People In Marvel: I Have Many Children And Many Blessings Shocked Odin

Chapter 35 Technological Innovation And Daming Palace Completion! Invitation From White Palace!

The vast and incomparable global map hangs in the study, and the plots delineated in various colors on it are full of infinite reverie.

Lin Feng said slowly.

"If you want to do a good job, you must first sharpen your tools. This is an old saying in Daxia, and I have said it for a long time."

"The foundation of the Lin family is talents, but the foundation of a strong foundation is the development of technology. Talents from all over the world are attracted to serve the Lin family, and they will always be leaders and not followers!"

Lin Shuhao was excited for a while. What the master said meant that from now on, the Lin family no longer needs to be confined to Ghana, but to develop into a global force.

"My lord is wise, then I will reply to the application of the Ministry of National Defense and approve their plan to decommission the sail warship and build a steam warship instead!"

After Ghana became a self-governing dominion, the British Empire withdrew its stationed fleet, and the Minister of Defense Shedall could only temporarily use outdated sailing warships to maintain territorial waters.

But those old and antique ships have slow speed and few guns, and they are often played around by pirates, and sometimes they lose troops and are about to be defeated by pirates.

In order to curb the increasingly aggressive pirates and protect the safety of Ghana's territorial waters and merchant ships, the Ministry of Defense had to ask the Lin family for a loan of 15 million pounds to build 8 steam-powered Dreadnought-class battleships.

"The steam battleship is also a thing that is about to become obsolete. There is no need to spend money on it. The anti-demolition technology of the internal combustion engine is completed. It is time to use it to create brand new military equipment."

Lin Feng shook his head and rejected his proposal.

At present, the main ships of European and American countries are the first generation of steam armored warships, and high-power steam engines that can drive steel battleships have not yet been developed.

The internal combustion engine developed by the Lin family is more than 10 times more powerful than the steam engine. A Dreadnought-class battleship made entirely of steel weighs only 6,800 tons, which is completely within the range of the internal combustion engine.

If these warships use the latest self-loading rear-loading rifled guns and turrets that can rotate 360 ​​degrees, European and American naval ships are completely targets on the sea.

However, relatively speaking, the construction process of internal combustion engines is slower than that of steam ironclad ships. The construction of a warship often takes a year, or even more than two years.

It is precisely because of this that it is necessary to do it in one step, not to build steam ironclad ships, and let Lin's shipyard devote all its efforts to the construction of new battleships.

"Yes, master, this subordinate will arrange this matter now!"

Lin Shuhao bowed to accept the order.

Then the two talked about some trivial matters and ended the conversation.

Watching Lin Shuhao leave, Lin Feng sighed slightly. Although the rapid development of science and technology, but under the constraints of the times and talents, it is a pleasant surprise to be able to toss out an internal combustion engine.

After all, it is easy for him to propose a technical concept, but it takes a long time to study the principles and theory, and it takes a long time to wait from verifying the theory to actual production.

And this is one of the many development plans of the Lin family. Projects such as thermal power generators, miniaturization of internal combustion engines, asphalt transformation of roads, water conservancy construction of the Michalton River and the La Grande River, etc., cannot be completed within a year or two. It was done overnight.

However, although the progress of many projects is slow, the Lin family is always thriving under his leadership. The main problem now is not to be content with internal development, but to consolidate and continuously expand the influence and hard power of the Lin family, so that major Western countries A powerful country recognizes the high political status of the family.

He is thinking of learning from the Utai people's method of secretly manipulating the world, and deploying Meijian and the major western powers. This may be the only way to solve the crisis caused by the arrival of the Mutant mutation wave in the future.

At this time, Lin Yuanfeng came trotting all the way in a hurry, and after entering the study, he said with a smile on his face as if he was relieved.

"My lord, the construction of the Daming Palace has been completed, and Gong Shuao invites you to cut the ribbon!"

Since he started building Daming Palace, he hasn't had a good night's sleep. Every day when he wakes up, he has to face countless bills, and a huge amount of money flows out like water.

Lin Yuanfeng would not be bothered if other investments can bring good returns, but the construction of the Daming Palace is purely a waste of money, and the daily food expenses for the workers are a full 1,000 pounds, not to mention the wages, building materials, and construction machinery. .

It has been more than 5 years and almost 6 years since it was built in 1855. The pounds spent can surround the city of Edmond. He was so distressed that he couldn't sleep all night.

"I finally heard good news today, let's go and have a look together!"

