Chapter 90: The Vanishing Robber [Supplement 5 Changes].

Outside Silsubishi Bank.

“Uh-huh, okay. We are near the Silishi Bank branch. ”

After Yuanzi hung up the phone, she walked up to Xiaolan and Shinichi and said, “Because there is no photo of Brother Lin, Uncle Oda Kiri has already sent someone to pick us up, saying that it is for us to distinguish which one is him.” ”

“Don’t worry, Uncle Oda Che makes a move, Brother Lin will definitely be fine!”

If it were someone else, then Xiaolan and Shinichi might not be the same thing.

But the garden is different.

The two of them were so big that they had never seen each other break their word. When Yuan Zi said this, Xiaolan and Shinichi were instantly relieved.

Immediately afterwards, Shinichi couldn’t help but ask curiously, “Sonoko, what does that Uncle Odakiri do?” ”

Xiaolan was also puzzled: “I haven’t heard you mention it before.” ”

“Uncle Oda Kirito is the head of the crime department of the Metropolitan Police Department.”

Yuanzi replied: “Changchang met at the party, and we got to know each other as soon as we came and went.” ”

“Ahh That’s how it is! ”

After Xiaolan knew the other party’s occupation, she was relieved.

And Shinichi next to him also fell into the emotion of “it’s good to be rich”, even the head of the criminal department knows, what kind of family is this? During the small talk, soon a black car stopped in front of the garden, and after confirming that Toshiro Oda had sent them to pick them up, the three of them got into the car.

Ten minutes later, they were sent to the command center of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Entering the command room and looking at the dazzling screens, the three of them were quite surprised.

At this time, Toshiro Oda Kirito came over and said, “Garden, long time no see.” You’ve grown this big. ”

“Uncle Oda, you are still as young as ever.”

After greeting Yuanzi, he introduced his friends and said, “Introduce you, these two are my friends…” This is Moriran, this is Shinichi Kudo. ”

Koran Shinichi and the two hurriedly said hello, and Toshiro Oda nodded, even if he had said hello.

After greeting, Toshiro Oda turned his head to look at the big screen and said: “The three helicopters that have been dispatched by our Metropolitan Police Department have locked the vehicle where the robbers are, and they can’t run.” ”

“Of course, to be on the safe side, to avoid unnecessary accidents… We spent a little time on traffic control and evacuated the vehicles. ”

As he spoke, he also pointed to a few small screens next to him.

Xiaolan Yuanzi and Xinyi and the three could clearly see that the road was empty, and there was not a single car on the road that used to be full of traffic.

It made them feel incredible!

At this time, a policeman came over and reported: “Minister! The road has been cleared, the various personnel have arrived in place and the encirclement has been formed. ”


Toshiro Oda nodded, and he said, “Now let’s start searching the encirclement little by little…” Be sure to pay attention not to move too much, the robbers still have hostages on their hands! ”


After saluting, the policeman immediately turned away and began giving orders to shrink the encirclement.

After Shinichi next to him saw the map and the distribution of the police, he said very firmly: “Those robbers can’t run!” ”


Xiaolan and Yuanzi both looked confused.

Although there was a floor plan, they just couldn’t understand it.

Shinichi patiently explained: “You see, the robbers are on this road, but the police are already squatting at the various exits, and they can’t get off the viaduct!” ”

“Ahhh!! That’s how it is!! ”

Xiaolan and Yuanzi understood what was going on.

Shinichi said: “Now the police are shrinking the encirclement little by little, compressing their living space, and there are three helicopters in the sky staring at them… They simply have nowhere to escape! ”

“It’s only a matter of time before you get caught by the police!”

“Minister Oda Kirito is really powerful, he managed to surround the robbers in such a short time!!”

The new pair of Toshiro Oda were in admiration and felt that the other party could become the head of crime, and sure enough, there were two brushes! It seems simple, but it’s quite complicated.

Shinichi used to be the acting class leader, and he felt very difficult to manage even a class. Now people can coordinate thousands of people to surround them, which is very amazing.

At this time, a police officer said loudly: “Minister!! The robber vehicles left the viaduct and they headed towards the exit where Group C was! ”

Toshiro Oda immediately said, “Let the C team get ready…”

The three of them stared intently at the big screen.

Under the monitoring of three helicopters, every move of the off-road vehicle was filmed.

Soon, the buggy came down from the viaduct, passed the overpass, and after making a circle, arrived at the exit that Group C complied with. Many officers hid behind police cars and waited there with guns.

This tense scene made the two girls of Xiaolan Yuanzi can’t help but clench their fists and subconsciously swallow a mouthful of water.

They hope that the robbers will obediently surrender and stop making senseless resistance… In this way, Lin Ying will not be injured. Shinichi stared at the screen deadly, he watched as the SUV slowly stopped, and after the door opened, two people came down.


After seeing clearly the two people who got off the car, he was immediately taken aback: “Lin… Big brother and that bank lady? What’s going on with them? ”

After Xiaolan Yuanzi saw it clearly, they were also extremely surprised: “It’s really Brother Lin!” If only he was okay. ”

“But… What about the robbers? And what about the five robbers? Where did the people go? ”


Oda Kiritooshi also frowned, he picked up the walkie-talkie and said, “Send someone up to check…” Be careful, maybe other robbers bury 0.6 volts in the car! ”


The other end of the walkie-talkie replied.

On the screen, more than a dozen policemen cautiously approached Lin Ying and Akemi, and then searched the off-road vehicle inside and out.

The walkie-talkie rang: “Report, there is no one on the off-road vehicle, there are only two hostages!” ”

“Nobody? That’s impossible!! ”

Xin Yiwan was shocked, and he said incomprehensibly: “These five big living people can’t just disappear out of thin air, right?” ”


Although Toshiro Oda did not, his frown also revealed that he was also confused at this time.

When the off-road vehicle was monitored by three helicopters, it was clear that there were five masked robbers on the car. They never left the police’s sight… Where did the people go?

Toshiro Oda Kirito can’t figure it out!.

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