen in their lives.

A tall, thin creature wearing a black suit but without any facial features appeared in the light.

But then, it disappeared from the spot.

Faced with the ghost that suddenly appeared and disappeared, their reactions became even more intense.

"Ah... ghost... ghost!"

"Help me...

The two people's hearts were about to jump out of their chests. They cried and screamed while crawling out of the house.

They almost peed their pants.

They didn't even care about the two women's lives.

The police arrived at the scene half an hour later and searched but didn't find the ghosts they talked about.

The two girls were not in danger of life, they just fainted.

After sending the four people to the hospital for treatment, the matter was understood and there was no need to investigate further.

No matter what they said, the police only thought it was because of smoking leaves.

Even if they watched the live broadcast, they only saw a black shadow flashing by, and there was no so-called ghost at all.

Then they found a psychologist to provide them with psychological counseling and help to avoid bigger accidents.

If they really have mental problems, they will be sent directly to a psychiatric hospital.

They were not taken home until midnight.

Short The hairy man lay silently on the bed, looking at the ceiling and thinking about the scene he just saw.

It's not fake.

It's definitely not a dazzle!

That scary ghost is so real and very familiar.

But where have you seen it before?

That's right... it's the thin ghost!

He sat up suddenly, both surprised and excited. That legendary monster actually exists? !

He quickly opened his phone to find the exclusive team group chat. Just as he was about to send a message, the man with eyes said it first.

"I remember, the thing we saw was the thin ghost!"

Female 1: "OMG... Really?"

Female 2: "I thought about it for a long time just now, it seems to be it..."

Short-haired man: "It's definitely the thin ghost! I saw it clearly, it really exists!"

Now they were completely excited, and even threw fear behind their heads.

After all, this is the thin ghost!

The evil spirit in urban legends.

Let's not talk about whether it's scary or not. How can you not be shocked when you can see it with your own eyes?

While they were discussing excitedly, many netizens who watched the entire live broadcast also heatedly discussed it.

Some believed what happened just now, while others did not.

Some thought it was just a script arranged by the expedition team, a rubbish staged photo.

After all, this is an era of rampant self-media. In order to become popular, any means can be used.

Some fake videos can even deceive the whole world.

Netizen A: "The picture just now is definitely fake. I have seen too many of them."

Netizen B: "Why do I feel it is real? It is so real that it scared me."

Netizen C: "Oh my God, the picture just now shows the legendary slender ghost!"

Netizen D: "Slender ghost? What is that?"

Netizen E: "You don't know this? This is a very famous supernatural creature called the Slander"

Everyone was arguing, and all kinds of opinions were constantly updated.

No one could convince anyone.

Those who were technically savvy began to analyze the video frame by frame, but in the end they could not find the complete ghost image.

Things became confusing for a while, and the truth was unknown.

After leaving the haunted house, the thin ghost immediately went into the sewer to start a new search.

This time the intimidation plan was completed well, and it should be able to cause some heat.

Wandering in the intricate underground world, I didn’t know where to look for a while.

After walking for a while, I suddenly saw some light in front of me, and there were voices.

The thin ghost was moved, thinking that something was wrong, could it be a homeless person?

Quietly walked to the corner and observed secretly, I saw four men in front of me, smoking and chatting.

"Do you believe what he said?"

"Of course I don't believe that damn bastard, but there's nothing we can do."

"That's right, everyone should be more vigilant and see what tricks he wants to play."

"Well, we must squeeze out more money this time!"

From the tone of their conversation, it seems that they are waiting for someone.

But who would meet in the sewer?

Looking at their dress, they don't look like members of the Bull Gang, and they don't have the corresponding tattoos.

The thin ghost waited patiently. No matter what, there will be gains tonight.

After waiting for a while.

A series of footsteps sounded in the dark sewer, and they finally came.

The four people also heard the movement and turned their heads to look there.

Soon, a tall and burly figure appeared in the flashlight.

A black man with a height of nearly two meters, tendons, bald head, and goatee appeared.

The eyes were full of viciousness and evil.

There was also an obvious huge bull tattoo on his arm, indicating that he was a member of the Bull Gang.

Not only that, he is also one of the three gang leaders on the list: Mike Lewis.

Because he liked fighting since he was a child, he combined the two boxers he admired the most as his name.

Born in a dirty and messy neighborhood, he followed gang members to do bad things since he was a child.

At the same time, he also studied various fighting techniques.

Boxing, unlimited mixed martial arts, Muay Thai, Sanda, even Taekwondo, Karate, etc.

Any famous faction in the world has been studied.

And he really practiced it, and his ability is quite strong.

In street bare-handed fighting, he can 1VN enemies, and if he uses equipment, he can fight a hundred with one.

In addition to guns.

Because of his outstanding physical fitness and brutal character, he was recruited by the former Bulls leader.

Then relying on his outstanding "performance", he became one of the two vice presidents.

He is considered the chief double-flowered red stick + leader of the gang.

Today, I came to the sewer in person not only to do business, but also for another thing.

A bearded man said, "Mr. Lewis, we are here, and I hope you can keep your promise."

Lewis grinned and said, "Haha, of course, but I have a condition."

"What condition?"

"It's very simple, just join our gang!"

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