Chapter 63: Wanwen: Little brother, please kill him! 【Subscription requested】.

At this time, inside the [Inakagetsu] inn.

Ouyang Keduan sat at the dining table in the center, surrounded by more than ten beautiful women dressed in white and taking turns to serve. Some are pinching his shoulders, some are holding chopsticks to pick up vegetables, and some are half-squatting on the ground to beat his legs…

It has to be said.

In terms of enjoyment alone, he really played the essence.

And, apart from him and his maids, there were no other customers in the inn.

It’s not that the business is not good, but those customers were stopped and scolded by the maids at the door before entering [Jing Zhongyue], because he Ouyang Ke, the young master of White Camel Mountain, did not like to eat with some low-status people.

“It’s ugly, but it’s not bad.”

Ouyang Ke chewed the food in his mouth, and said with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

“Young master, since it is delicious, the slave will feed you some more.”

Seeing this, the maid who was holding chopsticks and cold spring in the corners of her eyes quickly clipped another chopstick and sent it to Ouyang Ke’s mouth.


Ouyang Ke glanced at the woman, then raised his hand to shake the folding fan, fanned the wind, and said with a smile: “Ruyi, you really know how to serve people more and more, tomorrow night Young Lord I will definitely love you well.” ”

Why not tonight? Because tonight his prey was a woman in this inn surnamed Huang who was said to be extremely beautiful.

“I hope that the young lord…” Have a lot of pity. ”

When the girl named Ruyi heard this, her face showed a hint of redness, and she said a little shyly. This look looks no different from the kind of maid who is favored by the master.

Of course, the premise is to ignore the trace of fear in her eyes. And she is different.

The women who were not named.

They all breathed a sigh of relief.

As Ouyang Ke’s maids, they first want to be loved by Ouyang Ke, and secondly, they must prevent being overly loved by Ouyang Ke. In the former, if Ouyang Ke can’t look at them, or doesn’t like them, then the end waiting for them can only be to return to White Camel Mountain and stay until they die.

This is their fate after being adopted by White Camel Mountain and cultivated since they were young. As for the words of the latter.

Because Ouyang Ke is a pervert, or a super pervert.

Although they looked gorgeous, their bodies were full of scars and tooth marks, and it was rumored that none of the maids would be alive after serving Ouyang Ke for three consecutive days.

And this is also the reason why they breathed a sigh of relief after hearing that they would not have to serve themselves tomorrow night.

What the? Run away, you say? There are people who specialize in hunting traitors in White Camel Mountain, and the maids who are captured will be subjected to extremely horrific punishments and die horrific deaths.

It’s better to die in White Camel Mountain.


At this time, a sound of footsteps sounded from not far away.

Ouyang Ke’s eyes raised slightly when he heard the sound, and he looked leisurely in the direction of the figure 420. But the next second.

His “laid back”

The expression of “everything is under control” disappeared, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and his mouth was slightly open, as if he saw something incredible.

There were three people in total, except for the one who ran the hall just now, the remaining two, a man and a woman.

He didn’t look at the man, and his attention was all on the woman, because… It’s so beautiful! Ouyang Ke has never seen such a beautiful and beautiful person.

Compared with the woman in front of him, those maids who had already been considered beautiful in his previous eyes were all reduced to vulgar powder, he could be sure.

From today onwards, he will never spoil those handmaids again, because he has already met the most beautiful woman in the world!


This inn is wonderful!

“You are Ouyang Ke?”

Huang Rong also noticed Ouyang Ke’s eyes looking at her at this time, his eyes were full of disgust, and he sneered.


Ouyang Ke came back to his senses and revealed a smile that he thought was dashing.

He waved the folding fan in his hand and said a little smugly: “Unexpectedly, this girl actually heard of it.” ”


Without waiting for Huang Rong to reply, he stood up with his own care, arched his hand extremely politely, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly: “In Lower Ouyang Ke, may I ask the girl’s name?” ”

The only thing he knew now was that the woman seemed to be in charge of collecting money in the inn, and then… Last name Huang?

Unfortunately, if the door was right, he would ask his uncle to let him accept this woman as a wife. But this woman is just an innkeeper, I am afraid she can only be a concubine.

Because his uncle told him early on that he must marry a family lineage and be worthy of his wife. Of course, a concubine is a concubine.

If there is his favor, even if it is for a concubine. He will not let the other party be aggrieved.

“I don’t have to tell you.”

Huang Rong didn’t want Ouyang Ke’s disgusting eyes to look at her again, so as soon as she finished speaking, she hid behind Ning Yi.

Then hummed softly: “Get out of the inn quickly, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind!” ”


The expression on Ouyang Ke’s face froze, and he remembered that there was a man who came out with Huang Rong and the one who ran the hall. He looked at the man with a slightly cold look in his eyes, and then… The face is even more ugly.

In the past, he thought that he was graceful, dashing and handsome, and a rare beautiful man under the sky.

