People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 24 Drive Away The Tiger And Devour The Wolf! Dump The Witcher!

The sun gradually went down and the sky darkened.

In the alley opposite the Flying Hotel, Lin Zhennan and others took turns staring at the hotel's gate.

"Brother Zhennan, let me watch over it, you go to eat!"

A strong man with a big summer face came over, wiping the oil stains from the corners of his mouth.

Lin Zhennan refused when he heard the words.

"For some reason, I feel a little bit uneasy, so I just keep staring at it and rest assured."

"I wonder if that kid Lin Weiyu is doing well? I haven't sent any news until now. I'm really anxious!"

The strong man joked with a strange smile.

"Brother Zhennan can't tell, you look loyal, but you actually have a lot of eyes."

Lin Zhennan pretended to be angry and glared at the man.

"Lin Guodong, don't talk nonsense, pay attention to the movement around you, don't let the idea slip away and you don't know it!"

"I didn't do that with evil intentions, I just wanted to use their power to help us get rid of that guy. Isn't that what demon hunters do anyway?"

Lin Guodong didn't say a word, he just smiled strangely.

Suddenly, their ears moved, they looked at each other, and they both raised their heads to look at the roof on the left.

A black shadow jumped up at an extremely fast speed, and when it came to the sky above the alley, it borrowed strength from the left and right walls and landed in front of them.

Hoo hoo!

The visitor took a few breaths before speaking very quickly.

"James has found the residence of the witcher. He asked me to come back and report a letter. He will lead the witcher here in at most an hour. Let's keep an eye on that bastard and don't let him run away."

Lin Zhennan walked up to him, thumped the visitor's chest and said with a smile.

"Don't worry about Lao Tzu, the front and back doors have released people, so he can't escape."

The room in the Flying Hotel was short and small, and it was full of indescribable smells, but Lawrence closed his eyes and rested his mind as usual.

Wolves are nocturnal animals. At the moment, it's not completely dark yet, and it's not time to act.

He recalled the investigation information in the past few days in his mind. After the special case team came to the door, the first nine suspects either obediently cooperated with the investigation, or shouted for injustice, which was in line with normal people's reactions.

In fact, after a detailed investigation, their suspicions were also cleared.

The reaction of the Lin family is too abnormal, and it is the most powerful family.

Lawrence felt that in all likelihood, Governor Edmund's death was related to the Lin family.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out. If the Lin family had killed Governor Edmund, they would have been a little too calm, and the patriarch was even in the mood to take a concubine.

Are you confident in making it seamless, not afraid of being found clues?

Or is there a more powerful force hidden behind the Lin family, who are not afraid of the British Empire, so they will have nothing to fear?

Shaking his head violently, Lawrence cleared his mind of distracting thoughts.

What is the truth? If you catch the patriarch of the Lin family tonight, you can get the answer. There is no need to spend energy deducing the case.


In a small village on the outskirts of Edmond, from a thatched hut hidden by trees and leaves, three witchers dressed in black walked out.

A forty-year-old witcher spat hard, his face was gloomy, and he cursed in a hoarse voice.

"It's fucking fake news again, I haven't even seen a wolf hair!"

"If in the Middle Ages, the bastard who provided false information, I would definitely send him to the gallows!"

Another older witcher frowned, and reprimanded his companion in a serious tone.

"Enough! Morfoy is no longer in the Middle Ages now, don't mention those old and old things, we have a lot to do. Since Lapoli Village doesn't have one, go to Katna Village to see! The bastard who sold us information Didn't he say that his men saw werewolves in Katana Village?"

Morfoy frowned slightly, took out the map from his pocket, and searched on the map after unfolding it.

"Katana Village..."

While muttering to herself, she moved her fingers on the map.

"Well, I found it, 526 kilometers to the northwest."

He looked up at his companion, shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"It's too far away. It will take about three days for us to walk there."

"Why don't you rest here tonight and go to the local church tomorrow. We need to get on two horses before we go."

While they were still discussing, a black figure sprang out from the woods.

"Be careful! Morfoy get out of the way!"

The old witcher pushed Morfoy away, drew his long sword from his waist and stabbed forward.


White's sharp claws collided with the long sword, making a crisp metal impact sound.

Huge amounts of power passed along the long sword to the old exorcist. With a click, his arm holding the sword was bent abnormally, and one hand was immediately broken.

The black shadow was just about to take advantage of the momentum to pursue, but the old exorcist picked up the long sword with the other hand, and the sword technique with his left hand was faster and more ruthless, and he took two steps back to avoid the sword's edge.

Morfoo came back to his senses and immediately took out the crossbow from behind, but he didn't dare to shoot easily because his companion was next to the black shadow.

Another younger demon hunter raised his staff and cast a lighting spell. The shadow was too fast, and they couldn't see the opponent's attack clearly.

The Lol crystal inlaid on the staff emits a soft white light.

