People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 25 Covering The Shadow Of Ghana! The Secret Blue Bird Stronghold!

James in the alley, after seeing Lawrence's neck cut off in half, fell to the ground and died, carefully retreated into the depths of the alley, and joined Lin Zhennan and others from the rear exit.

"Brother Zhennan, that guy is dead, let's go back to the manor!"

Lin Zhennan smiled mysteriously, looked at James and said.

"Boy, the matter is not over yet, but we really don't need to take action."

"Lin Weiyu, stay here and watch the Public Security Bureau arrest the demon hunter, then report back to the manor!"

"The others will go back with me, the housekeeper is still waiting for our news!"

James shuddered all over, as if he had just met this big brother, his eyes were full of disbelief.

Using the demon hunter to kill Lawrence and arranging for the Public Security Bureau to arrest them is really a bit too much.

Seeing him in a daze, Lin Guodong patted his shoulder and said with a sigh.

"Okay, don't be in a daze, the adult society is like this, full of all kinds of conspiracies and tricks!"

After leaving the alley, the group came to a seemingly abandoned residential building.

Lin Zhennan knocked on the door three times and twice.

Click click click!

After a few mechanical turning sounds, the thick door opened.

A head poked out from the door, glanced at several people, and said.

"Come in, what do you need?"

After Lin Zhennan entered, the man glanced left and right, then quickly closed the door and locked it again.

"The master has never activated this place before. If the password was not good, you would have been Deadman just now."

As he spoke, he lit the oil lamp, and the dark room was lit up.

It was only then that James saw the man's appearance clearly. He was bald, rosacea, and very muscular.

Behind the thick door, the door panel in the middle is actually movable, which cannot be seen from the outside at all.

Behind the movable door panel is a row of organs similar to crossbow machines, with mysterious paste smeared on the densely packed slender steel needles, which faintly smell of bitter almonds.

When his eyes met the cream, his Beast-like intuition told him that it was dangerous, even if he had the super speed Self-healing Ability, it would cause him pain.

"The young man is very curious, but it's best not to touch it!"

"What the grease seals is concentrated cyanide. The latest research results of the family's chemical laboratory, 0.1 gram can kill a person, which is very dangerous."

The rosacea-nosed man glanced at James and kindly reminded him not to touch it.

Those who can know the password to enter here are all core members of the Lin family, especially such a young guy. He thought of the identity of the little guy when he first met.

If the master's adoptive son had an accident with him, God knows how the master will punish him!

"Scole stop talking nonsense, remember your identity, and prepare a few good horses for us to use urgently!"

Lin Zhennan said impatiently, he is not interested in knowing how dangerous the trap is here.

There are at least a thousand dark sons like him in Alberta, and it's really audacious to think too much if you want to cling to the master's adopted son and enter the core of the Lin family.

He made up his mind to go back to the housekeeper and ask him to give him a good beating.

These guys who have been hiding in the dark for too long seem to have something else in their minds.

Skoll's cheeks trembled a few times, knowing that what he had done was a little obvious, and hurriedly walked deep into the room.

"Come with me, the stables are behind, the riding equipment is well maintained, and the horses are fat and strong!"

Several people followed behind him, watching Skoll twist a few times on the candlestick on the wall.

Ka Ka Ka!

After the muffled sound of the mechanism running, the solid wall slowly moved away.

The neighing sound of the horse, accompanied by a faint smell of smell, came to the face.

James only thought it was an eye-opener. He didn't expect that behind the seemingly small room, there was a stable with a huge space hidden. There were probably a dozen tall horses.

Several people randomly selected a horse and led it out of the stable, grabbed a handful of broad beans to feed their own horses, and stroked the horse's mane.

When the horses are no longer restless and adapt to the new owner.

Skoll said, throwing the riding gear he got from nowhere and throwing it beside them.

"It's all new and good, do you need anything else?"

Lin Zhennan shook his head and glanced at him in disgust.

