“yes!!” After Lin Ying saw that the system had issued the reward, he waved his fist happily!

He could clearly feel that he had some more memories of martial arts in his mind.

Taekwondo, judo, karate, Shape-Meaning Boxing, Jeet Kune Do, Wing Chun and more, the list goes on!

“Whew… It’s really incredible, it’s a system! Lin Ying could feel the subtle changes that were happening in herself.

This made him excited, and his efforts during this time were not in vain!!

After completing the check-in task, Lin Ying stopped.

He looked at Yukiko, who was still in a coma.

At this time, what pose he put her into, the other party did not know afterwards.

However, Lin Ying does not plan to do this, there are still some bottom lines to be a person.

His purpose in stunning Yukiko is purely to complete the check-in task.

In this way, Lin Ying felt that this was an insult to his appearance, and this was a distrust of his sister-flirting technique!

If he wants to roll the sheets, he has a way, and there is no need to use such immoral means.

After tidying up Yukiko’s clothes, Lin Ying left through the ventilation duct again.


Ten minutes later, Yukiko finally woke up from her coma.

“Hmm… Why do you feel a little headache? She rubbed her temples and muttered.

But in the next second, Yukiko’s face immediately changed!

No…… Wrong!

After waking up and feeling a headache, this is clearly the sequelae of the drug!

After thinking of this, Yukiko trembled all over, only feeling a fear spread from her heart.

She got up from the couch in a panic and ran towards the bathroom.

A few minutes later, there was a wail and cry from the bathroom: “No!! No!! No, this… How could this be…”

“Which guy is it who lacks virtue and writes on my ass?”

“Uh-huh It’s over, I’m not clean. Sorry, Yusaku. ”


Half a month later.

New York, an underground black boxing arena.

In the ring, Lin Ying looked at the black man of one meter and nine meters in front of him, not only was he not frightened by the exaggerated muscles of the other party, but a provocative smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said: “Nigger.” ”

“Fuck, you yellow-skinned monkey! Lao Tzu is going to beat you to death! Faced with such insulting words, the black man was instantly enraged.

He rushed up and punched.

Unfortunately, this fist is just strong and powerful, but the movement is too slow

After Lin Ying nimbly avoided, he smashed a punch on the position of the opponent’s lower abdomen liver.

This blow exploded the liver punch with a remarkable effect.

“Hmm~~~” The big black man immediately let out a grief-screaming cry, and he hunched over and covered his lower abdomen and wailed.

Lin Ying was unforgiving, and an elbow hit the opponent’s throat, making it difficult for the other party to breathe.

But this was not enough, he clasped his hands together and landed heavily on the temples of the other party, smashing the other party to the ground in one fell swoop.

Seeing that the black man still wanted to get up, Lin Ying unceremoniously raised his foot and stepped on the other party’s throat fiercely.

No matter how much the other party struggled, he did not waver in the slightest.

It wasn’t until the lost his life and lost his breath that he slowly let go of his feet.

And there were huge cheers all around!!


After leaving the underground boxing ring, Lin Ying counted the money in the envelope.

That’s $30,000!

It is precisely because this opponent this time is strong, the record is terrifying, or the death battle, he can get so much.

Otherwise, most of the time, it will only be one or two thousand dollars.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Lin Ying has always deliberately converged his strength, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, so that he can win a hundred battles.

If he really showed all his strength, then his opponents would be those black boxing masters who had a lot of lives on their hands.

Lin Ying was sure that he could agree, but he was not willing to do these risky things.

In the past half a month, relying on black boxing, he has earned 300,000 US dollars.

Converted into Japanese yen, that’s 40 million yen.

With this amount of money, I can live a good life after arriving in Japan.

After thinking of this, Lin Ying extinguished his mind to continue fighting black fists.

As the saying goes, often walk by the river, where are there not wet shoes?

In case you also run into a guy who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger, won’t you be finished?

Just make enough money.

Once in Japan, complete more check-in missions, get more rewards, and become stronger!

Isn’t it easy to make money then?

Thinking of this, Lin Ying was even more determined to leave New York.

He plans to take a day off tomorrow, and after applying for a visa, he will buy a plane ticket the day after tomorrow and go to Japan!


The night in New York is not very safe, even if Lin Ying can hit ten by one, he is worried.

After all, within seven steps, the pistol is accurate and fast.

However, if someone really dares to come up and look for trouble, then Lin Ying doesn’t have to worry.

Because he bought a pistol for self-defense from the agent who fought the black boxing.

As for whether the police will find out, it doesn’t matter, your own life safety is the first.

New York has a reputation as the capital of sin, and after leaving the main thoroughfares, the rest of the neighborhoods are quite chaotic and dirty.

The most important thing is that there are no cameras here.

Lin Ying, who was carrying a huge amount of money, walked and looked around silently.

But whenever someone approached, he would take the initiative to open the distance and was ready to shoot.

However, just in case, Lin Ying walks along the main road of the Broadway theater, which can reduce a lot of trouble.

However, even in such a bustling street, he still ran into things.


At the back door of the Broadway theater, a crowd rushed out.

“help!” “help!!”

A woman shouted for help to passers-by.

After hearing this, the passers-by’s faces changed in an instant, and they accelerated their pace one after another, and secretly cursed themselves for how bad luck they were, and they actually encountered these things!

It’s not that they don’t have compassion, but how many of them can make trouble in places like Broadway theaters where powerful people gather?

What’s more, it’s not one person bullying girls, but five or six people grabbing people over there!

Only people with abnormal brains will come up and ask for trouble!

Lin Ying only felt that his IQ was normal, so he also planned to leave like other passers-by.

Don’t collapse this trip to muddy waters.

However, before leaving, Lin Ying glanced at the woman.

This look made Lin Ying stunned.

This beauty, isn’t Kudo Yukiko?

The two are so related? Meet here?

After a slight hesitation, Lin Ying stopped.

As soon as he stopped, Yukiko saw the savior and quickly ran towards Lin Ying.

“Hey!! I advise you not to be nosy! The pursuing white man loudly admonished Lin Ying.

If it was someone else, Lin Ying could ignore it, but if the other party was Yukiko, he had to take care of it.

Lin Ying pulled out his pistol, aimed it at the group in a standard posture, and shouted: “FBI!! Hold your head in your hands and crouch down for me!! ”

As soon as the group heard Lin Ying’s words, their faces changed drastically and they stopped.

But there are still people who are very bold and touch their hands to their waist.


Lin Ying shot without hesitation and directly hit the white man with small movements!


The white man covered his shoulders and wailed.

Seeing this, the others did not dare to think of other thoughts, and immediately scattered and ran away in all directions.

“Hey, stop me!” Lin Yingguang shouted not to chase, and after they all ran away, he walked to Yukiko’s side.

He closed the insurance and asked, “Are you all right?” ”

“Thank you… Thank you. Yukiko looked at Lin Ying gratefully.

“You’re welcome, go……… This is not the place to talk. He said, quickly picked up the Yukiko, and quickly left this place of right and wrong.

New Year’s Day and beyond, read books and relax! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: December 31st to January 2nd)

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