Chapter 91: The Miracle of Four Seconds [1 more].

After checking that there was no one else on the off-road vehicle, Twilight Thirteen was relieved.

After he asked the other police officers to put down their guns, he walked in front of Lin Ying and asked with concern: “Mr. Lin, are you okay?”

“It’s okay.”

Lin Ying showed a relieved expression.

“It’s okay if it’s okay… I have already heard from Brother Kudo about your situation! Attaboy!! ”

Twilight Thirteen gave a thumbs up to the other party and praised: “Dare to stand up in this situation, have courage!” ”

“It’s too prestigious.”

Lin Ying smiled lightly, he glanced at Mingmei and said, “I just think that in that case, I can’t watch a girl being kidnapped by robbers.” ”

“Thank you Mr. Lin, if it weren’t for him, I’m afraid I wouldn’t know what to do!”

Ming Mei bowed heavily and appropriately expressed her gratitude to Lin Ying.

When she looked at the other party, she had a deep admiration, and her heart was also flooded with different thoughts!

When she was in the car, although Ming Mei didn’t say a word, she saw Lin Ying’s actions 25 in her eyes and remembered it in her heart, knowing that this man not only had courage, but also was very smart!

If it weren’t for the other party, I’m afraid that group of stupid robbers would still be blocked in the city now.

If it weren’t for the other party, I’m afraid that the group of stupid robbers would have exchanged fire with the police here now, and there would be a chance to get out there? Mr. Lin… No, Mr. Lin seems to have a special talent in crime.

Ming Mei thought so in her heart, and the look in her eyes looking at Lin Ying became more and more different!

“You’re welcome, safety is the most important thing.”

Lin Ying smiled slightly, he could keenly detect the change in Ming Mei’s expression, which made him very satisfied in his heart, his performance so seriously was finally not in vain.

“Teacher Lin, may I ask… What happened in the car? ”

After the pleasantries, Twilight Thirteen began to inquire about the situation inside, and he frowned, “Why are there only the two of you in the car?” ”

“The message I received from my side was… Including the two of you hostages, together with the robbers, there are seven people in total! ”

“How did they suddenly disappear.”

Twilight Thirteen was very puzzled by this… This is also Shinichi, and Toshiro Oda’s confusion.

You know, the off-road vehicle was under the monitoring of the three helicopters the whole time, and they had nothing to hide, but why did they suddenly disappear?

“Looking at Twilight Thirteen with a blank face, but Akemi didn’t think the other party was a fool.”

She muttered secretly in her heart: If I hadn’t been there at the time, I’m afraid I would have been just as confused, right?”

To Twilight Thirteen’s question, Lin Ying gave an answer, he said: “Those robbers are very treacherous and cunning! ”

“He took advantage of the halfway down from the viaduct to pass the section of the overpass circular turn and jumped the car.”

After speaking, he turned around and pointed to the overpass not far away.

The exit from the viaduct is often designed as a circular section of road, allowing vehicles to slow down and drive slowly, greatly increasing safety.

In this circular section, one part will be blocked by the viaduct.

In this part, the blind spot that the helicopter cannot observe is only four seconds, but if used well, it also creates miracles.

“What? They jumped straight out? ”

Twilight Thirteen was taken aback, and he couldn’t believe his ears. Lin Ying did not speak, but looked at Mingmei.

After feeling the gaze passed by the other party, Akemi nodded, and she said, “Yes… Yes. They threaten us… Say that if we don’t cooperate with their plan, they will kill us. ”

“So Mr. Lin had to cooperate with their actions.”

When she was in the car, Lin Ying once asked Ming Mei not to let her tell the real situation.

If it is known that he helped the robbers escape, although there are reasons, it will have a bad impact on his status as a teacher.

For this request, Akemi naturally agreed… What’s more, she still had other attention in her heart, naturally she wanted to hide this matter for the other party.

“So that’s it… Really cunning robbers! ”

Twilight Thirteen suddenly realized how those robbers suddenly disappeared.

“They were holding money bags as cushions and jumped out of the car quickly!”

Lin Ying hurriedly reminded: “Maybe they haven’t escaped too far now, if they chase now, they may be able to catch up!” ”

These words shocked Twilight, and he hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and repeated what he had just said. Before Twilight could apply for a search, Toshiro Oda gave an order: “Investigate immediately!!” ”


After receiving the order, Twilight XIII did not dare to delay, and quickly signaled for his subordinates to launch a search, and told them that the robbers had guns in their hands and should be careful.

Watching these police officers take action, Lin Ying knew that they were going to go for nothing.

Because after jumping from the car, the kidnappers jumped off the overpass again on the surface road. As long as you don’t get hit and killed on the spot, you can intercept a car and fly away.

“Two of you, please come with me, I’ll find a place to rest…” I may need to ask you something later. ”

A female police officer came up and motioned for the two to follow her.

Lin Ying 197 nodded with Ming Mei and followed, temporarily going to a car to rest. Twenty minutes later, Twilight returned dejected.

He gritted his teeth and said to Lin Ying: “Abominable! Those robbers are so cunning! ”

“After he jumped off the bridge, he hijacked passing vehicles and quickly left.”

Looking at Twilight Thirteen’s frustrated appearance, Lin Ying couldn’t help but complain in his heart, the Japanese police have this quality, no wonder they have to help detectives every time they solve a case.

He opened his mouth and reminded: “Officer Twilight, don’t get discouraged so quickly, we still have clues!” ”

“What clue?”

Twilight Thirteen looked at Lin Ying with puzzled eyes, he didn’t feel that there was any clue.

Lin Ying got out of the car, he pointed to the overpass and said: “The distance from the bridge to the ground is three to four meters high, jumping from this, if you are unlucky, your foot may sprain.” ”

“If you ask the hospital to pay attention to people with foot injuries… Maybe there will be gains. ”

After listening to Lin Ying’s words, Twilight Thirteen’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but slap his palm and say, “Yes!” Why didn’t I think of that? It’s still Mr. Lin, it’s a good thing for your head! ”

Saying that, he said sorry, and then hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and told Minister Oda Kirito about this clue.

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