“Get out of the way!”

After Jim let out a scream, Shen Long and Selena rolled out on the spot at almost the same time.

Their dodging movements were followed by a large rain of irregular but powerful bullets.

It turned out that Red Devil Jack, who crawled out of the incinerator, got a tripod machine gun out of nowhere, and half-crouched on the ground and shot at them.

In this abandoned workshop, there are many gasoline drums piled together, and after being hit by a machine gun, due to the violent friction with the warhead, it instantly triggered a chain reaction.

The fire that rose up into the sky was as ferocious as a volcanic eruption, and suddenly rushed to the roof, plunging the entire space into a sea of fire.

“Go and die, you guys! Go XXGCPD, go XX Selena! Go XX Oriental! Let’s all die! ”

Jack the Red Devil, who was ravaged to half death by a kitten, fell into madness, and in his field of vision, as long as he saw a moving target, he would be mercilessly shot, even his brother Rooney the Bad Tooth could not escape the doom, because the fat body size was too eye-catching, and was beaten into a ball of meat sauce by his brother.

“Shett! This guy is crazy. Shen Long had no choice but to hide behind a steel beam, because the distance was too far for him to risk killing Red Devil Jack.

“This bastard, I should have killed him a long time ago!” Selena clenched her teeth, regretting the softness of her heart just now.

“Whew… When he finished venting, we rushed out together. Jim leaned back against the steel beam on the other side, signaling his officers not to do their best, and that waiting for work was the best solution to this fire suppression.

“Hi Jim, how about a drink at the Iceberg Club? I treat you. Shen Long shouted at him.

“Iceberg Club?” Sheriff Gordon’s face changed: “Dragon, I now seriously suspect that you have colluded with Penguin, that guy has done a lot of dirty things to trample the law behind GCPD’s back, and when I find evidence, I won’t open up to you just because we are friends.” ”

“Haha, it seems that I have to make a wish, I pray that you will never find evidence.” Shen Long did not intend to deny his relationship with Penguin, anyway, he was a regular visitor to the Iceberg Club, where everyone from waiters to dancers knew him.

In the face of Jim’s iron-faced selflessness, Sai was a little unable to listen: “Sheriff Gordon, my brother has helped you a lot, just take today’s matter, without brother, you and these rookies you brought, can you walk out of the East Eighth District alive?” ”

“Selena, are you teaching me to do things? Adults talk, children don’t interrupt. As Selena’s parole officer, Jim had a natural sense of superiority and majesty, and it was the first time he had heard such disparaging words pop out of Selena’s mouth.

“Cut! I have never seen such an ungrateful. ”

“I’ve never seen such an impolite child.”

“Stop arguing, there seems to be a situation.” Hearing the gunshots stop abruptly, Shen Long realized that something was wrong.

“I bet he ran out of bullets in his gun.” Selena straightened her whip, “Xie Ling still needs to tie the bell man, the end of Red Devil Jack, I will pronounce the sentence.” ”

“Selena, do you dare to shoot in such a short time at the amateur point, with the rate of fire and bullet capacity of his machine gun.” Sheriff Gordon said with a hint of mockery.

“Brother, is that so?” Selena asked, she knew that Shen Long was familiar with the detailed parameters of various firearms.

Shen Long smiled at her: “Theoretically speaking, this is the case. ”

“Hmph, then count him right.” The kitten, who was brought back to a city by Jim, seemed a little upset.

And the next inhuman action of Red Devil Jack made everyone at the scene want to smash his corpse into pieces.

I saw that after he couldn’t find the target to shoot, he actually aimed the muzzle at Ivy, who was hanging upside down on the chemical pool.

This poor girl, after experiencing perverted torture and mental destruction, is actually going to be used as a target of adult flesh to satisfy Red Devil Jack’s desire to kill.

Shen Long now finally understands why Bruce Wayne’s parents died tragically in Sin Alley, because the murderer who shot them was such a murderer who lost all rationality after falling into madness.

Perhaps his reason at the time was simply to hear little Bruce’s wail to satisfy his evil desire to dominate the lives of others.

Shen Long and Selena rushed to the chemical pool at almost the same time.

But no matter how fast they move, they can’t catch up with bullets that are on par with the speed of sound.

In order to save Ivy in this extreme situation, Shen Long could only think of two people – Da Chao and Xiao Shen.

It’s a pity that these two, one is enjoying life in the metropolis, and the other is studying in high school in Central City.

Compared with Gotham City, which is pure in folk style, these two cities are simply paradise within paradise.

“Ivy!!!” In Selena’s scream, machine gun bullets penetrated the girl’s body one after another.

On her white chest, bright red flowers of death bloomed one after another.

Shen Long knew that it was too late.

Red Devil Jack’s unruly strafing, after beating her to pieces, climbed all the way up, leaving several bullet holes in her legs, and accidentally hit the rope used to bind her, and after the rope broke, Ivy rushed down her head and poked straight into the chemical pool tumbling with green water. _

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