People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 327: Chaos In Asgard! The Destroyer Armor Has Arrived!

Asgard, the treasure house.

The guards had no precautions and ran into the attacking Giants of Jotunheim.

Although they were well-trained, their individual strength was indeed weaker. Even though they tried their best, they were still rushed in by the Giants of Jotunheim.

Gurtav stared with scarlet eyes, and with a swing of his dustpan File-sized fist, he knocked away the brave and fearless Asgard guards and rushed towards the depths of the treasure house.

He felt the aura of the Ice Box, which was the supreme artifact of the Giants of Jotunheim. As long as it was returned to His Majesty the King, Jotonheim would rise again.

"Kill, brothers, kill all these dwarfs!"

Six or seven Giants of Jotunheim beat their chests and shouted angrily together. The various Ice weapons in their hands split the armor of the enemies in front of them, and blood spilled on the ground like a fountain.

As one guard after another fell down and lost his life, these Giants of Jotunheim had only a few feet-long wounds on their bodies, and they had penetrated into the deepest part of the treasure house.

When the Ice treasure box blooming with azure light appeared in their field of vision, the Giants of Jotunheim became more and more courageous as they fought, panting heavily and working harder.

Gurtav knocked away the last guard with a punch, and without even looking at the enemy thrown away, he quickly walked to the Ice box and reached out his hand to grab it.

The blue light spread to his body, and the dense knife wounds healed in the blink of an eye.

"Hiss, the great Ice Treasure Box is as powerful as the sea!"

"Brothers, we won, hahaha!"

"From now on, Odin can no longer bully us at will. Let us, under the leadership of His Majesty the Great King, regain the glory of the ancient times!"

He roared loudly and raised the Ice treasure box in his hand high.

Other Giants of Jotunheim gathered around, enjoying the blessings of the ancestral artifacts on themselves, and their injuries healed in the blink of an eye, raising their heads and roaring excitedly.

Boom, boom, boom!

Just as they were enjoying the joy of victory, heavy footsteps came from behind.

Gurtauf felt a strong wind coming from behind him. Before he could turn his head, a big metal hand passed through his chest and lifted him up.

The Giants of Jotunheim were stunned by the scene in front of them. They stared blankly at the sudden appearance of the steel giant.

It was a bronze-like steel creature that was more than twice as tall as them. It had one hand stuck in Gurtav's chest, and the other hand snatched away the Ice treasure box.

"Damn it, it's the Destroyer War!"

"Loki deceived us and His Majesty the King is in danger!"

"Odin is definitely not dormant, only he can drive the Destroyer!"

"Kill it and let's go back and rescue the king!"

The Giants of Jotunheim were shouting and shouting, and the ice swords in their hands stabbed the steel giant.

Boom boom boom!

The ice blade and ice sword hit the bronze steel body and shattered like dead wood. The coating on the surface could not be damaged at all, let alone the Ulu metal.

"A worm can shake a tree without overestimating its own capabilities!"

Loki's disdainful whisper came from the Destroyer Armor, a gap opened in his face, and then a blazing energy ray shot out and drew a semicircle.

They saw the forward body of the Giants of Jotunheim suddenly fell down, and they were cut in half by high-energy rays in an instant. It took more than ten years to feel the shocking pain.

"Loki, you are so brave, you have betrayed your trust!"

"Our King will never let you go!"

The Giants of Jotunheim took their last breath and cursed the initiator.

After a few curses, they gradually lost their breath and their bodies gradually turned into ice sculptures.

Born in ice and snow, and returning to ice and snow after death, this is their fate!

Loki controlled the Destroyer Armor, walked out of the treasure room step by step, and took the Cold Water Treasure Box to himself.

The extremely powerful Ice power penetrated deep into his body, and he slowly transformed into the Giants of Jotunheim again. His skin was as blue as the Giants of Jotunheim, and his eyes were scarlet like rubies.

"Huh, this won't work, you have to pretend!"

With a whisper, Loki waved his hand, and demonic power surrounded him.

The next second, his image returned to the second prince of Asgard, striding towards the secret space passage leading to Jotonheim.

He wants to take advantage of Jotonheim's unpreparedness to deploy his final trump card, create unprecedented achievements in destroying the country, and prove his ability to his comatose father.

Heimdall, who killed several Giants of Jotunheim at the moment, returned to Bifrost and patrolled the Nine Realms vigilantly after failing to find the God King Odin.

Earth, an unnamed town near the Grand Canyon.

The four warriors of Asgard were walking on the street of the town. People all looked at them in surprise. They thought they were some movie crew filming, but they looked around but didn't see the camera.

Fandral was a little nervous when everyone saw him, so he approached Hogan and asked softly.

"Hey man, why do the Midgardians look at us like this"?"

"Are we ugly?"

He was really a little confused, but he hadn't been here for more than a thousand years, and the changes here were really amazing.

