People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 67 Survival Day 067: Multiple Surprises

Because I suddenly thought of a negative situation, it might directly destroy the whole plan.

Fortunately, I thought of it in advance and stopped the loss in time.

But what place should I find instead?

After a little thought, I immediately got the answer, so I started to wander around to look for it.

Especially running to the suburbs where there are few people.

At 8:30, Xu Zhijian was in a good mood and went to the place where he had agreed with Irene.

I had just found a satisfactory place and the candidate.

Just waiting for the actual implementation.

Get rid of the smiling curse before tomorrow night!

Soon he arrived at a coffee shop, he walked in and took a look, Irene hadn't arrived yet.

So he sat in a conspicuous position and waited patiently.

At this time.

Irene was walking fast on the road.

As she walked, a passing car suddenly lost control and rushed over at a high speed.


She said inwardly that it was not good, and wanted to jump away quickly to avoid it.

However, just when she was about to leave, her left hand was suddenly grabbed from behind.

At the same time, a voice sounded: "Madam, what are you doing?!"

She was stunned for a moment.

I found that the out-of-control car suddenly disappeared, as if it had never happened.

And an old man in his sixties was pulling his arm with a puzzled and surprised look on his face.

The old man asked again: "What's wrong with you, young man? No matter what difficulties you encounter, you can't commit suicide."

Irene understood immediately.

The car out of control just now was an illusion, just to induce herself to walk to the middle of the road and get hit.

I have to say, it's too real!

She came back to her senses and thanked: "Thank you very much for your help. I don't want to commit suicide, but..."

"I just have hypoglycemia and I suddenly felt dizzy just now."

The old man nodded suddenly, "God bless, that's good, don't you have emergency food with you?"

"I was a little anxious to go out today and forgot."

"Is that so, go home and rest quickly, and be sure to pay attention to safety."

"Okay, thank you again for your help, bye."

Irene turned and left, this time walking very carefully, stopping from time to time to test whether there was any hallucination.

Fortunately, there were no more problems.

Safely arrived at the cafe.

As soon as she sat down, she told him in detail what happened last night and just now, her face pale.

Xu Zhijian nodded: "This is a very normal phenomenon. As time goes by, the hallucination will become more and more serious and real."

"So, we must solve it before tomorrow night."

Irene asked expectantly: "You said you have thought of a solution, what is it?"

He whispered: "The overall situation is actually very simple, the most difficult problem is you."

"Me? What problem?"

"You, dare to kill people?!"

Irene was stunned, her eyes were puzzled and then a little scared.

Xu Zhijian continued to repeat the plan.

She finally understood why she did this. I have to say, it was really... how to say it, exciting?

She then asked with concern: "Oh my God, will you be in danger? If it doesn't work, forget it."

"I don't want you to fall into an irreversible situation, I will be very uneasy."

Xu Zhijian smiled with great relief when he heard this.

This girl is not bad.

The first reaction is not to think about whether the plan can succeed or whether she can get rid of the curse.

But to care about her comfort.

Yes, it is worth making friends with.

He said confidently: "Don't worry, I will be fine. The main thing is whether you can be ruthless enough to kill someone?"

"Whether you can succeed depends on you."

Eileen said nothing and lowered her head to think deeply.

After a long time, she raised her head and nodded with a firm look in her eyes!

Although it was a challenge to personal morality and endurance, she didn't care so much for the sake of her survival.

Xu Zhijian hummed with satisfaction: "Very good, let's do it!"

So the two continued to discuss the details until half past ten.

Back home.

Ellie simply washed and went to bed. She didn't sleep well last night and felt very tired.

I don't know how long I slept. I heard a rhythmic bang in the haze, as if something was hitting something?

And it felt very close.

She immediately opened her eyes and sat up, then looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw that outside the window at this time, there was a black thing hitting the glass.

It was spherical, and it went up and down like a pendulum, very regular.

Eileen felt bad.

No matter what this thing outside was, why did it suddenly hit the glass.

He only said that he lived on the third floor, nearly ten meters high!

What would do this in the middle of the night?

She immediately reached out to turn on the bedside lamp, but it didn't light up after pressing it a few times.

She quickly jumped out of bed to turn on the main light, but it was still the same.

She knew that this must be another hallucination, so she controlled her fear and chanted a spell towards the window.

Today, Xu Zhijian specially taught her an exorcism spell so that she could chant it when she encountered hallucinations again.

Maybe it would work.

However, the spherical object outside the glass was still slowly hitting it.

What's going on? ?

Is it ineffective?

Irene was a little confused. According to conventional reasoning, a round object could strangely float to a position of about ten meters.

If nothing unexpected happened, it must be a human head.

Horror movies often play this way.

But why didn't the weapon have the same effect? ​​Could it be that the level was too high? ?

This was a bit bad.

She vigilantly picked up her phone and turned on the flashlight to see if there was still light.

Unexpectedly, there was no problem.

So he quickly shone the light towards the window.

Now he could finally see what it was, it was actually a basketball!

It was so outrageous!

At the same time, the basketball floating in the air suddenly fell, and there was a sound of clattering outside.

Then the silence returned.

Although Irene was very curious about what was going on and what tricks the evil ghost was playing.

But she did not rashly go to the window to check outside.

Because according to the routine of horror movies, generally doing so will cause trouble.

So he stood there alert.

After waiting patiently for more than ten minutes, nothing abnormal happened again, it seemed that everything was fine?

"It's just an illusion again"

She muttered to herself, turned around and wanted to go to the bathroom, and then she didn't sleep for the rest of the night.

As a result, when she turned her head just now, she saw a face close to her!

She couldn't see the facial features clearly, but it was obviously a human face.


She was frightened and screamed, staggering back reflexively, and almost fell down.

Cold sweat broke out in a flash.

But I found that the face that had just appeared was gone again.

It was gone in a flash.

It seemed that it had never appeared, and it seemed that I had just seen it wrong.

Irene wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and frowned, not believing that she had seen it wrong!

Because it was too real and clear.

At this time, Ran was completely nervous and didn't notice that he had unconsciously retreated to the window.

Just when he calmed down a little, he suddenly felt a cold hand suddenly pinching his neck from behind!


Irene was so scared that her soul flew away and she opened her eyes instantly!

The bedside lamp emitted a faint light, and the room was quiet and there was nothing.

Thanks to Green Lemon Ball and Elmotis for their monthly tickets.

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