
Belmode, disguised as a white-haired murderous maniac, took morphine from Lin Ying’s hand and injected it without hesitation.

Soon, morphine was working.

Alleviated the pain from Belmode’s gunshot wound to the lower abdomen.

The expression on her face also eased a lot.

“You boy, you are very thoughtful.” Belmod couldn’t help but exaggerate the other party.

In this way, I don’t have to bear the pain caused by the wound.

“Since it is an answer, it is natural to be prepared in this regard……… Wrap yourself up. Lin Ying said, throwing another bandage to the other party.

Belmode caught it and skillfully bandaged it.

“Since it’s dealt with, let’s go.” Lin Ying urged.

“Wait a minute.” Belmod said, picking up the syringe from the ground, not wanting to leave any clues.

However, in the next second, she suddenly turned around, aimed her gun at Lin Ying, and said with an indifferent expression: “It seems that your kid has a lot of ideas.” ”

“What do you mean?” Lin Ying frowned.

The distance between the two was close, and he was sure to kick Belmode’s pistol before she opened fire.

“What do you mean?” The hatred in Belmode’s eyes grew stronger, and she stepped forward unceremoniously, took off Lin Ying’s pistol, and then pointed the muzzle at a dark corner next to it!

“Come out!” Her voice became very cold.

If it weren’t for the shooting, it might have attracted the nearby FBI, and Belmode would have pulled the trigger and directly killed these two people!


She hates being betrayed the most!

I thought Lin Ying was a good guy and worth cultivating.

But unexpectedly, it turned out to be another guy full of careful thoughts!

Under Belmode’s cold snort, I saw a boy’s figure coming out of the darkness.

Who is not Kudo Shinichi?

After seeing this scene, Lin Ying secretly sighed.

While Belmode was undergoing treatment, he also noticed the arrival of Kudo Shinichi.

However, he pretended not to find out, and just wanted to quickly let Belmod treat his wounds and leave quickly.

Pity… Belmode is also not a vegetarian and discovers Shinichi Kudo.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Kudo Shinichi’s raised hands could not control the trembling.

His heart sank, and he felt very desperate.

He just came in to help Xiaolan put the handkerchief, how did he encounter these things?


“……………” After seeing Kudo Shinichi, Belmode breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

She also thought that Lin Ying was doing some small action in private, but she didn’t expect that the person who came was Kudo Shinichi, who had just met at the Broadway theater, and Yukiko’s son.

How could he be here?

The question flashed through Belmode’s mind and was pressed down by her.

This is not important, the important thing is that he misunderstood Lin Ying.

She also thought that Lin Ying had betrayed herself, and she couldn’t help but feel ashamed in her heart

However, Belmode still has to act, otherwise he will expose the fact that he knows Kudo Shinichi.

“This is the helper you found?” Belmode began acting, grimly asking.

“I don’t know this kid.” Lin Ying realized that Belmod had misunderstood, which is why he was so excited.

“I… I’m just coming in to find something. Shinichi quickly replied in unfamiliar English, “I… I don’t know anything!!! I’m just a traveler! ”

“……… Sorry for misunderstanding you. Belmod apologized, and then returned the pistol to Lin Ying.

“Your vigilance is quite strong.” Lin Ying took the pistol and didn’t say anything.

He looked at Kudo Shinichi and tentatively said, “What about this guy?” Dispose of it? ”

“Well, you go and kill him.” Belmod pointed his gun at Shinichi and said grimly.

“………” Lin Ying’s heart jumped, he didn’t expect Belmod to be so ruthless, even his friend’s son could get his hands on it!

This is the real heart.

In terms of ruthlessness, Lin Ying felt that he could not do Belmode’s level.

What’s more, Kudo Shinichi’s check-in task is still there, and he doesn’t want to kill the other party.

You have to find a way to save Kudo Shinichi’s life.

“Why don’t you do it?” Belmod looked at Lin Ying’s delay in going up, and couldn’t help frowning and asking.

“No, he still has use value.” Lin Ying rejected the white-haired murderer’s suggestion, and he said slowly: “I want to use him to divert the FBI’s attention.” ”

“How can you guarantee that he will obediently listen to you?” Belmode, disguised as a white-haired murderer, asked rhetorically.

She knew this kid was very smart, and God knows what he would do.

Or kill is safer.

Just as Lin Ying wanted to speak, suddenly there was a clicking sound in the quiet environment.

The door on the other side of the escape ladder opened, and I saw a girl walk in, and after she saw Shinichi, she subconsciously said: “Shinichi, I called you so much, why don’t you come back…” ”

Before she finished speaking, the girl realized that the situation in front of her was wrong, and her expression was suddenly difficult to see.

It’s just that it’s too late.

“Oh, it’s just the right time.” Lin Ying looked at the girl, who was it not Xiaolan?

“No, you can’t do that!” Shinichi shook his head in panic, and he begged: “What do you ask me to do, I will cooperate with you, you don’t hurt Xiaolan!” ”

“Shut up for me!” After Belmode, who was disguised as a white-haired murderer, viciously said something to Shinichi, she looked at Xiaolan, and her eyes were also full of indifference.

She said coldly: “I hate these uncertainties the most! Let’s kill it together! ”

When these words came out, the faces of the new Xiaolan and the two immediately changed again!

Could it be that the two of them were in this open corner?

Just when the two were desperate.

The next second, something appeared that they didn’t expect!

Just listen to the snap.

The gun in the white-haired murderer’s hand was kicked out by the young man.

“You…” Belmode, who was disguised as a white-haired murderer, looked at Lin Ying a little stunned, she didn’t expect the other party to make a move.

Of course, what surprised her even more!

I couldn’t even react!

What a speed!

“How to answer, I have the final say.” Lin Ying looked back at Belmode, who was disguised as a white-haired murderer, and he knew that his attitude had to be toughened.

He said word by word: “Now, you can go… There’s a basement here, and when you get to the first floor, you’ll find the entrance to the far left. ”

“After you go into the basement, you leave through the underground pipe, and when you go out, there will be a car… This is the key. ”

Lin Ying said and threw the key to the other party.

Belmode, disguised as a white-haired murderer, catches the key, and she can feel the determination of the other party.

After thinking about it for a while, his identity was not exposed, and it was not impossible to leave the lives of the two of them.

“Hmph! As you like! As long as it doesn’t get in my way! Belmode, disguised as a white-haired murderer, said nothing more, picked up her pistol, and left.

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