Chapter 62: Ning Shu: A Zi? Instead, you can be arrested and given your father as a maid [ask for subscription].

Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, several days had passed.

The news of Xingyunzhuang’s destruction also spread.

Many martial arts people who have a good relationship with Long Xiaoyun have threatened to find the murderer and avenge Long Xiaoyun’s family.

But not long after these people’s remarks came out, they quickly disappeared, and even if someone specifically found these people to inquire, these people were silent as if they were avoiding snakes and scorpions.


Naturally, it has attracted countless melon-eating masses to talk about it.

During this period, some people said that after solving the fake silver ticket case, the flower family who got out of trouble spoke. Some people also say that it was the Sun Moon God Sect and the Shifting Flower Palace, the top forces of Daming next door.

There are even people who claim to have done it by gangsters. There are people who believe in them.

Because, these three families all carried Ning Yi behind their backs or threatened or negotiated, so that those rats who said they wanted to avenge Long Xiaoyun, but in fact they were just to make a name for themselves, shut up.

During this period, someone secretly spread the news. Only the last one that no one believes.

That is……… The one who destroyed Long Xiaoyun’s family was actually an ordinary inn treasurer.

The other side.

The northern border of the Great Song Dynasty.

There is a group of people playing strange music and singing drums, which are moving slowly.

Walking into some, these people also shouted: “The old immortals of the stars, the magic power is boundless, the attack is invincible, and the battle is invincible; The stars…”

And the old immortal of the stars in their mouths was lying on a carriage in the center at this time, fanning a black feather fan while enjoying the endless praise in his ears.


But right now.

But a girl’s voice suddenly came from her ears: “Shifei Xuan, these people are so noisy, and they are so shameless, drive them away for me”

A cold female voice followed: “I just promised to escort you to the Great Song, but I didn’t promise to be your subordinate.” ”

The girl added, “If you help me, I can consider withdrawing money to tell you where that place is.” ”

The female voice said: “……… You’re lying. ”

Yes, the two are Shifei Xuan and Ning Xiao.

Ding Chunqiu, who was not far away, could no longer listen, what did these two people think of him? Can you knead clay figures?


He jumped out of the carriage directly, and then stood tall on the top of the carriage one by one, looking coldly at the two women not far away, one big and one small.

At this time, an ugly-looking man dressed in strange costumes on the side hurriedly shouted: “These two sluts have disturbed the master, and I respectfully ask the master to spread the great law and subdue these two unscrupulous slut!” ”

This person was Ding Chunqiu’s eldest apprentice.

“Just now these two sluts slandered your master, why didn’t you return the favor, and only now came out?”

Ding Chunqiu was angry, and directly scolded: “Give me a roll!” ”

Saying that, he directly waved the feather fan in his hand, accompanied by a white scorching airflow, and flew the star picking fan more than ten meters away.


After the star picker landed, he didn’t have time to estimate the pain, but instead scratched his body with his teeth and claws, and in a short while, he scratched his exposed skin with blood.

Obviously, the white searing air flow just now contained poison that made people itch wildly.

Seeing this, the rest of the disciples of the Star Sect trembled and knelt on the ground, shouting again and again in their mouths: “Old Immortal of the Star Place, the magic power is boundless…”


Ding Chunqiu naturally wouldn’t really kill Xingzi, snorted coldly, and casually threw a small emerald green bottle over.

“Thank you Master, thank you Master!”

Xingzi quickly poured out a pill from the medicine bottle and swallowed it.

It didn’t take long for the itchy feeling in his body to disappear, and he seemed to have gained a new life.

He got up a little tremblingly, but in the next second, a sword light flashed with a little cold in his eyes. He didn’t have time to react at all, and this sword light cut through his neck.


The star warrior took his own neck and wanted to call out to his master for help, but he couldn’t say a word now. In the next second, his eyes were black, and he fell to the ground with a pop, gradually losing his life.

