People In Hokage, I Naruto Just Want Daily Life

185 The More Beauties, The Better~

"Phew! I'm full, I'm full~ Sure enough, the things here can satisfy me~ I said, don't draw any comics, just make meatballs and forget it? In that case

I would like to visit your shop every day from now on~"

Swallowing the last meatball into his mouth, he began to chew. After feeling the tenderness and the complex and delicious feeling spread all over his body, Anko couldn't help but let out an unknown number of times. emotion.

Although I have a lot of opinions on someone, but from the perspective of cooking, it is indeed impeccable.

"Then why don't you just marry me~ If that's the case, I'll make it for you every day~"


It's just that a certain person would borrow a donkey down the slope to take advantage of the fire to rob.

With a teasing tone, it seemed that he said this kind of words that seemed to come from the depths of his heart in a half-truth, so that the two girls beside him couldn't help but raised their heads and looked at him with complicated eyes.

This person's "*harassment" ability is really like instinct, and he came with 24 mouths.

"Okay~ If you really want to do it, I'll marry you~"


However, what made them even more depressed was that this big sister didn't dislike the fact that things would become bigger at all. Instead, after a moment of silence, she smiled and nodded in agreement!

Hey, what are these two playing?

Can this kind of thing be used as a joke?

But if you think about it carefully, in fact, to be honest, the possibility of drunkenness is higher than that of drinking.

Xiang Rin knows that Anko-sensei already has that kind of meaning towards big brother. At this time, it may be a joke, and it may be true to express it!

And Nana is even more clear, sister Anko will be in the future...

Could it be that it was here, at this moment, that thing was done...

"That's a good feeling~"

"You have a beautiful idea, a brat with barely even hair, still thinking about this kind of thing, let's talk about it when you are taller than me!"

"Then it's almost time to wait for another two years. It seems that we can prepare a dowry gift at that time. Sister Anko, what kind of things do you like? How about making you 999 balls?"

"Who wants such a betrothal gift! Give me a second thought!"

"But I can't think of anything else you like, Anko soup? At that time, everyone at the banquet should have a bowl of Anko soup."

"Then I won't marry if I die!"

"Eh? Why don't you think about it?"



I always feel that they seem a bit redundant here.

Although the identity is "sister", it is not appropriate to intervene in the emotional (picking up) exchanges of big brothers.

But now they still feel that it seems a bit inappropriate for them to be here, so let them chat...

What, of course, is impossible.

"Big brother, don't talk so much when eating?"

Xianglin pursed her small mouth and said a little uncomfortably.

Obviously, when the two of them are at home, he often asks her to talk less and eat quickly, but today he himself can't stop talking.

"It's different when there are guests. This is the way of hospitality, and there are more people, chat more, and the meal is also very delicious, isn't it~"

He said all the reasons, what else did she say?

Xianglin really wanted to refute and complain, but after thinking about it, she still thought it was okay.

It's meaningless to talk about this with this person, he is always "right" in what he does, and always has his own set of principles, which is annoying.

"I just feel that listening to you is better than eating, but then again, where are your little girlfriends?"

Xianglin didn't say anything, but Anko started to complain.

She crossed her legs, put her two little feet wrapped in black grid stockings together, and then held the toothpick used to eat meatballs in her mouth, swinging up and down, playing "It looks a bit leisurely.

Most of the people in Konoha knew about such a big event today. After all, the hospital explosion was not a small matter, and it was an enemy attack!

But none of the girls who are usually very attentive to Naruto has appeared at this time, only two from Naruto's own family are still there, which is a bit rare.

"I'm doing missions outside. Didn't Sand Shinobi have trouble with Konoha recently, so I want to do the missions there as much as possible first, to ease some conflicts, and send them to escort the business group. In short, it is still Very busy."

Naruto replied with a smile, but his eyes were unscrupulously staring at Anko's current state.

Although the clothes are relatively tight, Naruto still has a pleasing feeling for such a casual and lazy beauty, nodding at this scene from time to time

In fact, originally, Kakashi group should also go.

But there is no way.

Kakashi himself is still on crutches, and Sasuke has become very unstable because of Itachi, so Konoha temporarily prohibits him from going out. For the time being, it is better to stop the mission.

"Yes, then you can have a little free time, but don't you feel a little bored, usually there are so many beautiful women around you, now there are only a few left~"

"Haha~ Quantity is not the most important thing, as long as it is cute, I like it very much~ And with you, it is enough for now"


Faced with this obviously extremely flirtatious words, the three women including Anko were all speechless.

Especially Nana, she is indeed skeptical about the character of this "Uncle".

But there is still a way to say good things, at least these words sound quite comfortable...

"Naruto, are you at home? I heard you were attacked, are you dead?"

"Temari, don't ask me like this, just say you're worried, isn't it good?"


"It's long-winded!"

"Are you sure you've had enough?"

" fact, the more the better~"


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