People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 96 Survival Day 096: Abnormal Behavior

Before setting off, Xu Zhijian took out a marker and drew a pattern on the stone wall as a mark.

In this way, even if you make the wrong choice or get lost and return, you can still tell where you set off.

According to the mark, you can directly find the location of the cave entrance and reorganize.

He walked in first with a flashlight in his left hand and a spear in his right hand, and the others followed closely.

There was nothing special about this fork in the road, just a little narrower.

However, as you go deeper, the space becomes narrower and narrower.

In the end, the road ahead is only more than 40 centimeters wide, which is probably enough for one person to pass sideways.

Xu Zhijian walked over and shone the flashlight inside. There was no danger where the light reached.

But should I go in?

The space is too small. If you move sideways and encounter an accident, you will have no chance to dodge or fight back.

Jenny thought so too, and whispered: "Xu, should we take this risk?"

Miller and Ike also stared at him.

Xu Zhijian thought for a while and decided to keep going!

Having come this far, there is no point in going back, and the other fork in the road may be even worse.

Going back and forth will only waste time.

And if you want to escape and not be eliminated, the right choice is to keep moving forward.

He nodded and said, "Yes, this is a necessary adventure. Ike, you go in the front."

"Miller is second, Jenny is third, and I will cover the back."

This arrangement is the best solution.

Ike's strength is not good, but he is an adult male after all, and he is stronger than the two of them.

If he really encounters danger, he can hold on longer even if he is cannon fodder.

And he went to the last one on the one hand to save his fellow Taoist from his death, and on the other hand to avoid being completely cut off from the back.

Danger ahead is not scary.

What is scary is to be attacked from both sides and be completely blocked in a narrow passage.

Ike opened his mouth to say something, but he should have figured out that it was actually the same whether he was in the front or the back.

If he really encountered an attack, he would die anyway.

So he nodded in agreement.

Xu Zhijian handed over the machete: "Hold it tightly with your left hand, and you can fight back if you encounter any situation."

"Miller, Jenny, hold the flashlight in your left hand to help illuminate."

After preparation, start to act.

Ike took a deep breath, held the machete tightly with his left hand, and then turned his body sideways and walked in a little bit.

The two girls followed closely behind.

Xu Zhijian first looked behind him, and walked in when he saw that there was no situation.

He held the flashlight in his left hand to illuminate the people in front of him, and held the upright spear in his right hand.

As the saying goes, an inch longer is an inch stronger.

Long-handled weapons are still useful in a small space. If a monster really attacks suddenly, you can take the lead in assassinating and stopping it.

Of course, cold weapons are cold weapons after all.

Pistols are the king.

After walking carefully for more than 20 meters, there was no problem for the time being.

Xu Zhijian found that Jenny in front of him was shaking constantly, and her breathing was so rapid that she seemed to be suffocating.

He whispered, "What's wrong with you?!"

Jenny looked pale, and said in a trembling voice, "Nothing... nothing, just... claustrophobia."

He said, "Oh," and understood.

This is a kind of anxiety disorder about closed and small spaces, and the patient will uncontrollably think of some terrible pictures.

For example, fear of being suddenly crushed to death, crushed to death, etc.

Severe cases even dare not take elevators or cars.

Now this passage is really narrow and makes people feel depressed and uncomfortable, and their heartbeats can't help but speed up.

Xu Zhijian comforted, "Don't worry, it's almost over. With me by your side, nothing will happen."

Jenny took two deep breaths and nodded, feeling a little relieved.

After walking for about three minutes, Ike found that the front was finally empty.

He couldn't help but speed up excitedly, and when he walked out completely, he quickly scanned the surrounding environment.

No problem, safe!

Ike shouted happily, "Guys, come out quickly, there's no problem here!"

Miller and Jenny were delighted to hear this, and hurriedly speeded up.

Finally, they passed without any danger.

Xu Zhijian looked around, felt the wind direction, and then led the team to continue moving forward.

Miller asked as he walked: "How far have we walked? Why is there no sign of getting out?"

Ike took out his phone and looked at the record: "More than 150 meters, damn! How big is this cave?"

"Will we never get out?"

Jenny comforted: "Don't worry, this distance is normal, it's far worse than the world-famous caves."

"Even a few kilometers is normal."

"So don't say discouraged words, we will definitely escape smoothly."

Miller couldn't help but complain to himself: "Normal? It's abnormal since we entered the forest."

Xu Zhijian didn't participate in the discussion, but thought about all the possibilities.

The situation in the forest has been confirmed to be "Wrong Turn"

What will it be now?

Is it still in this series, but it's not consistent with the setting of the movie.

Or is it another movie?

Or, both? ?

If it's the former, then this cave should be the lair of the mountain ogre?


I hope there aren't too many of them.

As they thought about it, everyone suddenly stopped at the same time.

Because there was no way forward.

Instead, a dark, cold and slightly smelly underground lake appeared!

Xu Zhijian walked forward and shone a flashlight. The lake water was dark green, and it was unclear how deep it was.

As for the other side, it was not too far away, estimated to be about 20 meters.

Ike looked around and said, "What should we do? Can we swim over there?"

Xu Zhijian ignored him and squatted down to carefully observe the depth of the water.

In fact, the appearance of a water source is generally a good thing, because if there is a flow, you can escape in the direction.

It can also produce oxygen.

You don't have to worry about water shortages.

As for the bad news, there are quite a lot of dangers, especially in the world of horror movies.

After watching for a while, he stretched out a spear to test.

The more than two-meter-long stick quickly touched the bottom. Looking at the height of the water surface, it was about 1.2 meters.

That is, to the waist of a person.

However, this is the depth of the shore. As for whether it is the same in the middle, it is difficult to detect.

Xu Zhijian quickly came up with a solution.

He took out the rope he carried from his bag, which was about five meters long.

"Take out all your ropes."

Jenny and the others searched quickly and took out three ropes of different sizes.

He tied them together end to end, and it was more than ten meters long.

He then wrapped a circle of tape around each meter as a mark.

He then picked up a stone and wrapped it around it, and then threw it hard towards the middle of the lake.


The stone sank into the water, splashing ripples and sounds.

After it completely touched the bottom, he calculated the marks for each meter, subtracted the extra part, and got the approximate data.

Not bad.

It's basically the same depth as the shore!

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