People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 399: Survival Day 399: Double Flower Red Stick

The four looked at each other in confusion, but did not say anything. They looked at each other and fell into deep thought.

After a while, everyone had an idea and exchanged glances secretly.

The bearded man was obviously the boss, and continued: "Sorry, we will not join your gang."

"After all, our identities are still agents, I hope you can understand."

Lewis couldn't help laughing: "Hahaha! Agents? If you didn't say it, I would have almost forgotten it."

He didn't laugh at him intentionally, but there was a reason.

These four people are indeed agents, and their ranks are quite high.

However, on the surface, they are righteous messengers who fight against evil, but in fact they are doing evil things.

In fact, this is nothing new.

They started doing underground activities five years ago, collecting protection fees, black eating black, etc.

And they often cooperate with the Bull Gang.

For example, selling intelligence, issuing some innocence certificates, etc.

Last month, when they led a team to fight a small third-tier gang, they seized a large number of DU drugs.

So they quietly left half of them.

At the same time, they killed the two parties involved, making it look like they committed suicide out of fear of crime.

I thought I was doing it very secretly, but somehow Lewis saw it.

And he also took a video.

Once this kind of hard evidence is exposed, they will be completely finished.

So they had to try their best to please Lewis and get the video back.

Things were not going well, but he suddenly said tonight that he should give the video.

The agreed location was this sewer.

So they rushed over with weapons and tried to solve the problem.

The bearded man said awkwardly: "Give us the video. Although we can't join the gang, we will help you in the future."

"No matter what you want to do, we will try our best to cooperate with you so that you won't be caught by others."

Lewis sneered: "Since you don't join, you can't do anything to me."

The bearded man was shocked: "You...what do you mean?!"

He laughed and rushed over without saying a word, took out a machete and chopped the other's head hard


The bearded man was immediately separated from his head and his hot blood spurted two or three meters high.

He could chop off a person's head with just his own brute force. His power was simply terrifying!


"Ah... you bastard!"

The other three were so scared that they didn't care about the blood splashing on their faces. They took out their weapons and fought back immediately.

However, they were still a little slow.

The main reason was that they didn't expect it at all.

They knew that they might fight if they couldn't reach an agreement, but they didn't expect or believe that the other party would really dare to kill them directly.

So although he was always on guard, he also put his hand on the pistol in his arms.

But he didn't get the upper hand after all.

Lewis waved the machete like a wolf and a flock of sheep, and easily solved all of them in a few seconds.

(Youth mode, deletion process, please imagine more details)

The scene was bloody!

The smell of the sewer was already bad, and now with the smell of blood, it was even more disgusting.

Lewis licked the blood on the knife with satisfaction, and then turned around and left with satisfaction.

The purpose of asking them out today was to recruit personnel.

Since they were unwilling to cooperate, there was no need to keep them.

And the most important thing is that these four have been targeted by the FBI. After all, if you walk by the river often, you will get your feet wet.

Once they are caught and confess all the information, the Bull Gang will be finished.

So for the sake of himself and the gang, he can only resort to this last resort.

There is another reason, that is, he is a born villain, extremely evil.

He is very fond of killing and torturing people.

He especially likes to use cold weapons to do things, and doesn’t like guns because there is no sense of accomplishment.

The thin ghost who witnessed everything had no emotional waves on this scene, and was quite excited.

Good, good.

I wanted to try to find some small Karami today, but I didn’t expect to meet the leader level directly.

It’s so cool!

So he followed quietly.

Not long after they left, a group of rats, cockroaches and other creatures swarmed in.

Crazy enjoyment of this rare "feast".

Lewis strode forward, not knowing where to go.

The thin ghost followed quietly, ready to take action.

But he would not attack with ordinary means.

Because it has a specific set of steps, in simple terms: stare at the target - mental control - lead to killing.

This is the best way to maximize the effect.

Lewis was walking and suddenly felt that something seemed wrong behind him.