Only now did the three demon hunters see the black figure clearly. It had a huge wolf head covered in thick gray hair. It was not tall but extremely muscular, with White's sharp bone claws at the end of its hands.


But the shape of this werewolf is very strange. Is it a new mutant?

The old demon hunter was suspicious in his heart, but the sword move in his hand prevented the splashing water from entering, firmly blocking the werewolf from attacking other people.

The long sword in his hand is not real, it doesn't connect with the werewolf's bone claws, and whenever he is about to hit the bone claws, he changes his moves immediately, without giving the opponent the slightest chance to head-on.

However, the werewolf's physical strength was too strong, and his attack speed was extremely fast. However, after fighting for more than ten rounds in the blink of an eye, the old witcher was out of breath.

"Falman, have you finished your spell?"

He was answered by a blazing ball of fire, which Farman swung his staff and directed towards the werewolf.

"Damn demon, turn into ashes under the holy flame!"

The fireball was under his control, no matter how the werewolf moved around, it was always chasing after it.

Morfo saw the opportunity and quickly aimed at the werewolf.


Under the powerful spring force of the reed, the crossbow tore through the air and shot at the werewolf.

At the moment, James in the werewolf holster was furious, and kept greeting Lin Zhennan in his heart.

It was very easy to kill three demon hunters with his strength, but the task was to lure the demon hunters to the Flying Inn, so he was tied up and did not dare to attack with all his strength.

Just as James jumped up in the air and avoided the pursuit of the fireball, the sharp crossbow arrows had already shot in front of his eyes.

In the face of the crisis, he held his chest and shrank his neck, and the crossbow arrows flew past his head, nailed to the tree and kept shaking.

"It's time to withdraw, the demon hunter is too lacking in martial arts, to sneak attack!"

After landing, James rolled on the spot, and the fireball and crossbow bolt fell through again.


Howling like a wild wolf, James landed on all fours in a play, turned around and 'run away' at an extremely fast speed.

Morfoo stood guard with his crossbow for a while, and seeing that the werewolf had indeed run away, he walked quickly to the old witcher and said worriedly.

"Old guy Equil, can you still do it?"

"This werewolf is very strong, we can't let him continue wandering around, otherwise the wolf disaster in the middle ages may repeat itself!"

Hearing the word wolf disaster he said, Equil trembled all over, as if recalling an extremely terrible nightmare.

The production of werewolves is not limited to natural reproduction, and new species can also be produced by infecting Common people. The stronger the werewolf is, the stronger the infection ability is, and the strength of his offspring will be stronger.

"Morfoy, help me straighten my bones, and Farman uses holy light healing."

Equil was very decisive and quickly assigned the task. They had to hurry up and kill the escaped werewolf.

Morfoo held up his broken arm, and with a tooth-stinging sound of bones rubbing against each other, he forced the broken bone back into place.

Farman raised his staff and muttered prayer spells.

A white beam of light shoots out from the crystal and lands on Equil's broken arm. It seems that there is an Angel in the void who is reciting holy words, and there is a faint aura of sacred majesty.

Within a few minutes, Equil tried to move his lower arm, and there was still a bit of pain at the fracture site, but it did not affect the movement.

"Falman, my good boy, where did that werewolf escape?"

Farman closed his eyes, concentrating on sensing.

The faint magical atmosphere of lighting technique clearly reflected in his spiritual world.

"It seems to be fleeing to the urban area, but fortunately, the speed is not too fast!"

"If we go all out, we can still catch up with it!"

After hearing this, Equil became more suspicious before.

"It always feels a bit strange. Werewolves have always been reckless and brainless, and they are not afraid of death in battle!"

"This werewolf just turned around and ran away after suffering a bit of a loss, and his speed seemed to slow down on purpose. Could it be that it lured us to the city, where it set up a trap?"

He was still thinking about the werewolf's intentions. Everything that happened just now was not in line with the werewolf's usual style.

Morfo put away the crossbow and hung it behind his back, and said with a serious expression.

"Don't think about Equil, even if it's a trap, we are duty-bound!"

"We are demon hunters, following God's will and protecting the Lord's believers in the world."

"It is our mission to eliminate demons and purify the world!"

After he finished speaking, he strode toward the urban area.

Farman froze for a moment, followed closely behind, looking back from time to time.

"The stinky boy actually taught me to get up. Although I, Equil, am old, I still can't lift the sword."

"Young people are too impulsive. The old man is not afraid of death, but worried that death will be in vain!"

Equil cursed a few words with a smile, and caught up with the young companion with a long sword.


While running, James used his super Beast intuition to sense the witcher behind him, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up into a smirk.

After entering the urban area, he deliberately jumped onto the roof and ran quickly on the undulating roof, lest the witchers chase him and lose him, and the plan would fail.

