After finishing dinner and leaving the restaurant, Yukiko took Ran and Shinichi to the observation deck of the Empire State Building with great interest, enjoying the beautiful night view.

Shinichi rarely raised his interest and lamented the prosperity of the city.

It’s just that Xiaolan didn’t have the slightest thought about this night scene.

All her thoughts were on what had just happened.

Xiaolan is not an idiot, after hearing that female chef Alyssa say that, she immediately realized that the boy in her mouth was Lin Ying!!

So…… At that time, it was not because the chef saw that she was cute that she was so warm.

It was Lin Ying who wanted to take her to eat delicious food and take care of her self-esteem, so he arranged all this.

After learning the truth, Xiao Lan suddenly felt an indescribable emotion surge in her heart.

This kind of quiet care made her feel a deep concern.

In addition, Xiaoran also remembered what Aunt Yukiko said, Armani’s perfume has never participated in any lottery.

Now I feel that the so-called five-discount coupon is probably also prepared by Lin Ying and the staff.

Thinking of this, Xiaolan was more and more moved in her heart.

It is obviously only the first time to meet, and the other party takes care of his feelings like this.

Mr. Lin is really a good person!

No wonder Uncle Yusaku and Aunt Yukiko are so relieved to give themselves to each other.

Before, Xiaolan didn’t understand why some girls would like men who were five or six years older than herself, or even seven or eight years old.

One is in his twenties, the other is already in his thirties.

She felt that the age difference was too big, there was a lack of common topics, and she could not talk together.

But after this time, Xiaolan suddenly realized why they liked older men so much!

Because they are really good at taking care of people.

It’s still that kind of moisturizer that you don’t know you’re being taken care of.

This…… Maybe it’s the charm of a mature man!

Xiaolan sighed in her heart, she felt that this kind of care was really very good!

She decided to do something to thank Lin Ying when she flew back to Tokyo with them.

Just as Xiaolan was thinking about how to thank Lin Ying for taking care of herself, Shinichi’s voice sounded out of place, interrupting her thoughts: “Hey, Xiaolan! What are you doing? ”

After coming to his senses, Xiaoran saw Shinichi constantly shaking his palm back and forth in front of him.

The good mood was disturbed at once.

Xiao Ran looked at Shinichi speechlessly, he always used such a childish way to attract his attention, couldn’t he be a little mature?

“I’m okay, I’m just thinking about things.” Xiaolan perfunctorily said, and at the same time adjusted her emotions.

She knew it wasn’t Shinichi’s fault and couldn’t spill the qi on his head.

“Oh? What are you thinking? Xindouan asked curiously, “Tell me about it.” ”

“It’s nothing, it’s just cranky.” Ran said, turning to follow Yukiko.

This made Shinichi curious to death, so he followed and pestered: “You tell me secretly, I won’t tell anyone else to know!” ”

“Nope!” Xiao Lan refused without thinking about it, this is a little secret in her heart, how can she tell Shinichi to know?

This frustrated Shinichi very much, but he couldn’t help it.

Xiaolan didn’t say it, and he couldn’t force the other party.

This scene has Kiko in her eyes, remembers it in her heart, and smiles on her face.

She thinks that young people, small quarrels are normal, aren’t feelings cultivated in such noisy?


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