After watching the white-haired killer leave.

Shinichi and Xiaolan breathed a long sigh of relief.

The plopping heartbeat is also gradually beginning to become smoother.

It’s good that the murderous guy is gone… Otherwise, they would really be here!

They liked the young man wearing a mask more than the white-haired murderer.

At least the other party didn’t want to kill them.

“If you want to get out of here alive, do as I say.” Lin Ying said and put the pistol away.

He looked at Kudo Shinichi and said, “You… Take off my clothes for me and go out to distract me from the FBI! ”

“Huh?” When Shinichi heard this request, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

He hesitated and said, “This… This, can you… Don’t take it off? I can also help you distract the FBI! ”

“Do you think you have room for bargaining?” Lin Ying directly rejected Shinichi’s request.

Painstakingly saved the other party’s life, this is a great opportunity to complete a new check-in task, how could he let it go?

“But even if I strip naked, it won’t do anything to help you distract the FBI.” Shinichi still wants to fight for it.

If he really ran naked, then he would lose his face, and he wouldn’t be able to raise his head in front of Xiaolan!!

“You talk a lot, huh?” When Lin Ying just wanted to say something, he suddenly noticed the footsteps behind him.

He immediately understood why Shinichi was making strong arguments.

It turned out to be cooperating with Xiaolan to sneak up on herself!

Have ideas!

When he first thought of this, he could hear a rapid wind blowing.


The next moment, Lin Ying raised his hand and accurately grabbed Xiaolan’s calf, and did not even shake it.

“What!!!?” Shinda looked at this scene in amazement.

He said it was unbelievable!

How strong Xiaolan is, he knows very well

Although she looks cute and lovely, she is a real strange girl!

The power is quite exaggerated!

With one foot down, you can easily dent the lamppost on the side of the road.

Such a strong strange force, it was actually blocked by the other party??

Isn’t that outrageous?!

Not only Shinichi was surprised, but even Xiaolan was also quite surprised.

The attack with all his strength was blocked like this?

This shook her confidence in herself.

“The movement is good, but unfortunately it is too slow.” After Lin Ying glanced at Xiao Lan, he did not hesitate in the slightest, and smashed a punch on the opponent’s lower abdomen.

The ruthlessness of the attack directly made Xiaolan’s beautiful face show pain.

However, this pain did not last long, and the next second, she fainted on the spot because of the severe pain and fell to the ground.

“Lan !!!” This scene directly stimulated Kudo Shinichi, who had always been calm, and now he couldn’t care about anything else, and hurriedly ran over.

Lin Ying looked at Shinichi who ran over and kicked the other party’s chest.

The new one felt a pain in his chest, and the whole person flew out backwards, rolling on the concrete floor several times before stopping.

“Hmm… Ahem. He covered his chest and coughed, his breathing was uneven, his face was red, and he was very uncomfortable.

“Is this girl called Lan?” Lin Ying patted the dust on his leather shoes and said lightly: “If you don’t do what I say, Xiaolan will die.” ”

“No… No!! Shinichi clutched his aching chest and begged, “I will do as you say, please don’t hurt Xiaolan!” ”

“Don’t worry… I am not a person who likes to kill indiscriminately, otherwise your little life would have been lost. Lin Ying said, looked at his watch, and said, “It’s almost time… Move quickly! ”

“If I get caught by the FBI, you two will be finished.”

“I… I know. After a new sentence, he took a deep look at Xiao Lan, and then said, “Hope… You can keep your promises. ”

Lin Ying didn’t speak, just looked at Shinichi quietly.

Shinichi also got up from the ground and took off all his clothes, revealing a figure like a white chopped chicken.

Almost instinctively, he covered his crotch to protect the last of his dignity.

“I… Where am I going? Shinichi asked.

“Anywhere… Just run anyway. Lin Ying said indifferently, anyway, he didn’t expect the other party to attract the FBI.

Completing the check-in task is the most important thing.

“I… I know. Shinichi said nothing more, covered his crotch and walked down the stairs.

Because Xiaolan was in the other party’s hand, he didn’t dare to brush any small movements, so he had to bite the bullet and run out from the abandoned building.

Almost instinctively, Shinichi ran towards the path where the car had just stopped.

The cold wind and rain crashed on his body, making Shinichi shiver, but he didn’t care!

At this moment, he only thought about ensuring Xiaolan’s safety!

“HELLO? Anyone? Shinichi shouted loudly, speaking fluent English, trying to attract the attention of those around him.

And his move also quickly reaped results.

After a while, several FBIs discovered Shinichi.

Seeing the other party naked, there is no need to worry about the other party hiding a gun and posing a threat to them.

One of the FBIs immediately reported the incident through the walkie-talkie, saying, “Report! Report! We found a naked kid here!! Now is coming forward to contact!! ”

Another FBI took off his coat and handed it to Shinichi, saying, “Hey, boy! What happened? ”

“I found a white-haired guy! He had a gun and snatched all my clothes! “Xin’s acting at the beginning, to buy time for that man’s escape, lest the other party hurt Xiaolan!!

“White-haired guy?” When the FBIs heard this, they reacted instantly, and they asked: “What exactly does that white hair look like?” ”

“Long hair, wearing a coat… Oh, by the way, he seems to have a gunshot wound and has been covering his stomach! Shinichi described the white-haired murderer.

“That’s him! Where did he run? An FBI asked nervously.

“In… Over there! Shinichi trembled and pointed in the opposite direction, misleading the FBI.

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