"No, do your own thing, Skoll!"

After equipping the riding gear, Skoll opened the tunnel in the stable, and after a few people led the horses in, the entrance of the tunnel slowly closed without seeing the slightest abnormality.

The oil lamp in the tunnel lighted up automatically with the sound of flints colliding. After walking a certain distance, James walked quickly to Lin Zhennan and asked in a low voice.

"Brother Zhennan, do we have many strongholds like this?"

Lin Zhennan gave him a strange look, waved his hand and the others consciously moved away.

"There are indeed quite a few. All the File size towns in Ghana now have at least one."

"I don't know exactly how many there are, and we can only use the materials in the stronghold when there are special missions."

"Many of the guys in charge of these strongholds used to be enemies of the Lin family. Because of their special talents, the master spared their lives and used some means to control them to serve the Lin family."

James was thoughtful and silent.

Having lived in the Lin family for so long, at this moment he felt that he had never understood the real side of the family, and his adoptive father had never talked about these things with him.

On the surface, the Lin family controls one-third of Ghana's agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, and arms trade. No one has ever known the strength behind the scenes, and even his adopted son was kept in the dark before this.

Seeing that James was silent, Lin Zhennan knew that he couldn't accept the shocking news for a while, so he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

Where is this? If you really tell him that the Lin family still has its own army, the kid will probably die of fright.

After years of development, the Fox Hunting Squad has grown into a Fox Hunting Legion with 6,000 members. Those who can be selected into the Legion are all fighters who are not afraid of death.

After the special training method taught by the master, after several years of hell training, any soldier of the Fox Hunting Corps, no matter how much ammunition was spent on training, has become a sharpshooter with every shot.

At the same time, their hand-to-hand combat ability is not bad. If Ming Jin's peak strength fights against Common soldiers, it is enough to fight ten against one. After forming a battle formation, even Hua Jin masters such as Lin Zhennan will have a headache.

It is no exaggeration to say that Huajin Grandmasters with less than 100 people can still escape desperately, and Huajin Grandmasters with more than 100 people will also hate Huangquan.

If they were armed with guns, the 20 soldiers of the Fox Hunting Corps would dare to chase after Master Huajin.

Lin Zhennan recalled that when he first became the master of Huajin, more than 20 of their old buddies who had practiced Huajin participated in the exercise under the order of the master.

In the beginning, he sneaked into the camp relying on his tyrannical personal strength, and after knocking down hundreds of soldiers, he was still complacent, thinking that the Fox Hunting Corps was nothing more than that.

Afterwards, the soldiers of the Fox Hunting Corps came to their senses and stopped fighting them in close combat. Under the command of Chadson, the soldiers who took up the guns almost never missed their shots.

The nerve response of the Common soldiers can't keep up with the speed of the Huajin masters. These soldiers who also practiced Lin's martial arts, although they only practiced to the peak of Mingjin due to distraction, their eyesight and nerve reaction speed surpassed the Common soldiers Several times, it seems that he has specially practiced dealing with extremely fast opponents.

Someone was in charge of blocking their evasion space with bullet screens, and someone was in charge of biting their tracks tightly and shooting them precisely. After an exercise, Lin Zhennan and the others were completely convinced, and the pride of the Huajin masters was shattered. Soldier.

That is to say, from then on, all the underground forces in Ghana University bowed their heads and bowed their heads, and the master was called the shadow emperor of Ghana University by the leaders of those forces.

"Brother Zhennan, we have reached the end of the tunnel, let's open the mechanism!"

Lin Guodong's shout interrupted Lin Zhennan's memory.

Go forward a few steps on the wall at the end of the tunnel, and press the switch in the direction Skoll said.


The wall in front of them was separated from it, and the bright moonlight shone on everyone.

The crowd led their horses out of the tunnel, and looked back to see that the two rocks were slowly closing together.

Looking at the bushes and leaves all around, they had already left the city of Edmond and entered the wilderness.

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