Chapter 65 Xiaogang: Huh? This is gone——

It is night, gently covering the earth, bringing peace and tranquility. The gentle breeze takes away the heat of the day, leaving only a hint of coolness, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The square was very quiet at night. A crisp "ding" broke the tranquility of the night. A group of people walked staggeringly in the square, their faces flushed, and the beer bottles under their feet creaked on the ground. "The sound of the bottle reflected a cold luster in the dim light.

"Drink, keep drinking!"


The dull footsteps were in sharp contrast with the clinking of beer bottles in the hands of the drunkards. The drunkards rubbed their eyes and stared at the figure walking out with blurred eyes.

"Brother, have a bite."

The drunkard, who looked relatively strong, staggered towards King Peel, and the beer bottle he was holding spilled on the floor due to the shaking of his body.

Grabbing the drunk man's neck, King Peel said in a low voice, "Stupid earthlings can just provide me with useful value."

He threw away the drunkard in his hand, and a figure named Nether Demon appeared behind King Peel. His scarlet eyes flashed in the dark night and began to create negative energy for King Peel.

Black mist intertwined with King Pier's body. The dark purple-red armor on his body shone with dark red light. The color of the core of the armor summoner on his abdomen was like obsidian, glowing darkly.

"It's your turn next time, Lufa."

"After comprehensive investigation and verification, signs of monster activity were witnessed in many densely populated areas of our city from yesterday evening to early morning, including but not limited to the central business district, parks and residential areas.

According to statistical data analysis, the total number of victims has been confirmed so far.』

"Damn Nether Demon." Xiaogang threw the remote control on the sofa and smashed it on the coffee table with his fist.

Opening the door, Li Haotian and Xu Tingfei walked in with tired faces.

Leaning on the sofa tiredly, Li Haotian sighed softly, "Those ghost demons completely lost their minds and became puppets controlled by others."

"Then what is the purpose of King Pier?" Xu Tingfei rubbed his temples. The strength of the Nether Demon has become stronger after his resurrection. Now he has some trouble dealing with a Nether Demon, especially these Nether Demons are not afraid of pain and have no regard for it. and physical damage.

This style of fighting made Xu Tingfei's scalp feel numb.

"Planet Energy Crystal, that guy is accumulating strength to seize the Planet Energy Crystal, and uses the Nether Demon to create negative energy that strengthens himself." Li Haotian clenched his fists, his eyes red.

Li Haotian was very angry at people who didn't take life seriously.

"Xiao Gang, where is Brother Lin?"

When Li Haotian asked, Xiaogang scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, "I don't know, Brother Lin disappeared early in the morning."

"According to the latest news from this station, the beastman who was eliminated by the armored warriors appears again"

"It appears again. Damn it, are these ghost demons finished yet?!"

Xu Tingfei shook his hands angrily. These guys were like invincible Xiaoqiang. Even if they were eliminated several times, they would be resurrected again.

This is Ares' gene digitization technology, which stores one's own genes in a three-dimensional identification code. As long as the genetic code is not deleted, the Nether Demon can be resurrected indefinitely.

"Xiao Fei, now is not the time to complain. Let's get there quickly." Li Haotian said quickly. The most important thing now is to deal with these resurrected Nether Demons.

Holding the Gengden Vajra in his hand and coming to a small river, Dong Yelin looked at the shining Gengden Vajra in his hand and looked around, "Forget it here."

Taking a deep breath, he raised the Gengdan Vajra in his hand and pointed it at the river.

boom! ! !

The purple light emitted by the Gengdan Vajra was like a thunderbolt, hitting the river instantly. With a deafening loud noise, a huge whirlpool was instantly blasted out of the river.

At the same time, a water column rose into the sky from the vortex, and a flip-shaped mobile phone with purple light appeared in the water column.

When Dong Yelin opened his right hand, the purple light rushed into Dong Yelin's hand as if it was attracted.

The light dissipated, revealing the original appearance of the items in the light.

It is a purple flip phone with a texture different from that of earth materials. Who would have thought that the Shura Armor Summoner, known as the strongest in the galaxy, would be such a flip phone that has been eliminated by the times!

"Asura Armor requires the strongest Qi to exert its full power. And the prerequisite for having the strongest Qi is to have a clear mind and not be secretive. Unfortunately, I am not suitable."

Dong Yelin has a very clear understanding of himself and his thoughts are clear, but he can't do it at the moment.

"Brother Higashikata, can you hear me?"

In my ears, a welcome voice sounded.

Ares's teleportation technique? But why can it reach me?

