People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 326: The Four Warriors Of Asgard Escape From Prison And The Giants Of Jotunheim Invade! Loki

Asgard, Asgard.

Loki was sitting on the throne. As soon as he came back from Earth, he was visited by the four warriors of Asgard.

"You are too presumptuous!"

"Morgan, Volstagg, Fandral, Sif, who gave you the courage to come to Asgard and act wild in front of me?"

"Guards, take them off to me and send them to death row!"

He still maintained the appearance of God King Odin, and the eternal gun Gungnir in his hand paused.

Several Asgard guards rushed in from outside the door and surrounded the four people below. However, they did not capture them immediately, but whispered advice.

"Sif, you are too reckless, come down with us first!"

"When His Majesty the God King calms down, you can go and ask the Queen of Heaven to come forward, and you will definitely be able to bring Thor back.

Sif nodded and didn't make it difficult for the guard.

She put down the spear in her hand, stretched out her hands, and took the shackles without any resistance.

Volstagg glared at the guards angrily, clutching the big ax in his hand.

He wished he could rush forward and fight, which was better than feeling aggrieved and uncomfortable. Fortunately, Fandral on the side pulled him and grabbed the ax with his hands.

"Do not impulse!"

After the guards took all four away, Loki breathed a sigh of relief.

He was lucky to have escaped. If he hadn't disguised himself as God King Odin, he probably wouldn't have been able to survive the beating just now.

"The four damn warriors, if it weren't for the implication of executing you, even my mother might not support me. I would have killed you all!"

"My reckless brother is a bit too popular. More than 80% of the people in Asgard support him. It seems that just being exiled in Midgard is not safe!"

"After dealing with the incoming Giants of Jotunheim, I must find a way to kill him!"

His agreement with the Giants of Jotunheim is about to expire, and today is the last day. No matter how paranoid Lauf is, he will not let go of the opportunity to invade Asgard.

A cold smile appeared on Loki's lips, feeling satisfied that he had everything under control.

"Killing the King of Giants of Jotunheim is enough for me to surpass that reckless brother, and this is just the first step of my plan."

"It would be great if we could find an excuse to trap Heimdall too. The power of Bifrost is enough to destroy Jotonheim and completely wipe out the Kingdom of Giants of Jotunheim. That would be a great achievement that would shock the past and shine today!"

In the sky prison, the four warriors of Asgard were locked in a cell, 11 not even their weapons were confiscated.

Volstagg paced around the room irritably, his belly bulging out and his ax in hand.

"Our good friend Thor was exiled, but Loki pretended to be His Majesty the God-King and gave orders. Didn't you all see it?"

"That insidious villain who talks sweet talk and is secretive is probably very proud now. We didn't even dare to resist, so he escorted us to the prison!"

The words coming out of his mouth were as deafening as thunder on a sunny day.

Fandral smoothed his long hair around his ears, his extremely handsome face showed a thoughtful look, he held a sword in his hand and spoke calmly and calmly.

"You're a guy whose brain is all about muscles. Do you really think no one will see through his disguise?"

"Those palace guards are all warriors carefully selected by His Majesty the God-King. If the person sitting on the throne is really His Majesty the God-King, there is no need for Him to speak [the guards will chop us into pieces]

"For Loki to be able to sit on the throne and pretend to be His Majesty the God King, he must have obtained the approval of the Queen of Heaven. That means there is something wrong with His Majesty the God King. Someone must pretend to be His Majesty to intimidate the Nine Realms!"

Hogan, who had an Asian face, nodded and whispered in agreement.

"Fandral is right, so Sif did the right thing by capturing him without any help. If we really expose Loki's disguise, not only will we not be able to save Thor, but we will allow the enemy to see through the virtual country and invade."

Several people were chatting with each other when they heard footsteps coming from the corridor.

A guard came over carrying two large plates of barbecue and fine wine, placed the plates on the ground and knocked on the railing.

"After eating, remember to eat the food clean and don't break the plate!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked outside. The four people in the cell looked at each other in confusion.

Fandral looked at the retreating guards, frowning and lost in thought.

It's not meal time yet, so why will food be delivered?

Volstagg didn't care so much, he just grabbed a piece of barbecue and ate it as he walked by.

"It tastes good. I didn't expect the treatment in Tianlao to be so good. Why are you all eating and standing there?"

He chewed it hard, then picked up the wine bottle and took a big gulp.

Hogan rolled his eyes and cursed at his friend who was eating so much.

"You are so heartless. Thor is in trouble on Earth, Asgard is in crisis, but you are still able to eat. I really admire you!"

Several people were very irritable, and Volstagg had the most violent temper. When he heard his friend's accusation, he immediately glared angrily and shouted back at the top of his lungs.

"I'm worried too, but what's the use?"

"Loki ordered us to be locked up just to trap us so that we can't help Thor. He is giving the order now as His Majesty the God King, do we still have to openly disobey him?"

