At five o’clock the next morning, Haneda Airport.

After arriving at the airport, Xiaolan was told by Yukiko that Lin Ying could not come.

“Lin, he still has to help take care of Miss Judy’s cat, so he can’t go back to Tokyo with you…”

“Huh?” After learning the news, Xiaolan was surprised, and inevitably felt very lost.

She plans to go back to Tokyo with Mr. Lin this time, and then host herself and entertain each other well.

It is a thank you for taking care of you.

But this sudden situation directly disrupted her plan, which made Xiaolan feel very regretful.

“Well, I want to thank him for taking me around that day.” Xiaolan sighed slightly disappointed, she thought about it and said, “Aunt Yukiko, can I trouble you with something?” ”

“Huh? What’s going on? Yukiko asked.

“That… If Mr. Hayashi comes to Tokyo, please ask Aunt Kiko to inform me. He took me around New York’s… I also want to show him around Tokyo. Xiaolan spoke her mind.

“Well, I’ll help you relay it.” Yukiko smiled, and she said, “Okay, it’s almost time, you guys get on the plane first!” ”

“Then we’ll go, bye. Mom. Shinichi waved his hand and said goodbye to Yukiko very sharply and left.

“Aunt Yukiko, thank you for taking care of you these days.” Xiao Lan bowed and thanked before leaving.

After Yukiko smiled as she watched them check in their tickets, the smile on her face slowly disappeared.

She held her face sideways, frowned, and said thoughtfully: “This… Probably not? Xiao Lan has only been with that guy for a day… It is impossible to like him.

“Xiaolan should just want to thank Lin Ying for taking care of her.”

“It’s that I think too much.”

Yukiko shook her head, banished the bad thought from her mind, and turned to leave.


Inside the ward.

“Alas…” Lin Ying sighed heavily, and he watched the sky outside the window gradually turn white.

Before I knew it, it was light again.

Tonight is another night.

“Huh? Why did you suddenly sigh? Any questions? At this time, Judy on the hospital bed asked.

“I didn’t sigh, you heard me wrong.” Lin was playing the floor, he turned around, adjusted his posture, and made himself comfortable.

“I obviously heard you sigh.” Judy lay on the bed and looked at Lin Ying, she said: “Is the quilt on the ground not thick enough?” ”

It’s that you talk too much, from nine o’clock last night, until now, you haven’t stopped……… Lin Ying glanced at Judy with speechless eyes.

This made him feel for a while that Judy’s real purpose was to find someone to chat with her, and as for the fear of being assassinated by Calvados, he wanted it.

However, this was also Lin Ying’s grumbling, he knew that the other party was lying on the hospital bed during the day doing nothing, and he was sleeping.

Sleeping for a day and not being able to sleep at night is also a matter of no way.

“Just worried about what to do if the killer appears.” Lin Ying casually found an excuse to perfunctory past.

“In fact, you don’t have to worry too much about this, this floor is basically occupied by the FBI… They want to find a place to go out of me, it’s not that easy. Judy soothed.

“Hmm.” Lin Ying nodded, indicating that he understood.

“Then go back to my……… Where did I say going? Judy couldn’t remember for a moment.

“When you were in junior high school, there were a few men who were jealous of you, and you felt very annoyed, so you lost one of their teeth.” Lin Ying returned.

“Yes, yes, yes.” When Judy thought of this, she smiled unconsciously: “I think that in this way, I can scare other people……… Let them not bother me. ”

“But what I didn’t expect was that after scaring off these two people, it attracted more boys…”

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