Dong Yelin was very puzzled. He didn't have Xing Tian's three sets of armor, so he couldn't connect with his brain waves. Logically speaking, this thousand-mile sound transmission should not be reached.

No, Ares's Thousand Miles Voice Transmission Technique is mainly based on his own will power.

"You can hear it. What happened to Welcome?"

Forget it, now is not the time to think about this.

Being able to use the Thousand Miles Telephone Technique to find him, things seemed to be going a bit badly.

"It's successful, great!" Seeing that he had successfully transmitted the message from thousands of miles away, the welcoming voice became excited, "The Nether Demon is resurrected again. Xiaotian and the other three are no match for the Nether Demon. Brother Higashino, they..."

"Welcome, tell me where you are, I'll be there now."

Looking at the Shura Armor summoner in his hand, Dong Ye Lin also had an idea in his mind.

He couldn't use the full power of the Shura Armor, but he could still summon the armor.

There are not many restrictions on summoning the Shura Armor, as long as you have the power of mind. Of course, the power of mind determines how long your Shura Armor can be used.

After obtaining the Gengqi Vajra, Dong Ye Lin's power of mind can always be in a sufficient state.


The flames of the explosion covered the entire square, and the smoke produced by the explosion quickly spread in the air like a huge black mushroom cloud.

Three sets of armor flew out from the flames, and they slid on the square for a distance before they barely stopped.

There were black stains on the armor, and Xiaotian and the other two supported each other.

"The power of mind is running out." Xu Tingfei reminded, and his eyes were always watching the six figures in the flames.

These were the Nether Demons that were destroyed before, but compared with before, these figures were wearing heavy armor.

"Fight with these guys." Xiaogang stood up and shouted.

The power of mind got a breakthrough at this moment.

A pale yellow light appeared on his body. Qing Zizai, who was hiding aside, hurriedly shouted to Xiaogang, "Xiaogang, remember the fighting style of the King Kong Armor."

"The fighting style of the King Kong Armor?"

Xiaogang murmured, his light green compound eyes flashing with light, "I understand!"

Baru chopped down Xiaogang's head with the blood-sucking knife in his hand.

The power of mind in the whole body was concentrated on the summoner. Looking at Baru's figure, Xiaogang said in a low voice, "Stand still like a mountain, move like thunder, the great power of heaven and earth."

The moment Xiaogang's voice fell, the whole King Kong Armor emitted a dazzling yellow-white light, and the powerful power burst out, shaking Baru away!

His right hand suddenly stretched forward, and a card was held in Xiaogang's hand from virtual to real.

Exploding King Kong Upgrade Card!

"Exploding King Kong!"


A dull voice sounded, and the King Kong Armor underwent earth-shaking changes.

Exploding King Kong, the upgraded posture of King Kong armor!

"Upgraded?" Xu Tingfei looked at Xiaogang in astonishment. He really didn't expect that Xiaogang would be the first one to complete the armor upgrade in their three-person team.

According to his idea, Xiaotian should be the latest to complete the armor upgrade.


Sure enough, people can't just look at the surface.

"Upgrade? Even if the armor is upgraded, so what?"

The voice of King Pierre came from Baru's mouth, and the scarlet eyes reflected the figure of King Pierre.

"Ugly monster, this time I will beat you so hard that your mother can't recognize you." Xiaogang shouted.

As soon as the voice fell, Xiaogang rushed up with a step, and each step seemed to have the momentum of thunder and lightning, and the footsteps were deafening.

Bang! ! !

The golden and silver figure was instantly knocked out, and the body hit the concrete road heavily. Under this powerful impact, the road surface instantly cracked into countless tiny cracks, which crisscrossed like a spider web.

"Xiaogang, are you okay?" Li Haotian hurriedly helped Xiaogang up and said with concern.

"Xiaotian, it's okay." Xiaogang shook his head, "How can this guy be so strong?"

The whole process from him completing the armor upgrade to being knocked out was less than a minute. Is this the so-called light-speed defeat?

According to the TV series, shouldn't there be a novice protection period for summoning new armor?

Why is there no such period for him?

"Since the three of you armor summoners are together, the armor summoner belonging to our Ares should also be returned to its original owner."

Behind them, several nether demons raised their scarlet eyes and stared at Xiaotian and the other two.

"Change the scene!"

A voice mixed with mechanical electronic sounds sounded, and a purple armored figure appeared behind Baru.

The fist wind whizzed, and the purple energy gathered at this moment.


A surging punch like a wave hit behind Baru.

The overwhelming force surged, and a powerful impact hit Baru, who involuntarily took a few steps back and almost fell to the ground.

