People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 68 Survival Day 068: The Temptation of the US Dollar

She stared blankly at the ceiling for a long time, and then she realized that everything just happened was just a nightmare.

Phew...a false alarm.

damn it.

So true!

She took a long breath and wiped the sweat from her head, thinking that she could not escape the smile curse even when she slept.

It really tortures people's mentality and will.

I think I am brave and strong enough, but I am still frightened from time to time.

Not to mention ordinary people.

After thinking silently for a while, Erin changed from lying on her back to a sideways position.

However, as soon as he turned his head to the left, he saw a face lying on its side, staring at him quietly.

Those facial features.

That look.

Exactly...himself? !


Irene was so shocked that she jumped up and almost flew away.

While frightened, he also found that the situation in front of him changed instantly.

There is no other me in the bed.

It was already dawn outside, and the early morning sunlight shone in through the windows.

She was stunned, looking at the bed and then out the window, listening to the sound of cars passing by from time to time.

Look at the clock hanging again, it's half past seven in the morning.

After being stunned for a long time, Irene suddenly raised her hand and pinched her cheek hard.


It was loud and painful.

Does this mean we are not dreaming or hallucinating now?

But what about that series just now...? ! !

A terrifying thought immediately popped up: If I guessed correctly, it must be a dream within a dream within a dream.

She couldn't help but shudder.

I have never encountered such an evil and strange situation, which also shows that the smile curse has become more fierce.

It's no longer just an illusion.

It's a series of sets, one after another.

Until you can't tell the difference at all, you can only escape by committing suicide.

No! !

It must be solved today, no matter what, we must kill it with Xu!

After calming down for a long time, she hurriedly dialed Xu Zhijian's number.

ten minutes later.

Xu Zhijian also left home directly and went to a car rental company immediately and rented a black SUV.

Then went to the hospital.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Rose coming out of the ward in the corridor.

The other party was stunned when he saw this, put on a smile and asked: "Hey, aren't you on vacation? Why are you here again?"

He whispered: "I feel a little uncomfortable mentally and need your help."

Rose understood immediately and happily took him to the office.

Close the door and pour the coffee.

The two of them sat facing each other.

Rose asked: "You can tell me all the problems you encounter, and I will try my best to help you."

He nodded: "It's not really a big deal, I just feel depressed lately."

"I always think of Laura who committed suicide and her weird smile."

"Sometimes I dream... and wake up in the middle of the night."

"Anyway, I can't forget it and I can't rest well. You must understand what I mean."

Rose nodded: "I understand, no matter who sees someone committing suicide in front of their eyes, their hearts will be affected."

"Laura's death is not your fault. Don't blame yourself too much and don't think too much."

"Let me prescribe some medicine for you first. It should be able to restore you to normal sleep."

Xu Zhijian agreed directly and wanted this result.

After chatting for a few more words, he took the list and left, successfully buying the medicines he needed.

Then I put on my mask and hat and drove to the Nico community.

He parked the car at the intersection and sat inside silently observing the pedestrians coming and going.

Soon I discovered that most of the Nicos here were in gangs and had conflicts with each other.

Very consistent with the characteristics of this creature.

The characteristics of the two largest gangs are also obvious.

One wears a red turban or as a mask and has a tattoo of the letter B.

A blue bandana with a tattoo of the letter C.

When the two parties meet, they either ignore each other or say hello, but most often they curse each other.

He even pulled out a gun twice.

In this regard, Xu Zhijian said that it was very good, this is the result she wanted!

Because those Nico robbers last time were members of the red gang.

Now things are simple.

After waiting patiently for about half an hour, three people wandered across the block.

Take a closer look, aren’t they the same three from yesterday!

They wore red scarves on their foreheads, held leaves in their mouths, and walked as if they were relatives.

Xu Zhijian took out his mobile phone and turned on the camera, taking several pictures in a row when the distance was about the same.

The three Nicos were completely unaware.

And he didn't leave, and continued to wait patiently.

Not long after, two more Blue Gang members came out of the community, seemingly going somewhere else.

Xu Zhijian finally took action this time and got out of the car.

He quickly crossed the road and stopped at the intersection: "Hey, you two, do you want to make money?"

The two niggas subconsciously put their hands into their waistbands, looking fierce and vigilant.

The taller one said angrily: "Mazefak! Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Xu Zhijian whispered: "I want to ask you for a favor, five hundred dollars, how about it?"

The two of them looked at each other with curious and greedy eyes.

The tall man asked: "Are you FUCK Asian? Why are you looking for us?"

He replied: "Because only you can do this, and I think you will be happy to do it."

The short man said, "What's going on? FUCK, you're not going to FUKC the cops, are you? FUCK!"

Xu Zhijian opened the album and found the photos, and enlarged the faces of the three Niggers to show them.

"It's very simple, just kidnap them three, how about it?"

The two of them looked closer and muttered that they were the garbage from the B gang, and these Niggers should die, etc.

The blacks don't let others call Niggers.

But they always use this word to tease and greet each other.

It shows that they also know what they are, but they are just crazy double standards.

The tall man asked, "What grudges do you have with them?"

Xu Zhijian shrugged, "Sorry I can't go into details, but it's very contradictory."

"Now is not the time to talk nonsense, are you willing to do it?"

The short man interrupted, "Of course, but five hundred dollars is not enough, one thousand!"

The tall man agreed, "Yes, you Asians are all rich people, it must be one thousand, and you have to pay first."

He agreed without bargaining.

Although it is a waste to give money to these rubbish, it is worth it to spend a small amount of money to do a big thing.

He took out five hundred dollars: "OK, but I'll give you half first, this is a deposit."

"How about paying the other half after meeting those three people?"

It is not safe to pay in advance, but there is no need to worry that the other party will not do anything.

These low-level trash have no money and no ability, and they can do anything for money.

The purchasing power of the US dollar is strong.

It is impossible to give up the subsequent income.

The tall man grabbed the money: "Of course it's no problem, man, tell me, how do you want us to tie it up?"

If it weren't for the subsequent money, according to his character, he would have just robbed it and left.

Xu Zhijian whispered the subsequent plan, and Ni Ge nodded repeatedly to show that he understood.

Then both parties left.

Thank you Xizhi for becoming the ninth apprentice! Thank you Kangde Qixia for the 100 book coins.

Thanks to Jiang Yueming, book friend 7030, the Nuclear Bomb Sword Immortal who was forced to go out and play soy sauce, book friend 8359, the Uchiha without emotions, and the legendary man who hunts for beauty for their monthly tickets.

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