But the moment he saw Ning Yi, he felt how superficial and ridiculous his previous self-knowledge was. Merry?

Dashing and handsome?

I have to admit that compared with the person in front of him, he seems to be as ridiculous as a frog at the bottom of the well, and the other party’s appearance is far better than him.

“Are you… The inn’s dispenser? ”

Ouyang Ke took a deep breath and asked coldly.

His eyes were full of jealousy at this time, if it weren’t for that yellow girl behind him, afraid of accidentally hurting the beauty, he would have killed this guy immediately, and then cut this guy’s face all over!


Ning Yi said lightly: “Ouyang Ke, if you dare to look at Rong’er with your dog’s eyes again, I will dig it out.” ”

Of course, he knew that Ouyang Ke was actually Ouyang Feng’s own son, but he didn’t care about it.

After all, everyone is a great master, who is afraid of whom? And when Ouyang Ke heard this, the killing intent in his eyes could no longer be contained.

“You dare to talk to me like that, do you know who my uncle is?”

He gritted his teeth.

Joke, he didn’t believe that Ning Yi could remain so calm after knowing that his uncle was one of the five masters of the Great Song Dynasty, Western Poison Ouyang Feng.

“Old poison?”

Ning Yi said with a sneer.

“What old poison…”

Ouyang Ke frowned and was about to ask rhetorically.

But he immediately realized that the man in front of him knew that his uncle was Ouyang Feng, and he also called his uncle… For old poison!?

“Be bold!”

He shouted angrily and waved the folding fan in his hand: “I don’t know if I’m dead or alive!” Arrest him for me! ”


The maids quickly answered, and then they all drew the long swords at their waist, or ran, or moved, and rushed towards Ning Yi in unison.

“Hehe, Brother Yi, these women will be handed over to me, right?”

Huang Rong asked with a smile.

After she learned to play dog sticks during this time, she had not really fought in the real sense, and now she happened to meet this gang of people, naturally her hands were itchy.

“Go ahead.”

The corners of Ning Yi’s mouth raised slightly, and he touched Huang Rong’s head.

With his current relationship with Huang Rong, it is naturally not a big deal to do such a slightly intimate act. And not far away.

Ouyang Ke, who saw this scene, suddenly looked like he was on fire.

“Don’t treat me like a child!”

Huang Rong’s face was slightly red, and she grimaced at Ning Yi with some dissatisfaction: “Slightly!” ”

And at this time, those Ouyang Ke’s maids.

It was also rushed to Ning Yi and Huang Rong.

Huang Rong unhurriedly took out a bamboo stick from nowhere, and then chuckled like a wind chime, and jumped to the group of maids.

With a force on the wrist, the bamboo stick turned into a cyan light and hit the maids at a very tricky angle.




With a sound of colliding with metal, the long swords in the hands of these maids were directly shot out.

“Brother Yi, what about my trick to the sky?”

Huang Rong smiled proudly and said.

“Not bad.”

Ning Yi nodded a little cryingly.

Although, from his point of view, Huang Rong’s blow just now was still a little stiff, but this is also normal, after all, Huang Rong has not passed half a month since he learned the dog stick method.

Hmm… And not everyone is like him, with perverted talent. And the other side.

After losing a weapon.

Ruyi and the other maids covered their somewhat sprained wrists and hurriedly retreated, while looking at Ouyang Ke with a worried expression.

“Young Lord, I’m sorry, it’s the incompetence of the….”

They bowed their heads and said in a trembling tone.


Ouyang Ke did not answer.

Because he was looking at Huang Rong obsessively now, he didn’t care about the life or death of those maids at all.

But in the next second, he found that a figure suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his line of sight, and subconsciously looked up, and Ning Yi’s cold eyes met his eyes.


Ouyang Ke’s heart tightened, and he reacted instantly, and then he wanted to retreat. But the next second.

He saw two slender fingers that seemed to be shining brightly, quickly reaching out towards his eyes. Oops! A flash of horror flashed in his eyes.

Followed by.


The blood exploded instantly, and the two round eyeballs were directly gouged out.


Ouyang Ke covered his eyes with pain on his face, and blood kept flowing from between his fingers.

He grimaced fiercely and yelled at Ning Yi: “Madman, you madman, you’re finished, you’re dead!” My uncle will never let you go! ”

“Young Lord!”

The maids on the side woke up like a dream, wanting to help Ouyang Ke up.

“Roll, roll me all, a bunch of waste!”

But at this time, Ouyang Ke had fallen into madness, and threw away those hands that were reaching out to him.

“I said, if you look at Rong’er with your dog’s eyes again, I will gouge out your eyes, it seems that you did not take what I said to heart.”

Ning Yi took out a rag with a flat expression and wiped the blood off his fingers.

“My uncle is Western Poison Ouyang Feng, a Grand Master, do you guys know who he messed with?”

Ouyang Ke, who couldn’t see anything, was still roaring furiously.