"How is it possible! Shura Armor!"

King Pierre, who shared the sight of these Nether Demon puppets and absorbed negative energy, was full of shock.

"Lufa?!" King Pierre immediately rejected this idea, "Impossible, that guy hasn't even recovered his body now, how could he summon Shura Armor."

"Could it be the Galaxy War Overlord Yan Emperor?"

King Pierre couldn't help but retreat in his heart.

He was not afraid of Shura Armor, but he had to see who summoned Shura Armor.

The Shura Armor summoned by Yan Emperor, who has the strongest aura, has a fighting power

"Not enough, I need more energy! Yes, Lufa!"

King Pierre's dark red compound eyes kept flashing.

After solving this group of controlled Nether Demons, Dong Yelin looked at the genetic code floating in the air and summoned Geng Qi Vajra to completely delete the genetic code.

Otherwise, with the characteristics of the gene code, even if it is sealed in the armor summoner, the armor summoner is also a shared database and can be summoned again by King Pierre. After all, King Pierre had already connected the Xingtian armor summoner to its database when he got it before.

"Brother Lin, is this armor the Shura armor?"

Xiaogang released the armor fusion and stretched his right hand towards Dongye Lin's chest.

"I don't have this habit."

Dongye Lin spitted out as he dodged Xiaogang's hand.

"Ah? I don't have that hobby either." Xiaogang quickly explained, "I am."

"If it's true, Xiaotian, Xiaofei, then you must believe me."

"I seem to remember someone saying that he felt uncomfortable when he saw girls." Xu Tingfei looked at Xiaogang with a smile, stretched out his fist and touched Xiaogang's chest, "No wonder he doesn't like girls, it turns out"

"Get out!"

Looking at Qing Zizai who was hiding aside, Dong Yelin's Shura armor shone with purple light.

Change the scene! ! !

The surrounding scenery changes instantly, and the illusory scenery becomes real the next moment.

They have returned to welcome Teppanyaki inside.

"Are we coming back now?"

Xiaogang unfitted the armor, as if he had discovered a new world, and curiously looked at the interior welcoming Teppanyaki.

"Xiaotian? Xiaogang?"

"Hey, you guys."

Welfare, who was reading the news report, heard the movement in the store. When he looked up, he saw four sets of armors, with surprise on his face.

"How is this done?"

Xu Tingfei looked around and took off the Feiying Armor Summoner from his abdomen, full of shock.

In the blink of an eye, they appeared in the Teppanyaki restaurant?

"It should be a change of scenery." Qing Zizai looked at Dongye Lin, "Lin, your mind is really powerful."

"Aqing, I'm kidding." Dong Yelin took off the Shura Armor Summoner and then shook his head, "With my original intention, it would be difficult to achieve this step. All this is the credit of the Gengdan Vajra. ”

Gengdan Vajra provides him with inexhaustible energy, just like a magic box, which can enhance the user's power.

"Brother Lin, can we do this transformation?"

Xiaogang was full of interest in the ability to bring people and objects to one place instantly.

It's so handsome.

"Yes, as long as the intention is strong enough." Dong Yelin nodded.

"Now that the Gengdan Vajra and Shura Armor have been found, as long as the Nether Demon is eliminated, everything will be done." Welfare said with a smile. In this way, their family's thousand-year mission is finally coming to an end.

Park, lakeside.

"Aku, why are you staring at the news in a daze?"

The girl in a white dress held a cone in her hand and looked at her boyfriend who was in a daze with confusion.

Kusi turned off the screen of his phone and shook his head, "Lili, aren't I worried about us ordinary people? If we encounter a monster orc, how can our mortal body be the opponent of the monster orc."

"Aren't there armored warriors here? They will protect us. Aku, I feel like you are a little distracted today."

"Lili, if I were one of these monsters, would you?"

"What did you say? Aku." Lili looked at Kusi in confusion. When these beastmen appeared, Kuhini became different from her own image.

"I mean if, if I"

Lili stretched out her hand and blocked Kusi's mouth, her eyes showing determination, "Aku is not one of those beastmen who only know how to destroy. I have been with Aku for so long, and every one of your actions, Aku, , Every look reveals awe and respect for life.”

Awe and respect for life?

Kusi smiled mockingly to himself. It was such a big joke that such words fell on him. Ever since he defected from Ares, he has been fighting with the general, and he has lost count of the lives he lost at his hands.

In the Nether Legion, the only one who can be described as such is An Mixiu, who truly cares about life.


On the stone bridge, Qiao Shefei looked at Kusi, who was talking and laughing with his girlfriend.

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