New York Airport.

A young and vigorous boy dragged his suitcase out of the airport gate.

Followed by a girl looking around, she said: “Shinichi, Aunt Yukiko hasn’t arrived yet?” ”

“Alas, it’s definitely late again… You wait a minute, Xiaolan. I’ll give her a call. Shinichi sighed and wordlessly took out his mobile phone to call Yukiko.

But just as it got through, a silver Jaguar sports car stopped in front of them.

“Haha, I’m not late this time!!” The window was lowered, and Yukiko said happily.

“Well, this time it’s mom you’re on time.” Shinichi put down his mobile phone and opened the rear door for Xiaoran and found that Yusaku Kudo was missing.

He asked curiously, “Huh? What about Dad? Why didn’t he come? ”

“He accidentally caught a cold.” Yukiko smiled helplessly and said, “I’ll take you to visit him later, and the journey after that will be just the three of us.” ”

“Ah~~~ It’s true, such a big person, he won’t take good care of himself.” Shinichi was speechless, feeling that his father was unreliable.

After Xiaolan got into the car, he closed the door and got into the co-pilot.

“No one can say for sure if you get sick with a cold.” Yukiko smiled and drove back to Kudo’s mansion.


After arriving at Kudo’s mansion and entering the master bedroom.

Shinichi saw his father lying in bed, his face a little haggard, and he was concerned: “Dad, are you okay?” ”

“I’m tempted to say I’m okay, but I don’t have any credibility in my current appearance.” Lin Ying, who was disguised as Yusaku, said weakly.

After hearing Shinichi call him his father, he felt that he had received his reward.

Of course, more importantly, he got the check-in task of Xiaolan and Xinyi or two people.

【Ding! Found sign-in tasks———— Shinichi Kudo, Moriran. 】

[Kudo Shinichi’s check-in task: Let Kudo Shinichi run naked outside for ten minutes to complete the check-in task. 】

[Maori Lan’s check-in task: Let Maori Lan wash your whites for you to complete the check-in task. 】

After seeing these two tasks, Lin Ying’s eyebrows picked.

He felt that the system must be sexist.

It’s hard to explain why, it always gives men some very bad check-in tasks.

But well… Lin Ying loves its sexism.

Otherwise, it issued a mission for Kudo Shinichi to bathe himself, and it would be a barrier.

“These days, you should rest well.” Seeing this, he no longer disturbed his old father to rest.

“Uncle Yusaku, I hope you get better as soon as possible.” Xiaolan also sent her own concern.

“Well, thank you Xiaolan for your concern……… Ahem. Lin Yuan said and coughed a few times.

Yukiko took the opportunity to say: “Okay, the greeting has also been called… Let’s go. In case of infection, it is not good. ”

“Yusaku, you can rest at home in a few days, I took my two children to the Broadway side to watch a play.”

When she said this, she also glanced at her watch and exclaimed, “Shinichi, Xiaolan… I think we should move faster! Otherwise you’ll be late! ”

Saying that, Yukiko hurriedly took Xiaoran and Shinichi out.

After hearing the clicking sound outside the door, Lin Ying also quickly got out of bed and quickly left through the back door.


After leaving Kudo’s house, Lin Ying drove to the agreed place———— an abandoned building.

He went inside and walked through all the floors.

This is to avoid some unexpected variables in order to avoid having homeless people inside.

After checking to make sure that there was no one, Lin Ying was relieved.

There was still some time before the start of the mission, and Lin Ying took advantage of this time to take out some makeup items that he had put away in advance.

Simply put on makeup, slightly change the distance between your eyes, and put some shadows on the mistaken belief that you are a high nose, and then wear a mask and hat.

Although you can’t avoid being recognized by others 100 percent, you can do a little.

These operations are few, but extremely time-consuming

When he finished putting on his makeup, it was just time for the task.

After Lin Ying disposed of these cosmetics, he began a long wait.

While waiting for time, the sky began to rain slowly, dark clouds were thick, and occasionally a flash of thunder flashed.

This kind of scenery makes Lin Ying very fascinated, and he especially likes rainy days.

At this moment, there was movement downstairs.

Lin Ying was silent, and he pulled out his pistol.

In an instant, the handrail was knocked.

Ring bell, bell, bell.

Ring bell, bell, bell.

This is not the Morse code, just a pure rhythm of knocking… After all, this year, the Morse code has been used rotten.

Very easy to hack.

After receiving the code, Lin Ying also knocked on the armrest regularly on the code agreed upon in advance:

Bell, bell.

Bell, bell.

After giving the code signal, soon there were footsteps downstairs.

A few minutes later, Lin Ying saw the white-haired murderer upstairs.

Of course, he knew that this man was Belmod transfiguration.

But he could only pretend not to know.

There was even a surprised voice: “Oh? It turned out that the person in charge of assassination was the white-haired murderer who had been in the limelight recently……… But looking at your appearance, it seems that the assassination failed. ”

Belmode, disguised as a white-haired murderer, covered his lower abdomen and said in pain: “Less nonsense, quickly take me away!” ”

“Of course… This is my task. Lin Ying said and stretched out his finger to point to the other party’s wound and said, “But before evacuating, I suggest you treat the wound.” ”

“Otherwise, blood will reveal our position.”

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