People in ghost movies, killing people

Chapter 97 Survival Day 097: Big Fight

Good news: The water is not deep, so you can swim without worrying about drowning.

Bad news: No idea what's underneath.

Xu Zhijian threw another stone, made a splashing sound, and then waited patiently.

After more than ten minutes, nothing strange appeared underwater.

Miller asked, "Does this mean it's safe down there?"

"No, not enough."

He took out another bag of beef jerky, tore open the package and threw a few sticks inside.

The stone may not attract the attention of the hidden object because it is used to it.

But the food is different.

No matter whether it is an animal or a monster, it will definitely not be able to stand in this environment of lack of food.

As long as there is action, there will be feedback from the water surface.

The four of them sat on the shore and observed carefully, taking a break at the same time.

five minutes.

ten minutes.

fifteen minutes.

After waiting like this for about half an hour, nothing happened.

Maybe, there is really no problem underwater?

Jenny tentatively said: "You can try to get into the water and walk over this time, right Xu?"

Xu Zhijian nodded and stood up: "Yes, let's go."

Although I always feel that it shouldn't be that simple, it's not a problem to waste time here all the time.

Sooner or later you have to take action, just do it and be done with it.


This time he entered the water first and took the lead.

Jenny and others followed one after another.

Because the groundwater is quite cold, it's as biting as taking it out of the refrigerator.

Everyone couldn't help but shudder a few times.

Xu Zhijian slowly groped forward while carefully paying attention to the underwater situation.

Miller and Jenny held each other's hands tightly, the tension and coldness caused their calves to tremble all the time.

Every step I took felt like I was stepping on cotton.


The sound of water echoed in the empty, dark cave.

While walking, Miller's body suddenly trembled, with an extremely frightened look on his face.

"OMG! Jenny, something grabbed my leg! I can't move-!"

When everyone heard this, they quickly stopped, turned around, and came over to check.

However, the color of the rippling water was so dark that it was impossible to see what was underneath.

Miller was almost scared to tears: "Help me quickly...get me out quickly!!"

"Don't move!"

Xu Zhijian reminded her, and then stabbed her with a spear where she was standing.

Then I picked it up and looked, and there was nothing.

I don’t know if it’s not plugged in, or if there’s nothing there in the first place.

He stabbed several more times in succession.

Still nothing happened, and nothing similar to blood was found.

At this time, Miller suddenly said: " feet can move again! I can move!"

Xu Zhijian glanced at her and immediately said: "OK, everyone, hurry up and get ashore, hurry up!"

Although I don't know what happened to her, whether she was stuck by a stone or caught by something else.

Are you even doing it on purpose?

Anyway, let’s get out of this damn lake and get ashore first.

Jenny, Miller, and Ike were so frightened that their hair stood on end, and they hurriedly sprinted with all their strength.

After a while, we finally landed safely.

Miller sat on the ground and immediately looked at the position of his left foot with a flashlight.

I found nothing hanging and no injuries.

Ike asked suspiciously: "Did your feet really get caught just now? Is it an illusion?"

She said seriously and panicked: "Swear to God, it's true! Why should I lie to you?"

Jenny was at the side to smooth things over: "I believe you, we are safe now, there is no need to be afraid."

Xu Zhijian squatted on the shore and continued to observe the water to deduce what was going on.

If it was a hidden monster, why didn't it attack me at the same time?

And he quit right away?

Jenny came over and asked: "Xu, have you found anything?"

He shook his head: "No, I can't see anything, and it's very strange."

Jenny: "What's weird?"

He told what he had just guessed, and the other party couldn't help but nod in agreement.

It's really a bit unreasonable.

There is no way to explain it.

After studying for a while with no results, the four of them straightened up and continued to set off.

After walking for a while, Xu Zhijian keenly heard a series of slight sounds suddenly coming from above.

He looked up quickly and found that some small rocks were falling one after another.

Jenny and others also discovered this situation.

He was stunned for a moment and immediately said: "!!"

They seemed to have guessed the reason, and Sayazi rushed forward in a panic without saying anything.

Gala... Gala...

The sound of falling and crashing stones became louder and more intensive.


Immediately afterwards, a stone the size of a tire suddenly fell and landed exactly where they were standing.

With the first piece, the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth pieces followed.

The boulders fell one after another, the sound of the smashing echoed endlessly, and the ground continued to vibrate.

In less than a minute, gravel blocked the passage.

Everyone who was hiding far away looked at this scene and couldn't help but feel scared. It would have been terrible if it had been slower just now.

It has now been smashed into mud.

But why did it collapse when it was good? !

Xu Zhijian did not expect this situation, but he was not surprised.

It can even be inferred with certainty that this must be a "mechanism" that has been arranged long ago.

It will trigger whenever someone passes by.

Ike came back to his senses at this time and looked at him: "Didn't you say that we can leave this road? Why is it like this?"

Jenny and Miller also turned their heads to look, with expressions of fear and despair.

Xu Zhijian ignored him and felt whether there was still wind blowing from the front.

Seeing this, Ike said angrily: "FUCK! You f*cking talk, didn't you say that we can leave!"

"What's going on now, you f*cking say it, bastard!"


Xu Zhijian hit him with a big cunt, and he staggered back and almost fell down.


Ike covered his face and screamed, feeling like he was cut by a knife, burning with pain.

Xu Zhijian said coldly: "I will only give you this chance. If you dare to curse again, this is your grave."

Jenny hurriedly came up to persuade: "Xu, don't be angry, he is also too scared to lose his mind, it's not intentional."

He snorted: "I know, so I will give you a chance, keep going."

After that, he took the lead and strode away.

Jenny hurried to catch up.

Miller looked at Ike and followed closely.

Ike covered his face and hesitated for a moment, then had to follow.

The four of them moved forward in silence, and the atmosphere became more depressing.

After a while, Ike walked up quickly and said sincerely: "Xu, I'm-so-sorry, I was too impulsive just now."

"Well, it's okay, I understand."

Xu Zhijian was not just being polite, but he really felt that it was unnecessary.

Besides, he had already taught him a lesson.

It is normal for ordinary people to be anxious and afraid in the face of such a dilemma, and there is no need to blame him.

I just didn't expect him to apologize on his own initiative.


He can bend and stretch, and he is still a man.


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