“How daring!”

Ding Chunqiu was furious, and directly stepped on the roof of the carriage, and the whole person was like a big fat eagle, straight towards Shifei Xuan.

“Hey, come on! Shifei Xuan, I am optimistic about you! ”

Ning Xiao was sitting on a stone at this time, with a smile on his face, watching a play and looking at the scene in front of him. She naturally knew why Shifei Xuan made a move.

Insulting Cihang Jingzhai in public as a “slut”? Isn’t this looking for death!


At this time, Shifei Xuan’s expression was slightly cold, and with her abstinence face, it was not an exaggeration to say that she was an “ice beauty”.


I saw her palm flipped, and the long sword shook out a sword flower.

Then, with a sharp kick of his right foot, the whole person turned into a white shadow and greeted him.

The sword light flickered.

The feather fan in Ding Chunqiu’s hand instantly became bare, his face changed suddenly, and after he could dodge Shifei Xuan’s sword, he quickly flew away and fled into the distance.

Yes, he escaped, and at the moment of the exchange, he found that the woman in front of him was actually a great master! And he is only the peak of the grandmaster when he is a lot old, this does not run and wait for death?

As for those disciples of his……… Hehe, cannon fodder, he doesn’t care!


Shifei Xuan was about to chase, but at this time, there was a “bang” in the air, and countless white powders were permeated.

Seeing this, she frowned slightly, jumped back to dodge, and looked up again, but found that Ding Chunqiu was far away. At this time, if she chases again, she can also catch up, but……… She is not alone at the moment, and she is still carrying a towing oil bottle, and this towing oil bottle also carries the secrets of Yang Gong’s treasure house and the Evil Emperor Relic, and she must not lose the big because of the small.

“It is worthy of being the descendant of Cihang Jingzhai, powerful.”

Ning Xiao clapped his hands, then jumped down from the stone, and then set his eyes on the disciples of the Star Sect.

“Little ancestor, spare your life!”

These people were so frightened that they directly shivered and knelt on the ground, kowtowing to Ning Xiao.

They were frightened, because in their minds, Ding Chunqiu was the most terrifying demon under the sky, but now Ding Chunqiu didn’t even dare to take a move, so he was directly scared and fled.

And the woman who scared Ding Chunqiu away is still just this little girl’s “subordinate”, which does not need to be Ding Chunqiu more terrifying?

“Who are your ancestors?”

Ning Ji frowned a little dissatisfied.

But then his eyes rolled around, a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes, and he said with his hands in his hands: “But I am indeed older than you, and I am 108 years old this year!” Ancestors, forget it, I don’t have your unworthy descendants, you can just call me grandma.” ”

“Coincidentally, I lack some miscellaneous people around me now, you follow me for the time being, and when I reach my destination, I will let you go.”

When Shifei Xuan heard this, she glanced at Ning Ji a little speechlessly.

How can any child let others call themselves grandma? Don’t be ashamed either! Moreover, only fools believe it, right?

“Ding, 108 years old?”

These people didn’t believe it, but the thought of having someone as strong as Shifei Xuan as his subordinate seemed to……… Not unacceptable? After all, it is said that the Tianshan Tong Grandmother of the Spirit Vulture Palace has always maintained the appearance of a little girl.

Hiss! Could it be……………… No, no, no, you can’t think more, you can’t think more, the more you know, the faster you die!

“I see Grandma, thank Grandma for not killing!”

After these people looked at each other, they all kowtowed respectfully.

Shifei Xuan was speechless, but did she really believe it?

“Get up.”

Ning Xiao forced a smile in his heart and waved his hand.

Then, she seemed to have discovered something, raised her eyebrows slightly, and pointed to a beautiful girl in a purple dress not far away: “You, what is your name?” ”

“Back, back grandma, my name is Ah Zi.”

The girl named Ah Zi trembled with fright, and said in a hushed voice.

