People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 66 Survival Day 066: Selection

He walked to a chair on the roadside not far away and sat down, crossed his legs, and carefully considered the details.

First do this.

Then do this.

Then do that?

If nothing unexpected happens, the success rate of this method is 80%.

Now the three Nigos have been locked in, but where should I find another candidate?

Is there any suitable place?

If the last 20% of the problem cannot be solved, then this plan cannot be implemented.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhijian quickly opened the map on his mobile phone and searched for keywords.

More than 20 locations appeared directly.

He marked these destinations, got up and went to the first nearest location to check the situation first.

Twenty minutes later, he arrived at the destination according to the map.

A small indoor gymnasium.

In this place, there is a mutual aid association formed by disabled people.

The so-called mutual aid association is a group formed spontaneously by people with the same difficulties or psychological barriers.

It is usually non-profit and operated by members sharing funds.

At each meeting, everyone sits in a circle, chooses topics, reads and shares, and expresses personal thoughts.

This type of organization is rare in China and is often seen in American TV series.

Xu Zhijian pushed the door and walked in.

Today happened to be the day for the meeting. There were more than a dozen men and women sitting around in a small open space.

Some were missing arms, some were missing legs, and some were mute.

And so on.

He did not approach to disturb them, but leaned on the door sill with his arms folded, silently organizing his thoughts.

The experience of being robbed by Nigo just now gave him a flash of inspiration to think of a way to break the situation.

Since A needs to kill B in order to get rid of the smile curse, and then let the witness C see it.

This is the only way to successfully transfer.

Then the question is: what will happen if you kill in front of the visually impaired?

A kills B.

C is watching from the side, but actually can't see anything.

Can the curse be prevented from spreading and invalidated, so as to successfully block the BUG?

Think about it carefully, it is theoretically feasible.

However, the deduction can be carried out countless times, and there is only one chance in reality.

And there is also a major problem.

If this method does not work, won't it directly kill innocent disabled people? ?

You must not do such an immoral thing.

So this plan is still under consideration, come and see the situation first.

Don't implement it rashly before you are sure.

Ten minutes later, this meeting ended.

The members left one after another, and the rotating host left last.

Xu Zhijian knew the time had come, so he stopped him and said, "Hello, sir, can I bother you for a few minutes?"

The other party was a man in his forties, without a left forearm.

He smiled and said, "Of course no problem, is there anything I can help you with?"

Xu Zhijian had already thought of the words: "I want to donate some money to your mutual aid association, not much, but it's a token of my heart."

The man was stunned, and then showed a surprised look.

"Sir, thank you very much for your generosity and love, but we can't accept it."

He was a little curious: "Huh? Why?"

The man said: "Because it's not easy for you to make money. Although we have disabilities, we can also live by our skills."

This made Xu Zhijian admire him.

He is disabled in body but not in mind, and he doesn't rely on his defects to make black money. How can it be summarized by a compliment?

He thought for a moment and said, "Is that so? Are there any members in your group who are in particularly difficult situations?"

"They really can't work on their own and can only rely on policy assistance."

The man nodded: "Yes, if you want to help them, that's great."

He quickly took over the conversation: "That's what I mean, so can you please pass the donation to them?"

"Of course, no problem, this is what I should do."

"That's great, but I have a prerequisite for the donation."

"Oh, what condition?"

"I don't want to spend money on people with bad morals."

The man blinked and didn't understand what this meant for a while.

Xu Zhijian added: "I mean, who has done bad things that cannot be forgiven?"

"For example, intentional homicide, I don't want to waste money on them, I hope you can understand."

The man suddenly realized and said that there really were.

And there were three people.

One was a gang member, and because of participating in a gunfight, his two legs were blown off.

One was a smuggler, and his opponent dug out an eye, an arm, and six fingers.

There was another who raped and killed people intentionally, and was blinded by the victim's anti-wolf spray during the fight.

He was released from prison last year.

"That's him!"

Xu Zhijian immediately chose this blind man in his mind, thinking that his luck was really good.

He found the person he wanted directly.

Whether he succeeds or fails, he will not feel any guilt.

Now we must test whether the plan is feasible. Since we can't harm innocent good people, we can change our thinking.

It's okay to use scumbags.

He probed: "Then will they come to the mutual aid association often?"

The man replied: "Well, only James didn't come today, and the other two came."

"Really? Is it because it's inconvenient to live far away?"

"No, it's very close. He lives in the south of this block and simply doesn't want to come."

Xu Zhijian was ecstatic, NICE, even the address was obtained!

He said calmly on the surface: "Well, I hope you can understand that I don't want to use the funds on them."

The man smiled and nodded: "It's okay, I understand very well."

As a normal person, as long as you have a basic concept of good and evil, you will understand that some people are unforgivable.

Some villains are not sentenced to death, not because their crimes are not punishable by death.

It's just that they were born in a lucky era.

Xu Zhijian took out his mobile phone, took off the phone case and took out five US dollars from it.

Because of this habit, he successfully reduced the losses from robbery.

It was also lucky by accident.

"Please give these to those who need them. It's not much, but it's a token of my heart."

Now I have so much on me, all my belongings.

The man took the money and put it in his pocket: "Don't worry, I will definitely hand it over to them truthfully."

Xu Zhijian thanked again: "Thank you very much, it's still early now, how about I buy you a drink?"

"Haha, thank you for your kindness, sir, I'm almost at work."

"Is that so? Well, I wish you a happy life."

After chatting for a few more words, the two parted ways.

Xu Zhijian went directly to the south of the block and quickly found the specific address of the blind man by asking.

He found a seat opposite and sat down, patiently watching the situation.

It was like this until seven o'clock in the evening, and no one came in or out.

The lights were not turned on in the house.

Oh, right.

Why would the blind man turn on the lights? He couldn't see anyway.

After waiting for another half an hour, there was still no situation, so Xu Zhijian left for the time being and continued to wait tomorrow.

He did not go home, but went to another place according to the map.

He soon arrived at the destination.

Looking at the rows of warehouses and containers for rent, he randomly chose a phone number according to the advertisement and called it.

However, he stopped in time just halfway through typing.

Thanks to the Tushan sisters who only love Rongrong, YORUN, riding a donkey to find a donkey, bored kuma, and book friend 8010 for their monthly tickets.

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