He quickly jumped and ran between the houses, but the sound of his footsteps was extremely soft, which did not attract the attention of pedestrians on the side of the road.

Even if someone looked up, they could only see a black shadow flashing by.

As he approached the Flying Hotel, James speeded up sharply, more than double his previous speed, and disappeared from the witcher's sight in the blink of an eye.

Equil looked at the direction in which the werewolf disappeared, and had no choice but to stop.

"Falman, feel again, the magic energy should not have dissipated, right?"

Farman nodded and closed his eyes again.

At the moment, the magical aura left on the werewolf's body was so weak that it could hardly be reflected.

"Across this street, 5 kilometers after turning left, it seems to have stopped there."

Equil nodded, and ran forward without saying a word.

If there is a trap, let his old bones break through.

Even if you sacrifice this life, you must help your young companions create a chance to kill the werewolf.

After getting out of the sight of the witcher, James quickly came to the alley opposite the Flying Hotel.

Lin Zhennan asked eagerly after seeing him.

"Why did the fish take the bait?"

Taking off the werewolf holster quickly, James took a deep breath and said.

"This leather case is really smelly and not breathable!"

"Brother Zhennan doesn't even look at who is going out, the three demon hunters are following behind!"

"They seem to have left a mark on the holster. I'm out of their sight, and the three demon hunters are still chasing here."

Lin Zhennan gave a thumbs up and praised.

"As expected, Master James did a great job!"

Turning his head, he shouted at the few people behind him.

"The charged silver bullet is loaded, it's our turn to play!"

Several strong men responded, and quickly loaded the special bullets in their hands, pressing silver and white bullets into the magazine.

Holding the werewolf holster in one hand, Lin Zhennan waved his hand.

A group of people covered their faces and held guns, and attacked the dilapidated Flying Hotel. The fat proprietress hid behind the counter in fright, holding her head and begging in a low voice.

"I understand the rules, don't look at the faces of the heroes, spare my life!"

Lin Zhennan smiled. Little people have the wisdom of little people.

He ignored the fat proprietress and ran straight to the room where Lawrence was.

They are all masters of energy transformation, and they didn't make a sound while running.


Lin Zhennan kicked open the door.

As a werewolf, Lawrence reacted quickly, supporting the bed with both hands, trying to fall under the bed.

However, in the case of intentional arithmetic and unintentional, the one who shoots is a master of energy.

bang bang bang!

A rain of bullets covered the small room.

Lawrence dodged most of the bullets by jumping to the ground, but still got a few shots in the thigh and chest.

The moment the bullet entered his body, a burning pain spread.

"Silver bullets, are you demon hunters?"

Thinking he had guessed the identity of the enemy, Lawrence felt a chill in his heart.

So many demon hunters still have silver bullets to restrain the werewolf Constitution, their firearms can fire continuously, if they don't run away, their lives will be lost.

Thinking of this, Lawrence leaned towards the window of the room while deliberately avoiding the bullet.


Several masked strong men finished their bullets and quickly took out new magazines to replace them.

The raindrops of bullets became thinner, and taking advantage of the short time for the enemy to reload, Lawrence jumped up and smashed through the window, hitting the ground heavily when he landed.

The hard concrete floor was smashed into a big hole in the shape of a human being.

There was a smile in Lin Zhennan's eyes, he pretended to lead a few people, and shot a few shots at the fleeing Lawrence.

These few shots accurately blocked his escape in other directions, forcing Lawrence to run towards the southeast.

"Run, let's run, hehe, the faster you run, the faster the medicine will take effect!"

"Brothers, how can you not set fire to murder, pour gasoline and burn it again, and all traces of clues are gone!"

Several masked strong men took off their close-fitting skin bags and threw them into the room. The strong smell of gasoline permeated the entire room along with the liquid.

Lin Zhennan took out his lighter and lit a cigarette, took a few puffs and threw it into the room and landed on the gasoline.

He threw in the wolf fur suit worn by James and watched it being swallowed by flames.


With the help of gasoline, the flames rushed straight to the roof and spread rapidly.

Lawrence, who was running desperately on the street, only felt that his head was getting more and more dizzy, and the scene in front of him was constantly twisting and changing.

Suddenly he held his head and roared, his body also changed drastically, his muscles swelled and his hair grew rapidly, his mouth became sharp and long, and jagged teeth protruded from his lips.

"The werewolf is here!"

Drowsy Lawrence followed the sound.

In his eyes, the speaker was an old man holding a sword for a while, then turned into a vampire with bat wings, and finally became a vampire.


After the authentic wolf howl, Lawrence rushed to what he saw as a vampire.

Equil was about to say that this wasn't the previous werewolf, but Lawrence was menacing, waving sharp wolf claws and grabbing his head.

James, who was hiding in the alley far away, laughed with satisfaction when he saw the demon hunter fighting with Lawrence's transformed werewolf.

The plan to drive away tigers and wolves was a success!

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