A thousand years ago, when the Asgardians came to the world of Midgard, they were regarded as gods and accepted the devout worship of believers. Every mortal who saw them was respectful.

Hogan shook his head, he was also a little confused.

"I don't know. Maybe it's been too long since we've seen each other, so the group is so curious."

"None of this matters, find Thor first!"

Sif's eyes fell on the shops on both sides of the street. She was very curious about the products inside, especially the cool women's clothes in a clothing store, which made her look at them intently and a little shy.

Volstagg wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and glanced at the beauties on the street.

It only covered two points of her upper body, and the white thighs exposed from the hot pants made his heart flutter and his blood boil.

"Oh my god, these Midgard women are so open-minded, even more open-minded than the tavern dancers!"

"I don't know how many gold coins it costs to play all night. I will definitely go and have fun when I find Thor!"

Hearing this, Sif's face darkened and he felt irritable.

She was a little worried that her childhood sweetheart would not be able to withstand the temptations of the world, so she punched Vostagg angrily.

"Shut up! Volstagg, don't let mortals look down on you!"

"A warrior of Asgard shouldn't be so nasty!"

Volstagg rubbed his shoulders, his beard trembling with anger, but he didn't dare to reply but swallowed his anger.

He couldn't beat Sif, he just snorted and died down.

In a tavern, Thor sat in the corner, pouring cups of beer into his stomach.

Unfortunately, drinking to soothe his sorrows made him feel even more depressed. Instead of getting better, he became even more depressed.

His father was so angry that he became bedridden, Mjolnir adopted a dog as his own, and Jane Foster, who he had a crush on, left him, and sad things happened one after another.

"Maybe it's really my own problem that caused all of this to happen."

After downing another glass of cold beer, Thor murmured to himself and reflected.

Bang bang bang!

A crisp knocking sound came from the glass window behind him, and he looked back.

The wine glass in his hand fell on the table with a bang, and the beer foamed and flowed down. Thor suddenly stood up and shouted in surprise.

"Why are you here?"

As he spoke, he rushed out of the tavern and hugged several people tightly.

"Fandral, Hogan, Volstagg, Sif, are you here to take me back?"

"It's a pity that I haven't recovered my divine power yet [Zhong is just a useless mortal!"

Hogan was stunned for a moment, then reached out and patted his shoulder hard.

"Hey Thor, I haven't seen you for a few days, why are you so depressed?"

"You are the eldest prince of Asgard, our future King. No matter what happens, you must face it bravely!"

"You don't know how difficult it is for us to find you!"

Thor lightly beat his chest, pulled a few people into the tavern, and immediately shouted to the waiter.

"Bring me another barrel of beer, I want to entertain my friends!"

After the waiter brought a bucket of beer, he personally gave several people a bunch of beer.

"It's such a pleasure to see you in Midgard. I'll treat you to a glass of the wine here. It's much better than the wine in Norway a thousand years ago!"

Vostagg smelled the mellow beer, raised his glass and drank it in one gulp.


He burped, gave a thumbs up and shouted.

“Good wine, really good wine!”

After saying that, he was about to smash the cup on the ground, but Thor quickly stopped him.

"Don't do that to Volstagg, there's no need to smash the cup here!"

"If you like, just pour me another glass."

The four Asgard warriors looked at each other, somewhat uncomfortable with the changes in earth's customs.

After chatting about their parting feelings for a while, Thor sighed with disappointment.

"Actually, you shouldn't have come, my father is bedridden, and Loki needs your help.

Sif's eyebrows stood up when he heard this, and he wiped his collar excitedly and asked.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Don't mention that bastard Loki to me. He just doesn't want you to go back. He locked us up and didn't allow us to come to you. Fortunately, Heimdall and Argot are helping us. "Otherwise we wouldn't be able to come!"

Hogan, Fandral, and Volstagg on the side looked expectantly, waiting for their eldest prince to change his mind.

But Thor lowered his head and was silent for a while, then raised his head and sighed and said something that disappointed them.

"You don't understand. I am no longer Thor. I was deprived of my divine status and power by my father. I am now a mortal, and Mmjolnir abandoned me..."

"It would rather choose a dog to recognize as its owner than to recognize me. If you see that dog mastering the law of thunder, you will know that I have lost everything!"

After the words fell, the four Asgard warriors were stunned, looking confused and unable to believe their ears.

"Mjolnir has adopted a dog as his lord?"

"Your Majesty God King Odin, am I crazy or are you crazy?"

"Mmjolnir abandoned you because you haven't recovered your powers yet. I absolutely don't believe it would recognize a dog as its master. Cheer up Thor, Asgard needs you!"

A series of words came out of their mouths. The four warriors of Asgard were shocked and confused. They couldn't believe that Mjolnir would recognize a dog as his master, and Thor was now depressed and completely different from before.

Especially Sif's face was filled with pity and she looked at her childhood sweetheart with distress.

"Thor, you have been a hero in my eyes since childhood. I don't believe you will be knocked down by any difficulties!"

