【Ding! Check-in system started! 】

【Ding! Found sign-in character———— Yukiko Kudo. 】

[Check-in task: Write ‘Here for a visit’ on Kudo Yukiko’s butt to complete the check-in.] 】

Lin Ying looked at this system requirement.

The first reaction is that this broken system is vexatious over there!!

Sign in and sign in, why write the four big words “visit here” on people’s asses?

This really gave him a headache.

If it’s a roll sheet, it’s okay to say.

Lin Ying feels that she is still very confident in her appearance and flirting skills.

Handsome, good talking.

Innately can attract girls to like, as long as you work this basis, you can still do it.

But write “Come here” on someone’s ass, this normal person will not agree!

“Oh, isn’t this broken system embarrassing me?” Lin Ying rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache.

He looked at Yukiko at the banquet from a distance, beautiful and beautiful, and many white men were circling around her, with flattering faces.

However, Lin Ying was just thinking about how to write on the other party’s ass at this time.

This task must not be carried out by normal means.

You can only use routines, of course, you must also be prepared.

Thinking of this, Lin Ying silently withdrew his gaze.


Like other noble ladies in New York, Kudo Yukiko is keen to participate in various banquets and is a very mature courtesan.

Her beautiful appearance and eloquent personality made the other party quite popular in the small circle of noble ladies in New York.

Lin Ying wants to get the other party’s itinerary, it is not difficult, just spend a little money to find the manager in charge of holding the dinner party to inquire.

Three days later, another dinner party was held at the Broadway theater.

This time, Lin Ying mixed in and became a waiter.

While serving the guests who came to the banquet, he kept an eye on Yukiko Kudo’s situation.

As usual, Yukiko chats happily with acquaintances at dinners, and occasionally makes new friends to expand her network.

She was invited by a white man to dance on the dance floor.

If nothing else, the other party will continue to be invited by others to continue dancing.

No way, Yukiko is so popular.

Who doesn’t like a cute, good-talking sweet girl?

However, this is not a good thing for Lin Ying.

If this continues, it will be difficult for him to find an opportunity to start.

So, Lin Ying held a plate of champagne, walked to the white men who had just contacted Yukiko, and asked with a smile: “Sir, do you need to change a glass?” ”

A few white men glanced at their glasses, nodded, and exchanged glasses of full champagne.

But a few white men shook their heads and refused, not wanting to drink anymore.

In this regard, Lin Ying also has a way.

After turning around, he exchanged the champagne in the tray for a cocktail, returned to the white man who had just refused to change the champagne, and said, “This gentleman, the lady over there wants to treat you to a drink.” ”

Saying that, Lin Ying pointed to a beautiful woman who looked quite good in the distance.

When the white man saw it, he was overjoyed, felt good about himself, and gladly accepted the cocktail.

After taking a small sip, he took out the tip from his pocket and handed it to Lin Ying, saying, “Please also help me give that lady a mojito.” ”

“Yes, sir.” Lin Ying accepted the tip with a smile and turned to leave.

In this way, after giving a cocktail to a few people who were not willing to change champagne before, Lin Ying retired.

A few minutes later, the men who had just drunk the champagne and cocktails covered their stomachs and walked away with abdominal pain.

After Yukiko got off the dance floor, she expected other men to come up and talk to her.

However, after waiting for a while, she found that no one came!

This makes Yukiko feel inexplicable, this is different from the past… Why doesn’t anyone come over to talk to you?

Just when she was feeling depressed, a waiter came over and asked with a smile: “Miss, do you need a glass of champagne?” ”

“Oh, I just finished dancing… It’s just the right time, thank you. Yukiko gratefully took a glass of champagne from the waiter’s tray.

She didn’t have time to thank the other party, and the waiter left.

At this time, Yukiko hadn’t realized that something was wrong, but it didn’t take long for her to drink this glass of champagne and she felt a little uncomfortable.

The head is groggy, and the whole person is a little unable to fight the spirit.

She even felt the world spinning, and even standing was a little difficult.

Fortunately, at this time, a waiter came over and helped her and said, “Miss, you seem to be a little uncomfortable… Need me to take you to the lounge? ”

“That… Then please, I need a break. Yukiko was grateful, feeling that the other party appeared at the right time.

She really wanted to see what the other party looked like, and after the dinner was over, she would thank the other party properly.

It’s a pity that no matter how hard Yukiko tries to look, she can’t see the other party’s appearance clearly

“You’re welcome, please over here.” The waiter smiled and helped Yukiko away from the noisy crowd.

After walking through the corridor, we came to a lounge.

After entering the lounge, Yukiko forced her dizziness and said to the waiter, “Well… Well, thank you. Next, I’ll just rest alone. ”

“Then please rest well.” The waiter didn’t say anything more, then turned and left the lounge.

After Yukiko hurriedly locked the door from the lounge, she let out a long sigh of relief and slid onto the couch before losing consciousness.

Ten minutes later.

The vent in the ceiling suddenly clicked and was taken away.

Lin Ying climbed out of the vent, and after he stood firmly, he looked at Yukiko who had fallen asleep, and a sly smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He was happy because the plan worked.

This means that during this time, his efforts were not in vain!

Of course, more importantly, the check-in task can be completed!

After thinking of this, Lin Ying trembled with excitement and walked in front of Yukiko.

He took out an oily pen and wrote the four words “Here to visit” on Yukiko’s butt!

After writing these four words, the sound of the system sounded in my ears again:

【Ding! You complete the check-in task ———— write “Here to visit” on Kudo Yukiko’s butt. 】

[You have obtained a skill reward————— Melee Master.] 】

[Melee Master—————— You are good at any kind of fighting technique, and hitting ten by one is not a problem for you. 】

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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