Lin Feng laughed out loud. The construction of the Daming Palace started a few years ago. He has never been to the site in person. He just watched the busy construction site and the gradually forming palace from a distance.

Stretching his waist, he put down the documents in his hand, and walked out of the study in a hurry.

"Okay sir!"

Lin Yuanfeng smiled and walked out of the main building with Lin Feng, heading towards Daming Palace.

Seeing it from afar, Gongshu Ao hurried over with a few foremen.

"Greetings to the master!"

Several people hurriedly fell to their knees and kowtowed three times.

Lin Feng waved his hand, only Gong Shuao and others dared to get up.

"I heard that the Daming Palace has been built, you should be the first to write off the sins of the past, and work hard in the future!"

"Bring me the drawings first, how about the overall design effect?"

Gong Shuao waved to the few people behind, and immediately someone stepped forward with the blueprint in hand.

When the huge amounts of blueprints were slowly unfolded, the magnificent architectural pattern of the Daming Palace unfolded in front of our eyes.

Lin Yuanfeng looked at the drawings in shock. He was usually in charge of various financial affairs of the family, and this was the first time he saw the drawings of Daming Palace.

The palace-style multi-storey buildings above are connected by bridges in the air. The carved beams and painted buildings are magnificent. Various auspicious patterns of dragons and phoenixes and birds and beasts are carved on the stone pillars and eaves of the ridges. The windows are made of glass.

"This is really a perfect combination of classical beauty and modern building materials. Even the Qing emperor in his home country would have difficulty imagining the beauty and grandeur of Daming Palace in his dreams."

Lin Yuanfeng muttered to himself while touching the drawings, he thought it was worth spending so much money.

Compared to his excitement, Lin Feng was very calm. Before traveling, he had seen many wonders and buildings from all over the world, and the Daming Palace did not make him turn pale with shock.

"You did a good job!"

Gongshu Ao was a little disappointed, the master's tone was too flat, as if the Daming Palace was ordinary.

"Thank you for your praise, master. Do you want to go to the palace to see if the decorations on each floor need to be adjusted?"

He bent down respectfully and said with a flattering smile.

Lin Feng nodded, waved his hands and smiled lightly.

"Lead the way ahead, go and see!"

Soon, led by Gong Shuao, he arrived in front of Daming Palace.

The entire Daming Palace is composed of nine palace groups. Each palace group has three main halls for family members to gather, and there are 1,000 well-arranged rooms. The palace groups are separated by royal gardens. Can experience the fun of hunting in the garden.

There is a huge amount of artificial lake in the middle of the nine palace complexes. One-fifth of the earthwork workload of the Daming Palace is used to excavate the artificial lake and to introduce running water channels from the Saint-Louis River, the Nipigon River and other rivers.

It is said that the canal is actually very wide, with a river channel of 50 meters wide and 20 meters deep, small and medium-sized ships can reach the vicinity of Daming Palace unimpeded.

The central palace is undoubtedly the Qiankun Palace, which will be the palace where Lin Feng will handle family affairs in the future. The conference hall and File size auditorium with various functions will be located here, and it will also be the place where important family meetings and banquets will be held in the future.

After visiting Qiankun Palace with great interest, the time has come in the afternoon. It can be seen that there are many huge halls and pavilions on the scale of the palace.

Lin Feng didn't go to see other palaces anymore, he didn't have so much free time.

After arranging the completion of the project and the payment of workers' rewards, he took Lin Yuanfeng back to the main building of the old house. Before the smell of paint was ventilated, the Daming Palace could not be moved in for the time being.

As the contradictions and conflicts caused by the North-South confrontation in Meijian became more and more fierce, and the politicians supported by the southern slave owners became more and more aggressive in Congress and the House of Representatives, President Abraham Lin* has invited Lin Feng to Meijian many times to negotiate some Important cooperation project.

Lin Feng is well aware of the situation on both sides. Although the population and industrialization level of the North is higher than that of the South, they are not ready for war.

The south has sufficient military preparations. Thanks to the US-Mexico War that ended not long ago, the southern army has a high quality and experienced commanders, and there are also secret assistance from Great Britain and Gaul.

The reason why Abraham Lin* was eager to meet Lin Feng was that the Lin family had the power to influence the political situation in Ghana, as well as many new weapons and equipment, which were lacking in the north.

The invitation from White Palace is very important for future development!

Not only is Lin Feng going, but he also wants to take this opportunity to get more benefits!

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