He immediately turned his head and looked back, because his eyes had adapted to the dark environment for a long time.

But there was nothing behind him.

Lewis did not relax his vigilance, but went back to the original path to look for it bit by bit.

But after a round, he still found nothing, so he relaxed a little.

It must be an illusion.

Thinking of this, he instinctively looked up at the top of his head, but he was shocked when he saw it.

There was a weird thing hanging upside down above!

It had a dark body and many claws, and it looked like a giant spider magnified countless times!

The most bizarre thing was its extremely pale face without facial features!

How weird and terrifying it was!

Lewis was stunned, and his brain was a little down for a while, and he didn't have time to deal with all kinds of doubts.

WTF? !

What... is this? ! !

Just when he was stunned and unable to recover, he suddenly felt dizzy.

My vision also became blurry.

But it went away as quickly as it came, and it returned to normal in two or three seconds.

But when I looked at the top of the cave, there was nothing there. The weird big spider had disappeared.

This time it was even more confused. Damn it, why is that thing missing? !

Is what I just saw true?

If so, why did it suddenly disappear?

If not, is it a hallucination?

But are hallucinations that real?

Lewis stood there for a long time, unable to regain consciousness, and completely touched the blind spot of knowledge.

But stupid people have their own ways.

Since you don’t know whether everything just now is true or false, then dig through the sewer!

As long as that thing exists, just tear it into pieces.

After he came to his senses, he started searching, which showed how brave he was and how heartless he was.

However, after searching for a long time along the nearby sewers, I could no longer find the strange creature.

Although he still had concerns, he basically didn't care about it.

If you can't find it, it means it doesn't exist. Then the scene you just saw was just a visual error.

I have been busy for a long time in vain.

Lewis snorted in displeasure, strode away, and soon came to a relatively clean area.

The place also has an intact sofa.

It was placed here before, so that it could have a place to rest after the transaction was completed.

He lay down directly, yawned, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

It was already past three midnight.

However, he never imagined that he had been targeted by the legendary and terrifying monster.

And was "mentally kidnapped"

From now on, life has entered a countdown.

As time passed, Lewis gradually fell asleep and began a strange dream.

It found itself in a strange wilderness.

There were no other people or human buildings around, only the crows flying by.

The sun in the sky was a little too red, and the land it illuminated seemed to be covered with a red filter.

The visual effects are quite cult.

"What is this place?"

Lewis looked around confusedly, not understanding why he came here.

But I've definitely never seen anything like this.

He moved forward slowly and uncontrollably. After a while, he found a strange big tree in front of him.

The whole thing looks like a spider with teeth and claws.

At the same time, five black figures suddenly fell from the tree, swinging from side to side like a pendulum.

He took a closer look out of curiosity and was stunned.

I saw that those four black figures were actually people!

Moreover, they were the black men who were killed by himself. They were missing arms and legs and were extremely bloody.

Not only that, Lewis even noticed that the face of one of the people turned out to be his! !

How is this...this him possible? !

His brain buzzed, his eyes widened in horror, and he subconsciously touched his face.

I wonder why my face will be given to the other person?

Just when he was extremely shocked, another thing fell from the tree, and then slowly rolled to its feet.

That's a mirror.

Lewis bent down to pick it up and looked at his face hesitantly.

I saw a face that seemed to be smiling but not smiling appeared in the mirror.

But not itself, but the bearded black J whose head was shot!


Lewis immediately threw the mirror down and woke up suddenly with a hysterical yell.

He was breathing heavily, and it took him a long time to realize that he was not in the wilderness, but still in the sewer.

There were no big trees or hanging bodies around.

Jumped up from the sofa and immediately rushed to the sewage pool to look down.

Although the water is murky and the environment is dark, you can still see that your face is still your own.

Everything was just a nightmare and a false alarm.

"Damn! Why is this happening??"

Lewis breathed a long sigh of relief, not understanding why he had nightmares.

Something is very wrong.

But I couldn't figure out the reason, so I could only feel annoyed and confused.

