People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter Thirty-Four Wolverine Is On Top! Clouds Of War!

Time will not accommodate mortals, death is the final destination!

In the late winter of 1860, Mr. Howlett Sr., the pillar of the Howlett family, died only one day after his son John Howlett.

Lin Feng was dressed in black with a white lily pinned to his chest and a bouquet of yellow Baixiang chrysanthemums in his hand. He accompanied his adopted son James to attend the funeral of Old Howlett.

For the Lin family who have mastered greenhouse technology for a long time, it is not surprising to have out-of-season flowers, and the flowers in the hands of the guests are also provided by the Lin family.

"Mr. Howlett is called by the Lord and is our beloved, upright and loyal friend!"

"His life was magnificent, and he showed the greatest kindness to his family, friends, and everyone who loved him. Mr. Howlett's death caused us to lose a good friend, elder, and companion. sad."

"But we firmly believe that when we pass through the journey he walked, we will meet again in heaven. He will rest in the Lord's kingdom of God, At the moment..."

Father Gerald recounted the eulogy solemnly and affectionately. The crows on the mountains and bushes croaked from time to time, making the atmosphere even more sad.

Elizabeth Howlett, who hadn't seen her face for a long time, was pale and leaned weakly on the maid's arms, her black gauze skirt fluttering in the wind.

James bit his lip tightly, trying to hold back the tears that were about to come out of his eyes.

The grandfather who protected him since he was a child has passed away, his nominal father and his real father are no longer alive, and his biological mother Elizabeth's health is not looking good today, and it may not be long before he will send away his last blood relative.

Under the ensuing blows, James tried his best to pretend to be strong. The servants and guards of the Howlett Manor were all moved by it, feeling that the old Mr. Howlett had successors.

After Ang's long eulogy and ceremony, James was the first to go to the grave where the coffin was placed, gently put down a bouquet of white chrysanthemums, and finally looked at the sad face of old Howlett.

Lin Feng silently sent Huang Baixiang a bouquet of flowers after him. In the early days of the Lin family, this old man helped a lot.

After leaving customs, he once came to Howlett Manor, persuading the old man to accept his cure, and to live in seclusion and never show up again, but the old Mr. Howlett refused.

He had been tough and arrogant all his life, and when he was dying, he was asked to hide in Tibet for a few years to survive. Old Mr. Howlett would rather die than be a shrinking turtle.

People stepped forward one by one, offering flowers in their hands, and saying their final goodbyes.

After everyone left, James picked up the shovel, walked slowly to the grave, and filled the grave with his own hands.

"Father, I want to stay in Howlett Manor, I can't go back with you, the Howlett family can't be leaderless!"

"However, if you need me, no matter when you give an order, I am willing to charge forward for you, even if I lose my life, I will complete the task."

The successive deaths of relatives made James grow a lot.

Looking at the guards and servants around him, he deeply understood that the fate of these people would be entrusted to him from now on.

The Howlett family cannot be cut off, and the old Mr. Howlett's spirit will be inherited by him, just like the torch passed on from generation to generation.

Lin Feng patted his broad shoulders and said with a soft sigh.

"I understand! This is your mission and responsibility, foster father will not stop you, but will be proud and proud of you!"

"When encountering difficulties, don't forget that the Lin family is your eternal backing, and you are also my child!"

The parting between men does not have too much melancholy.

Rose O'Hara looked at James' lonely figure, walked quickly a few steps and took his hand and whispered.

"James, don't do this, you, me, and everyone!"

James squeezed her little hand and forced a smile.

Lin Feng's teasing gaze made the cheeks of both of them flush, but they held their hands even tighter.

"It seems that you don't need me to comfort you, just go ahead and do it, because the righteous father believes that no one will provoke you without eyes!"

"The Lin family has a lot of affairs, so I won't be an eyesore by staying here! When you and Rose get married, remember to inform the adoptive father, and I will give you a big gift!"

Patting James on the shoulder again, Lin Feng got on the horse, lashed the horse vigorously, and galloped towards Lin's Manor, followed by Shenwuwei behind him, like a long dragon billowing up smoke and dust.


The housekeeper Lin Shuhao earnestly asked him to burn the clothes for the funeral, so as not to bring the bad luck of the deceased back home and affect the health of the wives, ladies and young masters.

Lin Feng didn't believe this, but there were some things that he didn't need to confront if he didn't believe it, so he had to change his clothes from Jian Ruliu before entering the study of the main building to start dealing with family affairs.

Since taking control of the University of Ghana, the power of the Lin family has expanded several times again. Most of the affairs that need to be decided by him are closely related to government affairs and affect all aspects of the Dominion.

For example, the steel factory applied for a 10-fold increase in production to meet the construction needs of the four-horizontal and three-vertical railway that runs through major cities in Ghana; Multi-engineers and scientists, build designed steel battleships and more.

Every matter has a far-reaching impact, involving many government departments and family businesses, it can be said that it affects the whole body, and it can only be decided by him.

After lunch, the housekeeper Lin Shuhao sent a letter, which was sent back to the University of Ghana by Jade Bird in Meilijian's stronghold, which explained in detail the recent situation of Meilijian.

In the past few years, Mithburn, who lived in fear every day, experienced no less than 10 assassinations and assassinations. If he had not been surrounded by guards sent by the Lin family, he might have died under the black guns sent by the slave owners.

The slave uprising in the slave state in October last year caused a great disturbance. John Braun's name often appeared in the curses of the slave owners in the United States, and it also dispersed the anger of the slave owners in the south because their men were hanged on the US-Canada border.

And after Abraham Lin* came to power in November this year, the slave owners in the south were in a state of panic all day long, and they no longer had the energy to retaliate against the treacherous officials of the University of Ghana, nor did they dare to make trouble at this juncture.

After reading it carefully, Lin Feng thought for a while, and wrote a reply seriously, asking Jade Bird to continue dormant, and the follow-up layout tasks should be carried out more secretly.

After handing the reply letter to Lin Shuhao, he picked up the Foxhunting Corps' application again, crossed out the previously approved recruitment quota of 10,000, and changed it to 30,000 after thinking for a while.

"Shu Hao, after you send the reply letter, go find Lin Hao. Tell him to go to the old country again and recruit a group of innocent people. After the Fox Hunting Corps expands, it can't be all whites, but it has to have its own talents!"

Lin Shuhao nodded, and hurried away with the reply letter.

He has long wanted to suggest that the master did this, and the military power must be in his own hands to be safe!

It doesn't matter when the Fox Hunting Legion is small, but when the army expands to 30,000, it is still all white, equipped with excellent weapons from Lin's military factory. The rebellion will also disrupt the good momentum of the Lin family's development.

There has been a long history of confrontation between North and South in Meijian. The John Braun incident ignited the fuse, and the coming of Abraham Lin* will sound the horn of war.

The prelude to the Civil War sweeping across the United States is about to begin before Lin Feng's eyes.

The plan that has been planned for many years has finally waited for a good opportunity to display it. Both the north and the south of the game will welcome a third player outside the chess game. No one knows how the future will develop.

For a time, the cloud of war enveloped everyone in the beautiful and solid land.

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