She was indeed a little afraid, after all, even Ding Chunqiu was not the enemy of this “grandmother”‘s subordinates, how terrifying was the strength of the “grandmother”? Don’t dare to imagine!

But………… She was afraid and afraid, and there was a trace of depression in her heart.

Because she had just stolen the Divine Wood Wang Ding from Ding Chunqiu today, and before she could find an excuse to slip away, she encountered this kind of thing, and if she was in a good mood, there would be a ghost.

Fortunately, this “grandmother” said that as soon as they reached their destination, they would be let go. Such a strong person.

Talking should count as words, right?

“Ah Zi?”

After Ning Ji looked up and down, the corners of his mouth raised slightly: “It’s not bad, it’s up to you to be my maid and take care of my living.” The appearance and figure are good, and when the time comes, it will be better to give it to my father as a handmaid. ”

She thought to herself.

“Yes, Ah Zi obeys!”

When Ah Zi heard this, a hint of joy suddenly appeared on her face, and she quickly answered. Handmaid? This status may seem lowly, but it also depends on who you serve!

Can take care of such a strong person, when those junior brothers of hers see her in the future, where will they dare to be arrogant in the past?


Ning Xiao nodded casually, and then sat in the carriage that had been Ding Chunqiu.

After finding a comfortable position to lie down, she said lazily: “Ah Zi, what kind of fruit is there?” Grandma Ben was a little thirsty. ”

“Yes! There are grapes! ”

When Ah Zi heard this, he quickly took a large bunch of fresh green grapes from the place where the supplies were placed.

Before Ning Xiao could speak, she obediently dialed one by one, obviously, she quickly adapted to her identity as a “maid”.


Ning Cui nodded very satisfied.

Then, while eating the grapes fed by Ah Zi, he said to Qianying outside the carriage: “Shifei Xuan, come and sit next to me, just hand over the carriage to others, and we will continue on the road.” ”

The corner of Shifei Xuan’s mouth twitched, and after a moment of silence, she finally did not expose Ning Shu.

Instead, a flash came to Ning Mo’s side, and then sat cross-kneeled and began to cultivate. Having a carriage is indeed a lot more convenient.

At least you don’t have to walk in person.

You can use the extra time to improve your strength, so that the next time she encounters Wanwen, she can also have a little more chances of winning.

Da Song, [Jing Zhongyue] open space in the backyard of the inn.

I saw a graceful posture and a dashing figure, moving rapidly, jumping up in the air, the movement did not deform at all, looking at it from a distance, like a fairy.


In the end, it fell lightly and elegantly to the ground.

“Finally, I have practiced Lingbo Microstep to the realm of Dacheng that is like an arm’s command and integrated.”

The corners of Ning Yi’s mouth raised slightly, and there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes.

At this time, Hong Qi, who was sitting on the tree trunk, eating meat and drinking wine, while watching Ning Yi the whole time, opened his mouth: “You kid is really a monster, now even me, I can’t take advantage of anything to fight with you.” ”

This was a very exaggerated thing, because before that, Ning Yi was not comprehending the [Fifteenth Sword] on his own.

Otherwise, when facing Hong Qigong, he would definitely be at a disadvantage. And after learning the eighteen palms of the dragon.

It can barely be regarded as some capital with a head-on confrontation, at least Hong Qigong wants to win, and it is not so easy. As for now… Hong Qigong even suspected that if he fought with Ning Yi now, he would most likely fall behind.

Because this body technique called “Ling Bo Microstep” is very extraordinary, even if his palm power is stronger than Ning Yi, it is versatile if he can’t hit, but Ning Yi can rely on his dexterous body technique to play him into applause.

“The Seventh Duke is too prestigious, and I’m still far behind.”

Ning Yi shook his head without changing color.


