This book is going to be released after 35 days. Thank you for your company during these 35 days.

If I sell my pity, there is nothing to sell. So let's leave it like this.

How should I put it? The original plan of this book was to write about the parallel world and the special effects world. The writing style of group portraits is really not supported by my current writing ability, and how can I describe the growth of the protagonist? It's hard to describe.

I will write this book seriously and leave a good ending for my first book.

Here, I would also like to thank some readers for their corrections.

I typed with my mobile phone, and there are too many typos in one chapter.

The following is what readers care about most-updates!!!

It will be released tomorrow at noon.

There will be at least five updates on the day of release.

After release, there will be two updates every day.

There may be more updates on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays (remember, it is possible. After all, there may be unstable factors.)

In addition, the humble new author is begging for the first order here. (I heard from the big guys in the group that the first order is very important for a writer.)

Please, everyone.

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