"Since you are helpless, why can't you have a good meal? If you are not convinced, let's have a fight now!"

He put down the bottle of wine and picked up the ax as if he was going to fight.

Sif quickly came over and separated the two men who were pushing the cow.

If there really was a fight, Hogan was no match for Volstagg, and they were all good friends. They were imprisoned in the sky prison because of Thor. She couldn't let the two of them fight.

"Okay, please stop saying a few words, we all know the current situation.

"The more Loki tries to trap us, the less we can get what he wants!"

Fandral suddenly snapped his fingers, with a look of realization on his face.

He walked to the dinner plate, pushed all the food to Vostagg, and split the dinner plate with a sword.

Ding dong!

A key fell to the ground, attracting everyone's attention.

"Here's the key to the cell, great, we can get out!"

Hogan picked up the key and shouted with joy.

"It turns out what the guard said was ironic. He was implying that the key was hidden in the tableware!"

Fandral quickly covered his mouth and warned him in his ear.

"Hush, silence!"

"Loki's magic skills are too high. Aren't you afraid that he will be invisible and eavesdropping?"

"We can just escape quietly and don't cause trouble to the guards!"

The four of them looked at each other and calmed down from the surprise.

As Thor's childhood sweetheart, Sif has always been secretly in love with him. At the moment when she saw the opportunity to escape, she was very excited and passed the key.

"Let's go out first and talk later. Remember to show mercy later and don't really hurt the guards!"

"Let's put on a play for Loki and let him continue to dream of his spring and autumn dreams!"

She groped for the keyhole, inserted the key in her hand, turned it a few times, and heard a click.

The door of the cell slowly opened, and Hogan, Fandral, and Volstagg rushed out with weapons raised. The guards who came after hearing the sound were no match for them, and they were knocked to the ground and passed out one by one.

Sif looked back at a corner of the prison, where a tall figure stood, none other than Argot, the commander of the Imperial Guard.

"Go to Heimdall and he will help you find you!"

An extremely small sound reached Sif's ears, and he saw Argot slamming his head against the wall, knocking himself unconscious.

Sif was stunned for a moment, then sped up and caught up with the other three.

The four Asgard warriors rushed towards Bifrost. The guards along the road rushed up with shouts, but the weapons in their hands failed to fight against the king. After two blows, they were automatically sent to the door and knocked unconscious.

There was a commotion in Asgard for a while, and some unsuspecting guards nearby were attracted, and many loopholes appeared in Asgard's defense system.

At the moment, the Giants of Jotunheim who came out of the secret passage were stunned. Before they could take action, Asgard was in chaos, and they easily invaded the palace as if it was undefended.

Lauf, the leader, frowned, feeling something was wrong.

But when I thought about being able to kill Odin with my own hands, wash away the tens of thousands of years of humiliation in Jotonheim, and regain the ancestral artifact Ice Box, I didn't take it to heart.

"Gultaf, take someone to the Asgard treasure house and take out the Ice treasure box!"

"Others follow me, for killing shameless robber workers!"

The Giants of Jotunheim were divided into two groups, and most of them, led by Gurtav, rushed towards the well-defended treasure house.

Lauf took a few of his henchmen and strode into the depths of Asgard.

Along the way, a guard discovered that a foreign enemy had invaded. Just as he was about to blow his horn, he was stabbed through his body by ice spikes, and he only let out a gurgling gasp.

Until the fainted guard commander woke up and noticed the aura of Giants of Jotunheim, he blew the horn without thinking.


The loud sound of the horn sounded, and the guards chasing the four warriors of Asgard were shocked. They turned around and ran towards Asgard at high speed. They no longer cared about arresting the fugitives under the invasion of foreign enemies.

Sif and the others paused, a little confused whether to go back and kill the foreign enemies or continue to Bifrost.

Fandral gritted his teeth and said to the others.

"It won't help if we go back [finding Thor is the most important thing!"

"Let's go quickly, before the enemy breaks into the center, we still have time to bring Thor back!"

He took the lead and rushed out, and Sif and others followed behind without hesitation.

Not long after, the four of them set foot on Bifrost, only to see Heim wearing golden armor already waiting here.

"As warriors of Asgard, you actually disobeyed His Majesty the God-King's orders and broke the eternal promise you made as warriors. Tell me, are you willing to bear the price of doing so?"

Hearing his question, Sif stood up and answered firmly.

"Yes, for Thor and for Asgard, we are willing to bear any price!"

Hogan, Volstagg, and Fandral did not speak, but raised their heads resolutely.

Heimdall nodded slightly, turned around with his hands behind his back, and walked in the direction of Asgard.

"I once swore allegiance to the King of Asgard. No matter who is sitting on the throne, I cannot disobey his orders, but... today I forgot Boltsteel in Bifrost, and I will apologize to His Majesty later."

He only left these words and walked further and further until he was submerged in Asgard.