"Now Asgard is under the control of Loki. When we left, we also saw the Giants of Jotunheim invade the palace. It was that bastard who colluded with them to cause chaos!"

"So you have to cheer up and don't let the villain get his way!"

When Thor heard the invasion of the Giants of Jotunheim, his eyes shone brightly and his fists clenched involuntarily.

But after a moment, he sighed dejectedly.

Without his divine power, he is just a mortal. Even if he returns to Asgard, it will be useless. He may have to have his friends protect him, causing more people to suffer misfortune.

"Forget it, I really


Before he could finish his words, suddenly the street outside became panicked, with people everywhere screaming and running around.

Volstagg pointed out the window and shouted in disbelief.

"Look there, it's Bifrost!"

When everyone heard the words, they turned around and saw that the clouds in the sky outside the town gathered together, forming a vortex, and a colorful light fell on the ground amid lightning and thunder.

A huge amount of steel made of steel walked out of the sand. It was covered in bronze and walked slowly toward the town step by step.

"It's the Destroyer Armor. How is this possible?"

"Could it be that Father has woken up?"

Thor said to himself in disbelief, stood up and wanted to rush out and ask his father what he did wrong.

Fandral grabbed him and whispered solemnly.

"Don't be impulsive, the person who comes here is evil!"

"His Majesty the God King will not use the Destroyer Armor easily. This is a powerful weapon that was created by His Majesty when he fought against the Celestials. It cannot be used unless the country is in ruins!"

Hogan nodded and took the words in a low voice.

"If His Majesty the God King is bedridden, the one who can use the Destroyer Armor in Asgard now must be that bastard Loki. He definitely has no good intentions!"

While everyone was still pulling at each other, the Destroyer who entered the town did not see his target. A hole opened on his face and a yellow energy beam shot out.




Shops and houses along the road were destroyed one after another. Flames and explosions turned the peaceful town into a hell on earth. The panicked people fled in all directions even more confused.

Looking at the destruction of the Destroyer armor, Thor and others looked extremely ugly.

"We cannot let Loki run amok. Fandral, Hogan, Volstagg, and Sif must stop the destruction of the Destroyer Armor in Midgard!"

The four Asgard warriors looked at each other, drew their weapons and rushed out.

Sif pushed Thor back to the tavern, who was following him, and muttered angrily.

"Without divine power, you are just a mortal, so don't risk your life and cause trouble for us!"

Thor smiled helplessly, looked at their backs and whispered to himself.

"My friends, you are right, I am just a mortal, and I will only drag you down if I go up there."

"But let me sit here and watch you work hard. I can't do it no matter what. At least I can evacuate the residents of the town and keep them away from this place!"

"Asgard's internal fighting should not involve innocent mortals!"

He turned around and shouted at the top of his voice to the tavern.

"The town is very dangerous now, you should leave (money's) business here as soon as possible!"

"Don't linger any longer, you will all die if you don't run away!"

The guests in the tavern woke up from a dream, stood up and fled in droves without paying any attention, got into their cars and ran towards the outside of the town.

The four Asgard warriors rushed towards the Destroyer Armor in the center of the street. They must defeat this terrifying God King Armor, otherwise not only the mortals of Midgard will die, Loki will definitely

Will take the opportunity to kill Thor.

"Distributed sneak attack, right!"

Sif swung his sword, his long hair flowing in the wind, looking heroic.

The three Fandrals understood and occupied three directions respectively, rushing towards the Destroyer Armor.

Volstagg was the most fearless, raising his ax and making a big jump.


The big ax struck the Destroyer's armor, leaving only a white mark, which triggered a fierce counterattack.

A huge amount of metal palm struck suddenly, Volstagg helplessly jumped down to avoid it, and heard a huge metal collision sound in his ears.

He didn't even have time to look up, and a large shadow was cast above his head.

The Destroyer's big foot was about to step down, and Fandral and Hogan's attacks also hit it. The two long swords shot out streams of divine power, knocking the huge armor back a few steps.

Sif took the opportunity to jump up, and the spear in his hand penetrated the armor and penetrated deep into the Destroyer's head.

After she landed, the Destroyer's movements stopped, as if it was completely turned off.

However, just when Volstagg and the others were relieved and about to admire the arrogant Sif, a loudspeaker sound came from the amplifier, and the four of them looked back like thunder.

The armor on the Destroyer was distorted and shapeshifted, and he quickly changed from facing away from everyone to facing them directly, and the spear in his head fell to the ground.

A hole opened up on its face again, and a blazing energy beam was about to shoot out.

"Damn it, go back! ~Gui"

Sif rolled on the spot, picked up the spear and walked to the corner of the street.

The three Fandrals were slow to react, and the beams of light were bombarded towards them. Fortunately, Hogan pulled the other two people, and they rolled and climbed dangerously to avoid the beams.


The beam fell next to him, and after a strong explosion, Shockwave instantly knocked three people away. .

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