Hong Qigong saw that Ning Yi didn’t have the slightest look of pride, and couldn’t help but appreciate it more, and then shook his head and said: “Okay, I’ve been disturbing you for a while, there are still a bunch of things in the gang, and the old Hua should also leave.” ”

“Seventh Prince is leaving?”

Ning Yi was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then asked, “Did you talk to Rong’er?” ”

Since giving Huang Rong his birthday that night, his relationship with Huang Rong has also grown by leaps and bounds, of course, not to the last step. After all, Huang Ronghe is not the undefeated kind of woman who likes to mess around.

At least not yet.

“What is there to say about this.”

Hong Qigong said, then stood up directly, stretched his waist, and said, “You remember to tell her, don’t think about making you food all day, practice martial arts well!” ”

After saying that, after seeing Ning Yi nodding, he smiled and floated away. Right at this moment.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence, Huang Rong carried two bowls of silver-eared lotus seed soup and trotted to Ning Yi’s side.

Then, with a smile, he said, “Brother Yi, I stewed some food for you, you are also a little tired from martial arts practice, just rest for a while.” ”

When she first called Ning Yi “Brother Yi”, she still blushed a little every time. I’m used to it now.

“Huh, what about Master?”

She looked at the trunk and found that Hong Qigong was not there, and she couldn’t help but have some doubts.

Because these days, Hong Qigong’s favorite thing to do is to sit on the tree trunk and watch Ning Yi practice martial arts with her.

“There is something wrong with the Qigong, the Seventh Duke has already left.”

Ning Yi picked up a bowl of silver-eared lotus seed soup and spoke.


Huang Rong frowned, and said with some dissatisfaction: “Why don’t you say goodbye to me?” ”

She actually knew that Hong Qigong would have to leave sooner or later, because as the number one gang in the world, Hong Qigong, as the gang leader, must have a lot to deal with on weekdays.

It is very, very rare to stay in the inn for so long. But…… Actually don’t say goodbye?

“Qigong should be afraid that Rong’er will seduce him with food again.”

Ning Yi smiled and ridiculed, “Everything on his body has been fooled by you.” ”

“That’s Master, he himself is gluttonous, how can you blame me?”

Huang Rong and Ning Yi stayed for a long time, and their faces became thicker, and they did not feel the slightest embarrassment when they heard this, but said triumphantly. Suddenly.

“Click–” A somewhat hurried sound of footsteps interrupted the conversation between the two.

“The treasurer, there are uninvited guests!”

Bai Zhantang ran over and said quickly: “There are a bunch of people outside, and the one in the lead said… Say…”

Speaking of this, he glanced at Huang Rong, and a trace of hesitation flashed on his face.

“Say what?”

Seeing this, Huang Rong frowned slightly.

When she said that, when she heard that there was an “uninvited guest”, she thought that Li Xunhuan was coming, and she thought about how she came so quickly, but looking at Bai Zhantang’s eyes, this was coming at her?

“Yellow girl, the guy in the lead is arrogant, he said that he heard that Yellow girl is extremely beautiful, so he clamored to see you!”

After Bai Zhantang finished speaking, he glanced at Ning Yi cautiously, and then his body trembled slightly.

As he expected, after he said the words. Ning Yi’s expression immediately became cold.

“See me!?”

When Huang Rong heard this, a trace of disgust flashed on her face, and she planned to go out and beat that guy hard.

But as soon as she took a step or two, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and looked at Bai Zhantang with some suspicion: “The person you are talking about, is there a group of women in white around her?” ”

“Hey, could it be that you know Miss Huang?”

Bai Zhantang looked stunned.


Huang Rong immediately denied it, and said with a look of disgust: “I just heard about it.” ”

He understood that Ouyang Ke, whom Ning Xiang had told her before, had finally come to the door. But when Ouyang Ke came, didn’t the one named Wanwen also come to the publication?

Because according to the original process, it was Wanwan who abolished Ouyang Ke. After realizing this.

She glanced at Ning Yi with some resentment. What a big turnip!

Another one!

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