Ning Yi was a little impatient, so he planned to slaughter this noisy thing. However, at this very moment.

He suddenly sensed that something was not quite right.

After secretly looking around, he looked up sharply.

I saw a barefoot, dressed in white, elf-like woman meet his eyes.

This woman is a little strange, obviously looking pure like an angel on the outside, but her eyes reveal cunning and perversity like the devil.


Miraculously, these two diametrically opposed temperaments are on their bodies, but there is no sense of contradiction. As if, this woman was born like this.

“Oops, discovered!”

Wanwan sat on the beam of the room, swayed her bare feet, and said with a smile: “Good-looking little brother, nice job, I followed this guy all the way, I have long seen him unpleasant.” ”

A month ago, she came to Da Song on the order of Master Zhu Yuyan to prepare for cooperation with Ouyang Feng. Due to Ouyang Feng’s uncertain whereabouts.

So after coming to the Great Song, she first found her nephew Ouyang Ke through the intelligence of the Yin Lu faction, intending to use Ouyang Ke to find Ouyang Feng, but she didn’t expect that this Ouyang Ke provoked people who shouldn’t be messed with, and her eyes were gouged out.

Of course, she was very cool to watch, but at the same time she was too lazy to help. Because along the way.

Ouyang Ke’s behavior made her extremely annoying.


Ning Yi looked around, and then looked around, and did not find the girl, which made him relieved. Fortunately, the other party does not seem to be his future wife.

“You’re a of the Yin Sect?”

He picked it straight out.

After all, the characteristics of the other party are too obvious, there is no need to pretend to be confused.


Wanwan’s feet stopped shaking, and she looked at Ning Yi with some surprise: “Little brother, you really surprised me, the Great Tang is so far away from the Great Song, where did you hear about the Yin Lu faction and me?” ”

You know, even the local people in the Great Tang Dynasty could not recognize her identity when they saw her for the first time. Not to mention her mentorship.

This guy is a little mysterious! Moreover, I can’t see through his cultivation, is it possible… Like me, a grandmaster? Wanwan’s eyes flickered and she thought to herself.

“Secret, girl, you came all the way to Da Song, specifically follow this guy…”

Speaking of this, Ning Yi glanced at Ouyang Ke, who was still screaming and cursing him, and squinted his eyes slightly: “If my guess is correct, but for Ouyang Feng?” ”

This is the only reason, otherwise it would be impossible for Wanwan to be so bored and follow such a garbage as Ouyang Ke.


Wanwan couldn’t help but clapped her palms and said curiously: “Little brother, you guessed accurately, I came to his uncle Ouyang Feng to cooperate on the order of my master.” ”


Ning Yi raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile: “I’m afraid you can’t cooperate.” ”


Wanwan frowned when she heard this, and her expression was slightly cold: “Why?” ”

This change of face is also really fast.

“Because, Ouyang Ke is Ouyang Feng’s nephew on the surface, but it is actually the product of Ouyang Feng’s fornication with his sister-in-law, that is, Ouyang Ke is Ouyang Feng’s own son.”

After Ning Yi saw that Wanwan’s expression was a little stiff, he continued: “And you, obviously have the ability to rescue him, but let him be gouged out by me, do you think that Ouyang Feng will still cooperate with you and your division?” ”

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings immediately fell silent. Including Ouyang Ke.

“What nonsense are you talking about? Hugh wants to ruin the reputation of my mother and uncle! ”

Ouyang Ke shouted angrily.

But at this time, no one in the audience paid attention to him.


Wanwan looked at Ouyang Ke, and then at Ning Yi, her brows furrowed, and she was a little distressed: “Ah, what can I do about this?” ”

She originally thought that Ouyang Ke was just Ouyang Feng’s nephew, plus she also hated Ouyang Ke, so hated that even Ning Yi couldn’t make a move, she also planned to find an opportunity to abolish Ouyang Ke.

She didn’t think that Ouyang Feng would refuse to cooperate with the Yin Lu faction for the sake of a nephew, after all, this cooperation was beneficial to both sides.

But she never expected it.

Ouyang Ke is actually Ouyang Feng’s own son? This joke is a bit big!

“How about you, little brother, kill him!? That way, no one knows that I just stood by and watched! ”

Wanwan’s eyes lit up, put on a “little brother please” expression, clasped her hands together, and coquettishly said with innocent eyes: “Please, please, if people can’t complete the task, they will be beaten by the master!” As long as you help me this time, Wanwan will always remember your good. ”

Finish the last sentence.

She also threw a wink at Ning Yi.

“Don’t, don’t kill me!”

When Ouyang Ke heard this, he was immediately scared half to death, and quickly said: “Xia woman, Xia woman!” As long as you save me, I won’t tell my uncle that you will stand idly by, and I will also promote the cooperation between my uncle and your sect!” ”

He couldn’t see anything, he could only keep pleading according to the line of defense coming from the voice. In his opinion.

Blind, you can still enjoy.

But if you die, there’s nothing!..

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