A second before she fell into the chemistry pool, Selena saw the smile bloom on her face.

“Bastard!!! Bastard!!! I’m going to kill him!!! ”

“I’m going to cut off his flesh piece by piece!!! Avenge Ivy!!! ”

“Ivy!!! Ivy!!! Can you hear me? Hold on, I’ll come to your rescue right away! ”

“Don’t do this, Selena.”

Shen Long hugged the kitten who wanted to jump into the chemical pool from behind, and he didn’t know where this girl’s strength came from, and she almost broke free.

“You… You let me go, let me go! I’m going to save her! I can’t afford to lose her! She’s my only sister in the world!!! ”

“Let go of me! Let me go! I told you to let me go! ”

“Selena, calm down!” Shen Long looked at the unresponsive chemical pool, and his heart was sad.

The miracle he had expected did not happen, something he never dreamed of.

Maybe it’s because the injury is too bad?

Shen Long didn’t dare to think about it, she only knew that Ivy’s fall would be thousands of times more painful for the kitten.

Because this girl, who has an equally miserable life, has never experienced what it is like to be loved by her relatives since she was a child.

Her plain masked father, minutes after sending her into her mother’s body, turned around and disappeared into the vast sea of people.

And her mother, after giving birth to her, did not intend to fulfill the responsibilities of a mother.

Anyway, in the red light district of Naiho Island, this kind of accident is happening every day.

But fortunately for the other babies, she was not able to say goodbye to the damn world when she was thrown into a pond and drowned, just after her umbilical cord was cut.

Instead, stumbling and growing up in hunger and cold.

Even when she was five years old, a terrible plague on the island caused by contaminated water did not kill her stubborn little life.

Since then, she has awakened an amazing talent, and the chance of being discovered by adults when she is Apple is almost zero.

But it’s not like that, and she’s also the only one.

She vividly remembers that it was a rainy day, and when the stall owner caught her, what ushered in was not a miracle of human nature.

Instead, together with four adult clerks, she almost passed out from punches and kicks, and finally like a dead kitten unknown to no one, she was thrown in a stinking gutter next to the street, and her face was painted with the words “thief, thief” and other words on her face.

When she woke up, she found herself lying in a warm cave with a bonfire burning next to it and fragrant grilled fish on it.

The hungry kitten, whether dreaming or not, removed the grilled fish that was not fully ripe and ate it happily.

It was from that day that she met the master who rescued her, an unknown old man who had lost both arms.

Under the training of the armless master, Kitten discovered that she had a great talent for controlling her body, so she began to specialize in physical arts, from an ignorant little girl to a famous martial arts master on Naiho Island.

After she kicked out several small forces that were enemies of her in Xicheng District one after another, she finally won the right to get a piece of the pie on Naihe Island.

Happy, Selena returns to the place where the Armless Master lives, only to find that the cave she was rescued has mysteriously disappeared along with her master, as if it had never appeared in this world.

For half a year, Selena wandered back and forth around the neighborhood, but still found nothing.

In the end, she had to forget this happy time, withdraw from the law of the jungle, and start a new life where theft is the main source of income.

But God seemed to open a window for her while closing a door for her, and the person who jumped in from this window was Ivy.

She is a sister who has been a sibling for several years, and she believes that Ivy treats her like each other’s relatives.

But this hard-won little beauty was ruthlessly destroyed just now.

The feeling of losing a loved one is not good, and she is so young that she has been tricked by fate twice.

The first time was her mother, who abandoned her and eloped with someone else.

The second time was now, and she couldn’t suppress this biting grief no matter what.

In order to break free from Shen Long’s restraints, she used her small fangs to bite Shen Long’s arm fiercely, and the blood that burst into her mouth made her even more crazy, her eyes were covered with terrifying mesh blood, staring at her girlfriend who fell into the chemical pool and never floated again.

“Don’t mess with Selena.” Shen Long, who endured the pain, just said lightly: “Ivy is dead, do you want to die with her?” If you want that, I can let you go right now, but remember that the harm you do to me will not be any different from the harm Ivy has done to you. ”

“Woo hoo… Woo hoo… Why, why is the whole world targeting me, why?!!! ”

The emotionally broken kitten threw himself into Shen Long’s arms, and tears burst out of his eyes.

Holding her trembling little body, Shen Long’s mood was mixed, yes, why. _

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