Since you have violated your duty as a gatekeeper, you must go all out to redeem your merits. The Giants of Jotunheim who invaded Asgard are walking military medals.

"What a weird guy, let's start Bifrost quickly!"

Hogan muttered, walked towards the Bifrost console, and held the hilt of the Bolt steel sword with both hands.

The divine power in his body was instilled, but it could only barely drive Bifrost.

"One more person, my power is not enough!"

Vostagg rushed over without hesitation, infused his divine power with him, and turned the Boltsteel hilt vigorously.


Countless amounts of energy were shot out from the console, converging on the nine-realm astrolabe, and the transmission target had been locked in Midgard.

"Come on, Bifrost is on!"

Sif and Fandral walked up to Bifrost, and after Hogan and Volstagg came up, a seven-colored beam of light shot out and wrapped around them, shooting out into the starry sky.

Loki in Asgard naturally saw the colorful beams of light reaching into the sky, and immediately stood up and shouted in anger.

"Damn Heimdall, what did he do?"

Just as he stepped down from the throne and wanted to settle accounts with Heimdall, he heard a low sneer coming from behind him.

"Hey, hey, Loki, where do you want to go?"

"I came as promised. Should you fulfill your promise and kill Ding?"

Lauf walked out of the dark corner, the Ice sword in his hand stained with blood.

Several of his confidants blocked the entrance of the hall, desperately resisting the swarming Asgard guards. For a while, no guards could break through the defense line of the Giants of Jotunheim.

Loki swallowed, unaware that things had collided.

But as soon as he rolled his eyes, a smile appeared on his face.

"Lauf, I thought you didn't dare to come!"

"We agreed on three days, but you really took the last day to come. Do you think I will harm you?"

"We are allies, but you doubt me. This doesn't seem right!"

Lauf scanned the surrounding area and found no ambush, then stepped forward and looked down at him.

"Don't give me any nonsense, Loki, lead the way!"

The big ice blue hand grabbed Luo Ji's shoulder and pushed hard, and the Ice sword in his hand was pressed against his waist.

Loki's eyes twitched a few times and he staggered forward a few steps.

He took a few deep breaths, suppressed the anger in his heart, and led the way to Odin's palace.

Not long after, the two of them arrived in front of a magnificent palace. Loki stopped and turned his head and said.

"Odin is inside, you can easily kill him if you go in!"

"My queen mother Frigga is also here, so it's not convenient for me to go in, and please don't hurt her!"

Lauf glared with red eyes fiercely, raised the Ice sword in his hand and pressed it against his throat to threaten.

"You have to go in, who knows if there are traps inside?"

"If you don't obey, I can only kill you!"

He was not at ease with this ally, and planned to kill Odin and then silence him.

Loki reached out and pushed away Ice's sword and sneered fearlessly.

"Lauf, you are really as timid as a mouse. No wonder you lose to Li so many times!"

"He is now in eternal sleep, but you are hesitating at the door and not daring to go in. Haha, I gave you the opportunity but you didn't use it!"

"You have only two choices, one is to go in and kill Odin, the other is to go back to your Jotonheim and survive!"

At this moment, Loki is brave and fearless. He hates Odin for being partial, but he respects Frigga very much.

Only then did he dare to confront Lauf tit for tat when the sword was pressed against his throat.

Frigga in the main hall seemed to hear the movement, opened the door and looked outside.

"Lauf, how did you get in?"

She was shocked and exclaimed, closing the door hurriedly.

Lauf saw the opportunity and kicked open the door.

Frigga was knocked away by a huge force, rolled out of her comfort zone and hit the wall and passed out.

Loki's heart ached and he rushed over to pick her up.

After using magic to detect it, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the queen mother was just overly frightened and knocked her head into a coma after hitting the wall again. Apart from some bruises and swelling on her forehead, she did not suffer any injuries.

After Lauf rushed into the hall, he immediately perceived Odin's aura.

He couldn't wait to follow the induction and walked into the secret room inside. A semi-enclosed medical cabin shrouded in golden light appeared in his eyes.

"Hahaha, Odin, you didn't expect that I would come to take revenge one day!"

"Looking at how you are aging, I feel a little defeated."

Being immersed in the pleasure of revenge, Lauf did not notice that there was another person behind him.

He raised the Ice sword in his hand and was about to stab the unconscious Odin hard.


Two daggers pierced the ice-blue body, and Loki gritted his teeth and stirred the daggers.

"Lauf, I said, don't hurt my mother!"

"Go to hell, bastard!"

After kicking the seriously injured Lauf, Loki pulled out a bloody dagger and slashed his throat, causing blue blood to spurt out.

The King of Giants of Jotunheim fell to the ground softly, pointing at him and moving his lips blue to say something.

Puff! Puff!

The dagger stabbed hard several times, completely wiping out Lauf's life and blocking the words that came to his mouth. .

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