It took him a long time to decide that he didn't want to do it anymore. No matter what kind of son of a bitch he was, it was all fake anyway.

I can't sleep after doing this, so let's get on with the business.

He took out his phone and opened the short movie stored in it, and then began to use it to reduce his irritation.

But I don’t know why, but gradually I feel that my body is starting to become weak.

It was just weird, my heart was beating so hard and my breathing was so rapid.

I can't even use my hands hard.

"Damn...what's going on?"

Lewis really couldn't figure out the reason, and could only infer that it was because he had a nightmare last night and didn't sleep well.

So I could only give up halfway and lie down, close my eyes to relieve the fatigue, and take a good rest first.

After a while, I suddenly felt itchy in my nose again.

He rubbed it casually and found that blood was flowing out.

He became even more confused when he saw this. Why did his nose bleed suddenly?

Is that really him? Damn it!

Why are all kinds of strange things happening tonight? Was it caused by sucking too many leaves yesterday?


He cursed unhappily, washed his nose with water, then blocked it with paper and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

Gradually, he frowned, appearing to be in pain, and then his thoughts began to dissipate uncontrollably.

Then he stood up straight again, closed his eyes and slowly left like a puppet.

It seems to be controlled by a force.

First, climb out of the sewer along the stairs, and then continue to walk towards the suburbs in this state.

When he came to his senses, it was already twenty minutes later.

He came to his senses with a start, and found that he had inexplicably and strangely entered a deep forest that he had never set foot on.

He looked around in confusion.

The forest in the dark night seemed particularly cold and strange, and the trees were wrapped in mist.

Like tentacles with fangs and claws.

The dim moonlight shone down, and the vision showed a hazy light blue.

"This is... How did I get here?"

Lewis had no idea where this place was, let alone why he suddenly appeared here.

It should be in the sewer.

Why don't I have any memory at all?

It seems that I was led here inexplicably.

When I was at a loss, I suddenly found a looming shadow in front of me.

The shape was very similar to the black shadow of the spider I had seen before!

Lewis immediately became energetic. Although he didn't know what the specific situation was, he was brave.

No matter what it is, give him a good beating first.

"Who?! You son of a bitch, come out!"

He cursed and was about to rush over, but found that the black shadow disappeared again.

"Get out of here! I must tear you to pieces!"

"No one dares to be arrogant in front of me! Especially a loser like you who can only dodge!"

He looked around and roared, but he didn't know that the black shadow appeared behind him silently.


A black tentacle suddenly wrapped around his neck.

Lewis was startled and reached out to pull it, but found that the thing was cold and solid, with great strength.

He couldn't pull it open.

However, he didn't panic as he had been through many battles, but immediately hit his back with his elbow.

My elbow!


The black shadow was hit hard, and the tentacle couldn't help but loosen.

He seized the opportunity to get away and turned to fight back, without even looking, he punched with all his strength.

Hit the target.

However, before he could be happy, he found that what he hit was just a tree? !

He was stunned.

This... what happened?

What attacked him just now was a tree? Impossible, how could a tree move!

Lewis's IQ was so low, but he also found that things were completely abnormal.

He looked around vigilantly, thinking about what to do, should he leave or stay?

As he looked, he suddenly found that the tree in front of him was wrong!

Normal branches grow upwards, but some of its branches grow downwards.

The shape looks like a spider with bared fangs and claws, or a weird tree with a giant octopus.

In the middle of the tree, there is also an oval-shaped white sphere.

Lewis opened his eyes and looked carefully.

Finally found that it was not a ball at all, but a face without facial features!


At the same time, the branches of the big tree suddenly came alive and flew over quickly.

Directly wrapped around his arms, legs, and neck.


Lewis struggled immediately in fear, but the branch was so powerful that he didn't move at all.

At the same time, his body didn't obey his will at all, and he was dragged towards the tree.


He hit the tree trunk hard, as if he was hit by a train, and almost vomited blood.

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